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Write on a character that show responsibility in her or his

Based on the Novel The Curse by Lee Sue Ann, the character that
shows responsibility in her actions is Azreen Saleh. Azreen is not
only a responsible sister and daughter but also a responsible
student and friend .
Firstly, Azreen as a responsible sister comes back immediately
when she hears of her sisters death although at that time she is
about to sit for an examination that is important for her. She
postpones her examination in order of giving her sister her last
Secondly, as a daughter she shows her responsibility firstly, when
she spends the whole night repairing her mothers favourite rattan
basket that was broken by the heavy durians that she and Madhuri
has brought in. Subsequently, with Madhuris help she makes a new
rattan basket that looks like the one that she and Madhuri have
broken. In addition to that, Azreen accepts the offer to further her
studies in London for the sake of upbringing her family social status
and thus could then save a lot of money to get a better treatment
for her mother that is paralyzed by the bull escape incidents that
she .
Thirdly, as a friend and a student, Azreen shows her responsibility
when she accepts to join theschool hockey team as a substitution
to Hock Seng that is injured. She does that even though she knows
that she will be the only girl in the team and this will tarnish her
image as a girl. In fact she plays very well and almost scores a goal.
In addition to that, Azreen shows that she is a responsible friend,
when she brings a full basket of fresh vegetables and tomatoes to
The Old Lady of the forest to replace the one that she tramples
earlier when she comes to The Old Ladys house for the first time.
In conclusion, throughout the story, Azreen shows that she is a very
responsible towards her actions. In fact, I would like to have her as
a friend as a friend as such is hard to come by.
2. Which character do you like the most?
The novel I have studied is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The
novel is about the main character,Azreen, who returns from
England after she finds out about her sisters death. Upon her
return, she is surrounded by many secrets. She discovers the
circumstances of Madhuris death later in the story. At the end of
the story she finds out the truth and leaves for London an orphan
but more resilient and wise.
The character I like most is Azreen Salleh. She is a 20-year-old
student who is studying in a university college in London on an
exchange programme. She is short, bespectacled, rather bookish
and outspoken.
I like Azreen because she is outspoken and she is not afraid to
spoke her mind. She is vocal and says her opinions although
sometimes she says the wrong things at the wrong time. She
also hates her fathers treatment of her foster parents and
Madhuris burial ceremony that is conducted without her
presence. In handling the village gossip, Pn Normala, Azreen
tells her off that the rain has started even before the Old
Lady comes into town.
The second quality she has is she is courageous. As a child,
she plays hockey and football with the boys. In the bulls incident,
she is brave enough to accept the blame for the bulls escape
instead of blaming someone else. Azreen also shows her courage by
taking up the dare to knock on the Old Ladys door when
none wants to do it. In another instance, Azreen confronts her
father about Madhuris murder despite her young age.
Azreen also has strength of character. When she returns to her
village, she hears a lot of gossip surrounding her sisters death such
as as Madhuri having white blood and her death signals a curse to
the villagers. Azreen feels upset but she
never retaliates. Sheshows patience and strengh because
she knows that whatever she does, she cannot stop the villagers
from gossiping about her family. In another instance, Azreen is
told that her sister is murdered. She should have been very upset
about this news but she takes it calmly and does not become
hysterical. Later, when she finds out that her father is the culprit
who kills Madhuri, she feels no anger but regrets that it has to
happen. She understands her fathers anger and shame because
Madhuri has been having an illicit affair with Ashraf although
she is already married to Hj Ghani. Azreen also shows a lot of
strength because after all that has happened to her family,
she stays composed and strong and returns to England for her
In conclusion, there are many qualities in Azreen that I admire and
she is the character that I like most in the story.
3. Write on a character whom I think is exemplary
a) In the Curse by Lee Sue Ann, the character whom I think is
exemplary is The Old Lady of the forest. Throughout the novel, she
shows strength of character and wisdom.
