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America Invaded - 4 Convicted Harewood. Trial Appeal Phj,.

,lippines Peace Brigade

Biq Brother Is WatchJ~g You The Battle Continues:

Wringing Info~tion from O.I.C.

From the Newspapers Antony Te:rr:y

Obituar:y : "Weekend Star" R.I.P. AThe National Reportar~

The Last Dream : John Pilger videos airs

Secretary of Ca,fea Props Up Hul tiNational

A YJOnt'..h t,lle Life of the OVerseaB

Invest:ment. Commission - Augu,st 19tH Decision Sheets

29 May, 1989


{\r.lnual GeneraLMeeting

This meeting will c:omtnence at. jiG J01::g on 15 Jun~ at the stringlem~~ RQ9m ••. 9f. ,_th~ .. canter~ Public Libr~, Street" Cb,ristchurC;p:. One of the matters to be discussed is a change of status for Cafca to an incorporated society.

Public meeting

The hGM will be followed by a public: meeting starting at a.oopm which will feature an address by Hark ~~gGndhaft of the Coromandel Watchdog group. Mark will be speaking about the struggle against mining companies on the Coromandel and will be showing th,3 video Prospects which is produoed by Vanguard Films.

The OS at Oir:i.stchurch

was too focus of a Weekend ,

was an international protest on the

to coincide with the weekly !JSAP C-141 StarHfter that

on to Australia every Monday the huge electronic spy-

base at Pine Ga.p, near Alice Springs. So the Alice Springs Peace Group wa.s rrobilised to greet that flight, snarir,q the common slogan "Stop the Star-

lifter". the flights are run by the USAF's ~.ilitary Airlift Command,

we shared the CQITh'11on slogan: HGive l'4AC the Sack". Alice Springs also

sent one of their meml::JE:rs to join the Christchurch protest.

Plan A was to effect a "citizens' Lnspect.ion" of the Pine C',ap Starlifter. '!he US m1.1i tary nev:~t:· f1iYll~gfi;~S ai.rcraf t cargoes to NZ aut.r~orit,~es, and

Lndeed all mili tary fHghts in and out of HarE"lIfoc:d are ex'empf "from NZ is nuclear free law, because they (JIX'l"rat!?!~· under, exact.I y the same !:\lei ther'

COnfirm ~r Deny pc!licy that has denied port access to warship..":). As

it happened, the scheduled flight never armved (but interestingly it by-

passed NZ to turn yp at Al.Lce ." and a protest ~ on . Cbviously the

Pine Gap ccnnect.iori is considerably"rfiore'important tfi.a:n 'C'ht'isttthutch) .

f -, : r . c' ~ ,>".', : ;

So Plan B was errtar the t4AC COfPP~{lrid; .t:.o, d.e+i'{~r: ',a):p~6i.:;t*thon to

the commander, and to dramacLse the issue of s9y?~e:i;gn.e¥,.: : l,.(:cO~;i:ngly, 7 protesters went over, under or . tj1,rp~9h,,~rye fence, ,,:oJ;+9mr~i.G1: ~+~g bearing the slogan "Reclaim' • 'lhey were all arrest~ ~~ri¢cn~r:ged with

trespass under the:'c::ivil Aviation RE:~gulation8, which a ~ximum

penalty of a $lOOO'~fine and/or 6 months" pr Lsorr.. . ~ I,;

.'1 i : ,/,.~ ::' ~",,;' I, 1 ~ ,

3 of those arr~~ted t>1~.aed!gU1lty! atthe\it first;'appe~2ir:ance, and were

each fined $100; plus $65 ccscs .. 'Ihey, first offenders . ; 'lbe other 4 -

Murray Horton, War;en '!hanson', : ~n\ Wilkes anti Neil" Mt'ltlat't';-ipleaded not

guilty. " :

. ,

'Itle case was heard in the had been adjourned 'from r](~cember because produce the briefs of evidence total failure of)ther4ini~¥y Foreign Affairs "':'r1:f2(!,F~sgpr~:

relevant to d~fei1;r~) ~~ ,' . .fiu" i.

6h'February 13 (it 'of ~he J;:olice to and because of the

- formerly

for material

.~ I ~ ~:;,:;~~, ~"r .. · "

It's necessary for lJS to

'!he Press had, a court reporter

a miniscule report, t.11(~,res14,1,t

()f mistakes). 'n}€! '.

represented by Eob.

Da":lpite the case , J'~)¥~~~:~,~:j'qu'rn~:l 't9,'allow .~he: Mi~i~3try ,~of External Relations and T:ra,de h( , ",), .~lo:r,e ' t~~, 'to jt:E>:Sr:9Ad, and de'spi,tei::h~: ~man having accepted a' cornplatn't' from H<Jr tt."m arout ME17.l.'I" 51 fafl\ire' fo respond

the time allotted by the Act, MERT had not ansWeteclby "P'ebrwiry 13.

Horton's was wa,iting for him he went home ~. the case ,

!<tlUr'fi tt 's was - after the case. MER'r had to answer

basic , such as wbo the ovmer of the by the USAF;

it. to

an tirne.

Despj, te the

about Harewood embarrasament; to

iniormi;ltion. frhe pror:.;erty manager

the Christchurch the airport author.i t.y) was p~oduced

(15 a , had to produce the brand Oe'# lease

(Atl!'Just 1988) attempts to secure the

(j(~fl.mce prev Lous ly by botn theccmpany and US military

on tht; grounds that it cont ract", 1ri face. no • past or

PI~€~S(~nt, ever been the protesters fi\:~ld was

a copy of the 1981 Lease , So the current version was tabled as (1 court

E~x:hibit. '!hat: means the defence doesn f t get a copy as of , but at the

tirr~~ of writing, Bob IS p'~.:rsuing Lt ,

'the other hlghlX' unusual (all,(j was of

two seni.orUS military officers. 'Ine police produced US

Conmande.r Gloor; the defence sunmonaed the USAF S-~vin#

'!hey were both subjected to cross exalT,inahon t;'l I and

(j'tri'€m Wtlkes. 'ft1e case Iplas wor th it to enjoy the I in

il!evj:tabli';\ shorts, t4AC COfilmaJ1d€1l': and. the second 1n

ccnmand , Oll.en had come upon: an oper at.Lonal, manual. foru,se at ,I, and

closely ques taoned 1..;otl:'1 about the for physical

defence of the J W1'llCb is entrusted to a Physical securf ty ()fficer. \'K\ose

.:iob is to NZ authori t about any perceived threat from "terrorists" J

When Lt Ccmmander conf irroed that the base has , he could

not, t:he location of certain security requ:u:oo by

the manual, ttl€; doesn f t run a tight ship at Ha-ce'"t;ood. Gloor

also revealed either ignorance or was playing dllmb by statir.-g that he

dido. 't know that the Sci.ence liS a 'JoverTI!!lent

agen~y • The F'n?eze prograffl!l1e wi fh t~vy and Air

Force as it\s

'!his military been

ql.lestionecl on reL!lt~,<l matters, j\ lot of ground

\JfflS covered, and full rmJ.,:,t be to Juck11::: F'raser, who never tried

to rest.race the questionlnq. ~l:i..tnesses were asked about the cargoes

on Pine Gap flights ~ wou.ldn 't or cou ldn ' t answer, were asked about

previous in.cidents Lnvc.I US assertions of sovereignty - teJdng control of

airport functi .. ens after a 1979 Star lifter crash landing, for instance. '!he defence had a. whQlf,; file about the. (and fru.itless) by the local

nat.i.cnal, union mOvem;i;!\nt to secure illivC1X.·d coverage of NZ civilians

'M)r!dng at th(~ base. 'J:tle US I cary , with NZ CkNI.!1:rnment acceptance, rejects

f.lliy NZunion coveraqe , on the groL'lr~ds of "sovereign immtlnity" from NZ

indu.'3tria.l law. Iooeed, Paul Piease, secretary of the Distribution

truon ,l,.ras in court a'5 an interested spectator and wi tress e

BCit.h wer'~1 confronted c~ very recent HLi.stener"

~;tatir1g that peopl.e flying to Antarct::ica on Sta.:rlifters are

verbal Iy and by signs the depar ture, tJ"lat they are

fEderal la'#, specifically laW's. 'nus could orux

B:Jt:h tr~3tifierl the IlListener" vias ltlt'ontJ t

article (:24.12.88) f both

subject; to US

:it US

are unaware

(JV~~r.' CS

mil1taxy and soveretgnty over

{wbich are owned the airport cClmpany}. They saitd they have no police

p:lwers, indeed they have no military police 00 the base. It the respccsfb-

Hi ty of the NZ police or airport secura ty to wi thany offenders.

as trespassers.

~ witness, or US", could explain why the tight around the airr,)<;·lCi

~ri,meter cite the Civ,n Aviation ACt as the authority to forbid entry to unauthorised persons. But the sign.s outside both the US Navy and USAF tuildings cite only a Christchurch City Council bylaw. We still don't krtCl\¥.

'Ihe defence did not ge'riously expect to Win its sovereignty case. It would have had enormous poE tical rarnifications. When i t becanY~ clear that ,Judge Fraser wasn i t going to accept tl1at. Bob ~1Urfi tt switched to tectal groonds involviocJ the definitions of Utrespass" and "a.erodromeu• '!hey didn It

wash either. All -4 convicted.

Usually ccnvi.cced defendants have to appear at a later date for sentence.

But Ju:ige Fraser simply asked what had happened to the others arrested. Nor' was he interested in the fact that both Wilkes and Horton had previOUS convi.ctaons , 90ing back to 1973 and 1970 respectively. He. simply fined all four . $100 each - exactly the sa~ as the threef:trst offe,nders who had pleaded. guU ty " In fact it was less, because hedidn' t even order Horton and co to pay court costs.

'the protest marked a nev .. !':ltage in tnt.; campaign to ft1~ly rid NZ of the

(.5 mill.terry alliz%l1ce, the use of ncn-vi.ofent direct action to publicise t:h€'i presence of the only OS mili.tary base located in a major city anywhere in Australasia. By canpelling NZ and US authorities to be questioned on the poli.tics of the base, the ca.'1€' served a valUable purpose. Bear in mind th,slt

an 1987 I Lange he wanted. people to II just shut UpH Harewood. No

such Luck, David. Not until the base has been demili tarised, and no longer prov ides 'l1.ntarctic" cover for a(~tivi,ties like servicing CIA spybases. We can.

t.";onfidently predict that we have a lot more to play in the Harew-ood issu{'i~

en yes, t.h.e US officers confirlf;e<l that we had stopped t.he Sta.rlifter. rnle Pine Gap Sta.rli,fter had been scheduled to arrive that Sunday - the procest fur.:'c,:e(i it to be scrapped.


...... -~,,~~

As th(~ maid.mwTI fine facing tne four defendants Wi:l,S $1000 each, it· could have been a lott'lforse,

au.t even wi t.h such a "Leni.ent;" outcome. it still coots money, 'Ihepublic cost is $400 in fil'le1fL 'the private cost is a lqwyer's bill of over $800 (reme!l".ber, only 2 defendants W€t:re represented). . So the total is over $1200. And that al1CfWs no compensatron f<:.n: expenses such as OWen Wilkes having to

tti'lvel from Wellington for case"

So. if you want to practically declare your support fo!' the campaign to

demilitoxise Harew00l1, fully rid NZ of the US military, send your.

donations to: FUND. P 0 }?'IOX 2258. CHRISTCHURCH.

:tt! the course of 20 reasonabj, y eventiful, years as a.. poll tical acti "ist,

,L (lave there were two against ('<cd man that. I

grave robbery child mc! ! had to amend

, wrlen stmrtly arrival of the New Zealand

deH!<'Jation to the Philippines Peace Brigade, (":eneral Montano (co·nwandet of

mil i tar'Y Phi1ipp.ir1(~s Constabula"ry) proclaimed .in . screarning headl Ines

that foreigners \;vho inte:tf.eriad in F'iLt.pino internal i':\ffa,irs would be Ittreated Just like common criminals, like pe<:lophiles". ! realised that this wasn't

to tit; any other ever seas trip I'd been on.

It was at the international demonstration at the gigantic CIA/NSA

spy base at Pine Gap (AliCt~ Spr1.ngs) in September /October 1987 Australian Anti Bases Campaign Q:)alition (AABCC} decided to a Peace Brigade to the Philippines for J)ecember 1988/January 1989. r ~J;greed to be the NZ contact.

