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Rev 11/1/2003


What follows are the essential elements of the initial psychiatric work-up. Although very similar to the
evaluations performed by other fields of medicine, the history and physical (H&P) described below is
modified and expanded in certain areas to meet the specific needs of psychiatry. Medicare also requires
certain elements in a work-up. Most required elements are consistent with routine medical care. However,
there are occasional required elements, which are not routinely done. These are bolded.

Some general information about the process:
- The H&P must be dictated at the time of hospital admission. Use the STAT dictation mode. Forms are
available to facilitate completion of the examination, document that an examination was performed and
serve as a template for dictation - but are not mandatory. Evaluations performed in outpatient settings
are less urgent and frequently will not include a physical examination but should follow the same format

- If a particular aspect of the examination is not performed, indicate, "not done". Do not write, "defer"
unless you plan to document the examination later. It can be useful to elaborate on the reasons (e.g.
patient too somnolent to allow testing of cognition). These occurrences should be rare. Examinations
of the genitals and breasts may be skipped if the patient has had it done in the past year. However, this
should not be an invariant practice and a sensible plan to address this portion of the physical
examination seems prudent (e.g. mammograms one year ago unremarkable according to patient, she
will follow-up with primary care doctor). If an important portion of the examination is incomplete,
attention should be given in the A/P to a sensible plan to complete the examination at a later date. If the
patient is not admitted to your service, inform the resident about the aspects of the exam that could not
be completed or, in the case of attendings without a resident, inform the admitting attending.

- Do not use descriptions such as "within normal limits". Instead, indicate the results.

- Each examination needs to uniquely reflect the person being examined. Comments made by the patient
should be placed in quotation marks and can be a very effective way to document certain aspects about a
patients mental status.

- The dictation should be initiated in a standard manner - example: "This is Dr. (resident) dictating the
STAT psychiatric admission note for patient (W), hospital name (X), floor (Y), attending physician (Z)."

"This is the psychiatric admission of this (age) year old, (marital status, race, gender)
who was brought to the hospital by (relatives, police, self)". If in hospital, "He/she enters as a
patient on Dr. 's service as a voluntary/involuntary patient".

Estimate the reliability of the source. Also include the relationship of the source to the patient and
how well the source knows the patient. Because of HIPPA one should also note here that permission
was obtained to talk with informants.

The chief complaint should always be a quotation of the patient's own complaint, not the relative's or
doctor's paraphrase.

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At the physician's discretion in addition to the patients chief complaint a chief complaint of an
informant other than the patient may be added. The source must be clear. Again, it is a quotation,
not a paraphrase.

The HPI is the most important part of the history and physical. Most of the data, which will aid,
directly or indirectly, in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's illness, should be included in the
HPI. Most severe psychiatric illnesses are chronic and recurrent and thus the knowledge of the
longitudinal course is extremely important in assessing the patient and planning treatment.
Therefore, although certain phases or manifestations of an illness may have existed for years, they
are reported in the HPI. For example, in the case of a patient admitted to the hospital with affective
symptoms, the initial affective episode 20 years ago is described in the HPI. This approach is
similar to that taken for other chronic debilitating illnesses in which it is important to have a
longitudinal perspective on the illness (e.g. asthma, CAD, PVD). Obviously one should not list
verbatim everything that has happened to the patient, but rather consolidate and present the pertinent
information concisely. In most cases, the data of the HPI are presented chronologically.
Occasionally, the complexity of the present illness will require separate consideration of part of the
history or separate consideration of one informant's report. After reading the HPI one should have
an impression of the course of the patient's illness (e.g. specific symptoms and their severity,
response to treatment, compliance with treatment). Doing a thorough and complete HPI will result
in one including what Medicare considers the essential elements of the HPI (Location of symptom in
the body [usually not an issue for psychiatric patients], Quality, Severity, Duration, Timing, Context,
Modifying Factors and Associated Signs and Symptoms).

When the relevancy of certain data of the more remote history is indeterminate, such data should be
included in the past medical or social history as is appropriate. Similarly, certain data about current
problems (e.g. medical illnesses, drug or alcohol use, sexuality) should be included in the HPI only
if they are pertinent to the present illness. If they are not, then they should be placed in the
appropriate section below.

It is improper to employ flippant language. The hospital record is a formal document that may be
subject to inspection by courts of law.

An earnest attempt must be made to include all the diagnostic possibilities and to avoid prejudice by
presenting data referable to only one of the illnesses requiring differential consideration.

