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About Jen

I was born in Ogden, Ut on October 14 1975. I believe this is one of many reasons I love
Halloween. Its one of my favorite holidays, I love all of it, pumpkins, ghosts, costumes and all
the googlies that accompany this goofy, scary fun day/night! I lived in the Ogden area for three
years until my parents divorced. We moved from Utah to Chugiak, Alaska (sounds like
choogiack), when Mom remarried. That one didnt last a year, as the fella was a twisted moron. I
have some vague memories, because I was so young. I remember the house we lived in was
super cool. Shaped like a big A and set on a lake. From Alaska we moved to Hawaii. Which I
have more memories of. Still somewhat vague though Hawaii is where I rst remember loving
the ocean and being in water of any kind. The ocean is my favorite place to be! We were not
there long either as my Mom could not get a teaching position and Kristin (my older sister) and I
didnt like being haoles, what white people are in the polynesian islands. That is according to
Mom, Kris and I maintain there is no way we really wanted to leave Hawaii, come on. From
there we moved back to the mainland, to the metropolis of Jerome, Id. For six years we stayed
put and that is where Mom met Ted J Nasman. I was 10 years old when Mom married Ted who
immediately became Dad to me. I was ready, willing and eager to have a Dad after the other
two. Having Dad in our lives was to be a huge Blessing.

I grew up with my sister, Kristin, and two of the four step-siblings. The other two were adults out
of the house. Jared and Ashlee came on weekends and holidays. Ashlee was exactly 11 months
younger than I and we became best friends. It was fun to have someone my age, as Kris was 5
years older and not interested in little sisters. Kristin is my best friend now, we just needed to
grow up some. Ash is the reason I go by Jen, she made me a little wooden Jen and painted it
in Jr High shop, Ive gone by Jen since. Except to Mom who still calls me Jenny.

I love to read! All kinds of genres and authors. Im a fan of Harry Potter, Twilight, Nora Roberts
romance and her futuristic In Death series written under JD Robb, Trixie Beldon mysteries and
many more. I found a love of writing in 7th grade English thanks to Mr. Hunt. He encouraged us
to write and came up with fun ideas for us to expand on. I continued to write creatively all
through school and on into college.

I have always loved cats, of any kind, though I gained a love of Maine Coons. Big and uffy with
bushy tails and cool furry padded feet for walking on snow. They are an unusual breed and
Piper, my sisters Maine Coon, is the best. They called him Piper because as a kitten he
followed them home. They had no idea he would be so big and special. He is a family member,
with personality and quirks. He likes water and will hang out by anyone showering for an
expected drizzle of warm water from your hand. He has a unique meow specic to Maine
Coons, it is a particular pitch that is supposed to be a special way they communicate. Piper
usually uses his in reference to food. I have had two of my own cats that I loved. Socks, a black
and white cutie I had in Jr High who was the sweetest friend until his untimely death. Maya was
a grey and white tabby who was a one person kitty, no one else but me would do. She also
drooled when she was petted.

I love being an Aunt! I have no children and have been blessed to be a special part of my
sister's childrens lives. I helped to raise Aubrey since her father, Jim, died when she was 2
months old. I had the opportunity to move to the East Coast to be nanny to my nephew Ruari
(which is the Celtic spelling for Rory). It was the the best experience, I love them both so much
and feel blessed to be so close to them. Aubrey is now 22 and a college grad who has a love of
books, animals and art. Ruari is 8 and a 3rd grader this year, with a love of Mine Craft, Legos,
reading, movies and his family. I think they are the sweetest and the best (though Im biased).

I have had the opportunity to travel to some cool places. The places Ive lived as I mentioned
before Alaska and Hawaii. Hawaii still being one of my favorite places on Earth. If I could afford
it I would live there full time, as it is I get to visit with my Mom at their Time Shares. I had never
been out of the country except to Juarez Mexico and Canada until 2010 when I had to get my
Passport for the rst time. Why? To travel to Australia! It was the best trip.I ew into Brisbane,
Queensland. From there we drove an hour north to the Sunshine Coast and a city called
Buderim. There I stayed with my Aussie friend and her family. I was treated to beautiful
beaches, and views from the hills above. I saw the GlassHouse Mountains and The Australia
Zoo created by Steve Irwin. The culture and people were awesome. I enjoyed being there and
would go back to see Sydney, and the Sunshine Coast again. I have also been to Italy, Greece,
Turkey, Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Haiti. Traveling to these amazing place was a huge
blessing that I treasure. Each country had so much to offer and enjoy. Rome and the Greek
Islands were two of my favorite. One needs weeks to explore Rome and The Greek Islands
were stunning.

As I said on the home page I collect boxes in all shapes and sizes. I really love putting things
inside them. With so many I can forget which one I put some items in. Kristin has really found
me some unique boxes. Most of the ones in the photo are from her. I also collect necklaces,
frogs (gurines not real), shoes and key chains to a much smaller extent than my boxes. Im
always on the look out for the cool or unusual.

I love working with children! That is what brought me back to college. I wanted to continue to
work with them and as a teachers aid I have had lots of fun. As a teacher, I will have more of an
impact and I want to do my best to be a super great and fun teacher. I enjoy the way kids think,
what makes sense to them. I like the quirky things they say and how they gure out the world.
My nephew is a perfect example. When he was 2 and 1/2 or 3 he came up with a couple of
great words for things he didnt know the proper name for. Going to a restaurant to him he would
say we going to a eat-house? Which we thought was pretty smart for a toddler. Another cute
one was for tissues, they were nose blankets. He came up with these and it made kid sense
right? They can always surprise you and I nd that endlessly fascinating. I like being their friend,
a safe place for them and someone who will always be glad to see them and to listen to them.

Thats who I am. Im basically a big kid. I love toys, cartoons, games and hangin' with little
people. I nd solace in the silly and/or ridiculous. I watch Phineas and Ferb for the sheer
enjoyment. I nd Curious George a sweet interesting program that is great for kids and myself. I
think I watch them because I used to watch them with Ruari and I miss my bubba. Im here in
Idaho and hes in Massachusetts. I consider my family the best blessing of my life and thank
God for them. I thank God for all my spiritual and temporal gifts and blessings. I am a woman of
Faith and I believe fully in doing your best by others and harming none. I am not perfect, but I try
to follow my Saviors example. Hope to be a good person until the end.

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