'Thirqs were very touch and go as to !""hether the NZ delegation (11 women, 7 men) VlOuld <Jet to the Philippines at all. 'The much larger Australian delegat.ion (apptc>:.imately 90, from all states} had no hassles wi,th visas or on ,:,rt',ival in Manila. N.?t so with us spreadera of the Kiwi disease. The Pi'1.Ltippines E)n.bassy in Wel1ir'lCjton was endl.esal.y ocst.ructive in issuing visas (\>/€:were asked to produce bank statements: ~Wi:l1if)gton apphcants were

ques tLoned as to what they \.'Jere travellirq to the PhiliWines for).

than a. fortnight before our depar-ture date 'tIe were issued visas - with

an attached "'; "TrYUrists are advi.sed against travel to restricted areas because ongoing mil i tary oper at aons , ,'IDd should not engage in acti vi ties "Jhtch constitute .interference in dornestic affairs of the Philippines". Not content with that, the Consu.I (Ms Ap.)linaria Cancio) sent orcaruser Keith

Locke a extraordinary letter stating that W€ were allO\<ied to take part

the Asia Pacific Pec.ples' Conference on Peace and Development. But that

was ~ vJe COlUC:l not: go on study tours outside Marli1a wi thout; per1'l".ission from

local authort t ; we were not to take part in "t.each-Lna" (what are they?):

we \eJera not to cake par t an Peace Caravan to the US bases - Clark Air

BaBe and subac Bay Nav·y Base. \ria were not to take part in the Manila march to. cornmemora te the massacre of peasants outside Aquino I s palace in

1987. In other 'NOrds we \itlerE~ to take in none of the scheduled

El.ctivities of our month-l.c'ng trip to Gratuito\,wly, it

2idd~i;d that we II/ere not to contact the Communist New' Peoples Army, which is 1ffi'igiril;J a Vely successful W.U· of national liberatj.on, Breach of any of these conditions could Lead to our arrest, and deportation, or be:Lng charge::! wi ttl

tement to treason, srt.'<:ii tion, 14'11a'NTulness or rebellion". The only thing was pedophi.Li.a ! The first we knew of this letter was on the

pl.ane out: of Auckland -it shook ()ff Chr1.stma..<J, inertia us.

Upon arrival at Manila, our treatment ccnt.i.nued. We were put

into aspeci a1 queue I ~)U}: photos were taken, our passports were carefully checked Hales, the quintessential 1i t.t.Le old lady from the North rfaranaki Peace Group, was taken off into an office to questioned) • And

all OU1" bags were opened atd ... copies of PSNA I s "Philippines Up:iate"

a!1d P!\1A's "PeaceLi.nk" wert'! "lwav into offices to 1::>~ examined bv men in

Dav 1d RobilE~ was In danger of The youn.gest mem.r)eX'

Hai'ni, 1 hiO Wernen 's Resource

press the (We

later:, conctuded that WCI.S the

F'.i.lipina .~ as a 01 wt:!o approached Re<,'"::reation Centre ,and asked her price.

cou.ld !'-k::>ne'theless, I(Je all

,Ercm our F'illpino hosts.

thought she was a Jc)hn Bay Res t

the price .... :i,.:f Looks

to a. he rOles , welcome

E'er our first 2we<~k.s rnHitary !pc>lj.tical estah1ish~

(rent poured au t propaqande "common criminals

ar!il pedophiles H angle, we I there

at the invitation of local ,aid and comfcr t

fc)(' the fighting ccrnmlll1ist be accused being a communist;

a r,!eath sentence for a·· Filipino) . Nor was this propaganda all internally generated ~. Lnternat.ional, fascist qroups have "'Jell documented links wi th the Philippines military and deau! squads. t'~.i.lst in ~;.anila. a total stranger

(a s.yrnpathiser) posted me a eOrl! of the Pacific Oiristian

Ani;,.i .. "CQHlmunism Crusade, a Sydrac,;y Philippines

Its lead article was Club PJ)out to Bit the Philippines";

and claimed. that the AABCCwa.s full . communists from .the various Australian

'!here wa.o;; intelligence agency (lis tribute IffTitten warnings

'-v' ...... c,A bug conference ( they

arrJ. the hotel (I

spokesper-son for the

" no rr:oney was demanded, i.ncid:ent happened to

'the Atlas copper

employs vigil~~tes to officials. The Australians

Manila produces a of daily· newspapers, they share at

number (:If distinctive Most of them are in English (the

lingua franca of the entire coontry,which clatms to the world's second

b:Lggest English speakirlCJ natron) , And they i!;\U (~mpl()y a number of highly colurnnistswho don it;.nti.nce,:I<19rds.c 'lbus <l month us

"peaceni.ka " (a ItJOrd r hadn't heard sinc!~Vi.e'tbam protest days) were a major

bone contention. caLLed us IIforeign fanatics

weirdos" ; even a sympathetic us "overage hippies II (at

it dido.' t say overv,'eight!). Progr'~ssifJe columnists responded by

at;tacking the major source foreign in the Philippines (ia

US), by us space to state· our case, and by reprinting whole

of material us , As for st.ra:tght news reportage, we were

""'JL~.'U. morrth 0

M ~fM to bi; e~cted I the coverage was oi vided betwen good and bad (my f,~voorite headline - "Aliens Back l4f' ts II ). o'.tr presence provided i:~ very clear foeus for a Ih~101e raft of related issues that are constantly on. b;),U ift Philippines life - the u.s bases I national 80'vereignty, the

l:tght to demot:ratic dissent I mili tarisation I ceasetees tmrnan rights violations,

yawning gap between rich poor, inequi t~le land v.i",1ership systems e

sJ.ppr,'ession of any form 0:1: people I s organisations. I had never been ~:t~ oa. trip before 'Aw\ere my !flare presence in the co1.mtry ei{cited so much :lfl.terest ~ from the highest to 1~¥'et3t levels of the society. By the end our 4, weeks there, the p'8f'.ouluffi had convincingly et'lUnq bE1;,C!{, and

ecversce was favourable very extensive.

Philippines papers generally are much, more freavhooling than their NZ eouneerpar+s . Sane of this is deplorable - e.g. thGY gleefully run

p"otos of corpses on thei.r front pages every day. Scm~ 0::' it is commendable - th~1Y take very seriously matt?J:'ial concerning CIA activities in their

COlJrltl"y I and run it in great detail. Th.ere were several examples of this 'while we were there.

f~ unique contributions were mc'4de by our delegation. Ironically I

t%1f.l1Y b:)th involved Bukidnon province on Minda.nao. 'Ib its credit. New zealand has' provided no mili tary aid to the Philippines since too murdet· of Niney 1$,ql.lj.r1o. But there are still foreign aid projects underway. New Zealanders (such as Maire and David Pobie) 00 one of the Hindanao study tours were

able to extensively investigate a NZ funded forestry project in 1:.Ukidnon ._

,1:) project, that will displace several thoUSand indigenous people (the ~n :p:ii'ttf:?rn. in Mindanao is for the displacement to be accompanied by official

(XC vi9ilante violence). Our delegation publicly attacked this in both the local and NZ media - which gained us no friends at the NZ Em.bassy.

The other Bukidnon revelation caused an encrmcus furore at the highest levels of the Philipplne;:; government (Le the' President I and Armed Forces

c£ t.he Philippines Commander). ONen t'4i.1l~es, "';ho didn't come with us, largely wrote t"le conference! s keynote address on the Asia Pacific military si tuation. 'The paper was delivered b? f"1aire teadbeacer , ~1ho then had to withstand the official ard media bombardment that folla.'led. (Men provided a country by courrtzy roundup of foreign bases (including "nuclear free!! Aotearoa.).

EV'f::lv()ne knows about the massive US bases at Clark and Subict that's what

1.4e id geme there for. But ON€n revealed the existence of a previously unknown U5 facility. HAt. Bukidnon in Mindanao is a facility that 111i11 act as sccrekeeper in any nuclear war. Its antennae other sensors wi.ll detect where all the nuclear expl.osfona are happening ~ and measure their size, so ti'lat US commanders know \;1here the Soviets are attacking and ","here the t5 missiles are detonating - which ones are on target. \:I,'hic.."1 ones are duds.

Of all the facilities in t~e Philippines, BukDQnon is probably the one most intimat.ely involved with nuclear war fighting " • It was located largely t.:!fldergrollnd $ on a Del Monte plantation - the perfect synthesis between

US nlul tinational and US military.

'!he uproar was imt!'lediate and enormous. '!here was no outrage from the medta about "foreign peaceniks II me-ddling in Philippines affairs ...; there

~>la.s (Jut;rage that this cri tical facility had been concealed fran· the Philippj.nes peonle , Aquino and General Ramos dian It deny that the facil.ity

Ol!r 4 weeks in the Philippines can 00 divided into :3 categories - stucly t.ouz's around the count.ry and in [' i t.self; t..~ Asia Pacific PE'K>ples' ccnrerence on Peace am Dt;::velo~nt; di.rect

PeacE~ caravan to and Sub:Lc, plus the Mendiola ~1,;?lssac.rc)

march in Manila •

~';lt;st the study tours. Shortly after arrival in the next morning in some cases} the NZ delegates were of l\us~ra];-iansand sent off allover the Philippines tOUl':S lasting from 5-10 days. 'Ihis i.nv()lved an simul taneous organisation. and I can it praise the F'ilip.ino h:t.ghly em.9Y9th

(literally, to groups study amount of c':;'ganisers

i~t,~i us, the ~'Z delegation covered vi.r-tual.Iy

ft'.om ncrtnernLazon to M.:tndanao the south. I can,

own study tow>. my 1987 exposure I had visitt;.rl

Luzon, Negros IIttndanao., '!his t.ime ! didn't gat

w!:l()le :5 day exposure was .spent on trlel3ataan. prevented from visitirK) tn 87 (Lrorucal.Ly ~ by a

but my

;;;,.n area I had been

militarized. Just


, and its backbone \..>hich


Bc~taan Ls on. the otbsr of Manila Bay.

The worker's (,~n;:; uruorused , people are;

to its is, the ma..c;sive at Subl.c

brothel ci ty , 01ongapo. Inland is Clark

brothel ci Bataan workers .and

. (of the C;ent.ral Luzon AJ.1ia."lce fora.

organi$efjtlJe Caravan, and

Filipinp~on th¢ day dSITh"J (even usual, en,.9.l+.t;:,ed .th~t; -of 4000


out to join us f only thr(')i..lgh) •

';'.Y';H '){ rQtUV r,f~sitd;::~,;I.ple of visi tecla; ty!i>hopDidevastated (f\!}eli3i.nesian· in a~a:r ance • ip;.tl1e hills ·westayed

random, mo:rtar bomb~dment Army (a

his mothe:rhaa gone Labour during, one

pat~t.')ill~, tJ:te are~,dllTtj A gritwing and

cex:'t;i.fie:a~e.s. Of aw,:lrde.::ito her husband,

c£~.ptain, by, the,.:ii1i.1.i t-a:ry $:.', same mili tary ~Jhich

al1eg(;.>("1 l:!oml11unist sympathi~'l€lr.

spent in.

. peasant.s , indig<e.noos


us forr.1(~:t barar.guay him as an

·The:.:;,econ¢l;'i-nj;~h'tt! lH'as spen~, th a peasant family on a town· •. t: '1ht~ fathefX'(·w.:lsa. prominent local peasant b)th t.hE! Cil:tavan,and·,;theMe:ndiola ~ia1:>S~lGre rc.wflifI19>ITCr',":Zj

outskirts of lJP at t>1anila.

;'~M hard and he'd 1,11own real personal tragedy - one daughter had ITIU.t"deredby her employer, who was still fr~. 'Ihe spirit ~OSPitality of this family was an inspiration" We even got to bi t of work - staking out beans. We'd been told we could ~low and plant rice '." but a previous American visitor who'd. wallowed

neck in i~ made our hosts cautious. .

other two nights were spent in the Bayan office in the provincial "f Balang~ (~yan is the major~ve ground mass organisation, and

ccnst.ant Iy the subJect of harassment). OUr hosts were superb. We ate ltJSlC!S g and thanks to my tt"Usty world travelled lil0, I slept well (the Au.s~ues found floorsabi t too rank and file, .and the bribe level for

!'Il)t' li10 ste.oo.i1y i,ncreased) • From there we ventured out to examine .the

~"\(')1itical realities of Bataan life·. Wswere taken to a how;ethat had l::leen .L',,", . .J..'-""'"", ~ th bullets from a Sikorsky in a ferocious battle wi th besieged

• They were all killed, as were a much larger number of soldiers.

()ne teenager died in the crossfire - by chance we met his mother. She told us that the inforl'llant· responsible for the tipoff was already dead. '!his was on the outskirts of a town, in ill heavily populated. area - the i:f,Ui tau:y is indiscriminate \>!hen it, shells, or strafes.

We travelled to Mariveles at the peninsula's southernmost tip. '!here 10¢ated the Bataan Export Processing Zone (BEn), one of several in the courrtzy , It's a special area for multinationals and joint ventures to

e.njoy cheap labour; a tax holiqay, subsidised infra.s~ture (e.g. electricity)

pl'od!,lcegooCfsfor export. '!he wo.rkers had not taken this blatant exploitation lying down, and the union m,ovement is strong. Far stro~er than NZ tn some respects. At a footwear factory am a clothing one, we were hested exclusively by the unions (they are factory unions there, combining

local federations am national alliances). We had no dealings with f!'~.nagell'll',:)nt .~ union officials, mainly women, briefed us in their onsite

union offices, and toured us thr~ the. shopfloor. ::i:he clothing factort 'iA,'aS enorrrous - 3000 women in a verry small area - making suits labelled uMade the Ul(". Poli tical consciousness was high - even one of the armed guru:'d,s(an omniprE¥'ent feature of Filipino life) gave us a clenched We also toured a couple of picket lines, once again of~n wo:ekers. In the Philippines ~ picket lines are 24 hours a day affairs - picketers sleep in makeshift shelters. one group of picketers expected to t~l attacked. by the army in less than 2 days - t,heiremployers wanted no unions on the premises.

