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Descriptive Writing The last day of my high school career is fast approaching and I can only imagine how

I'll be feeling when I step out of Valley High School grounds for the very last time. Throughout these four years, I have felt a lot of urgency about graduating high school. I didn't think that the time to graduate would come soon enough. But now, that time is finally nearing. I cannot believe that it has come this fast. I remember my first days of high school. I was just dying to experience all the new and exciting things that awaited me. From sports to girls to all the partying, I just wanted to know what everything was like. Now that I've done all those things and many more, I am about to embark on a new adventure that will take me to many more new experiences. Some say that, "high school was the best time of my life. " Just like others say that high school was the worst time in their lives. To be honest, I am not sure which category I fall into. I've had plenty ofgood times, as well as just as many bad times, in high school. The only thing I can say is that I learned a lot while I was here. I know not just what I was taught through books, but I learned about life and the road ahead of me. From being an inexperienced freshman to a somewhat mature senior, things have really changed for me. I started high school as a disrespectful and cocky athlete, dying to conquer the world, which I did not know much about. I will leave high school as a world-weary senior, knowing that there are many dangers to encounter in the real world. Realistically, I do not know what the world out there holds for me. All I can do is enter it with a guarded optimism and hope for the best.

Descriptive Essay - The Owl

A scream passing through an open window at the edge of town rattles the settled sounds of a night tucked in, the filtering whispers of leaves outside in the breeze interrupted, yielding to the call of a helpless exater protected by sound walls; only the nearby creek persists. Call of crickets resign under full moon, and hill-riding wind halts for a moment following the cry. Slowly, the leaves begin to whisper again, though slightly muffled, offset by the impression of a scream when it was the last thing on the nights mind. Like his twisted feathers, his many scars, the reliable old owl chose the gnarled, weather-beaten, but solid branch oftenit being a companion to the wise alone with the night and the last branch to creak in the heaviest wind. He oft...

Descriptive: Visit to the Dentist's Office

I push the door open. The bell tinkles, with a soft but shrill ring. A wave of rubber gloves and disinfectant masked with cheap air freshener washes over me. Chairs are cluttered in the waiting room of the dentists. Clusters of magazines lie on the scratched wood of the coffee tables, shiny bright plastic screaming out logos and slogans. A little way forward from where I stand is a desk. A smiling receptionist sits there. She seems to have been expecting me somehow, as she indicates to the couches and chairs. A few nervous patients are already there. They try to avert their eyes from the closed, threatening doors leading to the dental surgery rooms, where an ominous high pitched whirring sound is coming from. Occasionally, I hear a muffled thud, or yell. One by one, the receptionist calls out the patients name; Baker, John! or, Higgins, Samantha! Plastered on the walls are dramatic Before/After photos. They show yellow teeth, set crookedly in red raw gums becoming brilliantly white and straight. The walls are painted a stark, clinical white, however photographs of people with toothy grins beam down at me, from newspaper clippings over the years. It must be my imagination, but already I can taste the slightly stale, bubblegum flavoured gloves, the cool hard metal of the examining probe, and the chink clink it makes when it sometimes collides with my teeth. I can feel the vinyl of the reclining chairs, which are covered in plastic, and also which clammy legs have a habit to stick to. In my mind I see the perfect teeth of my dentist, an ideal advertisement for his clinic. A sudden tapping of high heeled shoes from the corridor awakens me from my day dreaming. I look up. My pulse quickens, and my hands sweat. I swallow the lump in my throat that has accumulated somehow. Blood is pounding through my head, but even that cannot block out the dreaded words that I hear next; Barron, Cissie, Doctor Lush will see you now.

Descriptive Essay - My Grandmothers House

My most favorite place has always been my grandmothers house. This is the place I would have to go to before and after school. I have always loved my grandmothers house because it made me feel safe and warm. There was a smell of coffee in the air at all times. It seemed like all my grandmother did was make coffee. If I smell coffee, I instantly think of my grandmothers house. My grandmothers house was always filled with people. I can remember sitting in a chair watching her do hair. She would take a hot comb and straighten her clients hair. The smell of burning hair would linger in the house for days.

The house was old. My grandmother lived in it most of her life. The house was whi...

My Great Uncle Dan: A Descriptive Essay I'm embarrassed to say my second thought was that of relief when my mother called to say that he was dead. It had only been a short time, but I could never deal with someone being in pain or the thought of a machine keeping them from going to a better place. After all of his children, and a few extended family members had shown up and said their good byes, finally, it was over. In the past few years his health had been extraordinary. He always seemed to be in the best of health, one minute he would be out at the ranch helping a hand and the other minute he would be in his khaki pants and pin stripped polo shirt out on the golf coarse hoping for that hole in one. On that Tuesday afternoon I called my family to see if I should make the 13 hour puddle jumping flight across country for the funeral. Having the Satisfaction of being there to help comfort the rest of the family, was worth dealing with all the airport congestion as others would franticly push their way through crowds to get to their next flight. It was only about ...

Descriptive Language Descriptive language is a literary tool used by many great writers. We clearly see this in the stories Boys & Girls, Cat in the Rain, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and the poem A Far Cry from Africa. Through the use of metaphors, imagery, similes and symbolism, the authors present their issues more effectively. We see that in all these stories, descriptive language is used to demonstrate how a characters identity predicament can lead to overall crisis. Boys & Girls by Alice Munro is about a girl that struggles against societies ideas of how a girl should be. She tries to become the opposite of the conventional role that society has set in place for women but is in many ways restricted. Critic Marlene Goldman writes, This image of the enclosure and the concomitant distinction between inside and outside (indoor and outdoor) recur throughout the text. I would agree with this quote. We see in the story that women are kept on the inside where they are restricted as oppose to the outdoors, which in many ways represent freedom. While the girl loved ...

In the article, "Descriptive Analysis of Team Teaching in Two Elementary Classrooms: A Formative Experimental Approach," Marshall Welch discussed the results of conducting formative and summative evaluations in two classrooms that were being team taught by a regular and a special education teacher. Welch (2000) characterizes team teaching as "taking turns in leading a discussion or having the two teachers play roles in a demonstration." The assessments included the results of student performance in reading and spelling as well as teaching procedures and overall teacher satisfaction. Planning and formats of the team teaching as well as data and results were recorded in weekly teacher logs. All four teachers were properly trained using the team teaching approach. In both schools, both teachers taught direct instruction. Posttest mean scores were higher than pretest mean scores for reading and spelling in both schools. Even the learning disabled students improved; however, not a significant difference. Although there is need for more research on this topic, all four of the teachers in these schools will continue to team-teach because they perceive this approach as being beneficial to all students. I have always been interested in the team teaching approach. In fact, I will be team teaching with my school's ESOL teacher two afternoons per week this coming year. We are going to plan some activities that will include the whole class and not just the four Latinos that will be in my class. The other three afternoons, the Latinos will be pulled out and worked with in a small group. Since my school is trying inclusion this year, I would love to have the experience of team teaching with our resource teacher. I feel that team teaching gives students the best of both worlds. It gives each child more individual attention since it reduces student/teacher ratio, it helps serve those borderline students who do not qualify for special education, and the students who do have learning disabilities are not isolated from their peers.

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