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History Research

2013; 1(2): 5-24

Published online September 30, 2013 (http://wwws!ien!epublishin""roup!om/#/histor$)
doi: 1011%4&/#histor$2013010211

National identity: who are the Albanians? the Illyrian
anthroponymy and the ethnogenesis of the Albanians
Vladislav B. Sotirovi
'$(ol)s *omeris +ni,ersit$, -nstitute o. Politi!)l S!ien!es, /ilnius, 0ithu)ni)
Email address:
,sotiro,i!1mrunieu, sotiro,i!1#u"osl),olo"i#)eu
To cite this article:
/l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the 7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns
History Research. /ol 1, 4o 2, 2013, pp 5-24 doi: 1011%4&/#histor$2013010211

Abstract: *ese)r!h problem: 8he 5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis )nd n)tion)l identit$ .r)med b$ the 9-ll$ri)n: theor$ o.
5lb)ni)n ethni!)l )nd !ultur)l ori"in )nd the m)in possible politi!)l !onse;uen!es o. the implement)tion o. the 9-ll$ri)n:
theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis, )!!epted .irstl$ b$ the n)tion)l )w)(enin" mo,ement o. the 5lb)ni)ns (1&<&=1>13)
!)lled 9*ilind#):, ie, the ren)iss)n!e 'ethodolo"$: 5n)l$sis )nd !omp)rison o. di..erent histori!)l sour!es, s!ienti.i!
liter)ture )nd ideolo"i!)ll$-prop)")nd) wor(s b$ distin!t )nd opposite )uthors o. di..erent ethni!)l )nd edu!)tion)l
Keywords: 5lb)ni)ns, 2)l()ns, 4)tion)l -dentit$, 4)tion)lism, 7thno"enesis, -ll$ri)ns

1. Introduction
?n the .irst pl)!e we must be !le)r )bout wh)t the
)uto!hthon$, )nthropon$m$ )nd ethno"enesis o. the
5lb)ni)ns me)n 5!tu)ll$, it is ) ;uestion: h),e the
5lb)ni)ns been li,in" uninterruptedl$ on the present-d)$
9ethni!)l: territories o. the 5lb)ni)ns (5lb)ni), the 7)stern
'ontene"ro, @oso,o )nd 'etohi#), the Southern Aentr)l
Serbi), the Bestern ')!edoni) )nd the 4orthern 7pirus)
sin!e the )n!ient Cree( )nd *om)n times or not6 -n the
other words, )re the 5lb)ni)ns re)ll$ the indi"enous people
o. the 2)l()ns )s the$ !l)im or #ust the new!omers to their
present-d)$ ethni!)l territories6 8rue, the ;uestion o.
-ll$ri)n ethni! )nd !ultur)l b)!("round o. the present-d)$
5lb)ni)ns (ie, the ethno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns) h)s been
politi!iDed in the re!ent period 8he ;uestion is rel)ted both
to the )n!ient histor$ o. the 5lb)ni)ns )nd to the pre-
histor$ o. their l)n"u)"e
Eor some Cerm)n )nd 5ustri)n 1>
!entur$ lin"uists )nd
histori)ns it w)s e,ident th)t the 5lb)ni)ns were
)uto!hthonous popul)tion in 5lb)ni) sin!e pre-Cre!o-
*om)n times -t me)ns th)t these s!hol)rs )!!epted the
theor$ th)t the 1>
!entur$ 5lb)ni)n n)tion h)d dire!t
ethni!)l !ontinuit$ .rom the )uto!hthonous 2)l()n people =
the )n!ient -ll$ri)ns Eor 5lb)ni)n s!ientists it is
in!ontest)ble th)t not onl$ !ultur)l, but )lso, ethni!
!ontinuit$ eFists between the )n!ient -ll$ri)ns )nd the
present-d)$ 5lb)ni)ns ')n$ o. the 20
!entur$ s!hol)rs,
espe!i)ll$ ).ter the Se!ond Borld B)r, howe,er, h),e ;uite
opposite opinion .or the ,er$ s!ienti.i! re)son: the theor$
o. -ll$ri)n ori"in o. the 5lb)ni)ns is not supported b$ )n$
sin"le histori!)l sour!eG 8he$ !l)im th)t the 5lb)ni)ns )re
not n)ti,e 2)l()n popul)tion )s the$ )re new!omers to the
present-d)$ 5lb)ni) .rom more or less dist)nt re"ions 8wo
m)in )r"uments .or this h$pothesis or theor$ )re: 1) the
H)!i)n-5lb)ni)n-*om)ni)n lin"uisti! !onne!tions; )nd 2)
the pl)!e-n)mes in 5lb)ni), whi!h indi!)te ) l)!( o.
-ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n !ontinuit$ 4e,ertheless, the se!ond
)ppro)!h to the ;uestion o. 5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis, ie th)t
the 5lb)ni)ns )re the new!omers to the 2)l()n Peninsul)
who !)me l)ter in !omp)rison to )ll 5lb)ni)n nei"hbors, is
b)!(ed b$ se,er)l histori!)l sour!es
. The Science o! Albanolo"y and
#olitical $laims
8he interest o. 7urope)n s!hol)rs, prim)ril$ Cerm)n )nd
5ustri)n, in rese)r!h o. 5lb)ni)n ethni!)l ori"in rose
"r)du)ll$ durin" the se!ond h)l. o. the 1>

8he ;uestion o. 5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis w)s .irstl$ eF)mined b$ Ioh)n
8hunm)nn (1<4%J1<<&) in 1<<4 (Research on history of the East
European peoples, 0eipDi") )nd Ioh)n Ceor" ,on K)hn (1&11J1&%>) in
% /l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3: 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the
7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns
interest .or 5lb)ni)n )nd 2)l()n studies !)me l)ter in
!omp)rison with the other ethni!)l "roups )nd re"ions in
7urope 8he re)son w)s th)t 7uro-!entrism o. the l)te 1>

!entur$ )nd the e)rl$ 20
!entur$ de.ined the 2)l()ns )nd
its n)tions )s the territor$ )nd peoples o. ;uite obs!ure
identit$ -n !omp)rison with ) 9re)l 7urope:, the 2)l()ns
w)s 9?rient:, not p)rt o. 7urope )t )ll, )nd )bo,e )ll it w)s
!onsidered )s 9un!i,iliDed: p)rt o. the world
4onetheless, when it st)rted, the rese)r!h upon 5lb)ni)n
studies w)s .o!used on the rel)tionships o. 5lb)ni)n
l)n"u)"e to other 7urope)n l)n"u)"es Kowe,er, the .ist
h$pothesis o. 5lb)ni)n ethni!)l ori"in w)s ;uite indistin!t
)nd ,er$ soon dis!)rded b$ the m)#orit$ o. s!hol)rs
5!!ordin" to this nebulous h$pothesis b$ 5 S!hlei!her, the
5lb)ni)ns ori"in)ted .rom the Pel)s"i)ns who were
supposed to be the most indi"enous 2)l()n popul)tion,
settled not onl$ on the whole territor$ o. the 2)l()n
Peninsul), but )lso inh)bited )nd m)#or portion o. the
'editerr)ne)n b)sin in the pre-histori! times 'oreo,er, it
w)s wron"l$ belie,ed th)t -ndo-7urope)n l)n"u)"es )s the
Cree(, 0)tin )nd 9)n!ient: 5lb)ni)n (ie, -ll$ri)n l)n"u)"e)
were deri,ed .rom the )n!ient Pel)s"i)n l)n"u)"e
Kowe,er, some o. 5lb)ni)n s!hol)rs still tod)$ belie,e th)t
this h$pothesis h)s re)l s!ienti.i! .ound)tions re")rdless on
the .)!t th)t l)ter 1>
!entur$ lin"uists )nd rese)r!hers in

1&54 (Albanian studies, Ien)) 2oth o. them h)d opinion, but not b)sed on
)n$ sour!e, th)t the 5lb)ni)ns li,e on the territories o. the )n!ient -ll$ri)ns
)nd the$ )re n)ti,e )nd -ll$ri)n in essen!e K)hn thou"ht th)t )n!ient
n)mes li(e Dalmatia, Ulcinium, Dardania, et! were o. -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n
ori"in 8his h$pothesis is )bsolutel$ )!!epted b$ modern 5lb)ni)n
lin"uists Eor eF)mple, we !)n re)d th)t 9the n)me o. Ragusium (present-
d)$ Hubro,ni(), whi!h in the mouth o. the 5lb)ni)ns w)s Rush Rush,
shows th)t the 5dri)ti! !o)st w)s p)rt o. the territor$ inh)bited b$ the
)n!estors o. 5lb)ni)ns be$ond the present ethni! borders 8he )doption o.
this n)me b$ the 5lb)ni)ns belon"s to the time sin!e %14 2A Eor
inst)n!e, we !)n re)d 9- !on!lude th)t there is ) !ontinuit$ o. the
5lb)ni)ns in their present territories sin!e )n!ient times 8he old pl)!e-
n)mes in their present .orm indi!)te th)t this popul)tion h)s !ontinuousl$
inh)bited the !o)sts o. the 5dri)ti! .rom th)t time until tod)$: LM)be# 7,
98he problem o. the )uto!hthon$ o. 5lb)ni)ns in the li"ht o. pl)!e-n)mes:,
Buletini i Universitetit Shteteror te iranes, N 2, 1>5&, pp 54=%2O 8his
st)ndpoint is usu)ll$ un;uestion)bl$ re!o"niDed )s the .in)l truth b$
5lb)ni)n )nd Cerm)n rese)r!hers li(e Peter 2)rtl in his boo(: Albanian.
!om "ittelalter bis #ur $egen%art, *e"ensbur", /erl)" Eriedri!h Pustet,
1>>5 LSerb l)n"u)"e edition: PQRST U, &'()*+, -. /01.213 415) .-
.)*)/, PVWXRQY: A0-?, 2001, p 15O Kowe,er, the -ll$ri)n theor$ o.
5lb)ni)n ori"in (the 5lb)ni)ns were !onsidered e,en )s the oldest
7urope)n people) w)s !re)ted b$ Cerm)n )nd 5ustri)n s!hol)rs .or the
,er$ politi!)l purpose: to unite )ll ethni! 5lb)ni)ns )round the !entr)l
politi!)l ideolo"$ )nd n)tion)l !ons!iousness LPQSQZW[\] ^ P, 6-/-4- ,
718-9,:). ;/8-0,:) , ,.1-'-3,:), _R`XW YWa`bVcW \dYQbV, PVWXRQY:
e\XWfQ gSQhaQ, 200<, pp %%J%<; iZhVj\] i, <84)0)21 =>3-/')4,:1
?@ABC?A?D, --, PVWXRQY, 1>&>, pp 450J455O 5t th)t time, li(e tod)$, the
ethni! 5lb)ni)ns were di,ided into three )nt)"onisti! !on.essions (-sl)m,
*om)n-A)tholi!ism )nd ?rthodoF$) )nd m)n$ hostile !l)ns b)sed on the
trib)l ori"in -n .)!t, the Cerm)n s!hol)rs in,ented .or 5lb)ni)ns both
)rti.i!i)l tr)dition )nd )rti.i!i)l 9im)"ined !ommunit$: in order to be more
s!ienti.i!)ll$ stron"er in their territori)l !l)ims )")inst the Serbs,
'ontene"rins )nd Cree(s -n this !onteFt, we !)nnot .or"et th)t the .irst
5lb)ni)n st)te w)s !re)ted )nd supported eF)!tl$ b$ 5ustri)-Kun")r$ )nd
Cerm)n$ in 1>12J1>13 -n the other words, the 5lb)ni)ns h),e been the
2)l()n !lients o. Cerm)n politi!)l eFp)nsionism in the re"ion
!omp)r)ti,e philolo"$ undermined the 9Pel)s"i)n:
h$pothesis )nd .in)ll$ )t the be"innin" o. the 20
o,erturned it
8he Cerm)n lin"uist Er)nD 2opp w)s the .ist who
!l)imed (in 1&54) th)t 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e h)d to be
!onsidered )s sep)r)te br)n!h o. -ndo-7urope)n .)mil$ o.
l)n"u)"es S!ienti.i! .ound)tion o. the h$pothesis th)t
5lb)ni)ns should deri,e their ethni!)l ori"in .rom the
2)l()n -ll$ri)ns )!!ordin" to the l)n"u)"e !riteri) w)s l)id
b$ the l)te 1>
!entur$ 5ustri)n philolo"ists Cust), 'e$er
7F)!tl$, he !l)imed th)t !ontempor)r$ 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e
w)s ) di)le!t o. )n!ient -ll$ri)n l)n"u)"e Kis !l)ims
initi)ll$ were b)sed on the results o. )n)l$Ded ) .ew
hundred b)si! 5lb)ni)n words, tr)!in" their -ndo-7urope)n
ori"in 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l wor(ers tr)ns.ormed l)ter this
'e$erks h$pothesis into the 9-ll$ri)n: theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n
ethni!)l b)!("round 'e$erks h$pothesis w)s b)sed on his
result o. lin"uisti! in,esti")tions )nd !omp)risons o.
)n!ient -ll$ri)n l)n"u)"e with !ontempor)r$ 5lb)ni)n
l)n"u)"e 'e$er )r"ued th)t modern 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e
h)d to be !onsidered )s the l)st ph)se o. old -ll$ri)n
l)n"u)"e e,olution Spe!i.i!)ll$, )!!ordin" to him, the 1>

!entur$ 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e w)s ) di)le!t o. )n!ient -ll$ri)n
Kowe,er, the !ru!i)l problem with ')$erks
methodolo"$ w)s the .)!t th)t we do not h),e )n$ sour!e
o. re!orded )n!ient -ll$ri)n l)n"u)"e )s the$ h),e been
illiter)te 8he re!onstru!tion o. this )n!ient l)n"u)"e is )
m)tter o. the s!ien!e o. .)nt)s$ 4e,ertheless, C 'e$er, )
pro.essor )t Cr)D +ni,ersit$ .rom 1&&0 to 1&>% wrote
se,er)l wor(s in whi!h he w)s be)tin" 5 S!hlei!herks
Pel)s"i)n theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n ori"in ')$er !l)imed in his
wor(s (Albanesischen Studien, Albanesische $rammatiE,
Etymologische FGrterbuch der Albanesischen Schprache)
th)t 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e w)s nothin" else th)n the di)le!t o.
the )n!ient -ll$ri)n l)n"u)"e

'e$erks h$potheti!)l !l)ims were t)(en up b$ m)#orit$
o. 5lb)ni)n )uthors, prim)ril$ .rom -t)l$, who m)de use o.
them in the prop)")nd) o. re)liD)tion o. 5lb)ni)n territori)l
!l)ims )nd espe!i)ll$ b$ 5lb)ni)n n)tion)listi! mo,ement
in the !omin" de!)des 8he .in)l )im o. this prop)")nd)
wor( w)s to pro,e, usin" the s!hol)rl$ e,iden!e o. rese)r!h
results, th)t 5lb)ni)ns were not members o. ethni!)l 8ur(s,
Cree(s or the South Sl),i! popul)tion, but r)ther members
o. ) tot)ll$ di..erent ethni! "roup, who h)d its own
l)n"u)"e wh)t w)s not so di..i!ult to pro,e -n the other
words, the$ .ou"ht .or intern)tion)l re!o"nition o. the
eFisten!e o. sep)r)te 5lb)ni)n n)tionhood whi!h h)d
!ert)in n)tion)l ri"hts )mon" whi!h the ri"ht to !re)te their
own n)tion)l independent (5lb)ni)n) st)te w)s the b)si!
one Su!h n)tion)l st)te o. 5lb)ni)ns should embr)!e )ll
5lb)ni)n popul)tion in the 2)l()n Peninsul) Eor inst)n!e,
the 5lb)ni)n Aonst)ntinople Aommittee eFpressed on ')$

*e")rdin" the !ontempor)r$ s!ienti.i! results on this ;uestion see in:
K)mp 7 P, 98he Position o. 5lb)ni)n:, Hroceedings of Ionference on
JndoKEuropean Linguistics, 0os 5n"eles, 1>%3
PQSQZW[\] ^ _, 6-/-4- , 718-9,:). ;/8-0,:) , ,.1-'-3,:), _R`XW
YWa`bVcW \dYQbV, PVWXRQY: e\XWfQ gSQhaQ, 200<, p %%
Kistor$ *ese)r!h 2013; 1(2): 5-24 <

, 1&<& its wish .or pe)!e.ul !oeFisten!e between the
5lb)ni)ns )nd their Sl),oni! )nd Cree( nei"hbors, but onl$
under !ondition th)t 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l l)nds would be
in!luded into uni.ied 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l st)te
8he so-!)lled JtaloKAlbanians, or Arbereshi, whose
prede!essors emi"r)ted .rom 5lb)ni) ).ter the de)th o.
S!)nderbe" in 14%& to the southern -t)li)n pro,in!es o.
Pu"li), A)l)bri) )nd Si!il$, .ormul)ted this politi!)l
pro"r)m .or uni.i!)tion o. 5lb)ni)ns into united or Cre)ter
5lb)ni) 8he pro"r)m underlined th)t the )!hie,ement o.
n)tion)l unit$ )nd liber)tion o. the 5lb)ni)ns re;uires their
territori)l uni.i!)tion, #oint e!onom$, #oint st)nd)rdiDed
l)n"u)"e )nd ) per,)si,e spirit o. p)triotism )nd mutu)l
solid)rit$ 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l le)der .rom the end o. the 1>