The following specific considerations should be observed in writing the HPI:

a) What was the mode of onset? Was it insidious or abrupt? Was it first apparent to the patient
or to others?

b) How did the evolving illness affect the patient's usual life functions? Were his/her marriage,
occupation, or avocations disrupted? Did his/her relationships with people change? Were
there alterations in habits such as those of taking meals or those involving patterns of sleep?
If alterations have occurred, indicate when, and how extensively.

c) What are the specific symptoms, which have appeared during the time of the Present Illness?
A psychiatric case history, like histories elsewhere in medicine, is based on patterns of
symptoms. Current signs observed or elicited by you are listed in the MSE section because

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these were obtained as a part of the examination. However, signs observed by an informant
are listed in the HPI. A diagnosis becomes possible when it is found that a patient has
experienced a pattern of symptoms in content and chronology with the natural history of a
known illness.

d) Do not forget to include pertinent negative findings as well as positive findings.

Obviously a great many questions could be asked of each patient, but certain symptoms have proven
to be particularly important in psychiatric disorders. These include: symptoms of change in
physiologic functions (eating, sleeping, elimination, menses, potency), loss or gain in weight,
changes in mood, changes in memory or judgment, changes in behavior suggesting hallucinations or
delusions, ideas of sin, guilt, persecution, jealousy or infidelity. This list is not complete but

List pertinent childhood illnesses or facts concerning growth and development.

In chronological order list operations, other hospitalizations, significant injuries, significant illnesses
not resulting in hospitalization.

Specific inquiry should be made concerning head injury and neurological illness.

Formally speaking, this section should only contain medications that provoke an allergic immune
response in a patient. Not uncommonly though, non-allergic responses are listed here. In order to
avoid confusion one should indicate the specific response for each allergy.


Note the presence or absence of psychiatric or neurological illness among first-degree relatives
(parents, siblings, children). Inquire specifically about "nervous breakdown", depression,
schizophrenia, alcoholism, mental deficiency, delinquency, legal difficulties, suicide, suicide
attempts, "neuroses", epilepsy, syphilis, hospital care, and psychotherapy. When any positive
material emerges, age of onset, the course of illness, specific symptoms, and treatment are all

Similar history concerning second-degree relatives (aunts, uncles, grandparents) is also important.

Finally, questions should be asked concerning family history of the more important and common
nonpsychiatric illnesses.

Upbringing (family constellation, socioeconomic status, religion). School and occupational history
(grade completed and age when stopped, for what reason, ability, performance, and behavior in
school). Types of work and job history, if pertinent. Military service (record and type of discharge).
Sexual and marital history (details not only of sexual experience, but also the family dynamics with
patient's role may be of importance. Premorbid personality (personality of patient before the onset
of an acute psychiatric illness). Although it is often delineated with difficulty, it is worth assessing a

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patient's personality in order to appreciate the changes subsequent to illness. Describe briefly his/her
premorbid activities, interests, general mood and social patterns. Also detail the patient's drug,
alcohol and tobacco history if it is not part of the HPI. Finally, mention here if the patient is legally
incompetent or has somebody legally qualified to make health decisions.

Medicare requires statements regarding the patient's assets. Briefly mention patient's positive
attributes, such as talents, compliance, supportive people in the patient's life, insurance status,
education, job status, housing, wealth that may contribute to the patient's treatment.

The chief function of the ROS in a psychiatric case history is to provide a systematic investigation of
symptoms of nonpsychiatric illnesses. The ROS does not serve to extend the HPI (i.e. filling in gaps
which may have been left in the HPI).

Report positive findings here, not usually seen in psychiatric illness (hemoptysis, melena, orthopnea,
etc.). It should be noted that when the patient's psychiatric diagnosis is hysteria (i.e. Briquets
Syndrome, Conversion Disorder), the special symptom review for that illness becomes part of the
HPI. It is incorrect to say "within normal limits" or non-contributory. Instead one should list the
specific symptoms that were evaluated. At a minimum one should evaluate functions in the
following systems to be compliant with Medicare regulations:
Ears, Nose, Throat, and Mouth
Integumentary (skin and/or breast)

XI. "PHYSICAL EXAMINATION"(with complete neurological examination):
For inpatient admissions patients need a complete physical examination. The Mental Status
Examination (MSE) is an amplification of the examination of neurological function. As amplified, it
is rendered separately and placed after the Physical Examination. In both the physical and the
mental status exam, be specific with your findings. For instance, don't simply say that something is
"normal" or "within normal limits", state what you found. You cannot state "CN II-XII intact. You
must list each cranial nerve and what the results of the exam were. Do not state deferred unless that
part of the exam is in fact deferred and you intend to complete it later. If you cannot or are unable to
do a portion of the exam, state that it was "not done" and indicate the reason why it was not done.
Similarly, in the mental status exam, when you assess memory, you need to state exactly which tests
you performed. For example: "three simple items recalled immediately and at five minutes" would
be adequate. For 'fund of knowledge' testing, state what you tested and the specific answer. For
example: presidents were: Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Nixon.