Wet'Ofere privileg-ooto visit somewhere no other study group gOt to -

thih~ ·.Bataan provincial prison in Bala.nga, where we visited (Ner a dozen male f)olitj"I::al prisoners. Not only did we get into tl1e prison, we were actually Locked up in the cellblock with them for 2 hours. So,now I have a. keen i3.pprec~.ation of the :i.n.side of an Asian: pr'Losn, But. unlike ~ ,we weren't SfJa.rCh.ed. we didn't even siqn in. We were allowed in en masse , with cameras and tape recorders . 'there Were no guards supervising cur ' meeting. In short 'i,~ held a very interesting political forum in a prison - all, our hosts

hlleJ.::'e peasants, fishermen and ,workers who were awaiting trial (all had been on remand at least a year.) on c.harges of murder •. subversion and illegal pcsseeaion ofweapoM. Standqro trumped up charges to smear people as o:)i'm¥~Jnists. All these men had been badly treated bv the military lItt1en


firsfarrestoo'- One ,still had appalling scars on his knees and ~loows' where'he had?e~i~erately been, held! against a hot exhaust pipe.. They had WO? better,cond~t1.0rs bya campaign'~f dlrect action in_side the g'801. '!hey were ~ll l.nfor~ed (e.g. they had dally papers) : they asked us as many que~t:lons a~ we' ~sk~ them (sample: '''what is the state of armed struggle agcu.~t US ~n your country?"). 'And they did a roaring trade. sel;!-:ll1Q art\Y()rk to us nght there in the cell - unlike many other Filipino vendors. they had no trouble g1 ving change for big notes. I am now the pro~~'owner' of a paintitigthat bears a unique stamp..:. "PoltticalDetainees Bataan". It means a lot to me.

,political awareness is very high in Bataa~, and people always confronted US~lth the most fundemerrta.l questions. The Bayan office hosted one of its bigg~s~ and longest weekly forums for people to meet us - thev vd read aboutus "com.'ntmists·, and pedophiles". We were asked what did we thj.nk about cpn:uT";1l1ism and 'its applicability to the Philippines. In the peasant villages and?-n'the gaol, we WeI."e asked. if \.;e .supported armed struggle.. 'The.seare

bi.g <1':lestions heIe- in a society in the grip of an armed revolution they're

dynamrue , . '

From Eataan we proceeded to Olongapo - one big brothel for the US Pacific Fleet based at 'SUbic.. 'lhe:t(~we met up wi thtwb otht~r provincial study groups .... Zambales and Pampanga. (host to Clark !\FB). We all stayed. at -t;he ,drugrl?habilitationcentre run by char i.smat.Lc Irisb priest. Shay

.., CUllen, •. '!he aircraft carr~er. USS Constellation was in tcwn and we did a tour bX .. niglit (thf::. d, pub. crawl I've ever been on, not. a single drink).

i'llfe town was crawling .. lr.'i th sailors and US Navy shore patrols wi th big

clubs. We gawpc .. x:l'a:t'thJm andt.heygawpE.>d at U3 -"what the fuck we got here ?" being. one shouted qiler,y. Subic Bay Ls beaut.i.Eul, ~ with CUllen j s institute h().viflg a million qolli.:arview. BUt OlongaPJ is the pits .,.. the river answers

.to no, other name but the Shi t River. a richly deserved name. But if you

want .tobuy bourbon(co.wboy oo8ts, cheap women, ,and particularly offensive

T shirts I then, you 'Tl, Love it. .

:'~ Asia Pac.ifi.c Peop.Le's' Conference on Peace and r:eveloprrent had a clearly defined theme -- "For a Bases F,'te~j, Nucle,ar Free, IrrlependentAsia t?a~ific". vJhileall the threats from the government and military encour-aged us to see

tkue' Peace caravanasthfJ highpoint of the month ,the Filipinos correctly

saw the conference as the fatal point. 'the rest;was icing on the cake.

'll".e c":)nference was treated by the local med,ia as a major event t and it attracted sat:,Utation cover aqe . It was either fiercely attacked .as a communist front event, orequallS'fiercely defended. r have to go, back to the 1968 Peace. power' and Poli 6~cs in Asia Conference to find "my thing that had a

simi!arimpact in NZ.

Filipinos attach a quite ddictIlously.inflated value on politicians (perhaps becauSe they're still a novelty after the long Marcos years.

~., '. the handful of senators. and conqreasmen who' attended and spoke were treat~' like, heros am thunderously applauded when they promised to join us on the Pe~ce Caravan. How en'barrassinq that they were conspiCUOUS by their absence aM it was lett to the much- more down to earth Senator Jo Vallentine fr:.:)ffl l>,Ustralla to represent the region IS politicians. She handled a high profile role extremel.y we Ll , am was instrumental in negotiating tne Caravan through interminable military checkpoints.

"IhE! conference t.i.on and action, C~,zer~

Wilkes ," keynote who.Ie 'thing off

to a flyif';;:;J start., [he Bikidnon nuclear

facility was st.i 'I11ere were keynote

speeches on thH vi.t a.l t)ackqrounder on

thee(:onomtc:s 0:[:' '. ts unreal to s tudy mi.I i tary Lssues wi th ,

no !'eterence to econorm.os and vJhos(':) interests are be i.nq served by the mill. tary) ; Roland Simbulan' s paper lavished praise on NZ' s nuclear free example • There werelndlgenou,s, . women 's and reli.gioDs sector caucuses running simultaneously throughout. 'TWo days were taken up wi'th workshops being run on different

topics simultaneously "

One l .. h01e day was spent working out, in small groups , the text of the Peoples' Manj_festo (at the time of writing I L'm still waiting for my copy to be posted to me}, This Led to the only tical disag-reement I

pe racnal.Iy encountered -_ ;;l. refusal to condemn SOViE~t invasion of

Afghanistarl. 'Ille Prii.Li.ppi nas Lef t has not through its attitude to

,_ al, thouqh to demand that the

, the Conferenc:e unanimously aqreed. on the

a set of principles,shared analysiS, and

. It ",.at;:'; seen as a major adnevement and the local media (one col.umni.s t reprinted it the paper s < It IS worth reproducing a few

req.ional problems of poverty, repression and

we ,i>'3 responsible for these ills?

wi th Fr ance , is imposing its on the re<;lion. In the face of

US WE, also note wi, th alarm the growing role as junior par-tner's of the US in the the main props Tcr mi.Lit.ary and

hiding behind the facade of democracy. H

"U Supports t.he sovereignty of the and the fIIlaori of Aott~aroa, and calls on the countries to implement demands for self~· .2 IB.1iand$ the,e dismantling of A:u.stralia and Aotearoa and the withdrawal of

3) OpPO.'38S the n)le of Aus tralia and .

4} Condemn..s Aus tra.LLan uraruum in the nuclear cycle • .. 'Ih(-!lre are s irni.I ar

, Pacific, and South Asia.

result of the conference was the common resolve that '!:::>E-; a oncer, nor be confined to~he Philippines. 'It> this end, the

converted itself i.nta a permanent body - the As i a Pacific and Deve Loprrerrc , For the first year it will be 3 E'tLipi.nos - :2 clergymen and a woman. All on the secretariat ",. NZ's r'ep Ls 1 convene as a reqi.onal, '

;: First prefer'ence for 1991 Manila) • 'Ihu.,c; attention will focus Pacific - Fr ance ,

tte short; teJ("lTI; concerted day of l'e!Jional b<:'l

tJ'lat there; be a , ancl that it

invitation (although not unanimously)

i;,otJi'i(lX(Ja, , for a similar programme of

"'c~·",,, ... ~r""l, and direct action at bur US bases (outright be a very slgrri.ficant year, arid a very educational

tirrlf"J! to S(*~ what: makes out' society tick. '!here was some

dissension within the delegation (not; from the Maori members ) about whether such a visit wc.uld distract, the host 9rcmps' f;':\i.~::irgies away frol1\' the central

is:~ues of 1990, !'€' around the t.;:tng5, (my person.alopinion

ia that :i..twon st,). So tj):Lse!lit)t:y()i)iG stage f and will only 'trlkeshape if er!(YI..l\lh groups are prepared ro get, Lnvo.lved in hosting

f()I'eigrldel~;tatlE;s~~' to 111ake happen",

event # sirrrultarleausly

.. t twas ia two day event.

trucks and ,Cl few car,s •

i3t Cl;.:u"k M'13: on the 6\lbic. We knew from before e and as :r iV€! previously

by the Philippines governmeQ.t

f:!IOOn establi.shed 1:l1;'lt we 'lPlould'be wa,s . cc.1mpletely legal, so we took

first day for the mandatory mass or ecumeruca.l fUl1cUon. ti!ctnila traffic is diabDlical

~ so getting nearly 90 vehicles out

we forn~ up into a convoy. r t I.",as very impressive, very and inI1umerable jeepneys were

My had "Nuclear Free

HN::""W Zeala.nd Anti-Bases Campaign" t.h('k buses {which are built for

!'·''Cl,·t .. t'I~~""'\'" us and our filipino facilitators . tc be driving past Asian i~.rm\l , the bus t.apedeck

Atxmt Revolutionil•

It .90('\(\ became obvious that dictatorship. OVer both days

mr;n:'e a dozen mUi cary checkpoints.

;;>'·,' ..... 1,."'~";~.1. .stot-1J~ng t"h(~ tt.hole travelling circus vehicles lc)oking for "o:mifmmists II or "arms no arm~d ~lis rs were actually travelling '>""lil.'''''''"';>' was tel t. Both on the caravan and the

the National z::emc.lCratic Front or one

of its constituents. They were English, for our benefit), 'Ihe soldiers

didn't lliissle us Lndeed they were per sonal.Ly friendly. But. that didn It apply to je(~pneys loaded with Filipinos only - they were searched and obst.ruct.ed . s \1C-\t"e reluctant to venture onto the buses full of foreigners - one came on ours at the instigation of photoqraphers who wanted a good shot, Be was completely encumbered by his weapons am

looked decidedly embarrassed, getting out as soon as be could. At each roadblock the neqct.i.ati.nq committee would do its stuff. headed by senator .Io Val len ti ne • All foreign de.Ieqat.ions \.]ere represented - tl;:-:J.ire leadbeater was ours.

We turned these. checkpoi.rrts and ordinary old traffic jams to our

advantage leaflets 1 . ..,ere distributed, the.n1obile cultural troupe

per-formed street theatre rigbt: in front of the troops, . there were trucks of static cul.tura.l t.abl.eaux vi.vant s up front (the ubiquitous B<:mny Zable in his full Dr Death drag, dF'spite the tropical heat).

Everywnere we went we Here the centre of attention. It's not usual for 200 vehicle political convoys to through towns.and villages in central Luzon, and locals were fascinated to see 150 foreigners· amongst it all.

We got cheered ard applauded, and Learnt the $ull range of Pilipino political sign language ,-the:; signs for Marcos, the L sign for Pquino IS Laban party, th(~ se lfi-expl.anat.ory clenched fist ,and the bold few who squeezed an upHftedtrtgger fingf:~r (support for armed struggle). Local

. activists greeteciW3 at every tm411vli th applause I clenched fists. thunderous '·fireworks, banner's an::1human chains al Iowi.nq our vehicles unimpeded progress.

'Ihernili cary roadblocks ensured. that a 2 hour drive took all day. We didn't reach the outskirts o:fAngeles until dark. So then we formed up and marched right through the ci ty to Clark. It was extremely hot t muggy. and several times during the several kilometre march v.Je all had to jog to maintain our ranks (a feature of all Filipino marches). It was tough, particularly on old people.

It was an amazing march. We were joined by 8000 Fi1ipinos, the

Iu.Ik of them ordi.nery peasants and: workers. Several hundred had the job of physically enclosing the foreign delegates as our security. We marched carrying 1000 bl.azi.rrq bamboo torches. 'The mood was triumphant - marchers exploded enormous crackez's I fired off skyrocke ts I made a lot of noise. When we reached the city t we vlere given something I've never

exper i.enced before -", a t.i.cker t.ape parade', one reason the military had given for ther.oadblocks that day was that there had been a major pro-bases demo 1 and they ,",lantcd to keep ~ two sides apart. Well we r-arched right through Angeles, riql:l'C to Cla:ck, pt':st all the bars and brothels. All we saw were

3 bargirls i101ding pro-base placards. 'There were no Americans in evidence - since the NPA killed 3 of t.hem in 1988 theyive tended to avoid the city. f.\b:body att2cksd us I or even abused us.