!entur$, 4)lm Er)shmri (1&4%=1>00), des!ribed with the
.ollowin" words wh)t does me)n to be 5lb)ni)n: 95ll o. us
)re onl$ sin"le tribe, ) sin"le .)mil$; we )re o. one blood
)nd one l)n"u)"e:
-t is ob,ious th)t 5lb)ni)n wor(ers on
n)tion)l uni.i!)tion )t the turn o. the 20
!entur$ see( )n
5lb)ni)n ethni!)l )nd !ultur)l identit$ prim)ril$ in
!ommon l)n"u)"e sin!e in 5lb)ni)n !)se the reli"ion w)s
di,isi,e r)ther th)n uni.$in" .)!tor 8he$ dem)nded )s well
)s, .or the s)me purpose o. n)tion)l uni.i!)tion, th)t
5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e should be written in the 0)tin )lph)bet
in order to distin"uish themsel,es .rom the nei"hborin"
Cree(s, Serbs, 'ontene"rins )nd ?ttom)n lords wh)t w)s
tot)ll$ irrele,)nt to o,erwhelmin" m)#orit$ o. the
5lb)ni)ns who !ould re)d no one s!ript )t )ll
the n)tion)l uni.i!)tion o. 5lb)ni)n people on the b)sis o.
l)n"u)"e w)s not !ompletel$ su!!ess.ul sin!e e,en tod)$
there )re m)n$ di..i!ulties .or Che" 5lb)ni)ns to properl$
underst)nd the 8os( 5lb)ni)n di)le!t

%. The &Illyrian' Theory o! Albanian
Ethnical (ri"in
8he so-!)lled 9-ll$ri)n: theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n ethni!)l

Cut Ah, 9Croupe de 8r),)il sur lk7urope Aentr)le et ?rient)le:, Bulletin
dMJnformation, N 2, Iune 1&<&, P)ris, p 40
-ntern)tion)l politi!)l )spe!t o. 5lb)ni)n stru""le .or p)n-5lb)ni)n
n)tion)l uni.i!)tion into Cre)ter 5lb)ni) is ,isible .rom the .)!t th)t
5lb)ni)n n)tion)l wor(ers tried to "et Best 7urope)n support .or this
pro#e!t b$ !l)imin" th)t Cre)ter 5lb)ni) would be the !ru!i)l bulw)r(
)")inst *ussi)n penetr)tion to the 2)l()ns ,i) *ussi)n !lient (?rthodoF)
n)tions )nd st)tes = the Serbs, 'ontene"rins )nd Cree(s Eor inst)n!e,
'ontene"ro w)s presented b$ 5lb)ni)ns )s 9the *ussi)n outpost )t the
5dri)ti! Se): 8he 5lb)ni)n S)mi Er)shmri published )n )rti!le in -st)nbul
newsp)pers ercNmanKi OarE on September 2<
, 1&<& in whi!h the borders
o. Cre)ter 5lb)ni) were .ounded: .our 95lb)ni)n: pro,in!es (,il)$ets) o.
the ?ttom)n 7mpire = S!odr), 2itol), -o)nin) )nd @oso,o would be
united into the so-!)lled 95lb)ni)n /il)$et: 8he Eirst PriDren 0e)"ue, )s
the .irst or")niDed 5lb)ni)n politi!)l or")niD)tion, )!!epted this pro#e!t in
the )utumn o. 1&<> )s the pro"r)me o. the or")niD)tion LPQRST U,
&'()*+, -. /01.213 415) .- .)*)/, PVWXRQY: A0-?, 2001, pp >%,
100J101O See the )ppendiF N 1
Kobsb)wm 7 I, Pations and Pationalism since ?@DA. Hrogramme, "yth,
Reality, A)mbrid"e, 2000, pp 52, 115 5bout the l)n"u)"e b)sis o.
(non)identi.i!)tion )mon" the 5lb)ni)ns .rom the be"innin" o. the 20

!entur$ see: Hurh)m 7, High Albania, 0ondon, 1>0>, p 1<
ori"in (!re)ted b$ Cerm)n )nd 5ustri)n s!hol)rs) is the
most popul)r theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n n)tionks deri,)tion )mon"
the m)#orit$ o. 1>
)nd 20
!entur$ 5lb)ni)n s!hol)rs,
politi!i)ns )nd intelle!tu)ls
8he !ru!i)l )nd !on!ludin"
point o. this theor$ (in .)!t, it is #ust non-pro,)ble
h$pothesis) is th)t 5lb)ni)ns )re )uthenti! n)tion
(ethnolin"uisti! "roup) )t the 2)l()ns, the oldest,
)bori"in)l )nd )uto!hthonous one in this p)rt o. 7urope 5s
) result, 5lb)ni)n South Sl),i! nei"hbors (the Serbs,
)nd ')!edoni)n Sl),s) )re, in !omp)rison
with 9indi"enous: 5lb)ni)ns, #ust the 9new!omers: )t the
2)l()ns whose ethni!it$ )nd n)tion)lit$ )re mu!h $oun"er
th)n 5lb)ni)n
Subse;uentl$, 9histori!)l ri"hts: o. the
2)l()n )uto!hthonous 5lb)ni)n popul)tion on !ert)in
disputed 2)l()n territories (between the 5lb)ni)ns )nd the
South Sl),s) )re stron"er, more #usti.i)ble )nd deeper
histori!)ll$ rooted th)n 9histori!)l ri"hts: o. the Serbs,
'ontene"rins or ')!edoni)n Sl),s

5!!ordin" to the theor$ o. -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n
ethnolin"uisti! !ontinuit$, the 5lb)ni)ns )re des!end)nts o.
the )n!ient 2)l()n popul)tion = the -ll$ri)ns 8he n)tion)l
n)me o. the 5lb)ni)ns !omes .rom the n)me o. one -ll$ri)n
tribe = the Albanoi Eurthermore, the trib)l n)me o. 5lb)noi
w)s desi"n)ted to entire number o. -ll$ri)n tribes )round
the -oni)n Se)
8he proponents o. -ll$ri)n theor$ o.

Eor eF)mple, ')rmull)(u *, Albania and Albanians, 0ondon, 1><5, pp
5=>; 'iridit) n, JstoriQa Albanaca (9-liri i etno"eneD) 5lb)n)!):),
2eo"r)d, 1>%>, pp %=13; Historia e popullit ShRiptar, -, Prishtinm, 1>%>,
pp 155=1%1
8he 9'ontene"rins: should be !onsidered in !ultur)l, reli"ious )nd
ethnolin"uisti! point o. ,iew )s the Serbs .rom 'ontene"ro LClom)Di3 ',
EtniSEo i nacionalno biTe Irnogoraca, 2eo"r)d: 8*n oP54P+20-@9,
1>&&O Kistori!)l, politi!)l, reli"ious, e!onomi! )nd !ultur)l rel)tions
between the Serbs .rom 'ontene"ro (the 'ontene"rins) )nd the Serbs
.rom Serbi) )re simil)r to these rel)tions between the Cerm)ns .rom
5ustri) (the 5ustri)ns) )nd the Cerm)ns .rom Cerm)n$ Kowe,er, tod)$ !
%0p !itiDens o. 'ontene"ro !l)im th)t the$ )re ethnolin"uisti!
9'ontene"rins: di..erent .rom the Serbs
Kowe,er, it is (nown th)t 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l identit$ w)s !re)ted b$
5ustro-Kun")ri)n )uthorities )t the l)te 1>
!entur$ )nd the ,er$
be"innin" o. the 20
!entur$ 2ul")ri)n s!hol)r 8eodor) 8odoro,) 8ole,)
in her boo( on !re)tion o. 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l identit$ published in 2012 is
showin" b$ usin" unpublished do!uments .rom the 5ustri)n St)te
5r!hi,es (HausK, HofK und Staatsarchiv) in /ienn) th)t the 5ustro-
Kun")ri)n )uthorities h)d ) !ru!i)l in.luen!e on !re)tion o. 5lb)ni)n
n)tion)lit$ in the $e)rs o. 1&>%J1>0& L^WYWRW[Q ^WTV[Q ^, U',V*,18-
*) &4/80-KW*3)0,V X) /YX.)4)*18- *) )'()*/5)8) *)+,V, ?DAZK?ABD,
qWr\s: A-705, 2012O 8his boo( is b)sed on her PhH dissert)tion
de.ended )t the 2)r!elon) +ni,ersit$ on September 1%
, 200& See )lso:
S!h)nderl H K, Die AlbanienpolitiE [sterreichKUngarns und Jtaliens
?D@@C?ABD, 5lb)nis!he Eors!hun"en N >, Biesb)den: ?tto K)r)sso,itD,
5bout the problem o. rel)tions between n)tion)l identi.i!)tion )nd
border identities see in: Bilson 8h, Honn)n K (eds), Border Jdentities.
Pation and state at international frontiers, A)mbrid"e, 1>>&
Kowe,er, !ontempor)r$ Cerm)n historio"r)ph$ is not mentionin" the
-ll$ri)n trib)l n)me Albanoi 8he territor$ o. 5lb)ni) in the )n!ient times
durin" the )n!ient Cree(s )nd *om)ns w)s popul)ted onl$ b$ the -ll$ri)n
tribe !)lled aulantii -n )ddition, nei"hborin" present-d)$ Cree(
territories h),e been settled b$ -ll$ri)n tribe Dassaretii, while in )n!ient
')!edoni) li,ed Haeones )nd Dardanes, while @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) were
settled b$ Scirtones (Festermann $ro\er Atlas #ur Feltgeschichte,
& /l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3: 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the
7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns
5lb)ni)n ori"in )re buildin" their h$pothesis mostl$ on the
spe!ul)tion th)t modern 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e is dire!tl$
des!ended .rom the )n!ient -ll$ri)n one 2oth o. them
belon" to the s)me -ndo-7urope)n l)n"u)"e-"roup

4e,ertheless, this !l)im is disputed b$ !ontempor)r$
lin"uisti! s!ien!e 8he .)!t is th)t 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e )s
spo(en l)n"u)"e o. the settlers o. the present-d)$ 5lb)ni)
w)s mentioned in histori!)l sour!es .or the .irst time onl$
in 12&5 in the m)nus!ripts .rom Hubro,ni( in whi!h the
l)n"u)"e w)s n)med )s lingua albanesesca Erom the
l)n"u)"e-n)me is deri,ed the l)nd-n)me = Albanon (the
territor$ on whi!h 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e spe)(ers li,es) 8his
term .or 5lb)ni) !)n be re)d, )!!ordin" to the supporters o.
this theor$, in se,er)l 13
!entur$ 0)tin di!tion)ries, )s
well in some o. the 2$D)ntine histori!)l sour!es 8he s)me
2$D)ntine sour!es !)lled the re"ion between the 0)(e o.
S!odr) )nd the *i,er o. Hrim )s Arbanon (or Arber) 8his
territor$ w)s settled, )!!ordin" to the Cree( "eo"r)pher
Ptolem$ .rom the 2
!entur$ 5H, b$ the Albanoi tribe o.
-ll$ri)n ori"in

2r)uns!hwei", 1>&5, pp 3&=3>)
8he 9-ll$ri)n: lin"uisti! theories o. 5lb)ni)n )nd South Sl),i!
ethno"enesis h),e !ert)in simil)rities with the 98hr)!i)n: lin"uisti! theor$
o. ethni!)l ori"in o. 0ithu)ni)n n)tion !h)mpioned b$ the 1>
0ithu)ni)n lin"uist )nd n)tion)l wor(er Ion)s 2)s)n),itius 8he theor$
w)s result o. 2)s)n),itiusk lin"uisti! rese)r!h o. ethno"enesis o. the 1>

!entur$ 0ithu)ni)n n)tion -n his boo( Lietuvi]Eai traEi]Eos studiQos he
de,eloped the theor$ )!!ordin" to whi!h, p)rt o. )n!ient 8hr)!i)ns
emi"r)ted .rom their 2)l()n homel)nd )nd ultim)tel$ settled themsel,es
in the e)stern littor)l o. the 2)lti! Se) 2)s)n),itius eF)!tl$ !l)imed th)t
these 8hr)!i)n mi"r)nts .rom the 2)l()ns were the prede!essors o. the
modern 0ithu)ni)n n)tion 8he theor$ w)s b)sed on the .)!t th)t )n!ient
8hr)!i)n l)n"u)"e w)s simil)r to the 1>
!entur$ 0ithu)ni)n one 2oth o.
these l)n"u)"es belon" to the .)mil$ o. -ndo-7urope)n l)n"u)"es
2)s)n),itius w)s wor(in" .or $e)rs in 2ul")ri) )nd in order to pro,e his
theor$ prim)ril$ w)s !olle!tin" the do!uments with the 8hr)!i)n person)l
n)mes, topon$ms )nd n)mes .or di..erent (inds o. drin(s )nd !omp)rin"
them with those o. 0ithu)ni)ns Ke !l)imed, .or eF)mple, th)t 0ithu)ni)n
person)l n)me $etas !omes .rom the 8hr)!i)n trib)l n)me $etai
L2)s)n),itius I, Lietuvi]Eai traEi]Eos studiQos, Shen)ndo)h, P5, 1&>&, pp
&=15; Seen 5 7, ^onas BasanaviSius_ he patriarch of the Lithuanian
national renaissance, 4ewton,ille, '5, 1>&0O 5!!ordin" to 2)s)n),itius,
the n)me .or the medi)e,)l 0ithu)ni)n !)pit)l raEai w)s deri,ed .rom the
Cree( n)me .or old 8hr)!i)ns, while some o. the 9Polish: n)mes .or the
settlements (.or inst)n!e, @)lisD in the re"ion o. PoDn)n) were not re)l
Polish on!e: the$ were o. 0ithu)ni)n-8hr)!i)n ori"in 2)s)n),itius
!on!luded th)t )n!ient 8hr)!i)ns were o. the s)me ethni!it$ )s
0ithu)ni)ns L2)s)n),itius I, Lietuvi]Eai traEi]Eos studiQos, Shen)ndo)h,
P5, 1&>&, pp 21J<4O
2e.ore the ?ttom)n !on;uerin" o. the 2)l()ns, the popul)tion o.
5lb)ni) !)lled themsel,es )s Arb`r`shaArb`nesh )nd their !ountr$
Arb`naArb`r South Sl),oni! n)me .or the people .rom 5lb)ni) w)s
Arbanas 8he Arnauts (uRcQ`SQg\) were -sl)miDed )nd l)ter 5lb)niDed
Serbs in @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) who still did not .or"et their ori"in)l
ethni!it$ Lv[\f\] w, b/*-41 X) 31-30)c,:> , 31-'-3,:> 7)51.-*,:1 ,
<8)01 <0(,:1, ---, PVWXRQY, 1>11, p 11%2J11%%O Kowe,er, durin" the
time o. 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l re,i,)l mo,ement in the l)te 1>
!entur$ the
5lb)ni)ns !)lled themsel,es )s ShRip`tar` )nd the !ountr$ ShRip`taria
8he n)me is most prob)bl$ deri,ed .rom the word shRipe wh)t me)ns
9e)"le: re.errin" to the mount)inous settlers o. the hi"h 5lb)ni) Kowe,er,
this word prob)bl$ !omes .rom old H)!i)n-'oesi)n l)n"u)"e )dopted b$
2ul")ri)ns who settled themsel,es on the territor$ o. *om)n pro,in!e o.
'oesi) -n.erior in %&0/%&1 -n 2ul")ri)n l)n"u)"e the 9Sh;ipt)rs: me)ns
8he p)rtis)ns o. the -ll$ri)n theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n ori"in )re
spe)(in" in the .),or o. the s!hool o. thou"ht o. the ori"in
)nd e,olution o. the -ll$ri)ns, whi!h !l)ims th)t )n!ient
-ll$ri)ns did not mi"r)ted to the 2)l()ns -nste)d, the$ were
)n )uto!hthonous people in this p)rt o. 7urope )nd e,en
one o. the oldest settlers in 7urope -t is su""ested th)t the
5lb)ni)ns, )s dire!t ethni!)l, politi!)l )nd !ultur)l o..sprin"
o. the )n!ient -ll$ri)ns, )re the most ori"in)l )nd
indi"enous inh)bit)nts o. the 2)l()ns, e,en more
)bori"in)l th)n the )n!ient Cree(s .or the re)son th)t the
)n!ient Cree(s mi"r)ted to the 2)l()ns in two "re)t
mi"r)tion w),es: .irstl$, )round 2000 2A, )nd se!ondl$
(Hori)ns), )round 1200 2A
Ale)rl$, the 5lb)ni)n
9histori!)l: ri"hts )re mu!h stron"er, #usti.i)ble )nd
histori!)ll$ deeper "rounded in !omp)rison with Serbi)n,
'ontene"rin, Cree( or ')!edoni)n Sl),sk )nd 2ul")ri)n
ri"hts re.errin" to se,er)l 2)l()n territories o. doubt.ul
)uthenti!it$ -n the other words, the 5lb)ni)ns )re the
9hosts: while their )ll nei"hbors )re the 9"uests: in the
2)l()n Peninsul)
5meri!)n medi)e,)list Iohn / 5 Eine
simpli.ied the !ru!i)l point o. the theor$ o. -ll$ri)n-
5lb)ni)n ethni!)l-!ultur)l-politi!)l !ontinuit$ )s: 9xi. the
-ll$ri)ns were the )n!estors o. the 5lb)ni)ns, then the
5lb)ni)ns, )s ori"in)l inh)bit)nts, h),e some histori! ri"ht
to th)t re"ion )nd possibl$ ri"hts to other re"ions whi!h
h)d been settled b$ -ll$ri)ns 5nd their -ll$ri)n )n!estr$ h)s
been ,er$ import)nt in 5lb)ni)n n)tion-buildin" m$ths:

8he pi,ot)l se"ment (.rom histori!)ll$-politi!)l point o.
,iew) o. the -ll$ri)n theor$ is the !l)im th)t -ll$ri)n-
5lb)ni)n tribes withdrew .rom the ,)st )re)s o. the
2)l()ns settlin" themsel,es into the 2)l()n !o)st)l towns
)nd into the mount)ins o. the present-d)$ 5lb)ni), 7pirus,
')!edoni) )nd 'ontene"ro durin" the Sl),i! in,)sion )nd
o!!up)tion o. the 2)l()ns in the %
)nd <
Kowe,er, )!!ordin" to this theor$, @oso,o )nd 'etohi#)
were onl$ .ertile lowl)nds in the whole 2)l()ns, whi!h
were not )b)ndoned b$ *om)niDed -ll$ri)ns-5lb)ni)ns 5s
) result, 5lb)ni)ns o. -ll$ri)n ethni!)l ori"in were
!onsidered )s )uto!hthonous popul)tion o. @oso,o )nd

the 9hi"hl)nders: 8he popul)r ni!(n)me .or 5lb)ni)ns is the 9Sons o. the
7)"le: )nd .or 5lb)ni) the 90)nd o. the 7)"le: 8wo the most import)nt
)nd power.ul 5lb)ni)n trib)l units )round 1>00 were the Che"s (the
*om)n A)tholi!s) in the 4orthern 5lb)ni) )nd the 8os(s in the Southern
5lb)ni) 8he entire 5lb)ni)n popul)tion w)s ()nd is) di,ided in reli"ious
point o. ,iew into the 'uslims (m)#orit$ o. 5lb)ni)ns), the *om)n
A)tholi!s )nd the 7)stern ?rthodoF (minorit$ o. 5lb)ni)ns) 8he l)st one
li,e in the South-7)st 5lb)ni) )round the !ities o. @orym )nd C#iro()stmr
(5r"$rus) Eor more det)ils see in: S(endi S, 9*eli"ion in 5lb)ni) durin"
the ?ttom)n rule:, SNdost dorscungen, N 15, 'zni!h, 1>5%; Kobsb)wm
7 I, Pations and Pationalism since ?@DA. Hrogramme, "yth, Reality,
A)mbrid"e, 2000, p <0; )nd espe!i)ll$ in: Kobhouse I A (0ord
2rou"hton), ravels in Albania and other provinces of urEey in ?DBD and
?D?B, -, --, 0ondon, 1&5&
efford Dictionary of Forld History. he %orldMs most trusted reference
booEs, 4ew {or(: ?F.ord +ni,ersit$ Press, 2001, p 253
Eor inst)n!e, see: ')rmull)(u *, Albania and Albanians, 0ondon,
1><5, p %; 'iridit) n, JstoriQa Albanaca (9-liri i etno"neD) 5lb)n)!):),
2eo"r)d, 1>%>, p >
Eine I, he Early "edieval BalEans, 5nn 5rbor, 1>>4, p 10
Kistor$ *ese)r!h 2013; 1(2): 5-24 >

'etohi#) while Sl),oni! Serbs )nd 'ontene"rins were
seen )nd understood li(e o!!upiers )nd new!omers in the
re"ion o. @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) Shortl$, -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n
histori!)l )nd ethni!)l ri"hts on @oso,o )nd 'etohi#), )s
the l)nd mostl$ disputed between 5lb)ni)ns )nd their
nei"hbors, )!!ordin" to the !h)mpions o. -ll$ri)n theor$ o.
5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis, )re e,en 15 !enturies older th)n
Sl),oni! Serbi)n-'ontene"rin histori!)l )nd ethni!)l ri"hts
upon the s)me territories
8his theor$ emph)siDes th)t in the present-d)$ 4orthern
5lb)ni) "rew up )n eFtensi,e settlement o. old inh)bit)nts
).ter the o!!up)tion o. the 2)l()ns b$ more power.ul South
Sl),oni! tribes
8his se"ment o. the -ll$ri)n theor$ w)s
eF!eption)ll$ used durin" the 2)l()n B)rs o. 1>12=1>13 in
order to re.ute Serbi)ks !l)ims on the territor$ o. northern
5lb)ni) Eurthermore, -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n popul)tion .rom
the lowl)nds o. @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) be")n to .)ll under
Sl),oni! politi!)l-!ultur)l in.luen!e, while the -ll$ri)n-
5lb)ni)n mount)inous tribes .rom hi"h 5lb)ni), due to the
less !ont)!ts with the Sl),s, su!!eeded to m)int)in their
so!i)l s$stem )nd !ultur)l inherit)n!e un)ltered 8he
de.enders o. this theor$ !l)im th)t the 2$D)ntine pro,in!e
o. 8heme H$rrh)!hium (whi!h w)s est)blished )round &0>
)nd !o,ered the entire 5lb)ni)ks territor$, p)rt o. 4orthern
7pirus, Bestern ')!edoni) )nd the m)in p)rt o.
'ontene"rin littor)l with the )re) o. the 0)(e o. S!ut)ri)
w)s popul)ted b$ 5lb)ni)n people who 9!)used the re"ion
to de,elop ) spe!i)l (5lb)ni)n) !h)r)!ter:
Ah)rles - o.
4)ples (122<=12&5) est)blished his own .eud)l dom)in
under the n)me o. the Regnum Albanai, whi!h is
!onsidered b$ 5lb)ni)n historio"r)ph$ )s the .irst 5lb)ni)n
n)tion)l st)te, eF)!tl$ on the territor$ o. the 2$D)ntine
8heme H$rrh)!hium -ts !)pit)l be!)me the !it$ o.
H$rrh)!hium (Hur)Do/Hurms/Hr)t/7pid)mnos)
5!!ordin" to the -ll$ri)n theor$, the 5lb)ni)ns )s one o.
the oldest 7urope)n peoples, who li,e )t the s)me territor$
sin!e the e)rl$ period o. the 5nti;uit$, deser,ed to be t)(en
into )!!ount )s one o. the ori"in)l .e)tures o. 7urope 8he$
des!ended .rom the -ll$ri)ns, ie .rom ) spe!i)l br)n!h o.
-ndo-7urope)n peoples, #ust li(e the Cree(s or 5rmeni)ns
2esides, the 5lb)ni)ns h),e ) l)n"u)"e whi!h re.le!ts e,en
the ;u)lit$, intensit$ )nd times o. import)nt pre--ndo-

8his opinion is )lso sh)red b$ some Serbi)n s!hol)rs Eor inst)n!e,
Eer#)nti3 2, JstoriQa Albanaca (95lb)ni#) do |-- ,e():), 2eo"r)d, 1>%>,
p 2> 8he !h)mpions o. the -ll$ri)n theor$ .re;uentl$ !ited the words o.
'ilo,)n }il)s, one o. the le)din" {u"osl), Aommunists ).ter the Se!ond
Borld B)r ()nd ) w)r !rimin)l) .rom 'ontene"ro who wrote: 98he
5lb)ni)ns )re the most )n!ient 2)l()n people = older th)n the Sl),s, )nd
e,en the )n!ient Cree(s: (!ited .rom: LAost) 4, Albania_ A European
Enigma, 4ew {or(, 1>>5, p 1O), or Eren!h s!hol)r 5ndre ')lr)uF who
wrote th)t 95thens w)s, )l)s no more th)n )n 5lb)ni)n ,ill)"e: L')lr)uF
5, AntiK"emoirs, 4ew {or(, 1>%&, p 33O
')rmull)(u *, Albania and Albanians, 0ondon, 1><5, p &; Eerlu") I,
9Sur l) d)te de l) !r~)tion du thme de H$rrh)!hium:, Eftrait des Actes
du gJJ Iongrhs Jnternational des Etudes By#antines, ,ol 2, 2eo"r)d, 1>%4,
pp &3J>2 *e")rdin" the borders o. the 2$D)ntine heme Dyrrhachium
see: 7n"el I (ed), $roier Historischer Feltatlas. "ittelalter, 'zn!hen,
1><>, p 14
7urope)n )nd 'editerr)ne)n (ie, Pel)s"i)n) in.luen!es, )
!ulture di..erent .rom the nei"hborin" ones, three
!on.essions whi!h eFist one beside other in reli"ious
toler)n!e, ) !ommon histor$ o. perm)nent resist)n!e
)")inst )n$ .orei"n power )nd sub#u")tion, ) p)rti)l
(medie,)l) eFperien!e in independent st)tehood, ) !ulture
whi!h shows )n )m)l")m)tion o. -ll$ri)n-2)l()n ori"ins
)nd 7)st-Best 7urope)n elements, ) ,er$ old )nd
distin!ti,e .ol( !ulture, )nd ultim)tel$ !ert)in (ind o.
9indi,idu)list tou"hness whi!h, )ll to"ether, sin"les the
5lb)ni)ns out o. their immedi)te surroundin"sx:

Subse;uentl$, in histori!)l )nd ethni!)l terms, the
.ollowin" territories in the South-7)stern 7urope were
inh)bited b$ the 2)l()n -ll$ro-5lb)ni)ns )nd should
!ompose the territor$ o. united (Cre)ter) 5lb)ni), )s the
n)tion)l st)te o. )ll 5lb)ni)ns, in the .uture: .rom the )re)
o. the 0)(e o. S!odr) in 'ontene"ro on the north, to the
2)$ o. 5mbr)Dio in Cree!e on the south, )nd .rom the
5dri)ti! Se) on the west, to the *i,er o. 8res() in
')!edoni) )nd Pree,o, 'ed,e), 2u#)no,)! )nd 0eb)ne
distri!ts in Serbi) )t the e)st
8h)t w)s )nd is, in the e$es
o. supporters o. -ll$ri)n theor$ o. 5lb)i)n ethno"enesis, the
eF)!t territor$ o. -ll$ro-5lb)ni)n 2000 $e)rs old histor$
)nd their !ulture
8he 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l mo,ement
RilindQa (1&<&=1>13) )imed 5lb)ni)n liber)tion .rom the
?ttom)n rule )nd to !re)te ) n)tion)l 5lb)ni)n st)te whi!h
borders will embr)!e the whole o. )bo,e mentioned
(ethni!)l )nd histori!)l 5lb)ni)n) territories Politi!)l
institution o. the mo,ement, the Eirst 0e)"ue o. PriDren
est)blished its own or")niD)tion)l stru!ture

-sm)#l$ *, 95lb)ni)ns )nd South-7)stern 7urope (5spe!ts o. -dentit$):,
Ionflict or Dialogue. SerbianKAlbanian relations and integration of the
BalEans. Studies and Essays, Suboti!), 1>>4, p 2%>
Eor eF)mple, Hrotest of the Hopulation of ShEodra, Hodgorica, Shpu#a,
jhabQaE, ivar, UlRin, $ruda, kelmend, Hot and kastrat addressed to the
Ambassador of drance in Jstanbul against the annefation of Albanian
lands by "ontenegro (Sh(odr), ')$ &, 1&<&), Archives du "inisthre des
Affaires ltranghres, P)ris, Eund o. the Eren!h 7mb)ss$ )t the Sublime
Porte, 8ur(e$, ,ol 41<, pp 51=54, supplement to the report N >%
?ri"in)l in Eren!h 7n"lish tr)nsl)tion in Pollo S, Pul)h) S (eds), Hages
of the Albanian Pational Renaissance, ?D@Dm?A?n, 8ir)n), 1><&, pp 12=
13; Iontents of the coded telegram sent by Dervish Hasha from ShEodra
(He!ember 2<, 1&&0), BasbaEanlliE Arsive, -st)nbul, Eund o. IilldiD es)s
e,r)(i, 14 &&/1% && 12 ?ri"in)l in 8ur(ish See )ppendiF N 2
Kowe,er, se,er)l written histori!)l sour!es .rom di..erent !ultur)l
en,ironments (2$D)ntine, 5r)b) !le)rl$ s)$ th)t the 5lb)ni)ns )rri,ed to
the 2)l()ns in the $e)r o. 1043 .rom the 7)stern S$!il$ )nd th)t the
ori"in)l pl)!e o. li,in" o. the 5lb)ni)ns w)s the A)u!)sus 5lb)ni) whi!h
is mentioned in se,er)l )nti;ue sour!es )s )n independent st)te with its
own rulers 8he A)us)sus 5lb)ni) w)s nei"borin" the A)spi)n Se), 'edi),
-beri), 5rmeni) )nd S)rm)ti) 5si)ti!) 8he most import)nt sour!e in
whi!h is !le)rl$ mentioned th)t the 2)l()n 5lb)ni)ns !)me .rom the
7)stern S$!il$ in 1043 is the 2$D)ntine histori)n 'i!h)el 5t)liot)
L5t)liot) ', Iorpus Scriptorum Historiae By#antine, 2onn: Beber, 1&53,
p 1&O 8his histori!)l .)!t is re!o"niDed )nd b$ some o. 5lb)ni)n
histori)ns li(e Ste.)n" Pollo )nd 5rben Puto LPollo S, Puto 5, he
History of Albania, 0ondon-2oston-Keble$: *outled"e @e")n, 1>&1, p
8he 0e)"ue (LidhQa e Hri#renit) w)s est)blished in the town o. PriDren
in 'etohi#) .or the ,er$ politi!)l purpose: to !l)im th)t this old Serbi)n
town is in .)!t 5lb)ni)n one Kowe,er, PriDren w)s )t th)t time settled b$
10 /l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3: 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the
7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns
whi!h !o,ered the entire o. these territories !le)rl$ dire!ted
its politi!)l )!ti,ities tow)rds the est)blishment o. united
ethni!)l st)te o. )ll 5lb)ni)ns
8he 0e)"ue l)un!hed the
motto: 9.e#) e sh;$pt)rit )sht sh;$pt)ri): (9*eli"ion o. the
5lb)ni)ns is 5lb)ni)nism:) .or the s)(e o. o,er!omin"
5lb)ni)n reli"ious di,ersit$ )nd sep)r)tion 8his mo,ement
h)s been the !ru!i)l united .or!e o. 5lb)ni)ns )nd the
pi,ot)l point .or de.inition o. the n)tion)l identit$ )nd
de,elopment o. the 5lb)ni)ns
). The Illyrians * Autochthonous
Bal+an #eo,le
-t is true th)t e,er$ stor$ )bout the 2)l()n Peninsul)
be"ins with the )n!ient -ll$ri)ns
Kistori)ns belie,e th)t
this -ndo-7urope)n people were one o. the l)r"est
7urope)n popul)tion inh)bited the western portion o. the
2)l()ns )lon" the !o)sts o. the -oni)n Se) )nd the 5dri)ti!
Se) to the 5lps )round the $e)r o. 1000 2A 8heir e)stern
nei"hbors were )lso the -ndo-7urope)n peoples = the
8hr)!i)ns 8he dem)r!)tion line between their settlements,
!ultur)l )nd politi!)l in.luen!e w)s on the *i,er o. 'or),)
in present-d)$ Serbi) (in 0)tin, the *i,er o. ')r"us lo!)ted
in the *om)n pro,in!e o. 'oesi) Superior) )nd the *i,er
o. /)rd)r in present-d)$ ')!edoni) ?n the north, on the
shores o. the *i,er o. S),) )nd the *i,er o. H)nube, their
nei"hbors were the Aelts, while on the south the Pindus
'ount)ins sep)r)ted the -ll$ri)ns .rom the )n!ient

