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SPSS Statistics is a software package used for statistical analysis. Long produced
by SPSS Inc., it was acquired by IBM in 200, and current !ersions are officially
na"ed IBM SPSS Statistics. SPSS is a"ong t#e "ost widely used progra"s
for statistical analysis insocial science. It is also used by "arket researc#ers, #ealt#
researc#ers, sur!ey co"panies, go!ern"ent, education researc#ers, "arketing
organi$ations, and ot#ers
%#e SPSS software is built around t#e SPSS progra""ing language. &ne can acco"plis#
"ost basic data analysis t#roug# "enus and dialog bo'es wit#out #a!ing to actually learn
t#e SPSS language. (owe!er, so"e tasks cannot be acco"plis#ed fro" t#e "enus, and
ot#ers are "ore quickly carried out by typing a few key words t#an by working t#roug# a
long series of "enus and dialogs.
Starting SPSS Statistics
%o run SPSS, log in and click Start, Programs, IBM SPSS Statistics, and t#en IBM SPSS Statistics
19. )#en SPSS is first started you are presented wit# a dialog bo' asking you to open a file*

++Insert a diag,,
The SPSS Windows and Files
SPSS #as t#ree "ain windows t#at allows to*
See data
See statistical output
See any progra""ing co""ands user #as written
Data Editor (.sa !iles"# %#e -ata .ditor lets t#e user see and "anipulate #is data. (e
will always #a!e at least one -ata .ditor open /e!en if #e #as not yet opened a data set0.
)#en user opens an SPSS data file, #e sees a working copy of #is data. 1#anges "ade by
t#e user to data are not per"anent until #e sa!es t#e" /click 2ile, Sa!e or Sa!e 3s0. -ata
files are sa!ed wit# a file type of .sa, a file type t#at "ost ot#er software cannot work
wit#. )#en user closes last -ata .ditor, #e is s#utting down SPSS and you will be
pro"pted to sa!e all unsa!ed files.
++Insert diag for data editor,,

$ut%ut &iewer (.s% !iles"# Statistical results will s#ow up in t#e &utput 4iewer. %#e
&utput 4iewer s#ows user tables of statistical output and t#e grap#s #e creates. By
default it also s#ows t#e progra""ing language for t#e co""ands t#at user issued
/called 5synta'6 in SPSS 7argon0, and "ost error "essages will also appear #ere. %#e
&utput 4iewer also allows to edit and print your results. %#e tables of t#e &utput 4iewer
are sa!ed /click 2ile, Sa!e or Sa!e 3s0 wit# a file type of .s%, w#ic# can only be opened
wit# SPSS software. It is possible to open "ore t#an one &utput 4iewer to look at "ore
t#an one output file. %#e 5acti!e6 4iewer will recei!e t#e results of any co""ands t#at
you issue. If you close all t#e &utput 4iewers and t#en issue a new co""and, a fres#
&utput 4iewer is started.
++Insert diag for output !iewer,,
S'nta( Editor (.s%s !iles"# If user is working wit# t#e SPSS progra""ing language
directly, #e needs to open a Synta' .ditor. %#e Synta' .ditor allows user to write, edit,
and run co""ands in t#e SPSS progra""ing language. If user is also using t#e "enus
and dialog bo'es, t#e Paste button auto"atically writes t#e synta' for t#e co""and #e
#as specified into t#e acti!e Synta' .ditor. %#ese files are sa!ed as plain te't and al"ost
any te't editor can open t#e", but wit# a file e'tension of .s%s. &ne can #a!e "ore t#an
one Synta' .ditor open and t#e 5acti!e6 window is "arked wit# a tiny orange plus sign.
)#en user pastes synta' fro" dialog bo'es, it goes to t#e acti!e Synta' .ditor. If you
close out all your Synta' .ditors and t#en paste a co""and, a fres# Synta' .ditor is
++Insert diag for synta' editor,,

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