When she first moves to the village as a newlywed, she is popular
among the villagers and she enjoys a blissful marital life with her
husband. Everything changes as her husband who becomes an
alcoholic starts to abuse her and finally she retaliates and kills him.
From then on, the villagers treat her like an outcast. She is forced to
move out of the village and makes an abandoned house her home.
She lives alone for years until she befriends Azreen and becomes
her mentor and will console her whenever she has a fight with her
When Asraf approaches The Old Lady for help, she is hesitant about
going back to the village. Yet she agrees and doing so, she puts her
life at risk. When she is trapped in the burning house, she tells
Azreen to save herself and she perishes in the fire. Even at deaths
door, she reminds Azreen about the importance of forgiveness and
tells her to heed all the advice she has given her.
The Old Lady is therefore an exemplary character as she is strong,
wise and honourable.
4. Write on a character that I admire / like
The novel The Curse by Lee Su Ann is very interesting. The character
I like the most is Azreen.Azreen is from Langkawi. She studies in
London. Her father is Salleh Ghani. Her sister is Madhuri. Madhuri is
not Azreen real sister. I like Azreen because she is responsible. She
takes care of her sick mother. She bathes and feeds her mother.
When Old Lady vegetable garden is trampled, she repairs it.
Azreen is determined. She always studies hard. She also wants to
find Madhuris murderer. She does not give up. Finally, she finds out
the truth. Azreen is also brave and courageous. She is Old Ladys
friend. She is not afraid of the stories. The villagers say she is a
witch. Azreen does not care. It is not true. When Old Ladys house is
in fire, Azreen wants to rescue her. She is really brave.
I like Azreen because she is a loyal. She defends Mohamad Asraf.
She says she opens the gate of the farm. Azreen is a strong girl. I
wish I have a friend like her. When her mothers basket is damaged,
she takes the blame. Azreen wants to protect the people she loves.
Azreen is responsible, determined, brave and loyal. Those are the
reasons why I like her. She is a good role model.
Based on one novel above, discuss one of the themes in the story.
Provide evidence from the text to support your answer
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. The theme that I would like to discuss here is
gender stereotyping .
In the novel, gender stereotyping is presented through how females
should behave. This can be seen especially through Azreen. For
example, Azreens school friends start to give suspicious eyes
towards her when she behaves unlady-like or tomboyish. She plays
hockey with the boys and even laughs like a bunch of hyenas with
them. To them, as a woman, Azreen is not expected to be
tomboyish and hangs too closely with boys.
In conclusion, Azreens unlady-like behaviors have created sense of
discomfort among the people around her. This is an example of how
gender stereotyping is presented in the novel.
Write about a character that you find most interesting. Support
your answer with evidence from the novel.
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. The character that I find most interesting in the
novel is the old lady.
The old lady is an educated woman as she has knowledge of herbal
medicine to treat illnesses. Her house is always neat and situated
by the hillside. She is a caring and concerned woman as she takes
Azreen in and gives her food and shelter whenever she has fights
and problems. She is also a resourceful person and she is a good
cook. Her recipes and secret ingredients are very much sought
In conclusion, the old lady is the most interesting character in the
novel. She is an educated woman, neat person, kind-hearted and a
good cook too.
Write about a character that you dislike in the novel. Support your
answer with evidence from the novel
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. The character that I dislike in the novel is Puan
I dislike Puan Normala because she is a rumour monger. She is the
one that spread the rumour about Madhuri and how she died. Puan
Normala is also superstitious. She blames the old ladys visit to
Ashrafs house as the reason for the continuous rain. Furthermore,
she is also a mean and malicious person. For example, she provokes
Mohd Ashraf to confront the old lady by accusing the old lady as the
reason why Ashrafs grandmothers health is getting worse. Because
of that, Ashraf burns down the old ladys house in anger, and causes
the old lady to die in the fire.
As conclusion, the character that I dislike most in the novel is Puan
Normala because she is a rumour monger, mean and malicious and
also a superstitious woman.
Write about a moral value you have learnt in the story.