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NOTE: Medicare considers certain elements of the physical examination to be critical to the
Psychiatric Examination. These include the Constitutional Elements (Vital Signs: BP, pulse,
RR, temperature, height, and weight MDs are not required to obtain their own vitals. They
may use those obtained by the ancillary staff.), General Appearance Elements (e.g.
development, nutrition, body habitus, deformities, and grooming), and Musculoskeletal
Elements (muscle tone, station, and gait). In the inpatient setting listing these elements in the
physical examination is appropriate and meets Medicare requirements. Some prefer to list
some of these elements in the MSE (e.g. General Appearance Elements in GAB). Either way is
fine. When examining a patient in the outpatient setting where a complete physical
examination is usually not conducted make sure you include these non-MSE elements in your

As its name and location imply it is intended to be an objective description of signs. It covers those
aspects of CNS functioning that tend to be abnormal in psychiatric disorders. We have attempted to
use generally accepted terms. Their formal definitions are given in the glossary at the end of this
document. Since the CNS is not divided into neurological and psychiatric parts, several items that
other services place in neurological section are placed in the MSE when conducted by a psychiatrist.

NOTE: Medicare compliant exams must include a description of Thought Processes.
As defined by Medicare, this includes rate of thoughts, content of thoughts (e.g. logical
vs. illogical, tangential); abstract reasoning and computation. The Flow of Thought
and Thought Content categories of a traditional mental status exam include most of
these elements. For logical reasons and ease of remembering, this document lists
abstract reasoning and computation under Sensorium and Intellect.

Medicare compliant exams also require a Description of Associations (defined by
Medicare as loose, tangential, circumstantial, intact). The Flow of Thought category
described involves a detailed description of associations (how ideas are connected to
each other). For descriptive purposes, this document uses the better-defined terms of
derailment, tangentiality and flight of ideas to describe what has sometimes been
called loose associations (see the Mental Status Glossary at the end of the document
for standard definitions of these terms).

Ordinarily the MSE is divided into eight parts.

1. "General Appearance and Behavior" (GAB): Does the patient appear his/her stated age?
Describe facial expression as well as condition, dress and grooming. Is the patient unkempt,
or malnourished? Does he/she smell? Evidence for tattoos, scars, and lacerations should be
recorded here or in the dermatological parts of the PE. Does the patient use a wheelchair, a
cane, glasses or a hearing aid? Describe the observed motor activity (overactive,
underactive, give evidence of neurologic disturbance). Evidence for tardive dyskinetic
movements and cogwheel rigidity are listed here. Is the patient cooperative, calm, or
agitated? Does he/she regard the examiner during the interview, does he/she avert eye
contact, or are his/her eyes fixated in space (on an apparent object that is not present)? Does
his/her mouth move when he/she is not talking?

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2. "Speech": This section is concerned only with the mechanics of talking. What is the rate and
volume? Is it monotone? What is the rhythm? Is there dysarthria? Is there an increase in
latency (normal time to respond is 3-5 secs)? Is the amount of speech increased or decreased
(e.g. mute, poverty of speech)? Is it spontaneous or does the patient only talk when a
question is asked? Is the speech stilted? What is the level of the vocabulary? Are there
neologisms, word approximations, phonemic or semantic paraphasias?

3. "Flow of Thought" (FOT): This section describes how thoughts are connected to each other.
When normal, thoughts are logical, sequential and goal directed (i.e. one can answer
questions directly). This area of the MSE is difficult and requires constant work. It involves
observations about verbal patterns, which one does not ordinarily make. This area of the
MSE is the least precise but can be done well with the use of verbatim examples from the
patient. A general rule of thumb is that if you have to ask the patient to explain himself or if
you find yourself saying, "I think he means this" then the patient probably has a thought
disorder and is having difficulties in explaining himself. Also describe the rate at which one
thought follows the previous thought. Several patterns of thought flow have been noted to
occur in patients and are described below.
- Circumstantial speech involves inclusion of too many trivial details. For the most part it is
logical and sequential. Thus the connection between ideas is easily understood. In addition
if the patient is given enough time he/she will also reach the goal (usually the answer to your
question). Circumstantial speech is not necessarily pathological. It tends to be seen more
commonly in the elderly (e.g. a patient starting back in 1914 and going through his/her whole
life story to tell you why he/she looks both ways when crossing the street.)