<0p o. the Serbs )nd 30p o. the 5lb)ni)ns 8he town w)s ) !)pit)l o.
Serbi) in the 14
!entur$ with the ro$)l-emperi)l !ourt )nd the ?rthodoF
!)thedr)l (QWRcQ RZ[Q) built in 130< 8od)$ in the town o. PriDren le.t
onl$ se,er)l Serbi)n houses 'etohi#) is ) term o. the Cree( ori"in ()
.or the l)nd owned b$ the ?rthodoF !hur!h 5s the Serbi)n medie,)l
rulers "r)nted ) hu"e portions o. l)nd between the towns o. Pe3, PriDren,
'itro,i!) )nd Pritin) to the Serbi)n ?rthodoF Ahur!h the western p)rt o.
@oso,o be!)me !)lled )s 'etohi#) LPQSQZW[\] ^ _, 6-/-4- , 718-9,:)
> /0o/5-K)0()*)p5,q -.*-/,q) _R`XW YWa`bVcW \dYQbV, PVWXRQY,
e\XWfQ gSQhaQ, 200%, p 10O 8his pro,in!e is !)lled b$ the Serbs )s
@oso,o )nd 'etohi#), while the 5lb)ni)ns purposel$ !)llin" this pro,in!e
onl$ )s @oso,)/@oso,m, but not mentionin" 'etohi#) )t )ll
Eor eF)mple, he Activity of the Albanian League of Hri#ren in the
vilayet of kosova (1&&0), Aonsul-Cener)l 2lunt to the ')r;uis o.
S)lisbur$, Hublic Record effice, doreign Affairs, 0ondon, N 1>5/1323;
he British "useum, 0ondon, Eund o. 5!!ounts )nd P)pers (43), 1&&0,
0|||--, &2, <<=<& 8he do!ument is published in: *iD)# S, he Albanian
League of Hri#ren in British Documents, ?D@Dm?DD?, Prishtin), 1><&, pp
Stipte,i3 5, Every Story About the BalEans Begins %ith the Jllyrians,
Pritin), 1>&5; 2ud) 5, 98he Southern -ll$ri)ns )s ) Problem o.
Kistorio"r)ph$:, Historical Fritings, ,ol 1, pp 13=15 Hurin" the l)st
de!)des there )re m)n$ s!hol)rs who !l)im th)t the 2)l()n -ll$ri)ns ()nd
8hr)!i)ns) h),e been nothin" else but the ethnolin"uisti! Serbs LPQf\] w,
r')s1*, =10-*,q, <-',*/5) +054) , <0(-Kt)'q)8,, QQ, 2003;
_VRVS\] w, ucS\] U _, wQRjV[\] q, ;Xq,pu1*- .-/1u)4)21
<0(), PVWXRQY: qQRYWc\fQ, 200>; \TQcW[\] , ;/8-0,:/5- o-015'-
<0(), PVWXRQY: 5dmir)l 2oo(s, 2011; VhQc\jZ\ P, <0(,
/8)0-/1.1-+, r)'5)*) , v)*-*,:1 > 4-:*,q , +,4,'*,q .-3)w):,q) /)
x,qu)*,q) , y1'1*,q) -. J .- g 415), PVWXRQY: qSR`jcQ Zb\XQ, 1>>>O
-n the other words, the$ !l)im, th)t the Serbs, but not the 5lb)ni)ns, )re
the onl$ )uto!htonous people (n)tion) )t the 2)l()n Peninsul), )!!ordin"
to the histori!)l sou!es o. the time
')!edoni)ns )nd the Cree(s
8he -ll$ri)ns li,ed on the
e)stern littor)l o. the 5dri)ti! Se) )round 500 2A )s it is
su""ested b$ the Cree( "eo"r)pher Ke!)tei (Ke!)teus)
.rom the 5si) 'inorks !it$ o. 'iletus 5!!ordin" to the
e)rl$ 2$D)ntine histori)n Pseudo-S!il)!, who li,ed 150
$e)rs l)ter, the -ll$ri)n settlements )t the 2)l()ns re)!hed )t
the south the )re) o. the southern 5lb)ni)n port o. /)lon)
5mon" the )n!ient )nd e)rl$ medie,)l histori)ns
)nd "eo"r)phers the most reli)ble in.orm)tion upon
"eo"r)phi! dispersion o. the -ll$ri)ns )nd demo"r)ph$ o.
the -ll$ri)n territor$ !)n be .ound in the writin"s o.
Kerodotus, 0i,$, Plin$, Ptolom$, 5ppi)nus, Str)bo,
Pro!opius o. Ae)s)re), S$ne!demos o. Kiero!les, -sidorus
Kisp)niensis, )nd 7u)"rius
Bhen the Aelts !)me to the 2)l()ns in the 3
2A some o. -ll$ri)n tribes miFed with them -n the s)me
!entur$ -ll$ri)n @in" 5"ron .rom the tribe o. Ardaei
or")niDed the .irst -ll$ri)n st)te 5t the time o. its "re)test
eFtension this st)te h)d the borders on the *i,er o. 4eret,)
in H)lm)ti) )nd 2osni)-KerDe"o,in), the *i,er o. /#osm in
the Southern 5lb)ni) )nd the ?hrid 0)(e in ')!edoni)
Some o. the e)rl$ 20
!entur$ 5lb)ni)n histori)ns )nd
n)tion)l wor(ers !l)imed th)t 5lb)ni)n ri"ht to re;uire the
n)tion)l st)te or")niD)tion in 1>12=1>13 w)s "rounded on
5lb)ni)n politi!)l-st)te inherit)n!e .rom the 5"ronks
-ll$ri)n @in"dom 4e,ertheless, the *om)ns su!!eeded to
de.e)t the -ll$ri)ns )nd to )bolish their own st)te
or")niD)tion durin" three -ll$ri)n-*om)n B)rs between
22> )nd 1%& 2A
8he )dministr)ti,el$-politi!)l !on!ept o. 9-ll$ri):, or
9-ll$ri!um:, w)s !re)ted in the .ollowin" !enturies b$ the
*om)ns who ).ter the new !on;uests in the 2)l()ns
est)blished .irstl$ the Pro,in!e o., )nd l)ter on, the
Hraefectura of Jllyricum
-t stret!hed .rom the -stri)
Peninsul) on the north-west to the 4orthern 5lb)ni) on the
south-e)st, )nd .rom the 5dri)ti! littor)l on the south to the
*i,er o. Hr),) on the north -n spite o. th)t, the m)in
portion o. 5lb)ni) le.t out o. this pro,in!e )s it w)s
in!luded into the *om)n pro,in!e o. ')!edoni) 8his .)!t
!)n be eFpl)ined b$ *om)n !onsider)tion th)t onl$ the
territor$ o. 4orthern 5lb)ni) w)s settled b$ -ll$ri)n tribes,
but not the Aentr)l )nd Southern 5lb)ni) 8he proponents
o. -ll$ri)n theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n ori"in did not "i,e )nswer to

-sl)mi S, 5n)m)li S, @or(uti ', Prendi E, Les Jllyriens, 8ir)n), 1>&5,
p 5; 5n)m)li S, 98he -ll$ri)ns )nd the 5lb)ni)ns:, Pri.ti @, 4)si 0,
?m)ri 0, |hu.i P, Pul)h) S, Pollo S, Sht$ll) n (eds), he ruth on
kosova, 8ir)n), 1>>3, p 5; A)b)nes P, Les Jllyriens de Bardylis z
$enthios, J!mJJ sihcles avant ^.I, P)ris, 1>&&, p 1< 8he borders o.
"eo"r)phi!)l distribution o. the -ll$ri)n popul)tion in 5nti;ue 2)l()ns )re
prim)ril$ re!onstru!ted )!!ordin" to the writin"s o. the Cree( histori)ns
Kerodotus who li,ed in the 5
!entur$ 2A )nd wrote Historiae )nd
5ppi)nus who li,ed in the 2
!entur$ 5H )nd wrote Jllyrica
8he most outst)ndin" -ll$ri)n tribes were: Japudes, Dalmatae,
Autariatae, Docletae )nd aulantii
8he Hraefectura of Jllyricum w)s subdi,ided into the .ollowin"
Pro,in!es: H)!i) *ipensis, H)!i) 'editerr)ne), 'oesi) Superior
')r"ensis, H)rd)ni), Pr)e,)lis, ')!edini) Prim), ')!edoni) Se!und),
7pirus 4o,), 7pirus /etus, 8hess)li), 5!h)i) )nd Aret)
Kistor$ *ese)r!h 2013; 1(2): 5-24 11

the ;uestion: wh$ the whole 5lb)ni) w)s not in!luded into
the *om)n Pro,in!e o. -ll$ri!um i. it w)s entirel$ settled
b$ the -ll$ri)ns6 8he *om)ns .in)ll$ sub#u")ted )ll -ll$ri)n
tribes in the new w)r between the $e)rs o. % )nd > 5H
Erom th)t time the o,erwhelmin" )nd ,er$ su!!ess.ul
pro!ess o. *om)niD)tion o. the whole 2)l()n Peninsul)
Some prot)"onists o. the -ll$ri)n theor$ o.
5lb)ni)n ori"in de,eloped the h$pothesis th)t the *om)n
7mperors 5ureli)n, Hio!leti)n )nd Probus, who ori"in)ted
.rom the western p)rt o. the 2)l()ns, whi!h w)s settled b$
the -ll$ri)n tribes, !)n be !onsidered )s the prede!essors o.
the modern 5lb)ni)n n)tion
Hurin" the time o. the
*om)n 7mperor Hio!leti)n (2&4=305), who w)s o. -ll$ri)n
ori"in, the whole territor$ o. the 2)l()ns, eF!ept its e)stern
p)rt, w)s )dministr)ti,el$ or")niDed )s the Pr)e.e!tur)
-ll$ri!um ')inl$ due to su!h *om)n )dministr)ti,e
or")niD)tion o. their possessions in the 2)l()ns the n)mes
-ll$ri) )nd -ll$ri)ns were preser,ed .or the ,er$ lon" period
o. time )s !ommon n)mes .or the peoples who li,ed in the
western )nd !entr)l p)rts o. the 2)l()ns, ie .or the South
)nd the 5lb)ni)ns
He.initel$, )!!ordin" to the

*e")rdless on the .)!t th)t the 0)tin l)n"u)"e did not repl)!e -ll$ri)n
one on the territor$ o. 5lb)ni) durin" the *om)n rule )s the 0)tin did not
be!ome the l)n"u)"e o. the !ommon people, the -ll$ri)n l)n"u)"e w)s
*om)niDed in !ert)in de"ree )nd the 0)tin )lph)bet be!)me l)ter !hosen
b$ the 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l wor(ers )s ) n)tion)l s!ript o. the 5lb)ni)ns (one
o. the re)sons .or su!h de!ision w)s o. the pure politi!)l n)ture) -t shows
th)t *om)n/0)tin elements, besides the -ll$ri)n ones, p)rti!ip)ted in the
pro!ess o. the ethno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns 8he proponents o. the
-ll$ri)n theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis re.ute this opinion emph)siDin"
th)t the number o. 0)tin ins!riptions .ound in 5lb)ni) is sm)ll when
!omp)red with the number .ound in the other pro,in!es o. the *om)n
7mpire 8heir tot)l number is 2>3 K)l. o. these ins!riptions )re .ound in
)nd )round the *om)n !olon$ lo!)ted in the )n!ient !it$ o. H$rrh)!hium
8heodore 'ommsen thou"ht th)t the people used eF!lusi,el$ -ll$ri)n
l)n"u)"e in the interior o. 5lb)ni) durin" the *om)n o!!up)tion
L'ommsen 8, he Hrovinces of the Roman Empire, ,ol 1, Ahi!)"o,
'A'0||-/, pp 202=203O Eor the supporters o. the -ll$ri)n theor$, )s
H)rd)ni) w)s one o. the le)st *om)niDed 2)l()n re"ions its n)ti,e
popul)tion preser,ed its ethni! indi,idu)lit$ )nd !ons!iousness
Subse;uentl$, the H)rd)ni)ns, who es!)ped *om)niD)tion )nd sur,i,ed
the South Sl),i! mi"r)tions to the 2)l()ns, emer"ed in the 'iddle 5"es
with the n)me o. 5lb)ni)ns Kowe,er, the 0)tin terminolo"$ in modern
5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e )nd the pl)!e-n)mes in 5lb)ni) )re e,iden!es o.
-ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n *om)niD)tion/0)tiniD)tion
Kowe,er, the proponents o. the theor$ o. Serbi)n 2)l()n ori"in !l)im
th)t )ll 2)l()n-born *om)n emperors (! 20) were the ethni! Serbs
Hio!leti)n )nd Aonst)ntine the Cre)t )re the most import)nt )mon" them
5mon" the South Sl),s, )nd p)rti)ll$ )mon" the Poles )nd *ussi)ns, the
-ll$ri)n theor$ o. Sl),i! ori"in w)s widespre)d .rom the e)rl$ 1%
to the e)rl$ 1>
!entur$ 5!!ordin" to this theor$, the South Sl),s were the
)uto!hthonous popul)tion in the 2)l()ns ori"in)ted .rom the )n!ient
-ll$ri)ns Eurthermore, )ll Sl),s .ormerl$ li,ed in the 2)l()ns )nd were
(nown b$ the )n!ient )uthors )s the -ll$ri)ns 5t the be"innin" o. the
'iddle 5"es the$ split themsel,es into three "roups: one "roup mi"r)ted
to the Aentr)l 7urope (the Bestern Sl),s), )nother "roup went to the
7)stern 7urope (the 7)stern Sl),s) while the l)st "roup le.t in the 2)l()ns
(the South Sl),s) 5!!ordin" to se,er)l medie,)l !hroni!les, the South
Sl),i! )s!end)nts were the )n!ient -ll$ri)ns, 8hr)!i)ns )nd ')!edoni)ns
5s ) result, 5leF)nder the Cre)t, Aonst)ntine the Cre)t, Hio!leti)n )nd St
Kieronim were o. the South Sl),i! ori"in -n the time o. Kum)nism,
*en)iss)n!e, *e.orm)tion )nd the Aounter-*e.orm)tion, the .ollowin"
Hubro,ni( (*)"usi)n) writers be!)me the most prominent !h)mpions o.
!entur$ o..i!i)l s!ien!es o. histor$, ethnolo"$ )nd
philolo"$ (but not )nd )!!ordin" to m)n$ rele,)nt sour!es),
the -ll$ri)ns were not the Sl),s 8he l)ter !)me to the
2)l()ns 1500 $e)rs ).ter the -ll$ri)ns

Ale)rl$, the n)me -ll$ri)ns dis)ppe)red in the <
)t the time o. the Sl),i! mi"r)tion to the 2)l()ns 5.ter the
!entur$, howe,er, in the 2$D)ntine teFts there were no
reports )bout the -ll$ri)ns who )b)ndoned the 2)l()n
territories .rom the H)lm)ti)n 5lps to the *i,er o. H)nube
8he new -ll$ri)n politi!)l )nd !ultur)l !enter be!)me the
re"ion o. Arbanum (in Cree(, {|i}~~ or {i}~~, in
Serbi)n, x)()*) in the Southern 5lb)ni) 8he n)me
95lb)ni: )ppe)red in histori!)l sour!es not be.ore the >

!entur$ 8he 2$D)ntine histori)ns used the n)me 95lb)ni:
.or the Sl),i! inh)bit)nts li,in" )round the se)-port o.
Hur)DDo ()n!ient H$rrh)!hium) in the 4orthern 5lb)ni)
Erom the 11
!entur$ the n)me 95lb)ni: (in 0)tin,
5rb)nensis, or 5lb)nenses, in Cree(, {i}~ or {|i}~})
w)s rel)ted to )ll 5lb)ni)n tribes

-n the 'iddle 5"es the 95lb)noi: li,ed on the territor$
between the !ities o. S()d)r, PriDren, ?hrid )nd /)lon)
5!!ordin" to the !h)mpions o. the -ll$ri)n theor$ o.
5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis, the Sl),i! r)ids )nd mi"r)tions to
the 2)l()ns in the e)rl$ 'iddle 5"es did not )..e!t the
n)ti,e inh)bit)nts on the territor$ o. the present-d)$

