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Under the Bed

by Penny Trzynka

Theres a terrible green monster
Who lives beneath my bed.
I hear his long white teeth click.
Hes waiting to be fed.
I shiver underneath my sheets
And squeeze my eyes up tight.
Maybe if I lie real still
He wont eat me up tonight
He taps me on the shoulder.
I dont know what to do.
He looks at me and says, Im scared!
Can I get in with you?



Challenge, Dedication

Repeating, Memorizing, Writing

Practice, Analysis, Success, Victory

Cheering, Smiling, Celebrating

Excellent, Masterful



Your feet smell so bad
Just like limburger cheese
That Im holding my nose tight
Between my two knees.


Answer to a Childs Question
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Linnet and Thrush say, "I love and I love!"
In the winter they're silentthe wind is so
What it says, I don't know, but it sings a loud
But green leaves, and blossoms, and sunny
warm weather,
And singing, and lovingall come back
But the Lark is so brimful of gladness and love,
The green fields below him, the blue sky above,
That he sings, and he sings; and for ever sings he
"I love my Love, and my Love loves me!"

Excerpt From Preludes by T. S. Eliot

The winter evening settles down
With smell of steaks in passageways.
Six o'clock.
The burnt-out ends of smoky days.
And now a gusty shower wraps
The grimy scraps
Of withered leaves about your feet
And newspapers from vacant
The showers beat
On broken blinds and chimney-
And at the corner of the street
A lonely cab-horse steams and
And then the lighting of the

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