A few hundred. metres from the base gate the road was blOCked by

trucks and jeeptlz,ys parked across it. Lengthyneqotiations ensued - eventually the military let us proceed to the park in front of the gate. tile had a

permit for ,'3. concert and to stay there overnd.qht; , Ihe advance party had

been regularly h .. arassed by Locat authorities and vigilantes .. at the last. minute the stEl.qe bad to be'>. shif't.ed and a new power source found. Once aqaan

\..e foreigners were physically encl.osed by hundreds of bodyguards. 'Ihi~s

\\ere very tew38 - all night vigilantes were trying to get into our camp.

Our jeepney drivers were attackE~d. We were completely surrounded by a

full battalion of troops in heavv dutv riot oear • backed UP bv fire enoines

;., '

,"'Oine . frorn

~',J~;k!~' "

Eondi vicar who aanq at evei:y (i(o~'EP;m cieleqates ,witb

the,iir; own· country . ' !1tlere were

', I)'


V1:'Ctcxy, "j:)ut d:isti'lXICe be (ween

them. Cnce aqarn the it~ry,

also heard stories about people ,(,'1

'1'1'112 mayor. aJ'l Arl1et.~iGan 'citizen, I,; ,,'

". thE.' US Navy qave it;sworkers t.he ,3ctorit?,s, schools and shops were . cLosed washe.ld (the m(0dia estimi~ted

th'-'t wq~ would 'Ih,'.:re were litaton:;

town In Dinalupiba.n"a.t the kms fr"()l1l OlongiOlFo, but; we,n~

te'.~ r~'lil obstruc c.toni.sro

our pernu t at sunse t .;

. Olonga,po and Mam .. La , be:lrYo,J in s toppi.nq us there (YV(,;:~J:" :'$ hour's v

us '<~

be using

joining us.

any closer

conqes ted -.',

jmprornptu r-ally., We. were

ex'craorc'hnar'lbandcompr~s,,;d, uru forrned primary school

heavilyalT!1f2.d so s' I but they were a ory'beinqqiven a. bd.l1oon saying "I'm for Peac~" ...J 'f1\')hlt rt<::j it.; Berth F:ilipino and foreign

the; , - despite being fiesta .'i tanqle


\I\l~:e rm.1S t l~lave \.j

tb.c. )\;ltrador l,o'bby. v-Je

lIS th our in the country, and the conference, the caravan

generated enormous media, both pro and anti. Upon our return to Mliltnila we demanded an apology from the military for obstrucing us throughout

and us to Ol.onqapo , Jo Va11entine got plenty of attention

when sIYe:: aai.d the Philippil'leS is Cl, military dictatorship.

'Ihe final dJ.rect action It!e part.icd.pated in Has the Mendiola Massacre

corrmernor' mar ch , January 1987 !;-'easants demanding genuine land reform

outside 's ~f1,en:7: (~r,mned down by the military - 19 died. ~arly

150 1;}2,1'O v:G',.LIC;';,:d, rl1,e corenander-s responsible were promoted; the peasant

leaders ·",·,,;nc; \]i th fml'J.7ersion. .

OnCE~ prohibited, by the Philippines o:>vernment

from takin'::J in it. 'The s rt.uat.i on was tense - the potential for violence

and death present at any Philipptnes demonstrat~on. We were advised

to we::::r 01..1.:<:' t1:bi~G (mul. ti,,·purpase scarves) in case of teargas. '!here were

up to 7000 r~:"l:ccb,~rs I pr imeriIy peasants of the KMP movement headed by Jimmy Tadeo. v.\:) mE1J:'d';cd right up near the front, in a sea of reel flags and banners. It was a g:rcat feE.! marching hand .in hand through downtown Manila, chanting

slogans in , '1';:~(Jalog ("Lupa Hind.i Ba1a - Land not bullets) I and,

cour tesy of cne C'eLcq.::,te, even Nepalese.

1\3 \lJi til <.).11 cent.r'al. tJl.anila marches , we 'Were stopped at the Mandiola bridge I the exact; SCt'C'nC') of th~; 19H7 maasacre ( led the NDF to break off the ceasefire p2clce talks and resurra the armed struggle). 'Iher'e was a massive

mi.Li, t.ary r:tesence, once again in full riot gear. We were used to it now.

StrE','~t tl'":·(~~atx:e re·~"{~nc~~ctin.g performed. P12.~:2rd3 id0ntified occurred in the last two years.

the massacre I complete with coffins I was the numerous horrible massacres that have '111ere were no incidents I and we sat in the

road """ the Kt4P' s Tadeo I the KM{) t S 'Bel t.ran • 'lhe most

extr aordfnary v/2.S a pries t h110 called Jlquino a "queen of hell" who

is "kissinq the ar se of the LTapar\ese and Americans " (extremely unusual Lanquace fCT publicly modes t Filipinos). He said if things continue as they are there I,::L .nbc! left for marches - they 'd all be in the hills. '!he crowd H3nt , r:\}£::'j:.:onding "Ii th a sea of :rapidly squeezing uplifted trigger fingers.

'l1~,21t t:i:1Ei thE! cl.irnax , 'J:',,,;o days later we flew to Bangkok; 4 days later I was in culture shcck back in Christchurch.

, it was the most faSCinating month of my life. Politically it met a. "ttL'll need in the region, to forge close links between the First

and 'Ihird movemenr.s in rhe Asia/Pacific. I will conclude with the

finale of ttl{:', ~!lanil;:" Declaration.

"What UnJ.,tE'S popular movements and organisations in the region is not

simply croximitv. \I:e have identified an deqree of

c()mmon INl ttl shared r'ene\rJE~d vision

pn::>phc~s~,~d ,that the 21st century one transnational natur'a.l n~source;3".,

US, tG'gether, turn UK,' and forelqn miLi cary and

, ,~'-' ..


. ~ ·I··f!'::,il":::li·":.;~

'lher e was a curious sequel to t"lurrq.v Horton being convicted of trespass at -Bar ewood , \1)1:1en he received his fine notice in the mail; "he: was sUrprised ' to See that ·hi's address' Irrcl.uded an" aircraft flightimrnbef' b.riadest'5:riati'Cii1.

He was even more surpr i.sed when he realised that it was the 'niai Ai.rways flight to Bangkok that he ard the rest of the N"l delegates to the Peace Br i.qade iri .. the Phi.lippines had left on, in December.:, " .'

H~ had been ques t.i.oned by a poHceman in the departure lounge, prior 'to' " that fl.ight. His pending court appearance had registered on the computer .when he had checked into passport controJ.. 'Ihe cop wanted to know if Horton intended to come back, (the case was more thanfi weeks away}. He declined Horton's of f'er' to produce the return ticket,al1d accepted Horton's case that there were no' restrictions on Horton's movements'; in fact 'that he wasn It even on bail. 'Ihe cop showed. that it wasn I t just routine I by saying that he remembered Horton from Vietnam protest days.

'. ;

On receipt of the fine notice, Horton took it to the. "Star", who duly Lnvestsiqat.ed it (20. 2 :89) . ~I:ne cops were unrortncomino - an inspector said "If"~4r Horton thinks he 's got a problem, he should=come and iron it out wi th the~~ reception serqean t;" • The deputy regis trar, Jusfi:i:;e Department, was more obliging - Justice has'access to police files of name, address and charge, which would be automatically printed out without checking. He assumed th~t the airport cop had entered Horton's flight details on the police's wanganui cOmputer as his last known address in case he didn't come back. It should hav~;:.~e,n",~r,asedwhenHorton ·flew home I let alone when he appeared in .cour t .

.I ~ fl- ;' •

: 0mel wonders ift.he police record flight details of ew;ry s.i.nq.l.e person wltltl:~ a pending' C(11.1rt appearance (and in the (.1iristrnas holiday cerf.od ) , M9' indeed, . if Horton' had vanished, would the taxpayer have been expect.ed to. 'pay' for his extradition to face a $100 fine?

" .

This smacks of the. usual, o.ld ipo.Lit], surveillance. In 1986 Bor ton-ts . .. ,,'!

1970:" 75. po.l.Lce "noting" file was Lnadvertent.Ly auctioned (along with the 1",;: i surplus cabinet it was in), along wi, th 800 others. 'Ihis established that . i r C1riS:tchurC;:h had been "noting\'his movements and associates in those pre-' cornpu+er years (they had nothing to do with any pending court cases).

··Ydu·;dorpt have to be paranoid _. the evidence of police surveillance is

sold at auct.i.on or arrives' in 'your' mai.L, ,,',

:.' ..

); ..


. , "

Tbeh:f4jCt~ !e;orilthnt~s:,

WrhY,~~ing inform~ltion·t·rot~th,eO·ieii'S~a§ lnves~,inmtt C_mi§scm~

In the Jm."y 1988,W€ltcMog;we reported CltF+:'A: ;("'re~!yem' str~lggle,to extract regular 'reports from " tbe Overseas Inw:si"mell( Conzmisstort (OIC) on a.pp#caJionfr~o it for tnvestment. This article brings that

report up to (~at!!. . ., ' ,

, ; I ~'l \ ~.' .... ~_)

Tflestary ?;!;l t.rr ... e,e ' "I" .' . ." . ..' I

In February, 1985. CAECA wrote to the Ole (Jsking it to inform us on a monthly basis of all applications received by tile Commission, arid their outcomes. All substantial foreign investment in New Zealand must be approvc(;IVYitHe J';on:J[nt,~sion, though it rarely rejeotsdunapjJlicatioll. There/ore itis potqnrially (I'u/rique

and, u~""(()~,d4lc.sou7(;eQj,detaUeainf()rl1latioll on who is ifW13sttng, how much, and in what, i .

The me r'C}Icted our. ir:itia,l retmest giving a n.umber of. reasons. CAECA appealed to the Om!;udsmafl.· and. there began a Ir/hg three-way .:tji:change. Finally,' in fr!(y .198.7., the Ombudsman proposed a compromisethai .. ' ... tire. die was prepared in live wiill: it would suppiy,idec!sion sheets" it produced, for each application.'

These contained most of lite i~fofm(z'!ion we had specified. '


Having collated the decision sheets for {iugust 198,7,'llIe Ole pre,remedu.v WWI a bill: $363. they expected charges 10 be $400-$450 per month from then on.

r ,

The last entry in the. January 1988 "Diary afOfficial Obstruction" was for October 6th, 1987 whee ,we' . apPfJa~e4 to' the Ombudsman against the charge. We argued the charge was prohibitive and not t'reasonable" i~l terms of the Official Information Act or the associated Cabinet Guidelines on charging!or.Olficial

In/017nation. The OIC also appeared to be crargiJlg for labour it was not permitted to charge lor. ,

): ':' I

October 13t.~!, 1987 to' April 16t~), 199:g

A total .or eight letters are recetved.erom NhdjaiTo!1cmacne, the Ombudsman deali~g with Otll"llppeal. detailing progress on her investigation. She asks for reports from the Ole, experiences delays in receiving them. studies thei!' material e . has meetings; :vV; , me: cfficials, obtains legal advice, and gets further comment from the ore, In.~ddition. in April, CAl,FeA committee member, niH Rosenberg, in Wellington on other tusiness, ([.'6ps ir:tot!le Ombudsman's .cffice to investigate progress and t1tiks 1:.0 am investigating;,

officer about appe~;;J.' .. ' ;.' .

May 2tu't 1988

The Ombudsman wrires: "1' have now completed my coasideration of the Ole's t'i:!sponsere~arding 'the charge for t!.~eififf)rma.tion.' you 'had requested. I h'a,'/e farmed a number of preliminary oFirlidris.'''5he has asked for comment from tt:e Ole's Secretary on some issues, andwants our comment ort"'Whether any allowanceshoufd. be. made hy way of redecticn cfthe cfwrge for CAFCA's reasons' for i the

information arH~ .its. SJiljty 4> pay. for h. "ll .

To cOillPly .\~t'ih. qUI' request, the, prc must ITI#I~e a ~'sigl1ifieant diversion of its resources away from its

primarYt'unCii6m~." 'On tile other hand,our I.lhirity 10 pay i~ ,I} relevant consideration. " .

She would li!{e oer comment on whether release of tt:e information to CAFCA wot'.!d be likely to promote the dIsduLrge of tile Commission's respor:sibi!i~ies U:1d enhance public re!a:::0l:". S(:e doubts that availabiEty of infcnnation to a grouy.t of our size would result. in any significant im:x'o'll!ment in the availability or information about the OIe's activities to the public at largo.

She is also considering whether availability of the information to CAFCA "would promote participation by the people of New Zeal.and in the making and admini3~erl:lg of the Jaws and policies applying to overseas investment" (one of the express purposes of tbe Official Information Act). This "par~:'cipa!:ion" could be either on specific ltpj!ic.ations or on the law in general, Since tile decision sheets would relate to decisions already made, they would be no use for arguing on specific applications. Since CAFCA doesn't indulge in lobbying, the information would not be used for "participating in" changes to the law.

She has formed 1\ rrel.:minary view that are "no compelling ren.'1011S for ~J' remission 01' reductien" of charges.