Support your answer with evidence from the novel
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. A moral value that I have leant in the story is
This value is shown by Azreen. First, even as a young girl she takes
challenges and tries to prove to her friends that the Old Lady is not
an evil witch. When she is yelled at for entering the Old Ladys
house and destroying her vegetable garden, Azreen bravely defends
herself. In fact, she returns the next day and repairs the trampled
garden. Her action wins the Old Ladys heart.
The second evidence is when Azreen bravely takes the blame for
Mohd Asraf in the bull incident. She demonstrates courage. The
same bull later injures her mothers leg causing her to paralyze. She
was blamed and scolded by her father as well as the villagers. She
bravely endures that and never tells anyone of what really
The third event that displays her bravery is when she tries to tackle
the angry people who are about to attack the the Old Lady. When
the Old Ladys house is in fire, Azreen tries to rescue the Old Lady
but at the end she has to be rescued by her father. When the Old
Lady dies in the tragic fire, she confronts Mohd Asraf like a wildcat.
Finally, towards the end of the story, she finds out the secret that
her father has been keeping. She confronts her father about
Madhuris murder until he is forced to confess about the truth.
As conclusion, bravery is the moral value that I have learnt through
Azreen. For me, Azreen is very brave to confront people whom she
knows have done wrong to others. At the same time she is very
brave when defending herself and the people she loves.
The Curse is about a girl, named Azreen, her parents and sister,
Madhuri. Azreen, a strong-headed girl is studying in London but has
to take a leave from her study when she receives the news about
her sisters death. She is curious about the cause of her sisters
sudden death. When she reaches home, her sisters body has been
brought to the cemetery. She overhears a village gossiper, Puan
Normala talks about her sisters death. Normala claims that her
sister has been murdered and has shed white blood.

On her return, Azreen discovers a few truths about her family and
people around her. First she finds out that her sister has been in
love with Asraf, and has planned to marry and divorced her
husband, Hj Ghani. Second, Awang, the Shaman has actually caused
the accident which his parents are involved in and causes her
mother to become paralysed. Third, she learns that Madhuri is
actually her adopted sister and the crazy woman is Madhuris
biological mother. Fourth and finally, she discovers that Madhuri
has accidentally been killed by her father.

There is one old woman whom Azreen has turned to for emotional
support. The old woman lives alone in an abandoned house in the
jungle. Azreen learns a lot about life from this wise old woman. The
old woman however dies in a fire started by Asraf who has blamed
her for his grandmothers death.

At the end, Azreen returns to London to finish her study. She has
learned a valuable lesson from her short break at her little village in
Langkawi Island. She has learned to forgive others and to look
1. Write on a character that show responsibility in her or his
Based on the Novel The Curse by Lee Sue Ann, the character that
shows responsibility in her actions is Azreen Saleh. Azreen is not
only a responsible sister and daughter but also a responsible
student and friend .
Firstly, Azreen as a responsible sister comes back immediately
when she hears of her sisters death although at that time she is
about to sit for an examination that is important for her. She
postpones her examination in order of giving her sister her last
Secondly, as a daughter she shows her responsibility firstly, when
she spends the whole night repairing her mothers favourite rattan
basket that was broken by the heavy durians that she and Madhuri
has brought in. Subsequently, with Madhuris help she makes a new
rattan basket that looks like the one that she and Madhuri have
broken. In addition to that, Azreen accepts the offer to further her
studies in London for the sake of upbringing her family social status
and thus could then save a lot of money to get a better treatment
for her mother that is paralyzed by the bull escape incidents that
she .
Thirdly, as a friend and a student, Azreen shows her responsibility
when she accepts to join theschool hockey team as a substitution
to Hock Seng that is injured. She does that even though she knows
that she will be the only girl in the team and this will tarnish her
image as a girl. In fact she plays very well and almost scores a goal.
In addition to that, Azreen shows that she is a responsible friend,
when she brings a full basket of fresh vegetables and tomatoes to
The Old Lady of the forest to replace the one that she tramples
earlier when she comes to The Old Ladys house for the first time.
