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Smart Health Analysis in HAPIfork

Petrisia Meiga Natalia (613110001), Laura Sinar Utami (613110010), Valeria Neva Novea
(613110017), Nur Aisha Fitriyanti (613110022)
Jurusan D3 Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Informatika, Institut Teknologi Telkom
Bandung 2013

Abstrack--- Bad eat rules is not good, its can
caused negative effect such as obesity or other
health problems.
Biomedical and health information technology
apear new term known as Smart Health. Smart
Health is a system health treatment that need
effective tools to arrange and share relevant
information to consumer dengan bukti yang
mendasari. Smart Health has begun to be
pursued by HAPILABS with one of its products
were named HAPIfork.
HAPIfork is the first fork in the world who is
connected to the internet to monitoring how fast
someone eat and help them to slowly. HAPIfork
designed by businessman and French inventor
Jacques Lepine which his idea based on
research show that eat more slowly, someone
can increase way to feel, improve the digestion
and lose the weight. The HAPIfork destination
to change the behavior eat with slow down
someone the eat speed when eat than leads to
healty life condition.

Keyword : Smart Health, HAPIlabs, HAPIfork,
eat rules, the eat speed

Obesity is over weight caused the excess
accumulation of fat. Obesity constitute cause of
death number five in the word with percentage 10,3
percent from number of the word die. Even though
a research at 2010 mention more than three million
people in the world die cause of obesity. That
number is threefold than number die cause of
Obesity can occur cause of some factor, one of
them cause of the eat rules which bad and
excessive. Obesity people tend more responsive
than the normal weignt people against eksternal cue
eat, such as the eat taste and smell when at the
moment of eat makan. Obesity and fat people tend
eat when he feel like eating, not eat because they
are hungry. Excessive of eat rules also can views
when eat. Eating well is to feed enough food into
the mouth and breaks with the next mouthfel is also
considered. Put food into the mouth in the mouth
when there was still food also includes a good eat
rules is not which can lead to overweight and
Progress of biomedical and health information
technology provide exciting opportunities for the
effectiveness of health care, is no exception to
control eat rules. Smart Health is a health care
system that requires effective tools to organize and
disseminate information relevant to the customer
with the underlying evidence. Smart health has
begun to be pursued by HAPILABS with one of
its product were nameed HAPIfork.
HAPILABS is a company whose vision is to
help individuals in the 21st acentury to control the
happiness, health, and the individual fitness
through application and mobile devices. HAPIfork
lastest product from HAPILABS is introduced at
the Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in January
2013. In the event, HAPIfork receive reward
category Health and Fitness.
HAPIfork is the first fork in the world who is
connected to the internet to monitoring how fast
someone eat and help them to slowly. HAPIfork
designed by businessman and French inventor
Jacques Lepine which his idea based on research
show that eat more slowly, someone can increase
way to feel, improve the digestion and lose the
weight. The HAPIfork destination to change the
behavior eat with slow down someone the eat speed
when eat than leads to healty life condition.
Unlike other health-related equpment,
HAPIfork inconspicuous and suitable for use out of
the home. Smart Fork equipped with Bluetooth are
also able to collect information to be analyzes
automatically and monitoring at a later date in the
clinical setting. All data is transmitted to a
personal online dasboard when HAPIfork
connected to a computer of mobile device making
is easy to monitor the eating habits and health
improvement at home or on the road.
HAPIfork released in three colors (blue, green
dan pink) and will be delivered to Kickstarter
funders prior to the general public. HAPIfork
casing equipped with a combination of colors
marking it easy to carry anywhere. This product
will initially go on Sale in the United States and
European Union in the fourth quarter of this year.
HAPIfork introduced on April, 18 2013 by a
company called HAPILABS. HAPILABS is a
company engaged in the field of technological
innovation, based in Hong Kong. In January
HAPIfork technology included in the competition
Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January,
HAPIfork is a recipient of the CES Innovations
Award category, the Health & Fitness category.
HAPIfork itself was created based on personal
experiences its discoverer, namely Jacques Lepine.
First, he has the habit of eating too fast. One time,
Lapine was rushed to hospital with a suspected
heart attack. It turns out the doctor diagnosed him
with reflux of gastric and Lepine warned to slow
down his eating.
Seven years later, Lepine created a fork for
eating speed monitor, named HAPIfork. This fork
will vibrate and light up when the wearer to put
food into the mouth less than 10 seconds after the
last bite.
"Your hormones will be a victim when you eat
too fast.'s Bad for bad for digestion and nutrient
solutions. Fact, according to recent studies, it takes
10-45 minutes to release the hormone
cholecystokinin which signals your brain that
you're full," said Lepine as reported by Medical
HAPIfork initially researched and developed for
clinical and medical use but Lapine assume that
HAPIfork must-have for the health of all people.
Later, he developed this fork in order to keep an
eye on their calorie intake by users.
The concept of "eating slowly" itself is also
supported by a growing body of scientific research
suggests that eating too quickly not only
contributes to excess weight but also to changes in
metabolism that are harmful.
In 2002, there were a series of scientific studies
that highlight the negative effects related to eating
food too quickly, the result is.
1. Weight gain: as during the meal, satiety is
felt after about 20 minutes. The faster you
eat, the more you eat.
2. Digestive problems: food that is eaten too
quickly is often poorly chewed. The work
of the digestive tract is made more
3. Gastric reflux: several studies have
shown that the faster one eats, the more
likely the possiblity of gastric reflux.
4. Postoperative complications: eating
more slowly lessens the stress on
weakened tissues.
HAPIfork can monitor three things: how long
you eat, how long does it take to make your mouth
and how much food you can swallow

