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Unit 8 Project Management 2009-10

Progress Reports,,

Progress Reports detail where the project is in relation to the plan and look at
any changes to be made to ensure the project delivers on time.

Examiner Comments (abridged)

Strand d -

This strand is marked on the evidence of using project management methods to monitor
progress, show communication and deliver the product and other deliverables.
• The hand over date must be set at the beginning of the project and met at the
end…changing dates of tasks as the project progresses is to ensure that the end
date is met. Hand over should not take place before the agreed date or after it.
• There must be evidence of plans being used to monitor progress. The evidence for
this includes referring to the plan to check progress in meetings and
communications, making changes to tasks and sub tasks with explanations,
producing more than one plan as the project advances.
• The hand over must be evidenced, a handover document which the client
completes including date, signature and feedback, is good practice.

Progress Report Task

1. As a project manager you would be expected to produce progress reports

for stakeholders.
2. Using the example document you are to create a progress report that
relates to your project.
3. Add any actions from the Review Meeting that have not yet been done as
tasks which are behind schedule.
4. Now email the Report to those on your distribution list. Make sure your
client sends a useful reply. Save screenshots of your email and the reply.

Save your documents in your N drive Unit 8 folder.

Drag and drop a copy of

1. the report, called Progress_Report_YourFirstName.docx
2. and a copy of the emails, called
into the U:/Coursework folder for your class
in or before the lessons this Friday (11th December).

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