May 24th, 19:;H We repLy.

:1 '


W{JdU'glledllat; 0f:ficiaLlnfortnatkm iAct':adds responsibilities" to··the;j()IC (as 'to any'gowmrttcllt· age.Il(.;Y) w~lkb it slitmMi'comply;wilh;m1, Itsfnnctien, People shohldtherefore be charged ooly(lll.'il marginal increase in costs required for providing information .

. ~!, >"1 ,.',) if'f~' .: t;·;~i no l-:,Hi d'~ \i,,-~\:'iiJ;1'-.,": "/':' r ;" • ' , ' ',:~: 'd~ ','

A.sf~() our s,i.;t,f;,i;'Nt} poiin!!0ut.llhal: "oufiooell' variety of-individuals and;Oll~an'sutioDIf':,m:U1Y· , OfdW~Clm, X'I)Z;,lr]ww· malccl' ;fw:~.her ,ll$C' of ;the' infonngtion published in' Watchdog: Among our· members, are

environmen:Bl, and prominent envuonmentalists, trade unions and prominent trade '. unionists;

activists in parties, daily newspaper reporters, and the Minister of Trade and Industry·, In

ac!~U~iQt!f UrHiUHtb*r> pf 'p.ubl~t.Jihraries and libraries of research institutions suibscribe.'l:·W,e, 'note: .also t!nlt,

d~lily takenan interest in our request and ill the Ole. "We are confident that publication

of filis by us will go well beyond just 250 individuals,"

The (Jf bfo:crnetion to'<::AFCA will be seen as bureaucratic and secretive and therefore bad' Col:

relations. '

Hi'~·4Ud; q~,;,~:, ,i;, :r.,,\, ""

We atW,ck thl!t p:mJcipation in law and policy making equates with' "activeIobbying", "This"is a

peculiady 'Vellingt.on bureaucradc view." We have however "lobqied" on specific iSSI1CS such as Comalco and co:}t(~~ntt3. 'HI ',,';. :'1 ' .• ,.' .: ""

, ).1, ·,0 ,.

~ .. .ijl~:rtiejna~QP:fbspe.cifi.o.appUc;at.iOl!S" we express our disappointment that tbe decisiQtl sbeetsurelated o~lYd£',Jt~,J8i\},.r-t,h~i,lread»~ made: we,nadnot be~n told .this. was the case. However, exen. approved., aPB~\GI;1~iol:lfl GlJald ',h&:: OJ, ,int0Fcst: to i ;employees of affected. , companies and «en vironmentatistSj '. as' iweU ! 'as, r

people ::r~e CAFCA cozcemed with concentration and degree of overseas control. ' !';' i,:

Fil)tdly,:we[1olnt,oU'l; n!'!atlt~·.e chmr.ges,wouJd cause CAFCA: sufficient financial. hardship that:f11CY would ha;.W tile Stl,1)m,() eff{:ct.i1lSuiteny:ng uSiif,heAnf(mnatiorr. "It could be seen as freedom of information forth,e :

wealthy." "Ii; /i ;;"','1' ';'''; ! ,';";', .,',"

Se~tember 16~h, 19,UU ~t,1 ,Ii'

The Omhed,;zmm has made a decision. She asks for our comments within 10 days "for the PUl'POse of

COIT::IGting v.r:y (~l:1'()1' or omission." Y 1 ';'.

,.', '

Her repor!, is 20 pages long and concludes that. although the OlC was trying to charge us for things (like legal com;::1!lUian) we sn!)ldd.!ilOt! be;fcharged: for, there was no reason to apply hardship or public interest

provisions Co !he, propedy calculated charges.

Sheultgues dose!}!, tl~e detail-soC. what the OlG can charge; for. She mentions in passing that her legal counsel cQ~<;idcre.d. <hat. ill: :fuctthe Ole did not hu,vethe 'legal power to charge: it does' not; charge the companles mr'!dr:g !1.'!:l'lP'l~cationst&· it" :But she considers this,:I'l1rguable"and suggests we', taktr it uP'in the

CO!1l1:lidf ~'lfc. ·'i?fgIw ',:i ':'.,,' "",',:," . ,i" '

[The fact lhet Commission does not charge its appHc<:mts ~ Withollt question, some of the largest. and

woalthi€ist ccmpr"nlesJ,11 Ill(.')· world. ":'&Hlt;wa~s, tb charge us prohibitively., speaks for it.~elf.J; v , ,

She argues against red~Icillg, th(~ charges on the grollnds that. if each of our 250·odd members applied for the inforrn\4t;on)lthtel'l;,th~ costcO'td4 tJe'fdivic;tect: b~tWeen tJtem1:l hclJce CAFCA could not claim hatdsbjp.

,"l~ :/~n ':~,~\<!' .': ;,'(~:_'i h;~ ;i '~fl, 'i.'~~ .',:~ .'i,(,,~ Ii! ~:<' . .'L" . i

She arguqs,KirAir1i1ti :t~ke. 'information l:eillgi \is\~flll 'ih promoting i participation in policY" IllldJaw making and administration on the grounds Ulat the decision sheets relate to decisions alteady made, and in any case

provide only "bare essentials" each applicaaon , .. and so ate of "Iimited relevance", .,'

Septen}'lHlll' Z3rd, l~gf\~ WerepliY.,. ::!·!:':-Il:W:',

, ) ~

., ~'.~.''','':-I :<;~ :J')' 'A:,l .. ~, ,d' liL ,; F ;~'/,: ,oi';": ;.,

uW(~ are !'m~nplny deeply disappointed at. your proposed recommendation." While detaIls can be argued at lengtll, t.;:'e cffe.c~ is thi;'\l, Qy!!chn~ghlg,at,S:UGbirates, the:i()[C,i&d~nying IlS information it could!inot.deay us ,directly" '~i':~~I{}'~' idf ': '.~;, '1(' d' ~,j •• ~:q 1,;--'(: 'I. ;1, ;·f ;, II"

~ ~_.( .: '1:~:'':)',:{;!'':' dt j~, .',i!'~' I ;.~" ;fH

We question her gi.ving to i.lle me the benefit of tire doubt that it has power to charge.

. ,

'~ ,

~. .- ,

;., '.' I ';11;',:( : "I

.1 .: I

We question the logic and the consequences of her key argument that cost could be !''Pread over our entire membership. If upheitl~1.his:,implicsi4l&t ne organisadou.of more than a few!rt1embenH;an ever. use. 11ilt~'financiul"tmrdshi~ provisidnsi.llToo· samewotlili' ·pc0ilmllably. be. true !of news· ,media,!·'

.H-·~· 'd;:;:' !(':j .: <,'" :>':j:! .:: ".{";';") ji,:i;; ':«H

We point Qut that we are asking for the decision sheets, "hare essentials" or not, on the advice of the Ombutl!lrWenll:r~lve$;- ~rhe'-I1jl,jq,ose' was,-to get;'enougll details IlO' make;,:fm:ther- requests on mose applicatlbWs'!tb 't'he -'Ole/which 'wolifdilM' (jf 'Particulardntotesi. Her logic "hoist.~ ,lIS 'on a petard of her office's:'6itvn-irna~drlg.!' Hill' i i:j ii'.;, ::ilOl!:t,i ".; !':

!d '.: ;:Lt;t 1'\,,~ ::;;,'1' ".. fj:I:.('id~1!~ _.;(,; ;:; . .t "

Wdj'c6~h.lde·;!fI:uti:'''we~:'lnitble:;t.t;l'occept ·t.!lilt·her dooisiOlJ,j~s in keeping wil~!Jtlleisplri.I,of me Official'

Infottndtitin' Act. iid:· :;": I'H.: " i" .' ;1', ',iii Hi h~l: )(,,;11)';: 1":, ill ;:.,:' '. '. ':' ,

'·,:j>d:i'.!ir"li m'.: (, :', )':,":) ~ \' '

October IBtb, ~,983

The Orl1budsmati' r~tiHes.· .. ' ';,

"AltllOQg~ I ,had intended my report to 00 considered in draft for the purposes of correcting ettors or

om~ssiOrl,s onW'lha~e stttdied yoUr comments;"'> 'f:

• '.; . .; . ,i., : ! ' :~ ~" .;' '1 t:' :' f ,"

She has asked for further comment from the Ole on the power to charge before final.ising her repon, Shel'llenielS;;tTlati:Uieiatgutrientofspreading cOstsbelweeti members is the "key' one. "What my report sbb~$) I'li)LeXPlai'r!: is" tlfJtJ hardsilip 1.8 not the only corisidefatidtt: to be taken into account in deciding w1ieffier!tol'redii<!tnt' ctiarge." Other considerations, she says,aUoW ,~"a legitimate conclusion that the charge

should not be reduced." ::' ::':'il:, '.'

sblel,·tegietsl.itfi~!Jtnis(intlerSta'nding'between CAFCAand heromce over the ,extent of infOlmation tbe Ole prwrn;e!dIi<mWlli'ig' available. Butsbe belleves it isJegitima~" ,for her to consider the value of the information proffered and "bad not intended thereby to see CAFCA hoist on its OWI1 petard."

[Correction: It was her petard, not ours.l

i~} ': .... ·,;·~~·:,;,t ,,:!q ~l..;. , . .'·vi;L C,'t . n;.~r!;·:i . 'n~II'" d;1 .d'

January 19th, 1989

The Ombudsman issues her final report. following further submissions from the Ole.

,i, :: ; ~ :' . '. :" d . .-,: : \' • ., ';::;' 11 ~~ ; ;--',l: ::., I ,: •

Most of her' eonclu'Siorts' 'are'the same as in h~ draftl'eport 'of ;September 16th, 198&.

i ~ ,. ;

'111el'e is one, critical exception: she has followed up the question of the Commission's right to charge. "The:conelt\sion I have formedon:1the ·compJaint~meansthatithe.Commissioll cannot, in my view, lawfully require prtyment of a charge' for the"iinf~on requested byCAFCA. Accordingly J, recommend .. , that the Commmsionrnakeavailablet£): tl'ie~t'~\l~.stor.·free of charge, the informationq)repared for the requestor in respect of decisions made by the Commission on applications for consent in the month of August 1987."

L,~ !;.; ,!~.',~, .. li!. ;~~! ,;;.1['/. ~H.)·.;d~f'·t~. , .• ,

However she also recomrrientl.s tbat' ItM.! Oolnrnissiot ..... :seek changes 10 its governing legislation to allow it to ch,a:r~e.

'.' ~.·IL.;:,.::; .. ~ ,,'4:: ii·' .. !I; :1'.: ,.':'1 ::it!Hi/. !!~

[0 oth~ 'wGtds;"but for the leg31'oversiglu, : thnt' , the,0!e was never given! tlle power to charge, the Ombudsman would have recommended (lu\( the Ole could charge us full costs, although not for all .he staff Ijme!thaHheY'were trying i:O!:ctwge IlS fur;!!Tbe;legIlI oversight ltM,given:usa t.emportU1' ~espite.

, .'. .' ( : " ' " i " • I' • ." '.' : .' ; :4 : f . ;! u . . . ~ . ~ . I ;, j \ , ,

February 20tb, 1989

The Ole secretary writes;

"In accordance with the Ombudsman's recommendation, I enclose tJ1C Commission's August [l987) decision sheets, togelher with a schedule of deletions, which are being releast'.d to CAl"CA free of charge.

_.. :·'1: l . ; ~,,'., '; ., I' .; ;. • ~: ; .. o" P. t;.! j ; .)

"I advise ilia'£' th('JiOommissiOtr dl1esnot agree with r.he Ombudsman's 'opinion tl\at the Commission has no power to charge in respect of the release of this information. Accordingly. the Commission has instnlcre'" its solicitors to issue proceedings seeking judicial review of the Ombudsman's decision and these papers will be served on ydiHu'due course." '. 'i, ·1" " ", ': .

11lere are some sixty pages of decision sheets. i.WO or three decisions per page. Details of twenty-five decisions have been completely deleted. They cover major companies (such as the then expanding, now


defunct Transpac transport giant, and Westpac bank) and small ones. obviously lax dodges and small-time investment fronts. (l~ee tile fqllo-wing article lor details.)

27th F'ctmml"y/l989 ...• 'nl .l,'

W6wrHetb.'th~OIC 'as!t;hlg for the "rc-~t' of file decision sheets (since August 1987) and the monthly supply that had been agreed on subject to charging:

"N6W that 'the . matter of charging has been decided by the Ombudsman. and until any judicial review :inight de dare otherwise. please semi LIS the decision sheets for the period since August 1987, and 'continue to send them on a m0111My basis 3B requested in our leiter of 26th July, 1987."

28th February, 1989

We also write to the Ombudsman thanking her for her help but disagreeing with her decision not to apply hardship considerations to OGa: case:

"While the net effect of your decision is clearly to our advantage (for the time being) we still find it difficult to accept the logic of your declining any reduction of charges on the grounds of hardship. It would appear that the logic applies to any organisation: that is, no organisation can in future have charges made under the Official Information Act reduced on grounds of hardship. Is that indeed your view?"