In conclusion, throughout the story, Azreen shows that she is a very
responsible towards her actions. In fact, I would like to have her as
a friend as a friend as such is hard to come by.
2. Which character do you like the most?
The novel I have studied is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The
novel is about the main character,Azreen, who returns from
England after she finds out about her sisters death. Upon her
return, she is surrounded by many secrets. She discovers the
circumstances of Madhuris death later in the story. At the end of
the story she finds out the truth and leaves for London an orphan
but more resilient and wise.
The character I like most is Azreen Salleh. She is a 20-year-old
student who is studying in a university college in London on an
exchange programme. She is short, bespectacled, rather bookish
and outspoken.
I like Azreen because she is outspoken and she is not afraid to
spoke her mind. She is vocal and says her opinions although
sometimes she says the wrong things at the wrong time. She
also hates her fathers treatment of her foster parents and
Madhuris burial ceremony that is conducted without her
presence. In handling the village gossip, Pn Normala, Azreen
tells her off that the rain has started even before the Old
Lady comes into town.
The second quality she has is she is courageous. As a child,
she plays hockey and football with the boys. In the bulls incident,
she is brave enough to accept the blame for the bulls escape
instead of blaming someone else. Azreen also shows her courage by
taking up the dare to knock on the Old Ladys door when
none wants to do it. In another instance, Azreen confronts her
father about Madhuris murder despite her young age.
Azreen also has strength of character. When she returns to her
village, she hears a lot of gossip surrounding her sisters death such
as as Madhuri having white blood and her death signals a curse to
the villagers. Azreen feels upset but she
never retaliates. Sheshows patience and strengh because
she knows that whatever she does, she cannot stop the villagers
from gossiping about her family. In another instance, Azreen is
told that her sister is murdered. She should have been very upset
about this news but she takes it calmly and does not become
hysterical. Later, when she finds out that her father is the culprit
who kills Madhuri, she feels no anger but regrets that it has to
happen. She understands her fathers anger and shame because
Madhuri has been having an illicit affair with Ashraf although
she is already married to Hj Ghani. Azreen also shows a lot of
strength because after all that has happened to her family,
she stays composed and strong and returns to England for her
In conclusion, there are many qualities in Azreen that I admire and
she is the character that I like most in the story.
3. Write on a character whom I think is exemplary
a) In the Curse by Lee Sue Ann, the character whom I think is
exemplary is The Old Lady of the forest. Throughout the novel, she
shows strength of character and wisdom.
When she first moves to the village as a newlywed, she is popular
among the villagers and she enjoys a blissful marital life with her
husband. Everything changes as her husband who becomes an
alcoholic starts to abuse her and finally she retaliates and kills him.
From then on, the villagers treat her like an outcast. She is forced to
move out of the village and makes an abandoned house her home.
She lives alone for years until she befriends Azreen and becomes
her mentor and will console her whenever she has a fight with her
When Asraf approaches The Old Lady for help, she is hesitant about
going back to the village. Yet she agrees and doing so, she puts her
life at risk. When she is trapped in the burning house, she tells
Azreen to save herself and she perishes in the fire. Even at deaths
door, she reminds Azreen about the importance of forgiveness and
tells her to heed all the advice she has given her.
The Old Lady is therefore an exemplary character as she is strong,
wise and honourable.
4. Write on a character that I admire / like
The novel The Curse by Lee Su Ann is very interesting. The character
I like the most is Azreen.Azreen is from Langkawi. She studies in
London. Her father is Salleh Ghani. Her sister is Madhuri. Madhuri is
not Azreen real sister. I like Azreen because she is responsible. She
takes care of her sick mother. She bathes and feeds her mother.
When Old Lady vegetable garden is trampled, she repairs it.
Azreen is determined. She always studies hard. She also wants to
find Madhuris murderer. She does not give up. Finally, she finds out
the truth. Azreen is also brave and courageous. She is Old Ladys
friend. She is not afraid of the stories. The villagers say she is a
witch. Azreen does not care. It is not true. When Old Ladys house is
in fire, Azreen wants to rescue her. She is really brave.
