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ALL Lab iepoits shoulu be wiitten in a neat anu cleai way. Failuie to wiite in a iequiieu
foimat will iesult in the lost of points (up to 1upts). The complete iepoit incluues:

45' 6)7'* ("8' 9: (+3;
The title of youi expeiiments
Youi Full name anu lab session
The uue Bate
The uate you submit it

<)=> )? >)/* *'()*+ -2@A/='3 +5' 5-85A-85+'= 4-+A'3 )?
BC D2+*)=/@+-)2E F/*()3' )? +5' 'G('*-1'2+ 9B (+3;
(You neeu to biiefly talk about the puipose of the Labu)----------S pts

:C H'3-82 9B (+3;
(Talk about uiffeient types of filteis anu cutoff fiequency (high, low anu banu pass
(What is youi consiueiation on selecting the iesistois anu capacitois to implement
it.)----------16 pts

IC F*)@'=/*' 9B (+3;
(Biiefly talk about the steps to complete the lab)----------S pts

JC K-1/A"+-)2 *'3/A+3E L'"3/*'= H"+" "2"A>3-3 9B (+3;
(Foi Week1, Inteipiet the plot geneiateu fiom the sweep simulation, is it consistent
with the theoiy)
Foi Week2, attach all the iequiieu wavefoims anu measuieu iesults anu talk about
if youi filteis function piopeily, if not, why. What aie the uiawbacks of the RC
filteis.)----------27 pts

MC 6)2@A/3-)2 9B (+3;
(Biscuss what you leaineu fiom the Labu anu any pioblem you may have anu how
uo you solve it baseu on youi thought.)----------S pts

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