10th Mardlt 19(;l9

The OIC replies to our request for the remaining decision sheets. "TIle Commission does riot agree with Ombudsman's interpretation of the legislation, namely, that the Commission may not charge for the release of information under the Official Information Act 1982. TIle Ombudsman's recommendation related only to the August decision sheets. TIle Commission has released. the August decision sheets. as required by the Ombudsman's decision, but the Commisslon intends to issue proceedings in the High Court for judicial review of the Ombudsman's decision, to determine the correctness or otherwise of the Ombudsman's interpretation of the legislation. These proceedings will be served on you shortly." C'

11tb March, 1~89

We decide to appeal the deletions to d:e August 1987 decision sheets. A letter goes to the Ombudsman accordingly.

15th March, 1989

The Ombudsman replies to our letter of the 28t.'1 February where, we questioned whether her decision meant hardship as a criterion for reducing charges could uotbeapplied to any organisation. She argues that charging most be considered on a case by case basis; that hardship is only one factor. She points out that "the Act does not grant rights of access to 'official infonnation'. (other than 'personal information' as defined), but simp:; gives a right to make a request for official information."

She continues: "Where th·£~ costs in providing the requested information are substantial a 'reasonable' charge may well be beyo:;.1~ re-ach of an ind:lvitlllal requestor. On the other hand, where the costs to the [state} organtsation of provid!:1f{ the information are relatively insignificant, (and particularly if making 'it availeble is alan seen as being in the public interest), then if a requestor is unable to meet what would be a reasonable charge, i: may not he unreasonable to expect the organisation to waive the charge in full or in part.

"I therefore do not agree that my decision leads to the conclusion you suggest. Similarly. J do not accept that 'hardship' automatically requires a reduction in charges to be made, but rather that any waiver of charges is to be considered on a caseby case basis. To do otherwise would mean that "the statutory provision would need to be read as requiring any charge to be reasonable, but not exceedingwhat a requestor can afford to pay. That is not the-plain meaning of the word used and I believe Parliament would have expressed itself differently had that been intended."

In a phrase: "User pays, u:l(ess the costs are insignificant".

':.,. 'I'

16th March, 1989 .. ,r', . I,;

Having received the DIe's letter of 10 Marc!ldeclining to give us the decisiorssheets since August 1987,

',I;we/appeal Illis to the 01:~bmI.8m':ln. ,,::.;,:; ,',1/," r; '''',,: :

"x", er 'A,,,,,·"C_ .. ·(!!1t]IlCA'l's"tllltlifg legal advice on tlie OIG'S jlkiiciaFrevidvolihe ·"dmfji~dsman·.r"'iiedsion. His ineVitable that. either through the courts or t~!r?ugh tegislauon, the Ole ~~9,b.e given lh~.eqwer to. charge. In fac!. CAFCA would support that power !f It means that the OIG's applrcam corporauons were charged for theU' applications: if "user pays" is good enough for the rest of us, why not them? The corporations certainly

can afford it. Btu we insist that the OIC still nasa public dui», n~t I~nly 10 publish its (~ecis!ons at an affordable price. but more. importantly to consult on particular apptications before a decision ts made to

~~~~~1 (~/~ iltVest~,e~t . "d', ,:.' I ; i : ,/1' j "

We do not regard as equitable that C4FC"A should have to foot the (Jill for publicatiofio/ the OTCs activities. If and when the orc gets the right to charge. t!1e,e are ?t~: avenue~ open~o,us. ,. fO~~,e r,eg$.o,nableness on (ht;. Commission. An o~.viows c()urfe is to lobby the iVilmster of Fu;u,nce, iW~O is res~?;

fi81i~'for the OIG (and a tVatchdog subscriber), . . ..

: ;q:,i.'

But wha: rna,y tum out to be more efective is directaction by ~AF~'i1 members, members r.:! the pub{!r· $iii' '8ro!fp,<~~t~f~S:ie(i in freedbinQ/ infor!nati(~t1(:,;~S~ "as' jo.iinl~li.~·ts, other wa.:chd()~; .groups and t:ade U~IOIiS. 'AU tfiht"i:i. reql;l.ired;is for, many SUcJlp(:()Pte,to~equest regular three~montltly ~up'ply of decision sheets from the Ole. the' bulk of the charges ;;tn'e fl61.lrlY' charges calculated at $40 an hour" would then have to be split over all requestors. Each three-monthly supply of decision sheets would have to be ~€fE,arded ,_qs ~, sep~ratf",request u.?uJfJl: CabinetC!lfideUnes for char?i~g. Un~er these guidelines, the first hOUr of {tIne, "and. the first 20 pages oj photocopying are to be sUPP!lea free: The charg~ far each reque~tar would be minimal, and the Commission would be forced. to publtsh the informationLn (l more sensible, accessible manner. Alternatively eoct: person. could ask only for 20 pages of what the other requesters did

lio(g~(. : " '.' . . .'

\, ,I!' ",/. :',''', '

A' ;~:I:~)iJ.d.!Jr'Y, ~~~<:ue hasbeen raiSed by the O~nbudsman' s decision: it appears ~() r~de out ~ny organisation being able ko' Nairn hijidship when faced with' ufJ£l!fordabie ~ha:ges for ~fflctal mfo;:matLOrJ, even though Cabinet guidelines OJI charging provide for hardship as a cruerton of a reasonable charge. Others may

fffie" to {(l¥ ;~p that~aue\: lo.0.

':I~;l ~f. ~ :\:l ~:,/,': li;~ n':'.:",/;

(!! /1 ~L ,"nu:)', 1

:,~: ):I'.\'jdi d,\~dI <!ll, fi:

• 3f>:f. ,>J.W,,· 4,t:l)!. ·Vo';>f. ~ >i.,,,~,!,/, >:-." -v. .I;'.I;<,:f,'Jt..;; ~P:"~ it- 1(., 'It,~ ...


The Overseas Investment Commissioll.,COUld he seen as a public watCHdog on foreign inroads into tM' ownership of New

Zealand ~·:I)U! It·is proving to be I ••

one of the bulld~r,. bree,d .• , : joomllch .ror C .. ';,.F.C.A:3,cslim· not reasonably ·CMrgeC.A.F.C.A.

When It gets some intormatton finances. It protested to the,:Oxn-,' for the time it took consulttng its

between its teem, it hangs on to oucsrnan. who ;.igreed to fnv'esti·' own appncants. She said that the

it lilte grim death. gate, responSibility ror ma!(inkl deer-

Facts abo~tlfor~ign\n\les!ment: The commission told the Om- sions on requests under the

are food aryd dpnk to .. \l;le. Christ- bucsrnan thl:H mucn 'if the time OffiCial !.niormafion A(~t rested

church-cased Campaign Against ctv,ltge,l. f0f,W(lS mHen, up to entirely with nio O,f,c"and its

Foreign CQ-nt'Oi' of ! Aoi&or'oa:· tec}tihg" ~!le . deCISion '.sheers for foreIgn investment 'applicants

(C.AF.C.A,), so it h,~ oeen pnr,; '-;;"l::omm<lrcj3:i;"en~i~iv\(Y" could not dictate !!tatr!!qliesl's be

ticularty frustrated by. the O,Le. 's ,'. w,1l.eHHFr,:go')(j, teason~x,)s!eq to refused.

Jogged reluctance to deliver tlIe" witl';1101rl the information :hat .1 Tneretore, the costs of consult-

goods. parucutar decision ;-lUd been im; should not be passed on, Nor

For more than three years. it made, or to withnotd specmc could it charge tne information

has been trying to extract regu- ,infoi'l'l1.3\lon, ,;. .r: ,'.' seeker tor a senror clerk's time

tar reports from me OJ.C. about It took the vie,\' that each spent in obtaining leg~1 advice.

applications to .it for !foreqn ~ipplicaiit should b'e' gjvell ~iH) She 2150 looked in!o' the cost

investment. but without success. opportunity to comment on me effectiveness of the rime taken to

(,\11 substantial foreign I.pvest- possibility of disctllStng,informa- process requests (or information

ment must be approved by tne non about its foreign rnvestrnent and reccrrxnended streamlining

cornrrussion.) application, and a sy'ste'rn;,v'as set tlie procedure £0 reduce the cost.

In July, 1987, two years after up for sending cectston.sneets The:l tl~e Ombudsman noted

[he I!rst approach. tile Ombuds- out to applicants [01' their com- that while she was reviewing tne

man advised that the commission ments about disclosure. case, the question arose about

would produce a monthly "deci- l.f the commissron thought anv whet hpj' tile OLe had the power

sion sheet" which could be made objections valid. .he relevant bits to charge tor information at all.

available at a price. would be withheld tram the She .found that under the Act

The price turned out to be public. . .. which set it up, tne commtssion

~330 plus G.S.T. for [he August The Ombudsman looked into it' "IUld no express pcwer to . handle

sheer of declsions alone - tar and decided that [he OJ.C. could money or open a oanlt acCount.



The Reserve Bank was obliged to provide it with secretarial and ctericat services. In sum, the O:1.C had no power to cnaree C.A.F,C;.\. tor providing mrormation, .;Wdi ffS Jeq~jiO.n to make a charge. a~Ptfare.dtlil, be contrary

rc la~v.)·· "

The'; ','omblJdsmim recom-

mended 'tl).a~: ,the' cornmisston make the. ;n!o~mation avatlable to C\.F.C.A.' htie :of charge, but added that in common sense, It should be atlteHto recover costs for time spent, and, udviseo It to seek the necessary statutorv amendmentsto- permit this. .

On receivilil~ this dectsion, ,he

0. I.e, sent lis, .deetslon sh eers for August l~t. 'year to C.A.F.C.A, free of charge; but advised tne organisation that it did not agree with :'!he ombudsman's opinion and would be seeking a judicia! review of the decision.

, r ' .: ~.1 :


The Press, March. 29 1989





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u AN'I'ONt

CAl?CA's atterrpb to an Australasian speaki.nq totU' '!:Y.l. Philip Jl,qee,'

ca agent turned C author activist, had all sorts of in.t6restiig soiPoffs - ,.

(not to r:~;::;nti.on G;::T)c0) his 'tour}, Sor::e of y,;3 i ve clade pUblic. '.

It · s ti~(:-:e t1.1is 0::':',2 r.:'l/7iEi mere Yl]i.del~l known ~

t<Jhen. ! S j..r,~pe!" tour broxe (tn an e:x;t!:et~:ely 1.3nsYr:':;:::>athetic

piece from the US,t:'.2ling pbrctses lilce "d~~fector': Htraitorll, 'Soviet spy". etc)

CtoFCA """,c~·.o-j..·, .. \! l'f',"'r:"'-y I·'r .•. ~?'r\"'" ,.'''''''' "'l"~r,'I"; sed ·to· receive '" ""~,11 "'+ hi s home

t\." u..", .... _.~ \,..C'.t-..... .. "',~,.!r> e1.. '~" .... /d~ t_ ..... '" j." "ItC,'.I;.:) ,",,' _ . -i; l;""'J!~ ........ ~ :' '_-;~..b - \to.. \:A ....... ~.,k, Q \.,. \JiU~

fror.l a :j:rui ty vof.ced EngI:tE!hrna.n h!ho inttodUC~111m§e1::fcas JI;nttronY'Terry of

, .

the London "C::,"~··~·~v "01""<"'''''" "'V!·"a~:·''''''' H,,;:\+ "'1",,1 .. 1 recent Iy t-,l""",,,=, "P

• ,..,...-1""""(-.)'. ~"""".", .. ,5",d·(.',iI .,"~";d,.",,..,>;) ~ """.f"I1: .... ~~" _ .. ~,'.~."' .. ,.t ~", ... ~a ..... z .. ~ ~. ,.",-:;.,,,,,~ ... l,"' . .Jj,, •. c.~.'II .. """':. . .J "'~'.

resadence an ~Jl.rJlo ~1i2,S that he'd beer. a Pa:::.l,s based

ccrr'esponderrt I t:e'd mC:1t i\gee ~..rhen the latter !!J~iq, in the early stages

of hi.s J::'t,'-C""'e;>. {"':"'~"l"" G'~''''''''''''''Y -+10-1 C",,,,.ln l'l~~"'" "'''',. ]~,~t heard ~rom -

'" ,.L. .fdU:' "'~\::-J"," .. arl '-" .... _"" ..... x,;;; \h.-~#, J,,1' ",.. .. ;".,.i,..I~.t..~.,.l._,., l..i.._c. ~.n:-'(.;;!I...)... ,lfJ , . ._~J. n'~ ;.(" .... ~ u.c,.· ok t:.

him}, Terry tvanted ~.t·c (~e.".",; 1"" O.£: ~'f"'lc>c>IS ~~"rw:>nl';1in'" , ~ -r- r'1 to be put

~..i t~,.«~ \..r",,~,dq ...... t~ .L. r·i..'~t;.;,.V -.c ..... ~"f.5"- y' ..... ~ _:.1_ .' .

en our r.:,::l.i.hng

Sure eno'."gh he sent us 2\ "P,c;.tchdog" 8U.'" (paid in sta:"ps). t-li th acco~panying

letters on !!S~.:ndF:.y H lett03tl1ead. Fie remains a H'jl:;~tchrJ.cg1! subsCI"iber to

th is day. E'2: also sent us a dc;ahon for DUX h;;ee tau.:- r::pt;aa.l, and when it

was cancelled I refu.nd (as did nurt1ero~.;.s otners ) _, In the inter-

vening years he r:c~t.icnC11 m!~dia i:~ttention of 11.:1.5 O~'J:1, because of his

'. post t'\i)'JII inte;:ro;;F'l:H.r:g Nazi war crimint:l:,::; (he, })f;c2T'":e a;:resident

expert d1.l.ring t118 ~!1.ld>eim affair). In r~el1ingto:1 he prominence

as a foreign cc;c:;:'espondent, closely 2ttending li,mge' s confor'ences,

He was attracting ether people IS attentJ.ons for other reasons , Wechec!~ed him out with P,g-::£~e - \':1'10 deni.ed any knowledge of him. ~!e also checked him wi th two British CO:l~:actc:; •. one who 'd a. book en Eritish intelligence; the

other I a r;:ci92,zine Oil Bri t bteUigen.ce.

'!he December 1988 issue of "t'lelHngton C1)ofident;_al" ((,lith whom we 've had

a friendly for several years) vIas devoted entirely to him;

enti t.Led urIhe Spy 1-~10 Stayed Out. In The Cold - the Life of Antony Terry" •

. In essence I .i. t cl1::ir~s tl1;.1t 'l'erry has been an a(;ent of external intelHger:cc; n'~16) since vmr::, and t:,at 11,6 is on active Zealand nO>I. ::;:t 'IS a detail0~d 7. page piece, 1'J). th .29 r(~f.erences. reproduce it here,

British d'.1.ty in New We won1t

But we do that "Hat:chdcg" zeader's ":'ctnting to see t::e evidence

for themselves contact "t'.·(f~11inqton C0l1fidenUal11 I Box 9034, ii'leIlipgton. Or contact· CAFe!'..

It seer-s that all the right;p6ople subscribe to "~~Jatc.hdogll of Fjnance i. and now, Bd. tish intelligence?

the Minister



"Wr~E:l<E;ND S'l'AR"

_. Murray Horton

TVNZ: recently 'cancel1~~~ iib' Q1ristrnas' party fc;~ itS?:q'lristchurch staff, and tresented a .third'·of ·them with. redundancy notices' instead. Displaying.the

. ~aine c()mmercial sEms i tiv i ~ X, the, II Weekend S tar I s new owners, Wilson and , Horton (no rEdatfbn) aqtu<il;t.y recalled its staff from their Chr Ls tmas party to inform thein that the next day's edi t ionwould be the last ever., ending

'50 years of publication. ' " ' .

Why s'hould the 'peace movement mourn the demise of a Saturday night rUgby"tabloid? Because throughout~').9?8, it gave far and away the best coverage to bases issues, standing, head and shoulders over the dailies (j.nciUdirig its. parent, the IIChritrt;:chl-lrch Star"), and the weeklies. It ~ave Black Birch a spread of 2 full pag~s (fron tpage lead) tying it into Star ' Wars ~n'lat was,folJ.oWf=.<l. by another' fu.l.l.paqe detai.ling how Black Birch, is in, crtmina), breach of the Nuclear Free Act. "t'

After the May Wa1hopa~ demo , it gave another 2 page spread (frQnt; page lead) 'On that Lssue , with;l.ts billboard all rouns! the top half ofth.e soutn Island reading il'Wilkes: We 'II stop~ail"lopai II (Owen souvenired one from a Bl.enhe im diary)' ','Following rhe Noveffiber demo I it surpassed itself by , .running an extraordinary four full page photo essay.

Waihopai got pl.enty of coverage in the res t of the media, but the Black Birch s~'o:Heswer:e totally ignoredeJ.sewhere. So the tlWeekenq" coverage was invaluabl~ - we photocopied them, and distributed them ,at the:

Waihopai demos, which meant they went all around the country •

. 'Ihepape~ ;'1~,~~cJt ,::i~houttab#',~;}~ke th~' res t 'of th~. :chri$tc~ur~h ,ami:, natii.onal. medi.a ,1t; exh1.J:h ted a .total blJ.nd spot about; Harewood. . And ,~ts, ".".,

'. ., ,'tJ.··. r ' •• ,'.' I'·' .:'. !,'" '1 )1 it I '. ; ~" " : •• , ;, ,., ',; - < ~ " ,~ f ,~ j

chi~f . ri val.ry rielS. w~: th Hs ,p,are;pt . dia11X - becau,se, !weqe~.i vered ,th,e, ~l~~e., (j;'j;' r .spnngs Peace Group rep to the dai.Iy f~rst, the weekly wouldn't speak,Fa .,' ., her (and the daily killed the story).

, "', " ~ • " f! ~ I " I I; j " . , , '.: J'; \ i r! i ~ . .

Much of t:he~:tedj:t goes to veteranjoul'-'nFb".~'F Pen qrady I the last man

in New Zealand· (aoart;' from tes Bl.azey ) to wear ~ L'lat.(ie made no secret of

• ,.<, .... , ' • '(;, " • " ',' ,!' J ) .• ,' ", '

his personal. interest in' Ma.:dboro1.lgh bases- he ,;told me years ago he owns

a holiday house in the area I and wants to know if the proximity of' Black r';irch threatens him wi th incineration. He actually broke hi.s holiday there

to travel to Waihopai t.o do the photo essay. Grady is a prize winning author, having written books on subjects like the '{'cry Channel whalers. ,

1he good news Ls that the staff have not been fired, but redeployed onto the daily (r work f'or the Railways - I know an about redeployment). So

Don Grady is now a senior features writer. And he's still in business.

We look forward t.o a continuing partnership.



Another one oftfie major spinoffs of the abortive Agee tour was that

CAF.'CA comppe<;! a lot of$pe9ialist resources art. intelligl3nce agenci~s... For,:,