this theor$: /in(o Pribo#e,i3 (en erigin and History of the Slavs, printed
in /eni!e in 1532), '),ro ?rbini (De Regno Sclavorum, printed in Pes)ro
in 1%01) )nd 2)rtol @)i3 (Jnstitutiones Linguae Jllyricae, printed in 1%04)
Pribo#e,i3 !l)imed th)t )ll Sl),s were spe)(in" one !ommon l)n"u)"e,
whi!h ori"in)ted .rom the 2)l()ns Eor him, the *ussi)ns spo(e
H)lm)ti)n di)le!t o. the !ommon Sl),i! l)n"u)"e 8his !ommon Sl),i!
l)n"u)"e w)s n)med b$ Hubro,ni( writers )s 9?ur:, 9-ll$ri)n: or 9Sl),i!:
one Subse;uentl$, )ll Sl),s who spo(e 9?ur: l)n"u)"e belon"ed to 9?ur:
people 8he in.luen!e o. the -ll$ri)n theor$ o. (the South) Sl),i! ori"in
!)n be seen in: 1) the wor( o. Serbi)n noblemen .rom 8r)ns$l,)ni), Aount
}ore 2r)n(o,i3 (1%45=1<11) who wrote in 1%&& the .irst politi!)l
pro"r)m o. the South Sl),i! uni.i!)tion into .ree )nd independent st)te
!)lled b$ him )s the 9-ll$ri)n @in"dom:; in 2) the .)!t th)t ?rbiniks De
Regno Sclavorum w)s tr)nsl)ted into the *ussi)n l)n"u)"e in 1<22; )nd in
3) the )!t th)t the Aro)ti)n mo,ement o. n)tion)l renew)l .rom the time o.
the .irst h)l. o. the 1>
!entur$ w)s o..i!i)ll$ !)lled )s the 9-ll$ri)n
'iridit) n, JstoriQa Albanaca (9-liri i etno"eneD) 5lb)n)!):), 2eo"r)d,
1>%>, pp >-10; )be# B, HyrQe n` historin` e gQuh`s shipe, Prishtinm,
1><0, pp 2>=32; Pri.ti @, 4)si 0, ?m)ri 0, |hu.i P, Pul)h) S, Pollo S,
Sht$ll) n (eds), he hruth on kosova, 8ir)n), 1>>3, pp 5=<3; Hobrun)
7, 9?n some )n!ient topon$ms in @oso,):, enomastiEa e kosoves,
Prishtin), 1><>; 5n)m)li S, 98he Problem o. the Eorm)tion o. the
5lb)ni)n people in the 0i"ht o. 5r!h)eolo"i!)l -n.orm)tion:, he
Pational Ionference on the formation of the Albanian people, their
language and culture, 8ir)n), 1>&&; M)be# 7, 98he problem o. the
)uto!hthon$ o. 5lb)ni)ns in the li"ht o. pl)!e-n)mes:, Buletini i
Universitetit Shteteror te iranes, N 2, 1>5&, pp 54=%2
Eor inst)n!e: WRW[\] , ;/8-0,:) <0(), PVWXRQY: P, 1>>3, pp
3J%%; VRfQcj\] P, U,X)*8,:) , =>s*, <'-41*,, PVWXRQY: Q[WY dQ
\dYQ[QbV `Vc\ZQ qW\fQT\S\jZV Va`T\ZV qR\fV, 1>%%, pp
20J2%; @ont E, Sloveni. PastanaE i ra#voQ slovensEih civili#aciQa u Evropi
!JCgJJJ veE, 2eo"r)d: n),od D) iDd),)t(u del)tnost oEilip /in#i39,
1>&>, pp 14J43; U\aVR U, W4-. > /')4,/8,5>, 1, PVWXRQY: Q[WY dQ
`Vc\ZV \ cQSQ[cQ RVYS[Q PVWXRQY, 1>>&, pp &1J>%
8he n)me .or 5lb)ni)ns - 9uRQcQ\: is deri,ed .rom the 0)tin n)me
.or 5lb)ni)ns )s the 95rb)nenses:
12 /l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3: 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the
7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns
5lb)ni) who !ontinued to li,e there b$ preser,in" their
own !ulture, h)bits )nd so!i)l or")niD)tion Shortl$, the
southern -ll$ri)n pro,in!es ret)ined its pre,ious ethni!)l
!omposition 5nd o. !ourse, this pre,ious ethni!)l
!omposition w)s (unpro,ed b$ the sour!es) the 5lb)ni)n
-. The .ardanians * the Illyro/
Albanians0 the .aco/1oesians or the
8he 5lb)ni)n historio"r)ph$ !l)ims th)t the Aentr)l
2)l()n tribe - H)rd)ni)ns, who were settled in the southern
portion o. the territor$ o. the *om)n Pro,in!e o. 'oesi)
Superior )nd northwestern p)rt o. the *om)n Pro,in!e o.
')!edoni), should be !onsidered )s one o. the -ll$ri)n
tribes )s )n )n!estor o. the 5lb)ni)ns 8he 5lb)ni)n
histori)ns in this point re.errin" to the Cerm)n lin"uist
4orbert Io(l who wrote, )!!ordin" to the rese)r!h o.
histori!)l toponom)sti!s, th)t the )n!ient !r)dle o. the
5lb)ni)ns w)s H)rd)ni), where.rom the$ mo,ed
westw)rds to their present territories in the l)te *om)n
Aonse;uentl$, the northwestern territor$ o. the
present-d)$ *epubli! o. ')!edoni) (the E{*?'), @oso,o
)nd 'etohi#) )nd the present-d)$ Southern Serbi) (settled
b$ the H)rd)ni)ns in the 5nti;uit$ li(ewise the
northe)stern portion o. the present-d)$ *epubli! o. 5lb)ni))
)re !onsidered )s the 5lb)ni)n histori!)l l)nds )nd h)d to
be in!luded into united 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l st)te in the .uture
Eor 5lb)ni)n proponents o. the theor$ o. -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n
s$mbiosis, the most ,)lu)ble in.orm)tion )nd e,iden!e th)t
the )n!ient H)rd)ni)ns were eF)!tl$ the -ll$ri)ns ()nd thus
the 5lb)ni)n )n!estors) !omes .rom the )r!h)eolo"i!)l
eF!),)tions in @u(ms re"ion in the 4orthe)stern 5lb)ni)
whi!h belon"ed to the western portion o. H)rd)ni)n st)te

Bh)t is o. eFtreme import)n!e )!!ordin" to them, the
tr)dition)l -ll$ri)n n)mes li(e 5ndinus, 5nnius, H)ssius,
7pi!)dus, Centhi)n), *hedon, Surus, 8)t), 8ridus !)n be
.ound in the ins!riptions in H)rd)ni) 8he {u"osl),
spe!i)list in -ll$rolo"$, Kenri( 2)ri3 .rom S)r)#e,o, )lso
!h)mpioned the ide) th)t 9the 2)l()n homel)nd o. the
5lb)ni)n people must h),e been DardaniaKHaeonia,
pro,in!es whi!h, #ud"in" .rom the (nown n)mes o. persons,
were -ll$ri)n )nd not 8hr)!i)n in 5nti;uit$x8here.ore, it
!)n be s)id th)t H)rd)ni) )nd P)eoni) were the pro,in!es
in whi!h the e)rl$ 5lb)ni)n--ll$ri)n s$mbiosis too( pl)!e in
the interior o. the 2)l()n Peninsul):
2)ri3 in .)!t

Io(l 4, Eberts Realleficon der !orgeschichte, -, 1>24, p >1
5n)m)li S, 98he -ll$ri)ns )nd the 5lb)ni)ns:, Pri.ti @, 4)si 0, ?m)ri
0, |hu.i P, Pul)h) S, Pollo S, Sht$ll) n (eds), he hruth on kosova,
8ir)n), 1>>3, p <; Iub)ni 2, 9Ee)tures o. -ll$ri)n Aulture in the 8erritor$
o. H)rd)ni):, Jllyria, 2, 1>&5, pp 211J220; -sl)mi S, he Jllyrian State m
Jts Hlace and Role in the "editerranean Forld, -, 8ir)n), 1><4, pp &5=
8)(en .rom HymQe ne historine e gQuhes shRipe, Prishtinm, 1>55, pp 4>=
dis)"reed with the theor$ o. *om)ni)n lin"uist ')tees!u
who, in his det)iled )n)l$Des o. the epi"r)phi! m)teri)l,
.ound the 8hr)!i)n in.iltr)tion in the pro,in!e o. H)rd)ni)
in the 2
)nd 3
!enturies 5H

8he 5lb)ni)n eFponents o. the theor$ o. -ll$ri)n-
5lb)ni)n !ontinuit$ )nd the ethni!)l s$mbiosis repe)tedl$
;uote the words o. 5rthur 7,)ns th)t the s)me !oins,
potter$ )nd other h)nd!r).t produ!ts .rom )n!ient
H$rrh)!hium )nd 5polloni) (lo!)ted on 5lb)ni)n littor)l)
)re .ound in @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) (in the re"ions o. Pe3,
})(o,i!) )nd PriDren)
8his .)!t is, howe,er, onl$ the
e,iden!e o. the KelleniD)tion o. the -ll$ri)ns )s the !oins
were o. the Cree( ori"in 8he Cree( l)n"u)"e w)s
e,identl$ the written l)n"u)"e o. o..i!i)l ins!riptions
)mon" the edu!)ted !l)ss o. the -ll$ri)n so!iet$
{u"osl), histori)n E)nul) P)p)Do"lu dis!o,ered H)!i)n-
'oesi)n or Phri"i)n str)tum in the .orm)tion o. the
H)rd)ni)ns Eor th)t re)son, the H)rd)ni)ns !)nnot be
identi.ied with the -ll$ri)ns )nd !)nnot !ontribute in
de,elopin" o. the -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n ethni! sel.-
Ein)ll$, the modern 7urope)n ethno"r)phi!
)nd histori!)l s!ien!es su""est th)t the homel)nd o. the
5lb)ni)n n)tion lies in wh)t is tod)$ the Aentr)l 5lb)ni)
8he Cerm)n -ll$rolo"ist-5lb)nolo"ist, Ceor" St)dtmzller,
stresses th)t the ori"in)l 5lb)ni)n n)ti,e re"ion in!ludes
the ,)lle$ o. the *i,er o. Sh(umb), both sides o. the *i,er

')tees!u 4, 9Cr)nit) de )pur ) 8r)!ilor:, Annuarul Jnstitutului de
Jstoria nationale, ---, Alu#, 1>23, pp 3<<=4>2
7,)ns 5, 95nti;u)ri)n *ese)r!hes in -ll$ri!um:, Archeologia, |0-|,
Bestminster, 1&&3, p %2
P)p)Do"lu E, 90es ro$)umes dk-ll$rie et de H)rd)nie, ?ri"ines et
de,elopment, stru!tures, hellenis)tion et rom)niD)tion:, Jliri i Albanci,
2eo"r)d, 1>&&, p 1>4; Ae() 4, 9Sur,)$ o. the He,elopment o. +rb)n
0i.e 5mon" Southern -ll$ri)ns:, Jllyria, 2, 1>&5, pp 11>=13% Aomp)re
with: 8oyi /, 94ew H)t) 5bout the -ll$ri)n ?nom)sti!s in Hurrh)!hium:,
Jllyria, 1, 1>&%, pp 123=135
*e")rdin" the problem o. the -ll$ri)n ori"in o. the ,er$ import)nt
Aentr)l 2)l()n tribe Dardanians see in: C)r))nin ', 9Aonsider)tions
.in)les:, Jliri i Albanci, 2eo"r)d, 1>&&, pp 3<0=3<2; C)r))nin ',
9*)Dm)tr)n#) o m)(edons(om h)lt)tu-')teri#)ln) (ultur), hronolo"i#),
etnit(i problem:, Starinar, /J/-, 1>54=1>55, pp 3<=40; C)r))nin ',
9-stotn) "r)ni!) -lir) prem) )rheolo(im spomeni!im):, Simpo#iQum o
teritoriQalnom i hronolo]Eom ra#graniSenQu Jlira u praistoriQsEo doba,
S)r)#e,o, 1>%4, pp 13&=141; ')!( *, $ren#marEen und Pachbarn
"aEedonien in Porden und Festern, Cottin"en, 1>51, pp 1<0=1<3; /ulpe
*, $li Jlliri dellMJtalia Jmperiale Romana, ---, 1>25, p 1%3; Aers(o, 7,
RimlQani na kosovu i "etohiQi, 2eo"r)d, 1>%>, p 10%; 'irdit) n,
9H)rd)ni)n Studies:, RilindQa, Prishtin), 1><>, p 4>; P)p)Do"lu E,
SrednQobalEansEa plemena u predrimsEo doba, S)r)#e,o, 1>%>, p 402;
P)p)Do"lu E, 9H)rd)ns() onom)sti():, jborniE dilo#ofsEog faEulteta, &=1,
2eo"r)d, 1>%4; P)p)Do"lu E, 90es ro$)umes dk-ll$rie et de H)rd)nie,
?ri"ines et de,elopment, stru!tures, hellenis)tion et rom)niD)tion:, Jliri i
Albanci, 2eo"r)d, 1>&&, p 1<4; Iub)ni 2, 9Ee)tures o. -ll$ri)n Aulture in
the 8erritor$ o. H)rd)ni):, Jllyria, 2, 1>&5, pp 211J222; `T\] ,
9_QRYQc\, T\R\ \ _QThQS\ 9, ')/ <0o/51 &5).1q,:1 )>5), A0/,
PVWXRQY, 1>33 Bhile the {u"osl), histori)n 4o,)( !l)imed th)t the
H)rd)ni)ns were not o. the -ll$ri)n ori"in his !omp)triot 2udimir !l)imed
th)t the$ were one o. -ll$ri)n tribes LW[QZ , 90) n)Dion)lit dei
H)rd)ni:, &09,4 X) )0()*)p5> /8)0,*>, -/, PVWXRQY, pp <2=&>;
P`Y\h\R , 9? etnit(om odnosu H)rd)n)!) prem) -lirim):,
^ugoslovensEi istoriQsEi Sasopis, ---, 2eo"r)d, 1>3<, pp 1=2>; P`Y\h\R
, 0+, , v1')/8,, PVWXRQY, 1>50O
Kistor$ *ese)r!h 2013; 1(2): 5-24 13

o. ')t, @ru#), )nd some nei"hborin" )re)s

8he hi"hl)nders .rom 5lb)ni), howe,er, st)rted to
mi"r)te .rom their mount)ins .rom the mid-14
tow)rds more .ertile lowl)nds o. 8hess)l$, 2oeoti), 5tti!),
7uboe) )nd Peloponnese, while .rom the end o. the 1<

!entur$ the$ st)rted to mi"r)te tow)rds the north-e)st
o!!up$in" the territories o. @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) (the 9?ld
Serbi): or Serbi) propper) )nd the territories o. the present-
d)$ Serbi) )round the !ities o. 4o,i P)D)r, /r)n#e )nd
Aert)inl$, not until the 1&
!entur$ did the m)sses o.
the 5lb)ni)n herdsmen st)rt !omin" down .rom their n)ti,e
!ountr$ks hi"hl)nds to the .ertile )re)s o. @oso,o )nd
'etohi#), popul)ted until th)t time )lmost eF!lusi,el$ b$
the 7)stern ?rthodoF Serbs, )nd to the re"ions o. tod)$ks
Bestern ')!edoni) (.rom S(op#e to 2itol)) inh)bited b$
the m)#orit$ o. ')!edoni)n Sl),s )nd the minorit$ o. the
Pr)!ti!)ll$, the territor$ o. the .ormer *om)n
pro,in!e o. H)rd)ni) m)inl$ settled b$ H)rd)ni)n tribe w)s
not in.luen!ed b$ the -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n elements be.ore the
mi"r)tions o. the 5lb)ni)n tribes .rom hi"h 5lb)ni) sin!e
the end o. the 1<
!entur$ 8he supporters o. the theor$ o.
-ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n ethni!)l !ontinuit$ )nd s$mbiosis,
howe,er, )sse,er)te th)t )t the time o. the Sl),i! in!ursions
on the 2)l()ns there w)s no l)r"e-s!)le settlin" o. the Sl),s
in the territor$ o. @oso,o, 'etohi#) )nd 'ontene"ro, ie in
the .ormer *om)n Hrovinces of Dardania and Hraevalis

St)dtmzller C, 9Eors!hun"en Dur )lb)nis!hen .ruh"es!hi!hte, Dweite
erweiterte )u.l)"e:, Albanische dorschungen, 2, Biesb)den, 1>%%, pp 1%<,
WTVcZ\ _, U,X)*8,:/5, 6-q-*41'8, PVWXRQY, 1>>%, p 12, p 245;
SRWXWRZ\ , ;/8-0,:) U,X)*8,:1, PVWXRQY, 1>5>, p 4%4, p 505;
0emerle P, 9-n,)sions et mi"r)tions d)ns les 2)l()ns depuis l) .in de
lk~po;ue *om)ine #us;uk)u /---e si!le:, Revue historiRue, <&, 1>54, p
2>4; 0emerle P, Les plus anciens recueils des miracles de Saint Demltrius,
--, P)ris, 1>&1, p %<; w\RVjVZ , ;/8-0,:) <0(). v-',8,5) ,/8-0,:)
.- ?@. g-.., b\XQ -, PVWXRQY, 1><& (ori"in)l written in Cerm)n )nd
published in Bien, 1>11), pp &5=&%, 21%; w\RVjVZ , QYWc\] w,
;/8-0,:) <0(). 6>'8>0*) ,/8-0,:), b\XQ --, 2VWXRQY, 1><&
(un.inished ori"in)l b$ @ Iire!he( in Cerm)n, printed in Bien, 1>11
Aompleted b$ I *)don#i3), pp 33, 34, 101, 105, 145, 153 ?n the
5lb)ni)n residents in Southe)stern Serbi) in the distri!ts o. 4i, 0es(o,)!,
Pro(up#le )nd @urumli#) in 1&<& see in: Hrotest of ZnBB Albanian
emigrants (Pritin), Iune 2%, 1&<&), Holitisches Archiv des Aus%artigen
Amtes, 2onn, Eund o. the 5!ts o. the Aon"ress o. 2rlin, 2, 1&<&, do! N
110 (tele"r)m)
8he *om)n A)tholi! bishop in S(op#e, ')ti#) ')s)re( wrote in 1<%4 )
report to /)ti!)n in whi!h he noted br)nd-new !olonies o. the 5lb)ni)ns
who h)d #ust )b)ndoned hi"h 5lb)ni) )nd settled themsel,es in the
lowl)nd o. 'etohi#) )round the !it$ o. })(o,i!) L*)doni3 I, RimsEa
EuriQa i QunoslovensEe #emlQe od g!J do gJg veEa, 2eo"r)d, 1>50, p %54O
?n reli"ious )nd ethni!)l situ)tion in 5lb)ni), @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) in the
!entur$ see in I)to, ', Le "issioni cattoliche nel Balcani
durante la guerra di Iandia ?Zm?ZZA, ,ol -=--, Aitt del /)ti!)n),
1>>2, in the mid-1>
!entur$ in 'zller I, Albanien, Rumelien und die
GsterreichischKmontenegrinische $ran#e, Pr)", 1&44, )nd in the $e)rs
.rom 1&04 to 1>12 in qSWfQcjV[\] , <0(, , &'()*+, ?DBm?A?n, W[\
qQY, 1>>4 5!!ordin" to the Serbi)n histori)n Ie,rem H)mn#)no,i3, the
members o. the .ollowin" 5lb)ni)n tribes (.isses) settled @oso,o )nd
'etohi#) durin" the ?ttom)n rule: @rieDi, 8s)!i, Shop, Hu()d#ini, 2erish),
2iti;i, @r)sni;i, C)shi, Sh(rele, @)str)ti, Crud), Sh)l), Koti, )nd
@elmendi L_QhbQcW[\] w, 9`jVc\gS[W WW[Q:, ;*8104:>,
aV\fQTcW \dYQbV, WZSWQR, PVWXRQY, 1>&&, p 5O
5!!ordin" to 7 Hobrun), )n 5lb)ni)n )r!h)eolo"ist .rom
@oso,o, who in,esti")ted )n!ient topon$ms in this re"ion,
9we .ind the !ontinuous presen!e o. n)ti,e 5lb)ni)ns )s
su!!essors o. the -ll$ri)ns in the s)me territor$ where the$
li,e tod)$ sin!e )n!ient times:
9Erom the b)n(s o. the
2o#)n) *i,er, )s .)r )s {)nin), ) uni.ied )nd homo"eneous
people li,e Erom {)nin) to 2)$ o. 5mbr)Dio, lies the
territor$ denied b$ the Cree( reli"ious )nd other
prop)")nd) to the 5lb)ni)ns, who )re predomin)nt there =
i. not in number, th)n )t le)st in stren"th )nd !)p)!it$ to
Aonse;uentl$, -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n histori!)l ri"hts
on these territories )re lon"er )nd stron"er th)n Sl),i!-
Serbi)n-'ontene"rin-')!edoni)n )nd e,en Cree( ones

