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2003 CustomGuide Inc.

Memory Cache

A memory cache increases a computers performance by storing the most recently used data.
There are two types of cache:
Internal Cache (also called primary or L1 cache)
When the computer needs data it first looks in the internal cache. The internal cache is
inside the CPU and is the fastest possible way for the computer to get information. The
internal cache can normally only contain a very small amount of information.
External Cache (also called secondary or L2 cache)
If the computer doesnt find the data in the internal cache, it then looks in the external
cache. The external cache is slower than the internal cache, but much faster than the
normal RAM memory. The external cache normally holds much more information than
the internal cache, but still not as much as the main memory (RAM).
Figure 1-1
An illustration of how a
computer searches for
information in a memory
Figure 1-2
An illustration of how a
police officer looks for a
gun in a weapons cache.
1. The computer looks
for data in the
internal cache first.
This is the fastest
way the computer
can get information.
3. If the computer
cant find what it
needs in the
internal or external
cache, it looks in
the slower main
memory (RAM).
2. When the computer
does not find what
its looking for in
the internal cache,
it next looks in the
external cache.
Hard Disk
4. If the computer still
cant find what it
needs, it looks at
the slow as
molasses hard disk
Figure 1-1
1. Hopefully the officer
has his revolver in
his hand, ready for
3. If the officer cant
find his revolver in
its holster, he next
runs back to see if
he left it in the
squad car.
2. If the officer cant
find his revolver in
his hand, he next
reaches down to
his holster for the
4. If the officer still
cant find his
revolver, his last
stop is a gun store.
Figure 1-2

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