I like Azreen because she is a loyal. She defends Mohamad Asraf.
She says she opens the gate of the farm. Azreen is a strong girl. I
wish I have a friend like her. When her mothers basket is damaged,
she takes the blame. Azreen wants to protect the people she loves.
Azreen is responsible, determined, brave and loyal. Those are the
reasons why I like her. She is a good role model.
Based on one novel above, discuss one of the themes in the story.
Provide evidence from the text to support your answer
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. The theme that I would like to discuss here is
gender stereotyping .
In the novel, gender stereotyping is presented through how females
should behave. This can be seen especially through Azreen. For
example, Azreens school friends start to give suspicious eyes
towards her when she behaves unlady-like or tomboyish. She plays
hockey with the boys and even laughs like a bunch of hyenas with
them. To them, as a woman, Azreen is not expected to be
tomboyish and hangs too closely with boys.
In conclusion, Azreens unlady-like behaviors have created sense of
discomfort among the people around her. This is an example of how
gender stereotyping is presented in the novel.
Write about a character that you find most interesting. Support
your answer with evidence from the novel.
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. The character that I find most interesting in the
novel is the old lady.
The old lady is an educated woman as she has knowledge of herbal
medicine to treat illnesses. Her house is always neat and situated
by the hillside. She is a caring and concerned woman as she takes
Azreen in and gives her food and shelter whenever she has fights
and problems. She is also a resourceful person and she is a good
cook. Her recipes and secret ingredients are very much sought
In conclusion, the old lady is the most interesting character in the
novel. She is an educated woman, neat person, kind-hearted and a
good cook too.
Write about a character that you dislike in the novel. Support your
answer with evidence from the novel
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. The character that I dislike in the novel is Puan
I dislike Puan Normala because she is a rumour monger. She is the
one that spread the rumour about Madhuri and how she died. Puan
Normala is also superstitious. She blames the old ladys visit to
Ashrafs house as the reason for the continuous rain. Furthermore,
she is also a mean and malicious person. For example, she provokes
Mohd Ashraf to confront the old lady by accusing the old lady as the
reason why Ashrafs grandmothers health is getting worse. Because
of that, Ashraf burns down the old ladys house in anger, and causes
the old lady to die in the fire.
As conclusion, the character that I dislike most in the novel is Puan
Normala because she is a rumour monger, mean and malicious and
also a superstitious woman.
Write about a moral value you have learnt in the story.
Support your answer with evidence from the novel
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. A moral value that I have leant in the story is
This value is shown by Azreen. First, even as a young girl she takes
challenges and tries to prove to her friends that the Old Lady is not
an evil witch. When she is yelled at for entering the Old Ladys
house and destroying her vegetable garden, Azreen bravely defends
herself. In fact, she returns the next day and repairs the trampled
garden. Her action wins the Old Ladys heart.
The second evidence is when Azreen bravely takes the blame for
Mohd Asraf in the bull incident. She demonstrates courage. The
same bull later injures her mothers leg causing her to paralyze. She
was blamed and scolded by her father as well as the villagers. She
bravely endures that and never tells anyone of what really
The third event that displays her bravery is when she tries to tackle
the angry people who are about to attack the the Old Lady. When
the Old Ladys house is in fire, Azreen tries to rescue the Old Lady
but at the end she has to be rescued by her father. When the Old
Lady dies in the tragic fire, she confronts Mohd Asraf like a wildcat.
Finally, towards the end of the story, she finds out the secret that
her father has been keeping. She confronts her father about
Madhuris murder until he is forced to confess about the truth.
As conclusion, bravery is the moral value that I have learnt through
Azreen. For me, Azreen is very brave to confront people whom she
knows have done wrong to others. At the same time she is very
brave when defending herself and the people she loves.