- Tangential speech is used to refer to the situation in which a patients response to specific
questions is oblique or irrelevant. It should not be used to refer to abnormalities in
spontaneous speech.

- Derailment (a.k.a. LOA) is used to describe spontaneous speech in which ideas slip off the
track and onto another one that is obliquely related. Thus, it is comparable to tangential
speech, but tangential is used to describe the phenomenon when it occurs as the immediate
response to a question. Loosening of Associations is an older term for derailment, but is no
longer recommended.

- Flight of Ideas describes derailment in which one idea is quickly followed by another (e.g.
in the context of pressured speech). Use of this term, historically, is used to indicate the FOT
in a manic and thus one should be careful in its use in non-manics, lest it be misinterpreted
by others.

- Incoherence (a.k.a. word salad, jargon aphasia, schizophasia, paragrammatism) denotes a
pattern of speech that is more severely affected than derailment. In contrast to derailment,
where the slippage occurs between ideas or sentences, the slippage in incoherence occurs
between words or phrases. At times it can be difficult to differentiate incoherence from
Wernickes aphasia.

- Clanging (choice of words based on their sounds), rhyming, puns may be present.

- Echolalia (repeating what is said by others in an echoing fashion).

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- Perseveration (repeating the same word, phrase, or idea over and over again).

4. "Content of Thought" (COT) or Thought Content (TC): This section describes predominant
ideas and thoughts that the patient is discussing or is occupied by. One should not simply
record patient complaints (e.g. "I am seeing things" or I want to kill myself). Such
statements are subjective and are symptoms and thus belong in the HPI. Instead when
evaluating a patient's COT one should be probing and examining several aspects of a belief,
for example, in order to offer evidence for or against it being a delusion. COT can be
subdivided into 4 components. Each should be commented on.

a) Suicidal and homicidal thoughts
Every patient must be evaluated for the presence of suicidal or homicidal ideas.
Ideation should be delineated from intent and plan. Findings should be explicitly
recorded in the note. It is not adequate or appropriate to just take at face value what a
patient says (e.g. Im suicidal) and list the patient as suicidal or homicidal. Such
statements are symptoms and by themselves do not belong in the MSE but instead
should be placed in the HPI or listed as a chief complaint. Not uncommonly such
statements by patients are just attempts at inducing somebody to do something (i.e.
manipulative). Suicidal or homicidal statements should be explored to determine the
degree of intent. For example, is the patient planning for the future, is the statement
conditional (e.g. I will only kill myself if you discharge me). Also include in this
section any statements about the patient doing harm to him/herself or others that would
not result in death (i.e. any form of violence to self or others).

b) Thoughts associated with psychosis
Delusions, ideas of reference, feelings of derealization and depersonalization are
reported in this section of the mental status examination. They are reported here if they
were found to occur on examination. Past experiences would be in the HPI.
Traditionally, hallucinations are also recorded here since they occur frequently with
other psychotic phenomena like delusions. However, the observable signs of
hallucinations are usually behavioral and should be recorded in GAB. All this said,
almost all psychiatrist record hallucinations here.

Hallucinations are false sensory perceptions. Sometimes an attempt is made to
distinguish between illusions (the misinterpretation of real sensory stimuli) as opposed
to hallucinations, which occur in the absence of real, external, sensory stimuli. For
practical purposes, one cannot always distinguish between illusions and hallucinations.
It is likely that most patients with delirium are experiencing illusions. Hallucinations
can occur in any of the five sensory modalities. Auditory hallucinations are the most
common. Visual hallucinations are also common. Tactile hallucinations are sometimes
called haptic hallucinations (not to be confused with hypnagogic hallucinations which
occur in the state between wakefulness and sleep). Olfactory and gustatory
hallucinations may sometimes occur.

