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A science presentation
SOLAR system
The structure of the solar system always
includes a star. the main component of the
solar system. The star or in this case our sun
exerts a high gravitational attraction to other
planets and other objects orbiting around it.
The other planets that orbit this star lie near
the plane of Earth’s orbit called the ecliptic
and along with the Earth move
counterclockwise direction. astronomers have
divided the solar system into two parts. the
inner solar system and the outer solar system
moons just like ours are natural Moons
satellites that orbit around planets. they
can come in all shapes and sizes and can
be either rocky or icy and have craters
and mountains some even have
atmospheres. these moons can be formed
from particles that float around in space.
these particles stick together eventually
forming large objects that eventually
get sucked into the gravitational force
of the planets becoming a moon.
The inner solar system includes
terrestrial planets (as they are primarily
made up of rocks, and metals) Earth is
our home planet and abundant with life,
mercury is a rocky planet that Is closest
to the sun, Venus is similar in size to
Earth and has a thick toxic system, and
Mars an iconic planet that is known as
the “red planet” for its red color. These
are the planets included in the inner
solar system.
Gas Giants
The next part of the solar system is what is known
as the outer solar system. These mostly consist of
gaseous planets or gas giants (primarily composed
of hydrogen and helium) these include the following:
Jupiter the largest planet In the entire solar system
that has a very recognizable red spot and strong
magnetic field, Uranus a very cold planet known as
an ice giant has tilted rotation and small ring
system with a blue-green color, and Neptune the
farthest planet from the earth and has a very
stormy atmosphere and strong winds the reason
for why these gas giants are found in the outer
places of the solar system is because of the cold
temperatures allowing theses gasses present on
the planet to form.
Extra parts of
the Solar
ASTEROID BELT it primarily consists of tiny
things such as asteroids which are pieces of
debris made out of rocky and metal materials
that are remnants of an earlier time of the
solar system where the particles that are
left over form to make an asteroid. The
outermost area of the solar system beyond
Neptune is the region referred to as the
Kuiper belt which contains tons of icy dwarf
planets and scattered discs which is beyond
the Kuiper contains the same types of dwarf
Describe each member
of the solar system
Terrestrial planet: Mercury
formed about 4.6 billion years ago it is the
closest planet to the sun and the smallest
terrestrial planet has a very rock surface
and its temperature is very extreme and hot
as it is the closest to the sun. daytime
temperatures can reach up to 800 Fahrenheit
while at night it can fall to about -290
Fahrenheit. So mercury can reach scorching
hot temperatures to the lowest of the low.
mercury is also known for being one of the
only planets in the solar system without a
terrestrial planet: mars
mars is the 2nd smallest planet and was formed 4.5
billion years ago the planet is known for its red hue
with a rock surface due to its iron oxide soil and
rust particles. due to this, the planet has been
nicknamed the “Red Planet” The atmosphere is one of
the challenges of trying to get on it due to its
low pressure and lack of sufficient oxygen making it
unsuitable for human life. it is known as the dusty
planet due to its dust storms that can last for
weeks or months on end. this planet also has had
many exploration missions and even including rovers
landing on the surface
terrestrial planet: Venus
formed 4.6 billion years ago third smallest
planet and second closest to the sun and has
a very hot surface of about 869 Fahrenheit
which contributes to the “greenhouse effect”
where heat is trapped by the atmosphere which
is why it is extremely hot. it is also the third
brightest natural object in the sky. it is known
as the morning and evening star. venus is also
home to many volcanos as it has thousands of
them on the surface. it is also one of the
planets in the solar system without a moon.
terrestrial planet: earth
Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago and is
the 4th smallest planet. It is our home planet
and is abundant with life such as ecosystems
and more. it is made up of 70% water and 30%
land. earth has a unique magnetic field that is
generated by its iron/nickel core that
protects the Earth from solar winds and
cosmic rays. it is orbited by one moon. and its
atmosphere I made up of mainly nitrogen and
oxygen along with other gasses. humans have
influenced the earth and are its native species.
Gas giants are planets made up of
gaseous materials such as

Gas giants
hydrogen helium, etc. these planets
were formed when a solid core
started attracting gas to it
eventually former the outer layer
and becoming a gas giant.

