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Distortion of cells as shown in Fig. 5.3 (e) when the cells

have few or no transverse diaphragms or internal bracing,
so that a vertical shear force across a cell causes the slabs
and webs to flex independently out-of-plane. This pattern
of deformation is very similar to that of a Vierendeel truss
of elevation similar to the cross-section of the deck.
Although such behaviour cannot be reproduced precisely
in a flat the transverse grillage members a low shear
stiffness. The stiffness is chosen so that when the grillage
member and cell are subjected to the same shear force,
they experience similar distortions as in in Fig. 5.14.
One error in this analogy is that for the grillage beam the
cell the shear force is to some extent dependent on the
continuity of moments from flexure of the slabs in the
adjacent cells. Fortunately it is found that the effect of this
difference on the overall structural behaviour is small.
To determine the equivalent shear area of a transverse
grillage member we must determine the relationship
between vertical shear across a cell and the effective
shear displacement ws shown in Fig. 5.14. Precise frame
analysis of a cell with differing thicknesses of top and
bottom slabs and webs produces equations with
unmanageable complexities. A convenient approximation
is obtained by assuming that the shear force is shared
between top and bottom slabs in proportion to their
individual flexural stiffnesses and that there are point of

Distorsin de clulas como se muestra en la figura. 5.3 (e)
cuando las clulas tienen pocos o ningn diafragmas
transversales o refuerzos internos, de modo que una
fuerza de corte vertical a travs de una clula provoca que
las placas y bandas se flexionen de forma independiente
fuera de plano. Este patrn de deformacin es muy similar
a la de una cercha Vierendeel de elevacin similar a la
seccin transversal de la cubierta.
Aunque tal comportamiento no se puede reproducir
exactamente en un piso a los miembros transversales
Grillage una rigidez baja cizalladura. La rigidez se elige de
manera que cuando el miembro de emparrillado y de
clulas se someten a la misma fuerza de corte, que
experimentan distorsiones similares como en la figura.
Un error en esta analoga es que para el haz grillage la
clula la fuerza de corte es, en cierta medida depende de
la continuidad de los momentos de flexin de las losas en
las clulas adyacentes. Afortunadamente se encontr que
el efecto de esta diferencia en el comportamiento
estructural global es pequea.
Para determinar el rea de cortante equivalente de un
miembro de grillage transversal debemos determinar la
relacin entre la cizalladura vertical a travs de una celda y
los ws desplazamiento de cizalladura eficaces se muestran
en la figura. 5.14. Anlisis del marco preciso de una clula
con diferentes espesores de losas superior e inferior y
webs produce ecuaciones con complejidades
inmanejables. Una aproximacin prctica se obtiene
suponiendo que la fuerza de corte es compartida entre
superior e inferior losas en proporcin a sus rigideces a
flexin individuales y que no son punto de

contra flexure midway between webs.The vertical shear force per
unit width a cross a cell is then given approximately by

where d',d'',dw.l and h are the dimensions shown in Fig. 5.14. For
the shear-flexible gillage member, the relationship between shear
force and shear displacement is

where as is the equivalent shear area of the member

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