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Radium is the 88 element of

the periodic table. Radium is
the form of radium chloride. It
was discovered by Marie Curie
and Pierre Curie in 1898. The
French Academy extracted
Radium from uraniumite and
published the discovery five
days later. Marie Curie and
Andre-Louis Debierne isolated
the Radium in its metallic state
through the electrolysis of
Radium chloride in 1910. The
name radium is called for its
power of emitting energy in
the form of rays.

Beware of Radium
By Makhai Green

Radium can be found in
uranium and thorium. Radium
is not necessary for another
organism. Radium is the
heaviest of all the Alkaline
Earth Metals. The physical and
chemical properties almost
resemble those of its lighter
barium. Radium has 25
different isotopes. It has no
stable isotopes. Radium is 2.7
million times more radioactive
than the same molar amount
of natural uranium. All radium
occurring today is produced
by the decay of heavier
elements. It cant occur in
large quantities. Due to both
to the fact that isotopes if the
radium have short half-lives.
Radium is found in tiny
quantities in uranium.

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