The Curse is about a girl, named Azreen, her parents and sister,
Madhuri. Azreen, a strong-headed girl is studying in London but has
to take a leave from her study when she receives the news about
her sisters death. She is curious about the cause of her sisters
sudden death. When she reaches home, her sisters body has been
brought to the cemetery. She overhears a village gossiper, Puan
Normala talks about her sisters death. Normala claims that her
sister has been murdered and has shed white blood.

On her return, Azreen discovers a few truths about her family and
people around her. First she finds out that her sister has been in
love with Asraf, and has planned to marry and divorced her
husband, Hj Ghani. Second, Awang, the Shaman has actually caused
the accident which his parents are involved in and causes her
mother to become paralysed. Third, she learns that Madhuri is
actually her adopted sister and the crazy woman is Madhuris
biological mother. Fourth and finally, she discovers that Madhuri
has accidentally been killed by her father.

There is one old woman whom Azreen has turned to for emotional
support. The old woman lives alone in an abandoned house in the
jungle. Azreen learns a lot about life from this wise old woman. The
old woman however dies in a fire started by Asraf who has blamed
her for his grandmothers death.

At the end, Azreen returns to London to finish her study. She has
learned a valuable lesson from her short break at her little village in
Langkawi Island. She has learned to forgive others and to look
1. Write on a character that show responsibility in her or his
Based on the Novel The Curse by Lee Sue Ann, the character that
shows responsibility in her actions is Azreen Saleh. Azreen is not
only a responsible sister and daughter but also a responsible
student and friend .
Firstly, Azreen as a responsible sister comes back immediately
when she hears of her sisters death although at that time she is
about to sit for an examination that is important for her. She
postpones her examination in order of giving her sister her last
Secondly, as a daughter she shows her responsibility firstly, when
she spends the whole night repairing her mothers favourite rattan
basket that was broken by the heavy durians that she and Madhuri
has brought in. Subsequently, with Madhuris help she makes a new
rattan basket that looks like the one that she and Madhuri have
broken. In addition to that, Azreen accepts the offer to further her
studies in London for the sake of upbringing her family social status
and thus could then save a lot of money to get a better treatment
for her mother that is paralyzed by the bull escape incidents that
she .
Thirdly, as a friend and a student, Azreen shows her responsibility
when she accepts to join theschool hockey team as a substitution
to Hock Seng that is injured. She does that even though she knows
that she will be the only girl in the team and this will tarnish her
image as a girl. In fact she plays very well and almost scores a goal.
In addition to that, Azreen shows that she is a responsible friend,
when she brings a full basket of fresh vegetables and tomatoes to
The Old Lady of the forest to replace the one that she tramples
earlier when she comes to The Old Ladys house for the first time.
In conclusion, throughout the story, Azreen shows that she is a very
responsible towards her actions. In fact, I would like to have her as
a friend as a friend as such is hard to come by.
2. Which character do you like the most?
The novel I have studied is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The
novel is about the main character,Azreen, who returns from
England after she finds out about her sisters death. Upon her
return, she is surrounded by many secrets. She discovers the
circumstances of Madhuris death later in the story. At the end of
the story she finds out the truth and leaves for London an orphan
but more resilient and wise.
The character I like most is Azreen Salleh. She is a 20-year-old
student who is studying in a university college in London on an
exchange programme. She is short, bespectacled, rather bookish
and outspoken.
I like Azreen because she is outspoken and she is not afraid to
spoke her mind. She is vocal and says her opinions although
sometimes she says the wrong things at the wrong time. She
also hates her fathers treatment of her foster parents and
Madhuris burial ceremony that is conducted without her
presence. In handling the village gossip, Pn Normala, Azreen
tells her off that the rain has started even before the Old
Lady comes into town.
The second quality she has is she is courageous. As a child,
she plays hockey and football with the boys. In the bulls incident,
she is brave enough to accept the blame for the bulls escape
instead of blaming someone else. Azreen also shows her courage by
taking up the dare to knock on the Old Ladys door when
none wants to do it. In another instance, Azreen confronts her
father about Madhuris murder despite her young age.
