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Pride Leader

Mark enters his bed chamber, smiling as he looks around, cats sleeping on the bed, and even a couple of
vixens. What a peaceful scene. As he looks, he notices a little house cat sitting in a chair.

Now where did you come from? Come here kitty. I wont hurt you.

The house cat jumps down from the chair and walks over to Mark, it rubs up against his leg and purrs

What a pretty kitty. Now where did you come from?

The cat slowly walks away from him slowly she grows to Marks height with a smile on her muzzle.

My My, what a strong and power god you are, and so kind. I bet you would have given me some cream if
you had some close by.

Well, you seem to have me at a disadvantage. May I ask who you are?

Why child, I am the Goddess Rove, I came to meet the all mighty Champion. And what a Champion you
are. But I digress; I come here with a problem.

A problem, oh please dont be dumping another war some where else on my lap.

Oh no, nothing like that, you see, Im a gods companion. My god, he has finally faded into the mist of
time. What I need is a home.

A home? Why would

Mark, shes a companion, she has to find a home that will accept her.

<Rove stands there as Mark and Violet talk, hoping that she will be accepted and have a home. Its been
a long search. And very lonely not having a master or a home.>

Why would she have a problem finding a home? Shes cute and seems kind.

Mark, its not that easy for her, she needs a home that is loving and caring, and it has to be a God, not a
Goddess. You meant other Gods, most today are unfeeling and self centered. Gods like you are very

Please, I really wont be trouble. Some cream once in awhile, someone to pet and hold me. Thats all I
really need.

I dont see that as a problem, as long as you dont mind attention from kits and pups.

Little ones! I love them. Please can I stay!

Youre welcomed to stay. I wouldnt turn out someone in need.

Thank you! thank you! thank you! I will be so good!


SIRE! We just got a flash distress call from Vrol Sector, Theyre under attack. Reports say there are at
least 2000 Douhed battle ships. They dont think they can last..

How far are we from them?

We are at least 12 jumps from them. We would never make it to them in time.

Mark stands there, deep in thought and an idea comes to him.
Luna, Set conduction Red for the fleet.

Klaxons sounding off,
Battle Stations! Battle Stations! All Cats Crew your Battle Stations!!!

Battle Stations! Battle Stations! All Cats Crew your Battle Stations!!!

Battle Stations! Battle Stations! All Cats Crew your Battle Stations!!!
Sire we are too far to help?

We wont be for long, Open Comm. Fala get you and all the priestess into the throne room now!.

Mark? Whats going on?

Ill explain once everyones ready, Krellels get you pilots ready to launch and the battle deck up and
running, you have five mins to be ready!


* * *

In the throne room, Mark has about six hundred priestess assembled wondering whats going on. Fala
stands in front facing them. Shes acting on Marks behalf. He is hidden behind a blind, out of sight.

Repeat after me this Chant.

Guurj, Hooinh Pruyyn voons, we ask our Champion to save our loved ones.

All six hundred repeat the chant, power builds, the room is bathed in a blue light. It reaches out to all
the ship in the Flags fleet, Priestess on each ship is also repeating the same chant. Mark is focusing the
power, grabbing up so much the shadows realm shudders. Gods and Goddess alike look on in
amazement. In a blink, all 1100 ships vanish, to reappear in a flash of bright blue corona in the Vrol

As the stunned Douhed fleet watched on, Lunas cannons, torpedo tubes, missile launchers come to life
for the first time in anger, fighters launching from the fleet like angry swarms of killer bees, the
Warships spread out into an arc before moving in to intercept Douhed battle ships. A Gods Fleet has
appeared in the middle of a Douhed invasion. Within the first 30 seconds in a light show of power and
might, Luna wiped out over five hundred Douhed ships excluding the hundreds of fighters by herself,
smashing their hulls like eggs shells any return fire be it missiles, torpedoes, cannons,etc are absorbed
by her shielding even the ships that rammed into her in desperation only served to further strengthen it,
fighter swarms take on smaller escort ships. Riddling them with damages, The Douhed figters were
shocked to find that their weapons inflicted no damage to the strange enemy fighters, in fact it only
seem to draw the attention of enemy fighters ensuring themselves a quick death. Warships chase down
in coordinated sweeps the Douhed ships that try to hide or escape from Lunas cannons and torpedoes.
Several Douhed ships further away from the carnage discover to their horror that they were unable to
engage jump engines at all, almost as if some entity had cut off their escape. Neither could they send
any communications back home to warn their homeworlds of the huge ship that seems to be the
command flag. Their priests and priestess were also cut off from their Gods and Goddesses. They could
only watch in increasing horror and fascination as their comrades were decimated. The Douhed attack
has turned into a Douhed blood bath. Space is scattered with smashed Douhed hulls as well as the
exploded remains of half a million Douhed, not a single living Douhed nor ship is left. The remaining
elements of the felionous fleet that was attacked cheered in relief, many had not expected to see
another dawn.

Behind the blind, Mark collapses from the use of so much power. His bodys smoking. Yet to be

Fala, slowly recovers, she dismisses the priestess and thanks them for their services. When the last
leaves the throne room she calls for Mark. But gets no response. She goes over behind the screen and
find Marks laying there smoldering. She runs over to him wraps her arm around him and in a blink shes
in Roses Garden yelling for help.


Rose, Mother Nature, God of Gods appear. All gasp when they see Mark.

Fala, let us help him..

Falas in tears, shes trying all she can but nothing is working. Mark has strained his mortal body beyond
what it could ever handle.

Fala, lets see him. Oh My, Hes burnt to a cinder! Mother!

Mother Nature:
Mark, Can you hear me?

God of Gods:
Mother he is unconsiness. He cant hear or respond. His body is dying. There is nothing we can do.

NO! He cant die!

Mother Nature;
Fala, he used way too much power. He did save millions.

Rose stands there in shock, seeing him burnt like this, his body broken, dying, all the powers they have,
and there is nothing they can do.

Mark gasps, a deep and final inhale of air. His body quits.

They all stand there, shocked, all his power, all his love, and now a lifeless husk. Tears in their eyes, a last
hope gone. He touched so many. Helped teach them so much. Gone.

It was a good body, well time to move on.

< They all spin around in shock! Standing there as perfect as the day before, Mark stands. Whole, living.
His body? Untouched? Fala and Rose run into his arms. God of Gods and Mother Nature stare on in


That was a mean joke!

No Rose, not a joke, I was lying there in pain dying. I felt all the pain, even my last breath. When the
body quit I found myself standing right here looking at it, just a thought and my body was whole once

God of Gods:
It has to be because he a living god, his body can be destroyed, but his immortal divine spark just lives
on. Son, you are one lucky being.

Im just happy he still here.

So am I. I dont want to go thru that again.

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