gas giant: Jupiter

Jupiter was formed 4.5 billion years ago
when the gravitational force of a core
pulled together gas and dust eventually
making Jupiter. it is the largest planet in the
entire solar system. Jupiter’s atmosphere
houses a storm called “the Great Red Spot”
It is an anticyclonic storm that has been
going for 350 years and it is larger than
the Earth. jupiter is also known for its
intensely high gravitational pull is about 2.5
times stronger than the Earth. and lastly,
Jupiter is also known for having 79 moons
which comes second to Saturn
gas giant: Saturn
Saturn is the second largest planet to Jupiter
and was formed 4.5 billion years ago. Saturn is
known for its impressive ring system containing
about seven rings in total. despite its incredible
size, it has a very low density meaning it can be
very light and even float on water.. Saturn has
an unusual storm pattern which is in a hexagonal
form which is even present in its atmosphere
because it is also in the form of hexagons. LASTLY,
ice giants

Ice giants are similar to gas giants but

are primarily made up of ice-freezing
temperatures and water. most of these
planets are blueish due to methane
which absorbs red light and reflects
blue light. so lets get into the two ice
giants of the solar system.
ice giant: Uranus
third largest planet and formed 4.5 billion years
ago. Uranus became an ice giant due to the
presence of elements like water, methane, ice, and
ammonia where it was formed. the atmosphere of
Uranus is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium
but also methane which reflects blue light which
is why Uranus has such a blueish color. Uranus
has very extremely cold temperatures going
down to about -371 degrees Fahrenheit. lastly,
Uranus has a very faint ring system which while
not up to Saturn's standards is still very
Ice giant: Neptune
4th largest planet formed 4.5 billion years ago.
just like Uranus, it has a very faint ring system
mostly composed of dark particles. Since it is the
farthest from the sun it is insanely cold about
-360 degrees Fahrenheit. along with Uranus, its
atmosphere has methane reflecting blue light
explaining its blueish color. there have also been
storms discovered on it called “the dark spots”
These are dark storms discovered by Space
Voyager 2 and a recently discovered one the
“dark spot 2.0” discovered by a telescope. lastly,
Uranus’s largest moon Triton is unique as it is
thought to be a Kuiper belt Object.
meteoroids meteors, and meteorites
and their differences
Meteoroids are the result of asteroids their
much larger counterpart colliding with each
other in an area known as the asteroid belt
eventually crumbling into debris and forming into
meteoroids. they can range in size and shape and
are mostly found in the same asteroid belts or
Kuiper belt which is a place in space where dwarf
planets and fragments of the old solar system
are still kept. meteoroids are also seen
sometimes falling into the earths atmosphere
which leads into the next point
Meteors are streaks of light caused when a Meteors
meteorite enters the atmosphere that orbit
around the sun. these meteors are referred
to as “shooting stars”. or “falling stars” due
to their appearance. These lights are
produced because of the meteorites rapidly
falling into the atmosphere generating heat
by compressing the air in front of it. so let’s
move on to the next topic.
Meteorites are fragments of Meteorites
meteors that survive falling into the
atmosphere and have made it onto
the surface of the earth. these
meteorites can be classified into
three types. stony meteorites (made
out of silicate) iron (composed of
iron and nickel) and stony-iron ( a
mix of both)
Demonstrate an
understanding of the
importance of celestial
Technological importance
solar energy is very important for our planet as it
gives us a better alternative to harmful imitations
which the sun gives for free. Plants of course are
very important since its where we live and can give us
platforms for colonization and satellites for better
weather prediction and communication. and moons give
us free navigation as they stand out in the dark as a
beacon for maybe lost travelers or sailors. observing
the galaxies also contributes to our understand of
the universe and can be very important in making
technological advances for mankind which lead into
our next point which is the importance of celestial
bodies for mankind
Importance for humanity
the sun gives all our plants that give oxygen and humanity
our crops the chance to photosynthesis influencing
climates with the solar rays and sustaining our
ecosystems. earth is important for mankind due to
its minerals its air ecosystems and its capacity to
hold life. the moon helps stabilize the tides with its
gravitational force causing tidal force which helps
stabilize the ocean helping marine life in the process.
The study of the galaxy and cosmos fosters. a
sense of wonder and fascination giving us
philosophical perspectives that give us purpose to
Importance in
Importance in general
the importance of the sun and stars in general help us
understand the life cycle of the birth and death of a
star expanding our knowledge of the known universe.
Planets like the ones in our solar system give us an
understanding of otherworldly climates giving us a
way to find another planet that could be inhabitable
besides Earth. the moon impacts our tides affecting
our ecosystems and marine life giving them a stable
environment to thrive in and shaping other
environments for various other living beings. our
studies of galaxies and the cosmos help us have an
understanding of the universe’s history and help us
find our cosmic origin.
In conclusion...

The universe and our solar system

are insanely interesting and give us
the motivation to study them not
only is the universe an insanely
interesting thing to study but the
celestial bodies present in it are
important to our daily life and
ecosystems on Earth giving us a
reason to study them and maybe
even find another home in the stars.

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