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December 9, 2009

Dear Friends:

The saints of the Old Testament had descriptive names for Jehovah God to de-
scribe how they would experience Him in specific circumstances. One name
describing God was Jehovah–Jireh which depicted Him as their provider. I have
seen this same God that provided for the Israelites in their journey through
the barrenness of the wilderness, meeting their spiritual and physical needs,
also do that very thing for our personal and ministry needs throughout this
year. God is Jehovah—our provider!

Despite the difficulties and pressure of the current economy, God has been
faithful. Many of you have stepped up in significant ways, enabling us to
meet the goals of the ministry again this year.

A significant step forward this year was the willingness of several volunteers
to fill leadership vacancies after some staff changes. It is exciting to see those
that are committed and believe in the importance of this work actively provide
leadership for the programs.

Another step forward has been the partnerships that Aim Right has made
with other local organizations. How blessed we have been to draw upon their
strengths and also fulfill ministry opportunities together! These partnerships
include a drama ministry, food bank, and discipleship ministry.

As 2009 comes to a close, I am again grateful for you and your involvement and
investment in this ministry and the lives it touches. God continues to provide
daily opportunities for us to influence the lives of youth, and you are also a
big part of it!

I ask that you would prayerfully consider giving a year-end gift to help further
the mission of reaching youth with the life-transforming gospel message.
Blessings to you and your family during this season, and may you experience
the peace, love, and joy that the Christ Child offers!
The Bachers:
In Him,
Darrell Aaron
Darrell Bacher Jasmine

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