3. A 4uestion o! the &Koman $ulture'
8he m)#orit$ o. 5lb)ni)n )r!h)eolo"ists de!l)red th)t the
koman Iulture, eFisted in the <
)nd &
represents histori!)l-ethni!)l !ontinuit$ o. -ll$ri)n-
5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis 8he koman Iulture, )!!ordin" to
them, in!luded )n eFtensi,e territor$ .rom the S()d)r 0)(e
on the north to the ?hrid 0)(e on the southe)st Eor them,
the -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n ethni! roots o. the koman Iulture )re
more th)n ob,ious (but not s!ienti.i!)ll$ pro,ed)
8he import)n!e o. this !ulture .or the 5lb)ni)n
)lb)nolo"ists is o. )n eFtreme ,)lue )s the$ )re tr$in" to
pro,e th)t the koman Iulture is the dire!t !ontinu)tion o.
the lo!)l -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n !ulture o. the l)te 5nti;uit$ )nd
the e)rl$ 'iddle 5"es -n the other words, )!!ordin" to
them, the koman Iulture shows th)t )t the time o. Sl),i!
mi"r)tion to the 2)l()ns the n)ti,e -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n
territories h)d st)bilit$ )nd ,it)lit$ 8he$ .urther !l)im th)t
the m)teri)l .indin"s o. the koman Iulture, whi!h l)sted
durin" the period o. tr)nsition .rom the l)te 5nti;uit$ to the
e)rl$ 'iddle 5"es, )re !ommon .or )ll -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n
re"ions in!ludin" those o. @oso,o )nd 'etohi#), 7)stern
'ontene"ro )nd Bestern ')!edoni)
8he 5lb)ni)n )r!h)eolo"ists disre")rd with the opinion
o. their {u"osl), !olle)"ues )bout the Sl),i! or *om)n-
2$D)ntine !h)r)!ter o. the koman Iulture
8hus, .or the

Hobrun) 7, 9?n some )n!ient topon$ms in @oso,):, enomastiEa e
kosoves:, Prishtin), 1><>, p 4%
Stulli 2, AlbansEo pitanQe, I5n+, n)"reb, ,ol 31&, 1>5>, p 325
M)be# 7, 98he problem o. the )uto!hthon$ o. 5lb)ni)ns in the li"ht o.
pl)!e-n)mes:, Buletini i Universitetit Shteteror te iranes, N 2, 1>5&, pp
5n)m)li S, 90) n~!ropole de @ru#e et l) !i,ilis)tion du K)ut 'o$en
5"e en 5lb)nie du 4ord:, Studia Albanica, 1, 1>%4, pp 14>=1%4; 5n)m)li
S, 98he uestion o. the 5lb)ni)n 7)rl$ 'edi)e,)l Aulture in the 0i"ht o.
4ew 5r!h)eolo"i!)l His!o,eries:, Studime HistoriEe, 2, 1>%<, pp 22=40;
Sp)hiu K, 98he 5rber "r),e$)rd )t the H)lm)!) A)stle:, Jllyria, >=10,
1><>=1>&0, pp 23=45; @om)t) H, 98he 5rber "r),e-$)rd o. Shurdh)h:,
Jllyria, >=10, 1><>=1>&0, pp 105=121; Prendi E, 95 "r),e-$)rd o. the
5rber !ulture in 0eDh):, Jllyria, >=10, 1><>=1>&0, pp 123=1<0; Hod) 4,
98he 5rber Cr),es o. Prose( in 'irdit) *e"ion:, Jllyria, 1, 1>&>, p 113;
Sp)hiu K, @om)t) H, 9Shurdh)h-S)rd), ) 'edi)e,)l Eorti.ied 8own:,
Jllyria, 3, 1><5, p 24>; Popo,i3 /, By#antins, Slaves et autochthones dans
les provinces de Hrlvalitane et Pouvelle Epire, 7!ole .r)ny)ise de *ome,
1>&4, pp 1&1J243; Popo,i3 /, 95lb)ni#) u ()sno# )nti!i:, Jlirci i Albanci,
14 /l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3: 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the
7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns
5lb)ni)n s!ientists, the )r!h)eolo"ists h),e dis!o,ered
m)n$ lo!)lities .rom the <
)nd &
!enturies, whi!h !le)rl$
.ill the ")p o. the -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n !ultur)l-ethni!)l
!ontinuit$, the ")p whi!h !ould not be .illed !ompletel$
.rom the written histori!)l (prim)ril$ 2$D)ntine) sour!es
8o !on!lude, .or the 5lb)ni)n 5lb)nolo"$, eF)!tl$ the
koman Iulture is the !ru!i)l "rummet in the !h)in o. the
unbro(en -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis .rom the e)rl$
5nti;ue up tod)$ -t h)s to ser,e )s the pi,ot)l proo. o.
)lle"edl$ 5lb)ni)n ori"in)lit$ )t the 2)l()n Peninsul)
Kowe,er, it is (nown th)t l)r"e Sl),i! settlements )nd
topon$ms eFisted in the )re) th)t !)me to be (nown )s
present-d)$ 5lb)ni) 5.ter the .irst 5lb)ni)n st)te w)s
!re)ted in 1>12, )nd espe!i)ll$ durin" the rule o. the
5lb)ni)n !ommunist di!t)tor, 7n,er KoFh) (1>45=1>&5),
howe,er, ) "re)t p)rt o. the non-5lb)ni)n (espe!i)ll$
Sl),i!) popul)tion )nd topon$ms h),e been 5lb)niDed

Simult)neousl$, 95lb)ni)n n)tion)l soil: w)s ()nd is)
"r)du)ll$ !le)nsed .rom both the Sl),s )nd the Cree(s

)nd their n)tion)l-!ultur)l tr)!es -n this respe!t, the
pro,in!e o. @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) eFperien!ed the most
serious ethni! )nd !ultur)l !le)nsin" in the post-1>45
7urope (to"ether with the territor$ o. eF-*epubli! o.
Serbi)n @r)$in) in the present-d)$ Aro)ti) whi!h w)s
!le)ned b$ the Aro)t milit)r$ )nd poli!e .or!es in 5u"ust
8his southern Serbi)ks pro,in!e, (nown )s the
9?ld Serbi):, or 9Serbi) proper:, be!)me )lmost tot)ll$
ethni!)ll$ )nd !ultur)ll$ !le)ned b$ the lo!)l ethni!
5lb)ni)ns ).ter the pro,in!e w)s o!!upied b$ the 458?
troops in Iune 1>>> 8od)$, there )re onl$ up to 3p o. non-
5lb)ni)n popul)tion in the pro,in!e (!omp)rin" to 13p in
1>>&), the Sl),i!-Serb topon$ms )re ren)med to the
5lb)ni)n ones, the Serb !ultur)l propert$, )s the .)!t o. the
n)tion)l eFisten!e in the pro,in!e .rom histori!)l
perspe!ti,e, is ,er$ mu!h destro$ed or o..i!i)ll$ !)lled )s
the 92$D)ntine: one )nd the rest o. non-5lb)ni)n
popul)tion (to"ether with the lo!)l Serbs) is eFpelled .rom
the pro,in!e whi!h pro!l)imed st)te independen!e in
Eebru)r$ 200&

2eo"r)d, 1>&&, pp 202=2&3
Kr)b)( 2, 9iren#e )rb)n)(ih stot)r) po r),ni!)m) i slo,ens(i r)t)ri
sredn#o,e(o,ne 5lb)ni#e:, Stanovni]tvo slovensEog poriQeEla u AlbaniQi,
8ito"r)d, 1>>1, p 115 *e")rdin" the Sl),i! topon$ms in 5lb)ni) see:
Popo,i3 /, 95lb)ni#) u ()sno# 5nti!i:, Jlirci i Albanci, 2eo"r)d, 1>&&;
Selis!he, 5 ', <')4,)*/5-1 *)/1'1*,1 4 &'()*,,, qWr\s, 1>31
Cersin @, Altserbien und die albanische drage, Bien, 1>12, p 2>;
/lor) 2 7, Lebenserinnerungen, Band J ?DD bis ?A?n, 'zn!hen, 1>%&,
p 2<5; /lor) 2 7, Die Fahrheit Nber das !orgehen der ^ungtNrEen in
Albanien, Bien, 1>11, p 43 5!!ordin" to the +S ?..i!e o. Str)te"i!
Ser,i!es, .rom 5pril 1>41 until 5u"ust 1>42, the 5lb)ni)ns (illed )round
10000 Serbs )nd 'ontene"rins in the )re)s o. @oso,o )nd 'etohi#)
whi!h were in!orpor)ted into -t)li)n Cre)ter 5lb)ni) L@riDm)n S, "aps
of ugoslavia at Far. "assacre of the Jnnocent Serbian Hopulation,
Iommitted in ugoslavia by the Afis and its Satellites from April ?A? to
August ?An, B)shin"ton, 1>43O
See the )ppendiF N 3
"arch Hogrom in kosovo and "etohiQa, "arch ?@C?A, nBB, %ith a
survey of destroyed and endangered Ihristian cultural heritage, 2el"r)de:
'inistr$ o. Aulture o. the *epubli! o. Serbi)J'useum in Pritin)
5t su!h ) w)$, @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) be!)me eF!lusi,el$
5lb)ni)n popul)ted )nd !ultur)ll$ inherited l)nd = ) p)rt o.
united n)tion)l st)te o. the ethni! -ll$ro-5lb)ni)ns in the
.orm o. the Cre)ter 5lb)ni) 4e,ertheless, .rom the
perspe!ti,e o. rele,)nt histori!)l sour!e (the ?ttom)n
!ensus in 1455), there were onl$ 2p o. 5lb)ni)n
popul)tion in the pro,in!e in the mid-15
?ne o.
the most .)mous South Sl),i! philolo"ists in the 20

!entur$, P),le -,i3 !)me to the !on!lusion ).ter ) deeper
in,esti")tion o. the !)se-stud$ o. @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) th)t
9the .)!tu)l m)teri)l !le)rl$ shows th)t there w)s no
lin"uisti! !ontinuit$ between the )n!ient popul)tion o. the
present pro,in!e o. @oso,oks popul)tion, )nd those who
now inh)bit the )re):
8his is one o. the most serious
s!ienti.i! re.ut)tion o. the 5lb)ni)n h$pothes$s o. the
-ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis -n )ddition, e,en tod)$,
o,erwhelmin" m)#orit$ (i. not )ll) o. the topon$ms in
@oso,o )nd 'etohi#) )re o. the Sl),i! (Serb) ori"in 8he
present-d)$ 5lb)ni)n pr)!ti!e to 5lb)niDe them is ;uite
underst)nd)ble .rom the perspe!ti,e o. the politi!)l )ims o.
the proponents o. the h$pothesis o. the -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n
5. The &.acian' Theory o! the Albanian
Ethnical Bac+"round
8he h$pothesis )nd l)ter )!!epted theor$ o. the
5lb)ni)n--ll$ri)n identi.i!)tion is seriousl$ !h)llen"ed b$
m)n$ !ontempor)r$ lin"uists )nd histori)ns )s simpl$
h$pothesis not b)sed on histori!)l sour!es 8hus, the
-ll$ri)n theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n ethni!)l ori"in )nd n)tion)l
inherit)n!e h)d .our we)(est points:
8he )n!ient -ll$ri)ns, )!!ordin" to some s!hol)rs,
)re not indi"enous 2)l()n people )s the$ mi"r)ted
to the 2)l()ns )round 1000 2A (i e, l)ter th)n the
)n!ient Cree(s)
8here )re enou"h number o. rele,)nt histori!)l
sour!es o. the time )!!ordin" to whi!h, the 2)l()n
5lb)ni)n motherl)nd w)s the A)u!)sus 5lb)ni) in
the present-d)$ Pro,in!e o. H)"est)n o. the
*ussi)n Eeder)tion )nd the *epubli! o. 5Derb)i#)n
(see the )ppendiF N 4)
8he !l)im o. -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis is not
b)sed on )n$ rele,)nt histori!)l sour!e = it is mu!h
more #ust unpro,ed h$pothesis th)n the re)l
s!ienti.i! theor$

(displ)!ed), 2004; http://!ru!i.ied-(oso,owebs!om;
http://www(oso,onet; http://www!ru!i.ied-(oso,oeu
)b)no,i3 K (ed), K)dibe"i3 K, K)ndi3 5, @o,)te,i3 7 (prep)red
b$), eblast BranEoviTa. ep]irni EatastarsEi popis i# ?. godine
(ori"in)l title: DefterKJ, "ufassalKJ, !ilayetKJ, !Lk, sene DA), 'onument)
8ur!i!) Kistori)m Sl),orum 'eridion)lium -llustr)nti), 8omus tertius,
seri#) ---, He.teri, (n#i") 2, s, 1, S)r)#e,o: ?ri#ent)lni institut u S)r)#e,u,
[\] U, b :1X,5> *15).)p21q , /).)p21q, PVWXRQY:
PJwVY\cS[W, 1>>0, p 141

Kistor$ *ese)r!h 2013; 1(2): 5-24 15

Ein)ll$, there )re indi!)tions th)t the 5lb)ni)ns,
who )re li,in" tod)$ on the territor$ o. )n!ient
-ll$ri), !)me there .rom the territor$ o. the *om)n
Pro,in!e o. 'oesi) Superior (in the present-d)$
Serbi)) )nd espe!i)ll$ .rom the ,)lle$ o. the *i,er
o. 'or),) whi!h is now the territor$ o. the 7)stern
Serbi) = ie, the )n!ient -ll$ri)ns !)nnot be the
)n!estors o. the present-d)$ 5lb)ni)ns
8he l)st point deser,e more )ttention 5s the territor$ o.
the Pro,in!e o. 'oesi) Superior w)s in the )n!ient times
the Done o. H)!i)n ethni!it$, the modern 5lb)ni)ns !)n be
onl$ o. the H)!i)n ethni!)l ori"in, but not o. the -ll$ri)n
one -n this !)se, howe,er, the 5lb)ni)ns )re o. the s)me
ethni!)l ori"in li(e the modern *om)ni)ns Su!h
!on!lusions )re supported b$ the .ollowin" .)!ts: 1) -ll$ri)n
topon$ms .rom the time o. )n!ient Cree(s )nd *om)ns )re
not in )!!ord)n!e with the 5lb)ni)n phoneti! l)ws; 2) most
)n!ient 0)tin lo)nwords in the 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e h),e the
phoneti! .orm o. the e)stern 2)l()n t$pe o. the 0)tin
l)n"u)"e th)t is showin" th)t the 5lb)ni)ns )re des!endent
.rom the )n!ient H)!i)ns; 3) the most p)rt o. terminolo"$
in the 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e, whi!h is in !onne!tion to the
eFpression o. littor)l terms, is borrowed .rom di..erent
l)n"u)"es wh)t su""ests th)t the 5lb)ni)ns h),e not been
ori"in)ll$ ) !o)st)l people; 4) onl$ ) .ew )n!ient Cree(
lo)nwords eFist in modern 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e; i. 5lb)ni)ns
o. -ll$ri)n ori"in were re)ll$ indi"enous popul)tion in
7pirus re"ion there should be mu!h more lo)nwords .rom
the )n!ient Cree( l)n"u)"e; 5) there is no )n$ re.eren!e to
the 5lb)ni)ns on the present-d)$ 5lb)ni)ks territor$ in )n$
medie,)l histori!)l sour!e be.ore the >
; )nd %)
)round one hundred words .rom the *om)ni)n l)n"u)"e
)re simil)r onl$ to the words .rom the 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e -t
su""ests th)t the 5lb)ni)ns !)me to the present-d)$ 5lb)ni)
either .rom the present-d)$ *om)ni) or .rom the territor$
o. Serbi) th)t is !lose to *om)ni)