A delusion is a fixed false belief outside of the norm of the patients culture. When
evaluating whether a particular false belief is delusional or not, one needs to determine
whether the thought is fixed (i.e. in the face of evidence that the belief is false the
patient persists in believing it.). Also determine whether the fixed false belief is a
normal for the patients culture (e.g. voodoo in somebody from Haiti). Such beliefs are

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not necessarily an indication of psychosis. Persecutory delusions are obviously those
of persecution (note that they should NOT be referred to as paranoid. Paranoid means
delusional). Delusions of megalomania are those of being a great person. One kind of
delusion, which has its own name because it occurs so frequently, is the delusion of
passivity (see First Rank Symptoms below). This is the belief that one's thoughts or
one's motor behavior is under the control of an outside agent. The outside agent may
be either animate or inanimate. It may be close at hand or at a distance. The patient
may believe that his mind is being controlled, that thoughts are being put in his mind,
taken out of his mind, being broadcasted, or somehow molded (thought
insertion/withdrawal/broadcasting). He may believe that his body is being controlled,
marionette-like. This experience of passivity is often accompanied by a complex array
of other delusions and hallucinations so that it can be difficult to determine at what
point one pathological phenomenon ends and another begins.

Delusion of reference. This term is source of confusion because it covers such a
variety of experiences. Normal people have ideas of reference in embarrassing social
situations (feeling that somebody is talking about you). These beliefs are short-lived
and are quickly recognized as lacking veracity. On the other hand, patients who are
psychotic may experience delusions of reference in a bizarre and pronounced fashion.
A delusion of reference is the unwarranted idea based upon a trivial occurrence (e.g.
the person at the next table looked at the patient) that a person is talking about you,
watching you, or noticing you. The belief continues in spite of no evidence supporting
the belief. It also is used to describe the phenomenon where a patient reports that an
event was meant as a special message to the patient (e.g. the death of the horse in The
Godfather had a hidden message for the patient from God -- that horses should be killed
because they are the messengers of Satan).

Derealization is the feeling that the world has changed, usually in some alien way.
The patient may or may not know that this feeling is abnormal. Depersonalization is
a similar feeling, however it applies to the patient's own body. The patient feels that
his/her body is somehow changed or that his/her identity has somehow changed or
become lost. The patient may or may not believe the feeling is abnormal.

Schneiderian First Rank Symptoms. Kurt Schneider believed that several psychotic
symptoms only occurred in patients with schizophrenia (i.e. are pathognomonic) and
thus argued that their presence always indicated the presence of schizophrenia.
Schneider called these symptoms, First Rank Symptoms (Second Rank Symptoms were
symptoms that occur frequently in schizophrenia and in other illnesses). Subsequent
work has shown that while First Rank Symptoms are seen frequently in schizophrenia
they can occur in patients whose course of illness is not consistent with schizophrenia.
Thus, their presence suggests a high likelihood that a patient may have schizophrenia
but this likelihood is not 100%. This fact accounts for why the presence of certain
psychotic symptoms qualify outright for the A criterion of schizophrenia whereas other
psychotic symptoms must occur in the presence of other symptoms in order for the A
criterion of schizophrenia to be met. Psychotic patients should be evaluated for these
specific symptoms. Schneiderian symptoms revolve around the concept that the patient
has lost control of his body and is being controlled by others. First Rank Symptoms

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- Hearing ones own thoughts out loud
- 3
person voices commenting on the actions of the patient
- Voices arguing among themselves

- Thought insertion insertion of a thought into ones mind by an outside agent
- Thought withdrawal having ones thought withdrawn from ones mind
- Thought broadcasting being able to broadcast ones thoughts

- Attributing ones feelings to others (delusion of passivity feelings)
- Ones drive is controlled from outside (delusion of passivity impulses)
- Experiencing ones actions as controlled from outside (volitional passivity)
- Having bodily sensations imposed from outside (somatic passivity)

- Attributing special delusional significance to ones perceptions (delusional
perceptions). Delusional perceptions combine a real perception with a delusional
idea about its meaning. It, thus, is similar to a delusion of reference, e.g., when
the doctor rubbed his nose, it meant I should leave the room.

c) Non-psychotic thoughts
Phobias and obsessions are included here if patient speaks of these phenomena as
occurring at the present time (they are otherwise described in the HPI). A phobia is an
intense, unreasonable fear associated with some situation or object; i.e. fear of heights,
closed places, etc. An obsession is a recurrent or persistent idea or thought which is
recognized as foreign or alien to the individual and which is accompanied by the desire
to resist it. A compulsion is a recurrent act recognized as foreign or alien to the
individual and which is accompanied by the desire to resist it. As such compulsions
should not be placed in COT and if observed should be in GAB and if reported as a
symptom in the HPI. However, some do record compulsions here since they are seen
with obsessions.

d) Paucity/abundance of thoughts
Finally one should be evaluating whether there is Poverty of Content. This is different
than Poverty of Speech, which is recorded in the speech section. Poverty of Speech
describes a decrease in the amount of words. A patient who only answers yes or no
would be an example. Poverty of Content describes a decrease in the informational
content. This sign is seen frequently in patients suffering from schizophrenia. A
patient may have Poverty of Speech, Poverty of Content, both, or neither.

