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The Blessed Perspiration

of the Holy Prophet r

It is well known that when we perspire it gives out a foul odour and causes disc
omfort to us and to those around us, but it should be noted that the blessed per
spiration of Sayyidul Abraar Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa r possessed a sweet smellin
g fragrance and was unique in every way.
The Muhaditheen have explained the Aqida of Hazrat Umme Sulaim who was the mothe
r of Sahabi-e-Rasool Hazrat Anas t. They mention that Huzoor r used to go to the
house of Hazrat Umme Sulaim (radi Allaahu anha) to make Qailula (Rest after lunc
h). Hazrat Umme Sulaim (radi Allaahu anha) used to lay a bedspread made from skin
on the ground for him to rest on. He would rest on the skin spread and would pe
rspire whilst resting.

She used to collect the blessed perspiration of the Holy Prophet r and she used t
o mix it as perfume. The Prophet r asked, O Umme Salim! What is this? She said, Ya
Rasoolallah r! It is your blessed perspiration. I mix it in my perfume because
your blessed perspiration is the best perfume amongst all perfumes. [Mishkaat Sha
reef Pg.517 - Ash atul Lam aat Pg.488 Vol.4 - Khasaais-ul-Kubra - Sahih Bukhari
Shareef Pg.66 Vol.1]
The Mujaddid of the 14th Century, Ala Hazrat Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan t says
Raafe, Naafe Daafe Shaafe
Kya Kya Rahmat Paate ye Hai
Sheikh-ul-Muhaditheen Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhadith Delhwi t mentions in his
book Mustataab Madaarij Shareef that a certain person wished to send his daughte
r to her husbands house (marry her) but he had no perfume so he went into the cou
rt of the Holy Prophet r and there was nothing present.
The Holy Prophet r asked for a bottle and placed some perfume in it. He then put
some of his blessed perspiration into the bottle and said, Mix some scent with i
t and ask your daughter to use it as perfume. Whenever she used the perfume, the
people of Madinah used to smell the fragrance and they called her home The House
of the Fragrant Ones [Madaarijun Nubuiwat Persian Pg.29 Vol.1 -Hujatullaahi Alal A
alameen Pg.685]

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