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Different requirements for foreign companies wishing to go public in the US?

Foreign issuers dont have to file quarterly reports, can submit less rigorous compensation analysis
documentation, and dont have to do proxy solicitations for shareholder votes.
Any difference between NYSE and Dow Jones?
Regulatory requirements

Timeline/ filing requirements
1. Basic Registration Form - Form S-1
If it files the S-1 form, a company must describe and include each of the following in the
1. The reason for business
2. The properties
3. The competition
4. The identity of its officers and directors and their compensation
5. Material transactions between the company and its officers and directors
6. Material legal proceedings involving the company or its officers and directors
7. The plan for distributing the securities
8. The intended use of the proceeds of the offering
9. Financial statements audited by an independent certified public accountant. Form S-1 requires
the issuer to provide audited financial statements, prepared according to detailed SEC
regulations, for three fiscal years
Risk factors
SEC then reviews the documents and if they are complete and accurate, the staff declares the
registration statement effective, which means the company can go ahead with IPO
IPO for small companies
If a company qualifies as a "small business issuer," it can choose to file its registration statement using
one of the simplified small business forms.
A small business issuer is a United States or Canadian issuer:
1. That had less than $25 million in revenues in its last fiscal year
2. Whose outstanding publicly-held stock is worth no more than $25 million
3. For companies with revenue of $10 million or less, form SB-1 is required
Form S-1.pdf
Other information
In the US, public companies report to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) \
NASDAQ is the biggest stock exchange in US in terms of market share and volume traded

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