Azreen also has strength of character. When she returns to her
village, she hears a lot of gossip surrounding her sisters death such
as as Madhuri having white blood and her death signals a curse to
the villagers. Azreen feels upset but she
never retaliates. Sheshows patience and strengh because
she knows that whatever she does, she cannot stop the villagers
from gossiping about her family. In another instance, Azreen is
told that her sister is murdered. She should have been very upset
about this news but she takes it calmly and does not become
hysterical. Later, when she finds out that her father is the culprit
who kills Madhuri, she feels no anger but regrets that it has to
happen. She understands her fathers anger and shame because
Madhuri has been having an illicit affair with Ashraf although
she is already married to Hj Ghani. Azreen also shows a lot of
strength because after all that has happened to her family,
she stays composed and strong and returns to England for her
In conclusion, there are many qualities in Azreen that I admire and
she is the character that I like most in the story.
3. Write on a character whom I think is exemplary
a) In the Curse by Lee Sue Ann, the character whom I think is
exemplary is The Old Lady of the forest. Throughout the novel, she
shows strength of character and wisdom.
When she first moves to the village as a newlywed, she is popular
among the villagers and she enjoys a blissful marital life with her
husband. Everything changes as her husband who becomes an
alcoholic starts to abuse her and finally she retaliates and kills him.
From then on, the villagers treat her like an outcast. She is forced to
move out of the village and makes an abandoned house her home.
She lives alone for years until she befriends Azreen and becomes
her mentor and will console her whenever she has a fight with her
When Asraf approaches The Old Lady for help, she is hesitant about
going back to the village. Yet she agrees and doing so, she puts her
life at risk. When she is trapped in the burning house, she tells
Azreen to save herself and she perishes in the fire. Even at deaths
door, she reminds Azreen about the importance of forgiveness and
tells her to heed all the advice she has given her.
The Old Lady is therefore an exemplary character as she is strong,
wise and honourable.
4. Write on a character that I admire / like
The novel The Curse by Lee Su Ann is very interesting. The character
I like the most is Azreen.Azreen is from Langkawi. She studies in
London. Her father is Salleh Ghani. Her sister is Madhuri. Madhuri is
not Azreen real sister. I like Azreen because she is responsible. She
takes care of her sick mother. She bathes and feeds her mother.
When Old Lady vegetable garden is trampled, she repairs it.
Azreen is determined. She always studies hard. She also wants to
find Madhuris murderer. She does not give up. Finally, she finds out
the truth. Azreen is also brave and courageous. She is Old Ladys
friend. She is not afraid of the stories. The villagers say she is a
witch. Azreen does not care. It is not true. When Old Ladys house is
in fire, Azreen wants to rescue her. She is really brave.
I like Azreen because she is a loyal. She defends Mohamad Asraf.
She says she opens the gate of the farm. Azreen is a strong girl. I
wish I have a friend like her. When her mothers basket is damaged,
she takes the blame. Azreen wants to protect the people she loves.
Azreen is responsible, determined, brave and loyal. Those are the
reasons why I like her. She is a good role model.
Based on one novel above, discuss one of the themes in the story.
Provide evidence from the text to support your answer
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. The theme that I would like to discuss here is
gender stereotyping .
In the novel, gender stereotyping is presented through how females
should behave. This can be seen especially through Azreen. For
example, Azreens school friends start to give suspicious eyes
towards her when she behaves unlady-like or tomboyish. She plays
hockey with the boys and even laughs like a bunch of hyenas with
them. To them, as a woman, Azreen is not expected to be
tomboyish and hangs too closely with boys.
In conclusion, Azreens unlady-like behaviors have created sense of
discomfort among the people around her. This is an example of how
gender stereotyping is presented in the novel.
Write about a character that you find most interesting. Support
your answer with evidence from the novel.
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. The character that I find most interesting in the
novel is the old lady.