Simil)rl$, the Kun")ri)n histori)ns )nd lin"uists )re stressin" th)t the
*om)ni)n theor$ o. *om)ni)n ethni!)l ori"in .rom the )n!ient H)!i)ns is
un#ust 8he Kun")ri)ns )re )r"uin" th)t the /l)!hs (or the *om)ni)ns )s it
is re")rded in *om)ni)n historio"r)ph$) )rri,ed in the 12
!entur$ when
the n)me o. /l)!h w)s mentioned .or the .irst time in histori!)l sour!es
8his opinion is prim)ril$ b)sed on 9the hi"hl$ ideolo"i!)l $esta
Hungarorum o. the un(nown !leri! 5non$mus three-hundred $e)rs ).ter
the e,ents re!orded Li e, the ')"$)r settlement in the P)nnoni) )nd
8r)ns$l,)ni)O splendid ,i!tories o,er .i!titious !hie.s o. the peoples
.ound herek b$ the ')"$)rs, )!tu)ll$ pro#e!tin" the!entur$ st)tus
;uo onto the ninth: L@ontler 0, "illenium in Ientral Europe. A History of
Hungary, 2ud)pest: 5tl)ntisD Publishin" Kouse, 1>>>, p 43O Aontr)r$ to
their Kun")ri)n !olle)"ues, the *om)ni)n histori)ns )nd lin"uists
de,eloped the 9H)!i)n-/l)!h: theor$ o. *om)ni)n ethni!)l ori"in
su""estin" th)t the )n!ient H)!i)ns were proto-*om)ni)ns 5s ) result, the
modern *om)ni)ns )re !onsidered )s ori"in)l settlers in 8r)ns$l,)ni) )nd
the$ h),e stron"er histori!)l ri"hts to this territor$ th)n the Kun")ri)ns
who !)me there #ust in the 10
!entur$ (.or eF)mple, see: L2olo,)n - )nd
others, A History of Romania, -)i, 1>>%, pp 4%=%3O)
8he *om)ni)n philolo"ist /)sil) P)r,)n l)un!hed ) h$pothesis in 1>10
th)t the proto-5lb)ni)ns le.t their ori"in)l territories in the A)rp)thi)ns
between the 3
)nd the %
!entur$ 5H )nd mo,ed to the 2)l()ns throu"h
8r)ns$l,)ni) 8he *om)ni)n lin"uist 8heodor A)pid)n w)s sure in 1>22
th)t the 5lb)ni)ns .ormerl$ li,ed somewhere in the northern p)rt o. the
8he 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e w)s p)ssin" throu"h the pro!ess
o. de,elopment durin" the 4
, 5
, )nd %
!enturies - the
time when the proto-*om)ni)n l)n"u)"e w)s .ormed
5!!ordin" to some s!hol)rs, the *om)ni)n l)n"u)"e should
be seen )s the *om)niDed H)!i)n-'oesi)n l)n"u)"e, while
the 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e is ) semi-*om)niDed H)!i)n-
'oesi)n l)n"u)"e

-t h)s to be s)id th)t the )r"uments .or the H)!i)n ori"in
o. the 5lb)ni)ns h),e stron" points )nd the$ deser,ed to be
seriousl$ t)(en into !onsider)tion b$ the s!hol)rs 8he
5lb)ni)ns did not h),e ) sin"le )n!estor in some o. the pre-
South Sl),i! 2)l()n peoples 8he present-d)$ 5lb)ni)ns,
li(ewise other modern 2)l()n peoples, )re ethni!)ll$ miFed
)nd !omposed b$ )n )dmiFture o. their m)in )n!estor with
the )n!estries o. the modern South Sl),i!, Cree( )nd
*om)ni)n people 8he pi,ot)l purpose o. supporters o. the
-ll$ri)n theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n ethni!)l ori"in w)s to underline
th)t the 5lb)ni)n histori!)l ri"hts in the 2)l()ns )re the
oldest )nd stron"est ones in !omp)rison with their
nei"hbors: the Serbs, 'ontene"rins, ')!edoni)n Sl),s )nd
Cree(s Kowe,er, either the H)!i)n theor$, or the theor$ o.
)dmiFture o. 5lb)ni)n ethni!)l roots, )r"ues th)t 5lb)ni)n
histori!)l ri"hts in the 2)l()ns )re not older th)n histori!)l
ri"hts o. their nei"hbors 8his theoreti!)l-s!ienti.i! ;uestion
o. 5lb)ni)n ethni!)l deri,)tion "re)tl$ in.luen!ed the
!re)tors o. the 2)l()n st)tesk borders durin" the 2)l()n
B)rs 1>12=1>13 )nd )lso h)d serious impli!)tions .or the
.iFin" o. the borders o. )n independent 5lb)ni)n st)te in
1>12J1>21 -n the other words, either the 4orthern 7pirus
will be!ome ) p)rt o. 5lb)ni) or Cree!e, the Bestern
')!edoni), @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) p)rts o. Serbi) or
5lb)ni) )nd the 7)stern 'ontene"ro with the S!odr) 0)(e
)nd the !it$ o. S!odr) will be!ome p)rts o. 5lb)ni) or
'ontene"ro, hi"hl$ depended on the ;uestion whose
histori!)l ri"hts to these l)nds were stron"er 2$ usin" the
-ll$ri)n theor$ o. 5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis, m)n$ o. 5lb)ni)n
n)tion)l wor(ers, s!hol)rs )nd politi!i)ns !l)imed th)t, .or
inst)n!e, the so-!)lled Cree( pro,in!e o. the 4orthern
7pirus )!tu)ll$ h)d to be !onsidered )s the Southern
5lb)ni) )nd )s su!h to be in!luded into the united n)tion)l
st)te o. )ll 5lb)ni)ns

2)l()n Peninsul) LA)pid)n 8h, Dacoromania, --, 2u!h)rest, 1>22, p 4&<O
8he Cree( lin"uist Philippides thou"ht th)t the 5lb)ni)n motherl)nd w)s
)n!ient *om)n Pro,in!e o. P)nnoni) ()ll !it)tions t)(en .rom LM)be# 7,
98he problem o. the )uto!hthon$ o. 5lb)ni)ns in the li"ht o. pl)!e-n)mes:,
Buletini i Universitetit Shteteror te iranes, N 2, 1>5&, pp 54=%2O
Ceor"ie, /, 98he Cenesis o. the 2)l()n Peoples:, Slavonic and East
European Revie%, 44, N 103, 1>%%, pp 2&5=2><; Eine I, he Early
"edieval BalEans, 5nn 5rbor, 1>>4, pp 10, 11
8h)t term 4orthern 7pirus h)s to be understood )s the Southern 5lb)ni)
su""ests )nd 5meri!)n s!hol)r: Sti!(ne$ 7 P, Southern Albania or
Porthern Epirus in European Jnternational Affairs_ ?A?nm?An, St)n.ord,
1>2% -n the Appeal of the Ientral Iommittee for the defense of the rights
of the Albanian nationality addressed to all patriots to defend the
Albanian lands %hich are threatened %ith annefation by "ontenegro
(-st)nbul, ')$, 30, 1&<&), the Aommittee dem)nded th)t the 5lb)ni)ns
should be le.t to their l)nds: 98hrou"h the press )nd lo!)l !ommittees, we
h),e distributed $our protest )")inst the pretensions o. the Cree(
Co,ernment tow)rds Southern 5lb)ni), or 7pirus, whi!h is ) !omponent
1% /l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3: 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the
7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns
6. $onclusion: 7nderstandin" Albanian
8ationality and #olitical
8he 5lb)ni)n n)tionhood w)s understood in the 1>

!entur$ rom)nti!ist notion o. the n)tion)lit$, ie, 5lb)ni)ns
were the 2)l()n people whose mother ton"ue w)s 5lb)ni)n
re")rdless on !on.ession)l di,ision o. 5lb)ni)n people into
three denomin)tions (-sl)mi!, *om)n A)tholi! )nd 7)stern
?rthodoF) Bithin the north 5lb)ni)n tribes, espe!i)ll$
)mon" the 'iriditi, the *om)n A)tholi! Ahur!h w)s ,er$
in.luenti)l 8he *om)n A)tholi! Ahur!h be!)me in the .irst
pl)!e the prin!ip)l ,i"il)nte o. the l)n"u)"e, !ultur)l
herit)"e )nd n)tion)l identit$ o. the 5lb)ni)ns in the
4orthern 5lb)ni)
8he eFpression o. !ommon sense o.
the 5lb)ni)n n)tionhood w)s uttered b$ 5lb)ni)n politi!)l
le)dership in the $e)rs o. the 2)l()n B)rs 1>12=1>13 in
the .ollowin" slo")n: 94e,e Sh;ipt)r nu( #emi Cre(e, Sll),,
or 8eer(, ne,e #emi Sh;ipt)r: (9Be 5lb)ni)ns )re not the
Cree(s, Sl),s, or 8ur(s, we )re the 5lb)ni)ns:)
8he 5lb)ni)n politi!)l 9methodolo"$: .rom the time o.
the Eirst PriDnen 0e)"ue in 1&<& till the 2)l()n B)rs in
1>12J1>13 w)s )pplied to prep)re uni.i!)tion o. )ll
9ethni!)ll$ 5lb)ni)n territories: in the 2)l()ns into ()
9Cre)ter:) 5lb)ni) - ) sin"le n)tion)l st)te o. )ll 5lb)ni)ns,
ie, within the ethni! borders dem)nded b$ the 0e)"ue in
the $e)rs o. its eFisten!e .rom 1&<& to 1&&1 7ssenti)ll$
simil)r n)tion)l-st)te !on!epts were )lso in!luded in
politi!)l pro"r)ms o. the 5lb)ni)n Pe#) (Pe#m) 0e)"ue, .rom
1&>>, the Cre)ter 5lb)ni)n @oso,o Aommittee, .rom 1>20,
)nd the Se!ond PriDren 0e)"ue, .rom 1>43 Shortl$,
preser,)tion o. the tr)dition)l, !ommon l)w )nd lo!)l
!ommunit$ )s the or")niD)tion)l b)sis o. the n)tion)l
mo,ement .ollowed b$ the dem)nd .or uni.i!)tion o. )ll
territories popul)ted b$ 5lb)ni)ns be!)me 5lb)ni)n
prim)r$ n)tion)l interest .rom 1&<& onw)rd
Ale)rl$, the pro!ess o. !re)tion o. 5lb)ni)n n)tion)lit$
w)s not .inished $et )t the end o. the 1>
!entur$ 8he
5lb)ni)n n)tion w)s not !onsidered )s ) politi!)l re)lit$ in
7urope b$ m)n$ politi!i)ns )t th)t time 8he 5lb)ni)n
people were )mon" the l)st one in 7urope to build up their
own n)tion)l identit$ )nd n)tion)l !ommunit$ Bhen
durin" the sessions o. the Aon"ress o. 2erlin in 1&<& the

p)rt o. our !ountr$ li(e Aentr)l )nd 4orthern 5lb)ni): Eurther, 9the
Aentr)l Aommittee will m)(e e,er$ e..ort to de.end the ri"hts o. 5lb)ni)n
n)tion)lit$ in 4orthern 5lb)ni) be.ore 7urope)n publi! opinion )nd
diplom)!$ )s it h)s done )lre)d$ .or the s)me re)sons in 7pirus:, 90i,e
the 5lb)ni)n l)nds to 5lb)ni)nsG: Lhe Archives of the Jnstitute of History
of Republic of Albania, 8ir)n), Eund o. the 5lb)ni)n 0e)"ue o. PriDren,
.ile N 2, do!ument N 5523O 8his pro!l)m)tion is published )s ) le).let in
5lb)ni)n )nd -t)li)n 8he 7n"lish l)n"u)"e tr)nsl)tion o. the do!ument
!)n be .ound in: LPollo S, Pul)h) S (eds), Acts of the Albanian Pational
Renaissance, ?D@Dm?A?n, 8ir)n), 1><&, pp 1&=1>O
Hr)(i3 S, 94)dmet)n#e 5ustro-+")rs(e i -t)li#e (on!em |-| i
potet(om || ,e() u 5lb)ni#i:, AlbansEo pitanQe u novoQ istoriQi, ---,
2eo"r)d: ')r(sistit() mis)o, 2-1>&%, pp 12>=132 See )lso: LSt)ro,) C,
98he *eli"ion o. the 5lb)ni)ns in the 2)l()n 7urope)n AonteFt:, BalEan
dorum, S(op#e, ,ol 1, N 4, 1>>3, pp 201=204O
;uestion o. 5lb)ni) )nd 5lb)ni)ns w)s put on the )"end),
the Cerm)n Ah)n!ellor (@)nDDel)r) ?tto ,on 2ism)r!(
de!isi,el$ re#e!ted to spe)( )bout it with the eFpl)n)tion
th)t there w)s no 5lb)ni)n n)tion)lit$
Eor him, the
5lb)ni)ns were the 8ur(s 5t the s)me period o. time, the
Serbs (either .rom Serbi) or .rom 'ontene"ro) )nd the
Cree(s !onsidered themsel,es )s ) n)tion (ie, ethni!)l
"roups whi!h h)d its own st)te or")niD)tions), )nd )s su!h
were understood b$ 7urope, while the 5lb)ni)ns were
understood )s the 2)l()n ethni!)l "roup (ie, the "roup o.
people who did not h),e its own st)te) Aonse;uentl$,
ethni!)l "roup o. 5lb)ni)ns !ould li,e onl$ )s ethni!)l
minorit$ in!luded into some o. the 2)l()n n)tion)l st)te(s)
)nd !)n not eFpe!t more th)n the ri"ht to )utonom$ within
it (them) 5ll in )ll, )t the turn o. the 20
!entur$ m)n$
politi!i)ns in Serbi), 'ontene"ro )nd Cree!e sh)red
opinion th)t the ethni!)l "roup o. 5lb)ni)ns w)s !ultur)ll$
)nd politi!)ll$ in!)p)ble o. ) modern n)tion)l de,elopment
)nd )bo,e )ll un)ble )nd in!ompetent to est)blish )nd rule
their own n)tion)l st)te
8he b)!(w)rdness o.
de,elopment o. 5lb)ni)n so!iet$ )t the be"innin" o. the
!entur$ w)s seen .rom the .)!t th)t initi)ted pro!ess o.
moderniD)tion shoo( the 5lb)ni)n trib)l so!iet$, but .)iled
to repl)!e it with ) modern industri)l, p)rli)ment)r$ )nd
!i,il so!iet$ 8he 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l mo,ement w)s seen )s
well )s )r!h)i! so!i)l mo,ement th)t !)nnot re)!h ) le,el
o. n)tion)l !ohesion in modern terms 8his mo,ement
produ!ed )mon" the Serbs, 'ontene"rins )nd Cree(s )
.eelin" o. #eop)rdiDin" the politi!)l )nd territori)l inte"rit$
o. Serbi), 'ontene"ro )nd Cree!e
Eor them, the theor$

0o"ore!i 5, he Albanians. EuropeMs dorgotten Survivors, Aolor)do,
1><<, p 41
Su!h )ppro)!h !)n be understood )s old theor$, whi!h w)s used durin"
the 2)l()n B)rs 1>12=1>13 to #usti.$ Serbi)n !on;uerin" o. the 4orthern
5lb)ni), Cree( o!!up)tion o. the Southern 5lb)ni) )nd 'ontene"rin
milit)r$ t)(in" o,er the !it$ o. S()d)r/S!ut)ri L^`W[\] _, <0(,:) ,
&'()*,:), :1.)* o0,'-3 50,8,+, X)4-:14)51 o-',8,51 /0o/51
(>0s-)X,:1, PVWXRQY, 1>13, pp 1<<=11&O
8he Serbs, 'ontene"rins, ')!edoni)n Sl),s )nd Cree(s )re )!!usin"
the 5lb)ni)n intelle!tu)ls )nd politi!i)ns .or usin" the theor$ o. -ll$ri)n-
5lb)ni)n ethni!)l, lin"uisti! )nd !ultur)l !ontinuit$ .or the s)(e o.
re)liDin" the politi!)l !on!ept o. ) 9Cre)ter 5lb)ni): )t the 2)l()ns 8his
!on!ept !)n not be re)liDed without ) r)di!)l !h)n"e o. the borders o. the
2)l()n st)tes est)blished in 1>12=1>13, .ollowin" two 2)l()n B)rs Su!h
!h)n"e o. the borders would ,iol)te the territori)l inte"rit$ o. Serbi),
'ontene"ro, ')!edoni) )nd Cree!e -n !on!lusion, the !on!ept o. )
9Cre)ter: 5lb)ni), b)sed )mon" other ideolo"i!)l !onstru!tions )nd on the
theor$ o. -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis, m)$ ser,e )s ) prelude to )
8hird 2)l()n B)r *e")rdin" the !on!ept )nd !onse;uen!es o. !re)tion o.
) 9Cre)ter: 5lb)ni) )t the 2)l()ns see, .or eF)mple: L)n)( I (ed),
$reater Albania. Ioncept and possible IonseRuences, 2el"r)de: the
-nstitute o. Ceopoliti!)l Studies, 2el"r)de, 1>>&; 2oroD)n }, $reater
AlbaniaKerigins, Jdeas, Hractice, 2el"r)de: the -nstitute o. 'ilit)r$
Kistor$ o. the {u"osl), 5rm$, 2el"r)de, 1>>5O -t should be stressed th)t
in )ddition to ?rthodoF$ )nd the so-!)lled St S),)ks spiritu)l le")!$, the
pro,in!e o. @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) (ie, Serbi) proper) is the third pill)r o.
Serbi)n n)tion)l identit$ Aontr)r$ to the Serbi)n !)se, @oso,o )nd
'etohi#) )re not o. )n$ si"ni.i!)n!e .or the 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l identit$
*e")rdin" the (!ru!i)l) import)n!e o. @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) .or the Serbs
.rom histori!)l perspe!ti,e, see: LqQhQR\] \ YR`X\, 6-/-4- ,
718-9,:) > /0o/5-: ,/8-0,:,, PVWXRQY: qRaZQ Zb\V[cQ dQYR`XQ,
Kistor$ *ese)r!h 2013; 1(2): 5-24 1<

o. -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n !ontinuit$ is in essen!e ) n)tion)listi!
ideolo"i!)l !onstru!tion whi!h be!)me ) dri,in"
politi!)ll$-ideolo"i!)l .or!e .or 5lb)ni)n politi!i)ns to
!re)te, .rom the 5lb)ni)n ,ision, their ethni! borders
)!!ordin" to 5lb)ni)n )!;uired ri"hts Ceopoliti!)ll$, this
pro#e!t, .rom 1&<& to the present, dem)nds not onl$ the
territories whi!h ethni!)ll$ )nd histori!)ll$ belon" to the
5lb)ni)ns, but it went be$ond them )nd en!omp)ssed the
entire -ll$ri)n-5lb)ni)n ethni! popul)tion, dispersed in
di..erent )re)s o,er the nei"hborin" 2)l()n re"ions:
@oso,o )nd 'etohi#), southern p)rts o. Aentr)l Serbi),
M)meri) (Cree( 7pirus )nd Cree( Bestern ')!edoni)),
western portion o. the *epubli! o. ')!edoni) (the
E{*?') )nd the 7)stern 'ontene"ro