Picture 1.1
Part of HAPIfork
Length : 7.87 inches // 200 mm
Width : 1 inch // 24.5 mm
Height : 2/3 inches // 15.70 mm
Weight : 0.14 pound // 65 gr
Electronic Key
Micro USB connector
Batterie Lithium Polymere + 3.7 V
Microchip Cortex M3 ST Micro electronic
Capacitive detection
Return to user : 1 vibrator + 2 leds
2 component plastic shells
Handle Fork
Fits both electronically and mechanically
with the electronic key
Patents : The technology is covered by four
1. Measure of the hand to mouth
2. Capacitive detection
3. Specific mechanical cooperation in
between electronic and fork
4. Special cooperation between apps and data
HAPIfork is a connected fork which looks for a
healthy eating behavior.
Eat at the right time
Eat at the right pace : not too fast
Share with your coach : download his
feedback alarm.
Share with the community
HAPIfork is a unique gadget that works by
monitoring the precise time when users start and
end the meal, a portion of the amount taken per
minute and also how much time is spent on eating
any portion. The feeding device has a sensor that
will measure the interval between holding a fork
from plate to mouth popped to the user and return
to the starting position. If the user is eating too
quickly, this fork will 'remind' users to eat more
slowly by vibrating vibrator in it as well as the
existing lights will be lit on the fork. All data on the
eating habits of users will be stored in the fork.
When finished eating, the data will be transmitted
from the fork to HAPIfork account, either via
Bluetooth or by connecting the fork to the
computer via USB. The information aims to track
the progress of the user. Information about your
food can be shared to friends or kept private.

Picture 1.2
HAPIfork Tachnology

Picture 1.3
Example the display of HAPIfork in PC

Picture 1.4
Example the display of HAPIfork in smartphone
A. Overrage :
The advantages of this technology are.
1. Has interested design and unique also have
availability for some color as an option..
2. Can see that there is data via computer,
iPhone, Android and iOS smartphones.
3. Have a high compability with mobile devices
to view, transfer and save
4. Able to change user eating habits and become
better able to control the speed of eating in a
more precise and orderly as well as weight
loss can be maintained
5. Washable eclectronic devices off before
B. Deficiency:
Because this technology is still new considered
,there is have not seen no shortage of use
HAPIfork. It's just the price HAPIfork fairly
expensive for the size of the fork which is about $
HAPIfork technology is very good and
innovative. For further innovation could HAPIfork
equipped with calorie counts on foods that have
users spend. Calorie calculations can be done by
placing a sensor on the end of the fork that will be
used to measure the amount of nutrient levels in
foods. For the calculation of calories can be
displayed with the calculation speed manual feed.
Progress report on the results can be displayed
as well as information regarding the calculation of
the amount of food intake and nutritional ideal
user. So that users can maintain or improve their
eat rules.
Other innovations can be considered in the habit
of using cutlery. In Indonesia, for example, more
and more people are using the spoon when eating
compared with a fork. With this background
HAPILABS can create smart products that are
similar to health HAPIfork but in the form of a
spoon. The tools that will be named HAPIspoon
can weigh heavy amount of food in one scoop. If
the food is accommodated by the spoon too much,
then spoon will issue a vibration that indicates you
reduce the amount of food on the spoon.

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