The old lady is an educated woman as she has knowledge of herbal
medicine to treat illnesses. Her house is always neat and situated
by the hillside. She is a caring and concerned woman as she takes
Azreen in and gives her food and shelter whenever she has fights
and problems. She is also a resourceful person and she is a good
cook. Her recipes and secret ingredients are very much sought
In conclusion, the old lady is the most interesting character in the
novel. She is an educated woman, neat person, kind-hearted and a
good cook too.
Write about a character that you dislike in the novel. Support your
answer with evidence from the novel
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. The character that I dislike in the novel is Puan
I dislike Puan Normala because she is a rumour monger. She is the
one that spread the rumour about Madhuri and how she died. Puan
Normala is also superstitious. She blames the old ladys visit to
Ashrafs house as the reason for the continuous rain. Furthermore,
she is also a mean and malicious person. For example, she provokes
Mohd Ashraf to confront the old lady by accusing the old lady as the
reason why Ashrafs grandmothers health is getting worse. Because
of that, Ashraf burns down the old ladys house in anger, and causes
the old lady to die in the fire.
As conclusion, the character that I dislike most in the novel is Puan
Normala because she is a rumour monger, mean and malicious and
also a superstitious woman.
Write about a moral value you have learnt in the story.
Support your answer with evidence from the novel
The novel that I choose is The Curse by Lee Su Ann. The story is
about the mysterious death of Azreens adopted sister, Madhuri,
and how Azreen goes through everything to find out the truth
behind the death. A moral value that I have leant in the story is
This value is shown by Azreen. First, even as a young girl she takes
challenges and tries to prove to her friends that the Old Lady is not
an evil witch. When she is yelled at for entering the Old Ladys
house and destroying her vegetable garden, Azreen bravely defends
herself. In fact, she returns the next day and repairs the trampled
garden. Her action wins the Old Ladys heart.
The second evidence is when Azreen bravely takes the blame for
Mohd Asraf in the bull incident. She demonstrates courage. The
same bull later injures her mothers leg causing her to paralyze. She
was blamed and scolded by her father as well as the villagers. She
bravely endures that and never tells anyone of what really
The third event that displays her bravery is when she tries to tackle
the angry people who are about to attack the the Old Lady. When
the Old Ladys house is in fire, Azreen tries to rescue the Old Lady
but at the end she has to be rescued by her father. When the Old
Lady dies in the tragic fire, she confronts Mohd Asraf like a wildcat.
Finally, towards the end of the story, she finds out the secret that
her father has been keeping. She confronts her father about
Madhuris murder until he is forced to confess about the truth.
As conclusion, bravery is the moral value that I have learnt through
Azreen. For me, Azreen is very brave to confront people whom she
knows have done wrong to others. At the same time she is very
brave when defending herself and the people she loves.
The Curse is about a girl, named Azreen, her parents and sister,
Madhuri. Azreen, a strong-headed girl is studying in London but has
to take a leave from her study when she receives the news about
her sisters death. She is curious about the cause of her sisters
sudden death. When she reaches home, her sisters body has been
brought to the cemetery. She overhears a village gossiper, Puan
Normala talks about her sisters death. Normala claims that her
sister has been murdered and has shed white blood.

On her return, Azreen discovers a few truths about her family and
people around her. First she finds out that her sister has been in
love with Asraf, and has planned to marry and divorced her
husband, Hj Ghani. Second, Awang, the Shaman has actually caused
the accident which his parents are involved in and causes her
mother to become paralysed. Third, she learns that Madhuri is
actually her adopted sister and the crazy woman is Madhuris
biological mother. Fourth and finally, she discovers that Madhuri
has accidentally been killed by her father.

There is one old woman whom Azreen has turned to for emotional
support. The old woman lives alone in an abandoned house in the
jungle. Azreen learns a lot about life from this wise old woman. The
old woman however dies in a fire started by Asraf who has blamed
her for his grandmothers death.

At the end, Azreen returns to London to finish her study. She has
learned a valuable lesson from her short break at her little village in
Langkawi Island. She has learned to forgive others and to look

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