Kowe,er, !ontr)r$ to the theor$ o. b)!(w)rdness o.
5lb)ni)n so!i)l de,elopment, the 5lb)ni)n politi!)l )nd
intelle!tu)l le)dership .rom the turn o. the 20
)r"ued th)t the 5lb)ni)ns met )ll !onditions re;uired b$
!ontempor)r$ politi!)l s!ien!e to be re!o"niDed )s ) n)tion:
1) the$ h)d their sep)r)te ethni!, lin"uisti! )nd !ultur)l
identit$; 2) the 5lb)ni)n settlements in the 2)l()ns )re
!omp)!t; 3) the 5lb)ni)ns h)d ) ,er$ pre!isel$ de.ined
n)tion)l pro"r)m; )nd 4) the$ posses )bilities to build up )
!ommunit$ )nd their own independent st)te whi!h would
be "o,erned b$ themsel,es

8he 5lb)ni)n politi!)l )nd intelle!tu)l le)dership o.ten
were stressin" th)t 5lb)ni)n people with their own n)tion)l
ide) would ne,er be su!!ess.ull$ inte"r)ted either into
Serbi)n, 'ontene"rin or Cree( so!ieties )nd st)tes 8h)t is,
in )ddition to numerous )nd di,erse !)uses, )lso due to the
.)!t th)t the 5lb)ni)ns do not belon" to the Sl),i! or Cree(
lin"uisti! )nd !ultur)l "roups 8here is )lso si"ni.i!)nt
di,er"en!e o. n)tion)l de,elopment o. the Serbs,
'ontene"rins, Cree(s, on the one h)nd, )nd the 5lb)ni)ns,
on the other 8hese n)tions h)d di..erent (ind o. the
n)tion)l mo,ements )nd p)rti!ul)rl$ h)d )nd h),e di..erent
sort o. the politi!)l elite )nd n)tion)l ideolo"$, too
Kowe,er, the 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l ideolo"$ o. the -ll$ri)n-
5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis w)s !re)ted )nd still eFists )s ) pure
m$th in ) .orm o. ) ;u)si-s!ienti.i! politi!)l prop)")nd) .or
the s)(e o. !re)tion o. ) 9Cre)ter: 5lb)ni)
Ein)ll$, the 5lb)ni)ns surel$ were )mon" the ,er$ .ew
2)l()n peoples who m)n)"ed to .ind )n intern)l b)l)n!e
between three !on.essions )nd to build up the three-
!on.essions n)tion)l identit$: -sl)m, .ollowed b$ <0p o.

5!!ordin" to the m)p o. +nited 5lb)ni), !omposed b$ 5li Eehmi
@osturi )nd distributed sin!e 1>3& Kistori!)ll$, there were two )ttempts
to !re)te ) 9Cre)ter: 5lb)ni): .irstl$ in 1>12 supported b$ 5ustri)-
Kun")r$, )nd se!ondl$ in 1>41 with the dire!t inter,ention o. .)s!ist -t)l$
)nd the lo"isti! support o. the 8hird *ei!h -n both !)ses the !on!ept o.
9Cre)ter: 5lb)ni) re)sserted the dem)nds b$ the 1&<&=1&&1 5lb)ni)n
Eirst 0e)"ue o. PriDren to !re)te )n 5lb)ni)n st)te inside )lle"ed -ll$ri)n-
5lb)ni)n histori!)l-ethni!)l borders
Simil)r )r"uments re.erin" to @oso,o )nd 'etohi#) were presented b$
the 5lb)ni)n @oso,o intelli"entsi) in the 1>>0s durin" the @oso,o !risis
)nd the w)r See, .or eF)mple: L')li;i S, 9Str)h od no,ih r)tnih uspeh):,
Borba, 2eo"r)d, September 1%
, 1>>3O
5lb)ni)n popul)tion (prim)ril$ .rom 5lb)ni) proper,
@oso,o )nd 'etohi#), the Bestern ')!edoni) )nd the
7)stern 'ontene"ro), 7)stern ?rthodoF$, pro.essed b$
20p o. 5lb)ni)ns (!hie.l$ .rom the Southern 5lb)ni) )nd
the Cree( 4orthern 7pirus) )nd *om)n A)tholi!ism,
!on.essed b$ 10p o. the 5lb)ni)ns (m)inl$ .rom the
4orthern 5lb)ni) proper )nd @oso,o )nd 'etohi#))
-ll$ri)n theor$ o. the 5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis pl)$ed )
!ru!i)l role in this m)n)"ement
8he 1>
!entur$ mo,ement o. 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l
)w)(enin" st)rted h)l. o. the !entur$ l)ter in !omp)rison
with the simil)r pro!ess o. other 2)l()n n)tions )nd e,en
the whole !entur$ in !omp)rison with Aentr)l 7urope)n
ones 8he !)use .or this del)$ w)s ) "ener)l n)tion)l-
!ultur)l underde,elopment o. the 5lb)ni)n people who
li,ed under the ?ttom)n lordship .or the !enturies without
!ultur)l )nd ideolo"i!)l !onne!tions with the Bestern
7urope where the ideolo"$ )nd mo,ement o. n)tion)lism
emer"ed )nd spre)d up throu"hout the rest o. 7urope)n
!ontinent Subse;uentl$, the ide)s o. n)tion)l identi.i!)tion,
n)tion)l st)tehood )nd the !on!ept o. histori!)l-ethni!)l
territori)l bound)ries h)d been )!tu)liDed b$ )ll 5lb)ni)n
nei"hbors (the Cree(s, Serbs )nd 'ontene"rins) e)rlier
th)n b$ the 5lb)ni)n people Bhen 5lb)ni)n intelle!tu)ls
durin" )nd ).ter the Cre)t 7)stern Arisis 1&<5=1&<&
theoreti!)ll$ sh)ped the thou"ht )nd !on!ept o. 5lb)ni)n
n)tion)l ide) rel)ted to the ;uestion o. .iFin" 5lb)ni)n
n)tion)l territories )nd !re)tin" 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l st)te,
the$ .)!ed, )nd h)d to stru""le with, Serbi)n, 'ontene"rin
)nd Cree( n)tion)l !on!eption )nd thou"ht o. their own
n)tion)l st)tehood 8his ideolo"i!)l, politi!)l )nd milit)r$
.i"ht w)s .o!used prim)ril$ on the ;uestion upon !ert)in
9n)tion)l: soils on the 2)l()ns whi!h should be in!luded
either into united Serbi), united 'ontene"ro, united Cree!e
or united 5lb)ni): @oso,o )nd 'etohi#), 4orthern 7pirus,
Bestern ')!edoni), S()d)r (S(ut)ri) re"ion in the
4orthwest 5lb)ni) )nd the territories )round the !it$ o.
+l!in# )nd the *i,er o. 2o#)n) in the 7)stern 'ontene"ro
8he n)tion)l pro"r)m o. the Eirst 0e)"ue o. PriDren set up
the .ollowin" two ultim)te n)tion)l "o)ls o. the 5lb)ni)ns:
1) the n)tion)l liber)tion o. )ll 5lb)ni)ns who in m)#orit$
li,ed within the ?ttom)n 7mpire )nd in minorit$ in
independent st)tes o. Serbi) )nd 'ontene"ro; )nd 2) the
!re)tion o. ) n)tion)l st)te o. 5lb)ni)ns in whi!h the entire
5lb)ni)n histori!)l )nd ethni!)l territories were to be
in!orpor)ted into the Cre)ter 5lb)ni) 8his se!ond
re;uirement led the 5lb)ni)ns in the subse;uent de!)des to
the open !!t with the nei"hborin" Ahristi)n st)tes:
Serbi), 'ontene"ro )nd Cree!e 8he n)tion)l )w)(enin" o.
the 5lb)ni)n people in the $e)rs o. 1&<&=1>12 resulted in
est)blishment o. ideolo"$ o. n)tionhood )nd st)tehood th)t
be!)me in ) "re)ter or lesser eFtent !h)llen"ed )nd opposed

8o this ,er$ d)$, the 5lb)ni)n 'uslims )re the m)in !orps o. the
5lb)ni)n n)tion)l mo,ement )nd n)tion)lism 8he !on!ept o. 9+nited:, or
9Cre)ter:, 5lb)ni), in its ori"in)l .orm (.rom 1&<&), w)s under the stron"
in.luen!e o. !onser,)ti,e, politi!)l -sl)m

1& /l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3: 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the
7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns
b$ )ll 5lb)ni)n nei"hbors tod)$ = the Serbs, Cree(s,
'ontene"rins )nd the ')!edoni)n Sl),s
:. Summary
8he 5lb)ni)ns belie,e to be the l)st pure )nd dire!t
des!end)nts o. the )n!ient -ll$ri)ns, the 2)l()n people who
li,ed )t this peninsul) in the 5nti;ue time ')n$ s!hol)rs
!onsider the 5lb)ni)ns )s the o..sprin" popul)tion o. the
)n!ient inh)bit)nts o. the 2)l()n Peninsul), either the
Pel)s"i)ns or the -ll$ri)ns, ie the popul)tion residin" in
this p)rt o. 7urope be.ore the 'iddle 5"es Hurin" the
!entur$ )nd espe!i)ll$ ).ter the est)blishment o.
the 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l-politi!)l or")niD)tion = the Eirst
0e)"ue o. PriDren in 1&<& the rom)nti!ist underst)ndin" o.
the n)tionhood )!!ordin" to the lin"uisti! prin!iple
pre,)iled )mon" the 5lb)ni)n intelle!tu)ls, p)rti!ul)rl$
)mon" those who were li,in" )s the emi"r)nts in -t)l$ (the
Arab`resh, how the -t)lo-5lb)ni)ns !)lled themsel,es)
8he 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l mo,ement RilindQa too( )nti-
South Sl),i! )nd )nti-Cree( politi!)l-ideolo"i!)l
orient)tion, whi!h )t )n$ !)se !)nnot be !onsidered )s )nti-
Ahristi)n 8he 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l identit$ is deri,ed .rom
!on.ront)tion with, )nd .rom, di..eren!es in !omp)rison
with their nei"hbors 8he m)#orit$ o. 5lb)ni)n politi!)l
wor(ers .rom the time o. RilindQa )!!epted the Cerm)n-
*om)nti!ist prin!iple o. 9lin"uisti!: n)tionhood )nd the$
!re)ted the notion o. 5lb)ni)ns th)t desi"n)ted )n ethni!
"roup whose mother ton"ue w)s the 5lb)ni)n l)n"u)"e
Kowe,er, re.errin" to the lin"uisti! e,iden!es some
s!hol)rs de.end the thesis th)t the 5lb)ni)ns )re
des!end)nts o. the )n!ient H)!i)ns who h),e been
inh)bitin" )nd the l)nds south o. the *i,er o. H)nube (the
*om)n Pro,in!es o. 'oesi) Superior )nd 'oesi) -n.erior)
)nd mi"r)tin" south-west to the territor$ o. the present-d)$
5lb)ni) Some serious indi!)tions 5lb)ni)n ethni!)l
ori"in to the H)!i)n-'oesi)n root ?n the .irst pl)!e it is
5lb)ni)n n)me .or them = the ShRiptars, the word o.
H)!i)n-'oesi)n ori"in, whi!h me)ns the 9hi"hl)nders: in
the 2ul")ri)n l)n"u)"e
Kowe,er, the proponents o. the -ll$ri)n theor$ o.
5lb)ni)n ethno"enesis !onne!ted the !ontempor)r$
intern)tion)l n)me .or the 5lb)ni)ns with the Albanoi wh)t
w)s the n)me o. )n -ll$ri)n tribe li,in" in the present-d)$
4orth 5lb)ni), mentioned .or the .irst time in the wor(s o.
the Cree( "eo"r)pher Ptolem$ in the 2
!entur$ 5H
8he ideolo"$ )nd e..orts o. the 5lb)ni)n n)tion)l
mo,ement in the $e)rs o. 1&<&=1>13 to uni.$ )ll 5lb)ni)n
2)l()n popul)tion who li,ed in !omp)!t m)sses into )
sin"le independent ethni!)ll$ homo"enous st)te o. the
5lb)ni)ns #eop)rdiDed the ide) o. territori)l inte"rit$ o.
Serbi)n, 'ontene"rin )nd Cree( n)tion)l st)tes 8he s)me
is )nd with the present-d)$ pro#e!ts to re-!re)te ) 9Cre)ter:
5lb)ni) .rom the time o. the BB--
4umerous tr)ns.orm)tions h),e been t)(en pl)!e )mon"
the 5lb)ni)ns throu"h their histori!)l de,elopment, whi!h
h),e resulted in )ltern)tion o. their re)l (the A)u!)sus)
ethni!)l entit$ 8here )re no 9pure: peoples (n)tions) in the
world )nd the 5lb)ni)ns )re not 9pure:, either 8here is )n
ethni! substr)tum th)t is present in )ll 2)l()n peoples
(n)tions) Kowe,er, it is be$ond doubt th)t the 5lb)ni)ns
h),e ret)ined some o. the -ll$ri)n elements in their ethni!
m)(e-up .or the ,er$ re)son: the$ were settled on the
-ll$ri)n territor$ in 1043 2ut, on the other h)nd, )ll the
peoples (n)tions) who li,e tod)$ in the Bestern )nd the
Aentr)l 2)l()ns h),e -ll$ri)n elements Kowe,er, in the
other re"ions o. the Bestern )nd the Aentr)l 2)l()ns, the
Sl),i! element is predomin)nt 5mon" the 5lb)ni)ns the
0)tiniDed -ll$ri)n elements )re stron", espe!i)ll$ in the
point o. l)n"u)"e 4e,ertheless, this .)!t !)nnot be utiliDed
b$ )n$bod$ to !l)im th)t 5lb)ni)n histori!)l )nd ethni!)l
ri"hts on !ert)in 2)l()n territories )re stron"er )nd lon"er
th)n the Sl),i! or the Cree( ones -n this point, the -ll$ri)n-
5lb)ni)n !ultur)l-ethni! !ontinu)tion !)n ")in ) new
politi!)l dimension with the inter-ethni!)l !!ts in the
2)l()ns, whi!h )re )lre)d$ eFist, )s ) 9Cre)ter: 5lb)ni) is
in the pro!ess o. .orm)tion (or re-!re)tion) 8he .irst
2)l()n pro,in!e )lre)d$ de facto in!orpor)ted into the
united n)tion)l st)te o. the -ll$ro-5lb)ni)ns is @oso,o )nd

Kistor$ *ese)r!h 2013; 1(2): 5-24 1>


1: dour Albanian vilayets to be united into the soKcalled Albanian !ilayet of the ettoman Empire and to compose at such a %ay a $reater Albania
c. ?D@D
20 /l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3: 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the
7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns

2: "ap of a $reater Albania promoted by the Albanian diaspora in S%eden in ?A@@
Kistor$ *ese)r!h 2013; 1(2): 5-24 21

3: Destruction of Serbian national traces in AlbanianKruled kosovo and "etohiQa after ^une ?AAA

4: Ancient Iholhis, Jberia and Albania at the Iaucasus

L1O 5n)m)li S, 90) n~!ropole de @ru#e et l) !i,ilis)tion du
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4)si 0, ?m)ri 0, |hu.i P, Pul)h) S, Pollo S, Sht$ll) n
(eds), he ruth on kosova, 8ir)n), 1>>3
L3O 5n)m)li S, 98he Problem o. the Eorm)tion o. the 5lb)ni)n
people in the 0i"ht o. 5r!h)eolo"i!)l -n.orm)tion:, he
Pational Ionference on the formation of the Albanian
people, their language and culture, 8ir)n), 1>&&
22 /l)disl), 2 Sotiro,i3: 4)tion)l identit$: who 5re the 5lb)ni)ns6 the -ll$ri)n 5nthropon$m$ )nd the
7thno"enesis o. the 5lb)ni)ns
L4O 5n)m)li S, 98he uestion o. the 5lb)ni)n 7)rl$ 'edi)e,)l
Aulture in the 0i"ht o. 4ew 5r!h)eolo"i!)l His!o,eries:,
Studime HistoriEe, 2, 1>%<
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