~~~~;~~~~.' ~~~~~rri. t~Vtt~l~~Z" ~h;~~;ilB~t;p,~;'S~~~I;e ~~~~;~~~S~:i~re..~\~~.~~~~n

o~.\..~M.,·l..S ,.~pY~,a.,.s,T', .: ' a. V.~ .. ~). i~.i'~~. r, OC?~p.;l ... lttS...:'r;, na~ .... ,.;!{ i.a~d.'.;.,C01:ln,try .ln9t,X.,. ' 'fl. !l.~b oY,~F ,7.;',9:1 pqO.1 Cl.'l:!:ttl.ons (on ,18,000 qroups . anOlrld~·Y;Ldl.\als ~ ,'" '1lll..s was fl <?J.r~ct!j3f'l;l)qf:t: :-,'

Jlqe€f\J~ve ' out' name "tbtitilliel ''Brandt;; ''the dii vi'ng forcEl;b~~ir~$i: rrt~c;:r? As~o9~ai:es •

. . We'y,Pr,. V;Sed}f,.f;}ot:,. c:u:c1;r~'},v.e c,r~~ckyd out,c;_,wi~1P r~Qe ~f Am~rican. tors=tc N'Zand 'the PacJ.fl,c. Some pi the mater:p:~J. w~ 'veuncovered. has ,got

f - .. ' i "-. I \ .' -:. "J ~ I' " \ ' , 1\ " ~ " " -; ,. : • " .' .,,' '_1 . : • ';; , : - , - , •

into thedaiIy medIa te.g~ofl Vernon W<:ilters) •. As receQtlyas New Year , w~ ,

were able' to"tu'r\'Chec:ks on passengeiskilled Ln 'the LoCk~rbie Pan Am bQJ$iW"

':'; r t ", n : ~ ,';",; ; .( '. . '. " ' " . ':, , \: ' ~:'. - '1;. I: j '.. ',. ". -!~, ' ,

who 'wer"iln~rn,:~ as'p(r~~t~).e cIAaget;'l~,~ i'i I tn~he, NIf.l~ Ze~l,a~, c9f)text, V;'f.,i ii.' I hunted up a '. .Lot; of, ~'3tuff on a CIA agent named an Parll.arnent by 80b J'l;z;ard~ I,'l The a~t'abase 6'Cih' Clo'ctmhti::y priritouts' ~oo -'so f~r ,~ei~~JmpPlied, f;.h71l1 f,~f.:!\::

Australia, the Philippines I 'Ihailand aoo South Korea,

, , ~ ~, ~ . f '. -1. '> " .' ', , • ' ; ,: , ;., j: _' ( ; " " ',. L I . j

. '*lh¢ da:t:abase ,led u~ in turn to acquire .ancther . resource - ~ complete

I' ;:,' ,.t; "e , I I ;";{\;';' t·. ' '.. :: " , ::. : j j . ' ",' ! ._,',

set 9f,,:ttii ~~f,m9l9~~~nEl.,IINatl.onal Repo:tertf {f?rm~rl¥, IICounterSpyffl~\*, ,It~'JL .

posslble'l~hq f S~IfCA haf( ;~he ?nly set an NZ. ,It J.S C,lr 700 : ~,requentJ.:y;u~ r th\'i

~atabase 'references, and Dani.e l, Brao9t, was J,oyolved,wl.tjh,;J.t., ., i u. ,;" ii'-'

'l11e b~B 11'¥:w.S H :that, the latest Lssue we r;eceived (Yolll, No i2."F:#,~ 1988) car:r.~7s.a'; ~~ade'~, by)3tapdt s,taHng that "NatiO.qalReporter" iSi.C;J,o~lrng" and r ! invi~l:'ri(;C ~Ubscr+~~:s to ·~J,"ar.isfer to "9o~ert Action'~. We can Q,nl,, ...

closure WJ. th reqrej;', 1 :, : .ii iii I, ',I

. And wha,t of Philip Agee? '!he who~e back paqe pf: .the final Lssue '. ij ad~~~t.s.~Ei{ ~ge~ ~ s 1988/89 US tour, wi,~l?,the f".9~.,i9wi~igquote: "Di~graceful, i i Despic~~e -.} have,l1:0thing but di.sdain for Pryil,ip; Agee"., , '!hat wa,~ ~Qrg~ .. :

Bush IS react ron to ,Aaee I $ first return to the US in. 20 years. , Sane thir;1C;I.s !.: ,

never'chaMg' e'_' '. ,"' .... ;. . .," ,. '".' " s,

~ f d

ps: Agee canct;!lled his Australasian tour in order to make i3-n

.: ,!ll promot'iort" to~r for his latest book,/>'on tl1~ ;Run'u. 'NoW .. ' .. t:O ad2( ."

,,' f,': (~n~~~ t to. injufY:;Fpe, publisher', s' JiZ; ~gent ~a:s ~nf.6r.!TIed us it.' '. i . .t

i i, i tsn " i:wal1a.p1'~ )Xl tins country" !',: ; .. f ,! ' ,! "

• '! ,.1 J ':.1,' 1,

'It·: .

! ,.\

" ,"

;, j "


",,1,.' I"!j

'1', 'j

,; "

, ~ jr; .fii'_i" i r.o; L

Ii,:' ~"! II·t I':_ L to L !


'. '


f .i

" I

: !,:

;!f. ) l;:) 'r {:

1, i I f· i:'; l. :1 i



: ;: • I·' •

John Pilger is an internationally renbwned ,'IV j()Urli~Hs~;" whd i h~s produc~ program~s on Kampuchea, =. that hav~, ~~.n"H?t~~ .~?~ ,'t:~ei'r '. , ' pe rceptave ana Iyai.s , He has also wr i.t ten a number, of books , 'thE~\most', ' , '" recent being "Heroes ", ' " 't"', ,.1' ,;'J'\' :. ;1 i ,i ! (";

Pilger is an Aussie, who has lived and worked, in England for a long time . In 1988 f he did a ser for British 'IV on his homeland, to mark it:s

, Bicentennial. " "

, .

"'!he Last Dream" is a very hardhitting' keries of 3 one hour long documentaries on Australia., It is ser:ili15us" tele'-(isJ:on at its very best. It is so pungent that the, ABC ran a d~~claimer beiprt'P.,~act,\ episode.

Needless to say, it has never screened in 'NZ.' ,

~-! ~

:", 1 ,.

'!he series itself became a major story amongst all the Bicentennial b.llishi t. '!he controversy was duly covered in the NZ media - but we never got to see the actual series.

It covers the uncerbelly of Australian socaety » 'the ~~dd~tihlJt9ry' of Aborigines, migrants, women, th~ working class. It tackles head on; issues such as racism I and the polarisation into a society of very rich and I many nore very poor, under Hawke. It is a personal study, laced with references to Pilger's own Sydney background, and that of his convict and migrant ancestors. It is politically right on target I warmly human, funny and horrifying. As a salute to the people of Australia - ALL the people of

Australia - it is unparal.Ie.l.Led, ", , I" ,

: 1 r.o '.'. !'~'; < i, 'f' 5.' I " I ,; ,I

'!he episode that caused most of the fuss was "Other People's Wars".

which details Australia's history as a mercenary for its Bri and American masters. It reveals whole new aspects of the: 19-75 t\1hi tlarn overthrow (e.g. the role of British' Intelligence;)i:!a.h(j, looks 'cit"· the US bases.