5. "Mood: As defined by DSM-IV mood is a pervasive and sustained emotion that colors the
perception of the world. This is usually accomplished by asking the patient how he/she is
(or has been) feeling, the goal being to have the patient average his/her mood over a
certain amount of time. Strictly speaking, since the patient is providing a subjective report of
his emotional state, mood is really a symptom and it should be recorded in the HPI section of
the H&P (or in the subjective section of the SOAP note). It is recorded here in order to allow
comparison with the observed affect. For clinical utility (especially on the inpatient unit)
sustained is usually interpreted to mean what the predominant emotion has been on the day
of the exam. Not uncommonly the patients stated mood is given between quotation marks
(e.g. angry, sad, depressed, happy). In addition for patients with an affective

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disorder, a Likert scale is used (0 to 10; 0=suicidal/worse mood imaginable, 5=normal,
10=high as a kite), since this allows one to chart over time changes in the reported mood.

6. Affect: As defined by DSM-IV affect is a pattern of observable behaviors that is the
expression of a subjectively experienced feeling state (emotion). Affect, thus, is a sign
(observable) and describes a persons emotional state at the time of the exam. There are
four basic qualities that should be detailed about a persons affect.

a) Type of affect
Is it depressed, normal or elevated/euphoric/happy? What is its range? Can it be
evoked with prompting (e.g. laughs after a joke)? An appropriate description of a
patient suffering from depression might be: "Affect is depressed and restricted to the
lower range though the patient will laugh to jokes." Other possible descriptors are
anxious and irritable.

b) Stability of affect
Is the patient's affect labile? Does it remain stable, or does it change noticeably and
quickly in response to small changes in the conversation?

c) Appropriateness of affect
Is the patient's affect appropriate to the conversation? Is it congruent to his stated
mood? A patient's affect may be judged to be inappropriate for a number of reasons.
Examples should be given.

d) Amount of affect
Blunted and flat affect is used to describe patients in whom the amount of affect is
decreased (blunted) or non-existent (flat). This phenomenon is frequently seen in
patients with schizophrenia. Usually patients with depression do have affect. It is just
restricted to the negative emotions. In such instances a depressed patients should not
be described as having a blunted or flat affect.

7. Sensorium and Intellect: (N.B. In evaluating the following tests of intellectual functioning,
factors such as the patient's educational level, ability to concentrate, anxiety, and willingness
to cooperate should be considered.) Most of these tests are included in the 30 point MMSE.

a) "Sensorium":
- Orientation to person, place and time (day of month, month, year, day of week,
season). If not oriented, give patient's answers and correct information.

b) "Recent and Remote Memory":
- Retention and immediate recall - give three items and test in five minutes. If patient
is unable to actively recall all three items at 5 minutes, provide hints. Recorded at 3/3
at 0 minutes and x/3 at 5 minutes without prompting and y/3 with prompting.
- Recent memory - date of admission, brought to hospital by whom.
- Remote memory - when and where born, date of marriage, names and ages of

c) "Attention Span and Concentration":

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- Serial Subtractions - subtract 7 from 100 and 7 from the answer and each succeeding
answer (average adult has less than four errors and finishes within 60 seconds). If too
difficult, use serial 3s starting at 20. Easiest is counting from 20 backwards to 1.
- Other - If the patient cannot do the mathematical tasks, try verbal ones. Saying the
months of the year in reverse order is a reasonably difficult task that is sensitive to
abnormalities in attention. Other possibilities are: spelling WORLD backwards, listing
days of the week backwards, and citing strings of numbers forwards and backwards.

d) Language:
- Naming objects, ability to repeat phrases and overall vocabulary are examples of
language function. Reading the paper or other material intended for the general public
is another way to evaluate language. NOTE: Assessment of Language is NOT the
same as assessment of Speech and must be listed separately in the Mental Status

e) Computation:
- Simple mathematical skills: multiply 7 x 8, divide 75 by 3. If too easy, try more
difficult skills like square and square roots. If too difficult, test subtraction and
addition skills.

