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Adrianne Santa Romana & Cassidy Rudko

Ms. Molly
Writing Seminar
September 10, 2014
My name is John Jacob, and I am not ordinary,
anymore that is. I come from a small town in
Mississippi, where I grew up. My youth was just like
yours, my first steps, my first words, first day of
school were documented. I was born on Friday, April
13th and I am currently twenty-five years of age.
From the very start, my parents didnt think I would
live an ordinary life based on when I was born. As I
grew older it felt perfectly fine, until I turned 8, my
mother passed away. She always scolded me for not
being the perfect child she wanted. My father got sick
and tired of all the yelling and crying, night after night.
Mother was tired too, she died of a heart attack one
night, and my father blamed it all on me. He abandoned
me for what I did. Parentless, I was taken to an
orphanage, and did the best in school. When I was
young, technology was my passion, so I worked hard to
get into the school that was most famous for
technology, which was MIT. I was top of my classes
and did many internships in that field of work, and was
accepted into that school.
On the night that I turned 21, I found out that I
had a superpower. I blew out my candles alone in my
apartment after making the same wish every year: To
do the best in school and to become the perfect child,
my mother wanted me to be. Once the candles were
no longer lit, I went to sit on my couch. I started to
sink into the couch and became apart of it. I panicked
and thought to myself Whats going on?!? As I tried
to calm myself down I returned back to normal. I
thought to myself, Is this real? I have super powers!
Is this how Ill take revenge on my father, who
abandoned me as a kid? What good does this do? I
dropped out of MIT to examine my power and figure
out how to use it. I will then use it to take revenge of
my father for not staying there beside me during the
toughest times of my life. My new name is
I could never be around silk anymore, and I learned
that the hard way. I was picking out cloth for my
costume and I took a look at the silk section. It just
lightly touched my skin, it started to burn. I also
realized that I couldnt connect into living organism. I
tried once with a neighborhood dog, but it didnt work
and I ended looking like a lunatic.
Connection has helped me in each of my plans. As
my plans begin I start off by disconnecting the
electricity. Id kidnap at least one member of a family
or a group of friends who are connected. I never go
after people who are already alone, I dont need to
disconnect them even more than they already are. I
make my victims as scared as possible, then disappear
into thin air, or so they think. I actually just melt away
into the ground or wall or whatever it may be.

Scooterfan30 says: Ive seen Disconnector before,
it was the day I was riding my scooter at night going
home from the scooter park. I made it home and
walked inside, locked the door and all that, then all of a
sudden the lights went out. Then I saw something
through the window. I got up off the couch because
there was no TV to watch anyway. I went to wake up
my parents because that seemed like the right thing to
do, but only my mom was in the bed not my dad. Then
the lights flickered back on and it was all over. Well
that was the story, but, can I have my dad back?
TheCoolGuy13 says: Wow that was a pretty scary
story scooter fan but I think mine was a little scarier.
So it was pouring rain with occasional lightning strikes
in the general area. The lights flickered off, I ran
downstairs to see what happened. Thats when I saw it,
a man wearing a hideous mask and a black hoodie just
staring straight at me. I was home alone at the time,
so that made it twice as scary. Anyway, he was staring
straight at me. A flash of lightning came down and I
was blinded for a split second then he was gone, that
same moment I heard a knock on the door. Then a
mans voice said, Please let me in Im not here to hurt
I said no and I guess that was the wrong thing to
say because I heard a little sigh. Then the mans voice
again, Fine, I guess Ill just let myself in.
I ran and hid in the closet in my room, listening for the
huge sound of a door or a window being broken down.
There was nothing, no sound, all of the sudden I heard
footsteps coming down the hallway toward my room! I
heard a car pull up to the drive way, and the footsteps
stopped. A moment later the lights flickered back on,
everything was over, he was gone.

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