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Creative Writing

Whilst the planet turns at the most horrifying time where life is being lost, it is not the leaders
guidance that repairs souls of the less fortunate in social hierarchy list. Instead, it is these less fortunate
people and their ability to work with one another, create relationships and lend a hand to others in need.
In such horrible times, the discord among leaders and citizens are forgotten, and the fact is that this is a
solemn occasion when it happens
The world wont stop turning, not even for a few
Choice was handed down to a man who knows not what to do,
All the mindless leaders will one day meet,
While the blood of the innocent gets washed through the streets.
Dusk is approaching. The human stand motionless, watching the hopeful light of the sun, dimming. e
turns, facing the other side of the world ! only to witness the aftermath of the brutal fires that has
already co"ered half the country. The human and his friends band together in a circle to listen to music
from the only sur"i"ing radio, for all they had left is each other and music. #usic is always the creati"e
heartbeat of the human e$perience, enriching their li"es, lifting their spirits and touching their deepest
Now while the music plays and the light dims low,
omeone out there is dying, but their names well never know,
That doesnt mean its not out there taking place,
!t doesnt spare us because our religion or our race.
The human has lost e"erything and e"eryone close to him. While in a war torn country ser"ing on
behalf of his countrys belief in freedom, his wife and two children perished from the world, by the
fierce fires. The fires, best described as hell like with the "itality e%ui"alent to a nuclear bomb. &nly the
close people knew that he only 'oined the #ilitary as he was dismissed from the failing mining
company. (ut that is 'ust what he was told to belie"e, he felt like he failed when he had to announce the
troublesome news to his family. In essence the human needed to earn enough money during the worst
economic downturn to afford his childrens education. )rri"ing back home, he disco"ered that there
was no home, only the lefto"er ashes. The human could not find the remains of his family which
followed a lifeless stance. *uddenly he dropped to his knees in con'uring tears. The pain + unbearable,
the terror before his eyes + warlike.
,arning so little the human could not pay the insurance for the house that his family was cremated in.
The fire sweeping through the state was a second war, needing fire fighters from allied countries and
yet was not enough to put out the hells fire. This story can be told for multitudinous other humans as
so many others ha"e "anished much like his wife and two children. &nly the de"il could ha"e
summoned such a fire. The images of the demented look on the de"ils face while laughing were
car"ing into my mind.
"nited as one, mankind will see a change,
With our heads held high, its enough to rearrange,
All the terror, pain, cries of defeat,
All will be gone when we march to the same beat.
,"en though the world is in an economic recession, world citizens still generously offer money and
their condolences to the "ictims of the fire. ,"en the biggest companies that ha"e gained a stereotype of
being greedy and ha"ing an attitude of -greed is good offered substantial amount of funds. ) .amp site
was set up for this human who no longer possess a home or the foundation for life. *ome humans told
stories of sur"i"al, some told stories of their lost, but one thing in common linked them together +
e"eryone listened and empathized one another. /egardless of what religion or race an indi"idual was,
they all belonged together as it was all they had left.
The uman was brought into a new home, where he is now safe, as he knows that the others nearby
ha"e suffered the same fate. ) hand of help from the other side of the planet was presented, despite of
the humans nationality and past conflicts. 0riendships and bonding are still formed by e"eryone e"en
at the most terrible times. umans are "iolent but are a young race with so much to learn. The
differences among the human race are no barrier for their willingness and generosity for one another in
such se"ere times. They all fell as one, and now they will rise as one
#ou see, we all want the same things out of this life,
so why cant be end all the hunger, pain, and strife$
This is a sign of the times when the world turns grey,
%ut ! e&pect well survive and see a brand new day.
)s soon as I thought I understood the human race, I look at them from another perspecti"e, and it 'ust
does not make sense to me how they can collecti"ely belong together with such di"ersity and issues,
and yet still show no signs of selfishness. I belie"e that this fire is a testimony to the humans ability to
construct monolithic bonds with one another
This is my report on the human race located on the planet earth for the past month. I hope that our race
can learn from humans. .an we belong together like the humans can e"en at with their current status1

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