f) "Fundamentals of Knowledge":
- Is patient aware of current events, past history and vocabulary? Can he/she name five
large cities and the last five presidents?

g) Abstract Reasoning
- Ask the patient to describe the meaning of proverbs - "Don't cry over spilled milk";
"All that glitters is not gold"; "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"; "A rolling
stone gathers no moss". Is the patient able to identify the abstractions involved in the
proverbs? Contrasts and comparisons like, How are an apple and an orange alike? or
What is the difference between a cow and a pig? can also be used to evaluate abstract

h) Constructional Ability
- Ask the patient to draw a clock face or to copy intersecting pentagons. This can detect
constructional apraxia, hemineglect and perseveration.

8. "Insight and J udgment":
Insight and judgment are important components to determine not only in patients with psychiatric
disorders but also in patients with medical illnesses. Studies have shown that good insight and
judgment correlates with improved long-term outcome.
- Insight signifies that the patient realizes that he/she is ill and understands something of the
nature of his/her illness. In addition it also refers to a patients ability to recognize his/her
symptoms. It does not refer to etiology or psychodynamic aspects of the illness. Evaluating
the patients responses to the following questions may assess insight: What kind of problems
are you currently having? Are you sick in any way? What sort of sickness? Do you need
help? What sort of sickness do people have here? In describing their insight one should be
specific about the object of their insight. For example a patient might have good insight into
the fact that he/she has a major depressive disorder and is having problems with sleep and

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appetite but has little to no insight into the fact that his/her thoughts about guilt are also
symptoms of the illness.

- J udgment may be assessed by evaluating the patient's ability to understand social context.
This can be based on observation, e.g. you observe patient punching a security guard, and on
responses to the following questions: What would you like to do next? What do you plan to
do when you leave? Why were you brought here? Again as with insight one must specify
precisely the object or symptoms on which one is evaluating the judgment. Questions about
mailing a stamped letter, a house on fire, or an idiom offer little in the way of significant
information about a patient's judgment and really reflect a patient's intellectual functioning
and schooling. Physicians may be particularly interested in the patients judgment about
treatment does the patient actively participate in discussions of treatment and assist in a
helpful way with treatment choices? While a physician should focus on these aspects of
judgment Medicare emphasizes a patients judgment concerning everyday activities and
social situations.

In addition to typical medical tests, one should record the results of any psychometric tests here.

Medicare requires a listing of the five axes for psychiatric patients according to the current
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). Thus, state your assessment in this format (Axes I-V)
according to DSM criteria. If you do not make a diagnosis in an axis but may possibly do so in the
future, state, "none formulated" on that axis. Remember, if you happen to state "rule out, or
deferred", at some point during the hospitalization you must go back to this issue and change it from
"deferred" to having a specific diagnosis or "no diagnosis". Axis I is devoted to Clinical Disorders
and Other Conditions That May Be A Focus of Attention. Axis II is for notation of Personality
Disorders and Mental Retardation. Axis III is for physical disorders. Axis IV is for Psychosocial
Stressors and their degree of severity. Axis V denotes Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF). It
is not appropriate to list diagnoses here and then not discuss in the A/P how you arrived at the

In the majority of cases when one is doing an initial evaluation this section probably will be the
longest. On follow-up patients this section can be substantially abbreviated unless a change in Dx or
plan is being documented. This is the one section in which people try to skimp and which can lead
to unpleasant outcomes (i.e. loss in law suits -- remember no documentation means it didn't happen,
no matter what you say in the courtroom). A separate number should be assigned for each problem.
For each, one should:
- Briefly review the pertinent information from the HPI, PMH and FamHx as well as the important
findings on exam and labs. Assessment of whether the elicited signs indicate pathology should also
be done here.
- A differential diagnosis should be discussed and the pros/cons for each Dx given and weighed and
the most likely explanation highlighted.
- An appropriate plan should be formulated given the assessment. J ustify the patient's admission.
Reasons for doing or not doing certain tests or treatments should be substantiated. For inpatients,
include nursing and social work interventions. Be specific (e.g. if the patient has been violent and
agitated, you need to provide specific interventions for the nursing staff, such as placing patient on

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assault precautions, provide 1-on-1 coverage, write orders for prn lorazepam, start antipsychotic
- Documentation of discussions with the patient should also be done with a notation of the patient's
consent or lack thereof being noted. In addition one must document that the consequences
(including side effects and bad outcomes) of following or not following the recommendations have
been discussed with the patient.

Note: For private admission: you need to include a minimal number of behavioral problems, which you
have identified, based on you evaluation and physical examination. These don't need to be lengthy but they
ought to include both medical interventions and nursing or social work interventions that need to be
addressed in the next 24 hours. You should consider your problem list as a bridge until the private
generates his/her own list.

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This glossary is meant to provide succinct definitions of common terms used in psychiatry. The
definitions below are derived from two sources listed below. More extensive descriptions can be
found in the two primary sources. Note also that the grouping of items is arbitrary and meant to
serve as aids in remembering rather than as formal categories.

1. Andreason NC: Thought, language and communication disorders. Archives Gen Psychiatry 36:
1315-1321, 1979.

2. DSM-IV Appendix C. Glossary of Technical Terms

1. Defects in the Amount of Speech
Poverty of Speech restriction in the amount of spontaneous speech

Poverty of Content of Speech speech that conveys little information even though amount is
adequate. Often uses language that is overabstract, overconcrete, vague, repetitive and stereotyped

Pressure of Speech increase in the amount of spontaneous speech compared to what is considered
ordinary or socially customary. In addition to an increase in the amount of speech, the patient talks
rapidly and is difficult to interrupt.

2. Defects in Achieving the Goal of Speech (Flow of Thought)
Distractible Speech repeatedly stops talking in mid-sentence or idea and changes the subject in
response to a nearby stimulus

Tangentiality replies to a question in an oblique or even irrelevant manner

Derailment (Loose Associations) pattern of spontaneous speech in which ideas slip off track onto
one another; defect occurs between clauses and sentences

Flight of Ideas a nearly continuous flow of accelerated speech with abrupt changes from topic to
topic that are usually based on understandable associations, distracting stimuli or plays on words

Incoherence (Word Salad, J argon Aphasia, Schizophasia) pattern of speech that is
incomprehensible at times in which rules of syntax and grammar are ignored; defect occurs at level
of the clause or word.

Illogicality pattern of speech in which conclusions are reached that do not follow logically; non-
sequitors; faulty inductive inferences

Circumstantiality pattern of speech that is very indirect and delayed in reaching its goal; tedious
details and parenthetical remarks are frequently included

Loss of Goal failure to follow a chain of thought to its natural conclusion

Blocking interruption of a train of speech before a thought or idea has been completed; person
cannot recall what he had been saying or meant to say

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Self-reference individual repeatedly refers the subject under discussion back to self when
someone else is talking; refers apparently neutral subjects to self when talking

3. Defects Involving the Use of Words
Clanging pattern of speech in which sounds rather than meaning govern word choice

Neologisms new word formations; completely new word or phrase whose derivation cannot be

Word Approximations (Paraphasia, Metonyms) old words used in a new an unconventional way,
or new words formed by conventional rules of word formation
(e.g. gloves =handshoes)

Perseveration persistent repetition of words, ideas or subjects in the course of speaking

Echolalia pattern of speech in which subject echoes words or phrases of the interviewer

Stilted Speech speech that has excessively formal quality; pompous, stiff

Phonemic paraphasia recognizable mispronunciation of words because sounds or syllables have
slipped out of sequence

Semantic paraphasia substitution of inappropriate words during effort to say something specific;
words used with wrong meaning

4. Descriptions of Mood and Affect (a la DSM-IV)
Affect pattern of observable behaviors that is the expression of a subjectively experienced feeling
state (emotion)

DSM-IV: In contrast to mood, which refers to a more pervasive and sustained emotional climate,
affect refers to more fluctuating changes in emotional weather. Common examples of affect are
sadness, elation and anger. Disturbances of affect include: blunted, flat, inappropriate, labile and

Mood pervasive and sustained emotion that colors perception of the world.

Common examples of mood include depression, elation, anger, anxiety
Types of mood include dysphoric, elevated, euthymic, expansive and irritable

5. Terms Used in Content of Thought
Delusion a fixed false belief that is out of character for the individuals culture

Hallucination sensory perception that has compelling sense of reality but that occurs without
external stimulation of the relevant sensory organ

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Idea of Reference feeling that casual incidents and external events have a particular and unusual
meaning that is specific to the person

Delusions of Reference persistence of IOR in face of evidence to the contrary

Psychosis no definition has achieved universal acceptance. The narrowest definition of psychotic
implies the presence of delusions or prominent hallucinations, with hallucinations occurring in the
absence of insight into their pathological nature. Broader definitions can include the presence of
disorganized speech and behavior.

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