In short, it's probabfy' the: ,b<.~t~ 3'uh.burs 'view-ling on !\uistralia you 're

ever likely to gert;;~, ,', ::,;" ':'; ', ',' ","" ,':;" j ., .. ~

- ',!'

'!he series is available from CA,FCA (on 2 tapes). We will hire i.t out

far $10, plus postage.!' Box' 2258, alristcl:1urClt~: .

"if. .'~:"If JII..!f. 'l>"" .. " 11- Jt. "?y-i• "..,." .. "" "."If ... " ....

". " ' I, !


(i:\ f,

.~ " .


';'.:' ': ..


Secretary of CAP'CA, .I~t:u=ray Horton' s act;i.vit.lf~s as an ill!vestor. .Ln

RiA') 'r,intp Zinc nqve bt;:le,Jle;tpOSeq~ :,as, Che(~l~ fen:: :2 Rio 'l1~n,tQ Zinc SAa,rE!1EJ:' (r,:~,proc!p,ce.d:he17eJ has' jturt

SorJ:Y:;~llr.ra.y, the cheqt,l~:"i~ .rlow~Jorthles5. !~tou ........ .,." .. ,."'.,. 11:

within 6,s of;~ date 'of i's'slle:~ "" :,: !

• i



(\. ;

The RTZ Corporation PtC DIVIPENDON OR.PINARY SHARES "MNd~and 'ir~a~~~' . .'

. 8ristol City Ofl1ce/49 'Cq~h Street Bristol 8S9~1 7rl;)1 : • ,.

.' "

. \,'

i I


.J i!




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I: ci ~'lll' ;"':- !-,..;,,,,<.,,,,,,,,,,,.-- •• ~~

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o?j Z ; .; For and on vr!half lif

The RTZ COf;Jom:ion PLe



Warrant Number,

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2 1 8 .. l I II E RP, 0 0 t "LONDON


N1 11~E .

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Warrant No. ,rAXNQtiCH~R:

01422 ORDIN,,\t~¥ SHARES 01'''.1 UL ... 88 ,:

I"--.-,,.~ .. ,~.,,-.

The RTZ Corp,oratioa Pf:..C i.. ' . .I i

I cerufy tbllt Advlll'lce CorPlJrlujon Tax of all amount equa.! to (ha.! sllQ·"'1'I below Wi tal: cl'!;c$it will be "~~""'H":;" for 10 the C:o!.lt:ttor of Taxes. Tlll$ veucner should be kern. II \'ilUl 00 3cc0\J\ed by lite hIland Revenue ••.. ",,·,·NI''' ()ftlU cmin III respect ofwhicb you may be e:!litled 10 claim lXlymclll or rc1if'!:.

;, I ~ ", .




Nl 1LE


Pence pel' Share For Year Ended Holders Regel. on


8 .. 30 ,)1-III:C""87 '19"'111.4)'-88

Persona! ale No.

C_".)!lI!~"c" rm'fwillQ Ihi$ .Iioldin= ,Itoul!! be ~,! .. df'i:;!,'.eti ,,) CENTRAl.. RliQ!S1'RAi'ION !JMITI!D. ! RI>i.tcli(1~';f"G!' Ilri~rol.1!S1 ~NT

, f';

The August 198'1 Uecision sheets

: ; .,:,,:~;.~ ~.::u·,t ; ::. "~ -, 'r: t -:: '~)"~ -; ~ :,~ ;_~ .•

Af'la!itrSoiTl~ ~ear:rhformkitf6hfrQM ~the: O'Y·er'seas'·lnvestll(fal't:·Corllmis:sion (Ole). T(fltiriffer's!f~:nd 't'.i'11a't lIU\is' ;~i" ~ rin~ r a,bout, :fl(md '?:Wt'inging' lnfo)~tna.tion from the Overseas Investraent Commission"'bJ} I?~ge 1,lk"'-' "/i' ;'·'.i",

In b~~ief, what is presented below is excel'(>ts,1fromthe,uDecision Sheets" which the Ole secretartet ,prepare for the Commission itself i.n the process of approving (almost never! ;'f!Ei'je\ctitig)' "applica:t,iobs"ro~: foreign investment in new Zealand. These ones as's the only sh~et.i:;:'~v.e (or anyone else) have so far been allowed to have _, for August 19~rr.,

, Because these dectsions .are now almost two years old, we reproduce here only ,- .. :.t:~ee: . .Qeej .. siO~~Gb. in~.v.e .• ltu'..g.e....OE .... w..ell;-..knwu.n .. oomProties, .. PI' app.licatiQns

'~e;,;r:{i tha\'appear::ot.!ier'tHse-intriguing.Forthos<e' decisions we 'p~esent, exactly word-f&f?-\,cird~'Vlhat tlleOIC has: given us! we have-') no more information on 1:fies'e:" <}:ecisiotls t~at': what"'vHFprcsent here. If you 'want more information, pleD.~'tiJ'~,r.tte tl) theOleHs~U' ·,:(P.O. ,I Box ,2498, Wellington). We emphasise this becaus'S;:i:t :1.s of gr eat i.mportance that the OIC receives requests for infol'mli't:i.6'nin 'or-der to persuade it that people are interested in this information and that:th~ ore should therefore publish the information itself.

,,'I' '''.'''' "

:'t i 'i


",1 ':

'Tl'ie ',Ole 'fif'cll'arged 'with (i.nthe words of its governing act) "the super vision ., c'and eontr:br~Of. over'seas in,vestment in ,New IZ~aland;'\ Intact we know that It .

,.:::.:r;"·reJe'cfs\, v~:ry ,f'ew"applica.tions (301 out of 6186 it received between 1974 and 1985 - about' half :ofone pe~"cent). The only recent years (of those for which. they have given"'ns figure'S) ln which it has rejected a significant number of applications were'1983 and't984, when Muldoon was having his scrap with the Australians (they'weren'taUowing the New Zealand investment he wanted in Australia) and hefraze all' Australian applications for foreign investment in

this country. '

The Ole, may "supervise" in the sense that it proceases all Hl(:~ appkications it recei'\f-es'~l'but.!"i.t certa.itilY"do$Snltscru:tiriise: .;." let alone conb~ol. :" \,,·t')cle&rl~1,·,:seen:"i.n the fact that thet"e 'wer·e" :tl3:.':'d.ecision-' sheets for Aug-ust: 1987 . 'fdon:e:.' '{'tis ;lfnpossible to believe that the OIC couldvhave. investigated even the most significant of those to deter-mine whether or not they would benefit ;" t:oo'cN'·tn./ '('2ealan(fi ;~bonomy,: '!taea.r1Y~" t.hat', ls:,not;:the !OIe~ SI' function: ' they' • 'j:;_! ,.: tOetel'9Ja_',ct'u'f)'be::r:.stai't)p.'Bllt::,8.S ·thai: shim~ 'mM'kSi'ildl :"Si~l)ificant new foreign investment'into·~this· colind';y;, tlle?'C6mnHs:si<lr!"\'is: a,f'·lea:s1:;,:"(I':iI.luahle as a·· source

of Information, . \, ';,

. "WH(frl !reSdin~ the fbHtiw:ingpf}ca:fl ·;ib 'ill:e"Jilind'::Hurt' the m6nth :of'August-1GB? .: was near Uie height:()f:"UN~'sha:rlemaJ'ket',bo:o'm .... jiist two::month~;,befoI'e the' October 1987 crasb.::"Sol::Im'ch'items listed below as thosefol' "'l'l'i&:;nspac have special interest - Transpac'::has since gone into r eoeiver ahip t~n'd. has now effectively been liquidated. bear-s out our comments on the effectiveness of the OIC's scr utinv, 'fhere are also many "investment" companies operating from a variety of tax havens including the Cook Islands, Vanuatu, Hong Kong and the Channel ialands, The OIC doesn't bat an eyelid. Investments also come from Australia (the largest number), Argentina, Canada, ~Japan~ the Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, the U.K.; and the U.S.A.

A number of deleticns were made by the Ole before releasing the sheets to

us. These range f'rom half:·8i (i(,z\:}rf ,sheets VI htch .'i:u·e entireliy .. blank, to . .,some with details (mainly the sums involved in takeover-s) d.eleted~'"

The decisions are divided into two categ or-iest those madEijurider Parts Ie and ".:',


HI of the.Over-seas,nt,ula..~p..n~,;~~9~5.9~l1d ;~t~o~~ }8a,,~Ii?:., under Part n of' those RE~gulation:s.

Part I refer's to the issue of ~'h~res to' ~;~~r:~~~sinv'~stoI'S; Part III r~fers to darli'ying.·:o.n, businesss.and ,a,cqu~sitio,n o~uas.~~t"~ JX), it'{e.W,'~r~a.n~ ,p:¥.:ov~r~e,,~ inNes.tOl"s • .rth.erefore, PQrt ,I ;an,d P~r,t I~~.(~i?J?liRati~ns ,~en~J?; Q~, "o.~',9:l;t!tf}g~~ in the make up of existing foreign invest,Dl,en~s.~::; .i:, ;';"/ ' : ",:'~"Iy(l

; .

j 1 '~

j i , J .' • ~ 1 ~ I, • • 1 i. ) ,"

.. '.,' ,Dec,isiOj'l.umde by the ~~~: InYe$~.'S$iQfl

,! .' . , " ' , : ,_t,,196L ',: L


'; • , • f r·, .

~~ii,l\~:i\;;:~~J!:~=\,~~att.~.~; __ '_i'~:d' '.: ~., <,., '~~ilj~jI3 "", '~ "'j_~'. ,';-:H, . ,:; •

Abels Inliusbiesltd, :NeltZealan,d ,To acquire aU of the bjsGuit"assets arul." Restri~edtQf!lan:ufactl!r,"l: ~No change.,\n.,ben~ti;ci~l ON!"'"

":'j;:' :::(wlnf,inite ·1iabiHtiies relati:19 to,:the bis~tlit a~q: iIlBI"id,ijstrib).lt1~9 a~Q,:.,spj~""f' '"u, .. ,;""

'n,,' uL.Jllveslmmts ';,; confection8rY',fllInufacturit')tJand;di~tributiQ~; i1llj)or~in9,.of: food 'AAd;". '(",,::,,\::'j;;, ~:ii '," :~tdh'; business ,oUriffin .nd SI)fl6:!.i.~ for. :eon~:" Jood~rela_t,edpr,oductHp.¢) 1 (: ,::';; i "',, 'I" ill!

::"', • ',' "J i' ')':' sideration of,[dfIletedJ,.:, ,., ' tnedistributjpnof,o~r ',:1':, "''(''::1,:"",

" ';;i::":','::'; <'" .. " '!,::;', i~4¥$t;r,tal"anq COIlSIJU\jI!':::,' 'd"';i1f;~"\

. . ' :~" .. I) : :' ' ,,' i . prod~cts,: ": :: , ' , , ;::.. : i,; !

, ;

(1) Non-trading, (1) Name protec:t:i~~;';

(2) ~,a~ricte9 to und~r.-, .(2LA~$tral)~~;par,~t, will pro, " takJn,g,petro ~um and; aas,v.ide: "xp'r:~i~~ anA ;f,~ndin9 to ii~ l ProsAAct,jr.s:~nd :the,eX~1 ,.;'Ith~, ,;N, ... 4e~1.~nd:,e~p!oration

: : i lprat.i,!oi,t~ti'O~" prQ9r,~~e. ,':'< ;

of :pet~o,le:um, i cesow.ce$", '. : ,,'j !, '!; ,

·,.J~~.teiJ;, '!lr.~', i!i~en~e; ,; ::' [ill ;;,,:ile,' ", . ':. ,:&I;'.:~S :~ ,~e, ,~p.p'roved.'l I. ' "'_!! '; '! ! ;:;:; r. ", ,by;,th~ M~!1ist~r;~~ ,Ener;sy '\l i:: I f if'~ ,;::!;,

in terms of the Petro leum .'. " : .. ,:1"':, .: l Ii ,

Act 1937.

Ampo 1 ex (New Zea· Nlltherlll71d!i

1 and) uqz ~par!·' J 'r j :., , lite approvals1 :' '; C,:\,:

(1) Issue 100 $1 ordinary shares at par for

: cash. ' , ;!

, 'mCarry on ~alness, in ~llW Zealand.

; !

'.~ J ··"'~,·:!~,~)~·f :;!;:./'~;" :)':'1.'

j ;

; r ~ ~. ,

. . ~, .

: It.. ;', .

AMP'lnmtlll8nt:s Marr ageme~t(N; Z',) L to. "

I$SU~:' 2,QOO~OOO $1. ,ordi~~nY ',;snar'es~t~':~~":';, ReS~'!-ifte~: '.to"~~~;~9"~; ,Mivin$ 9f.,f~.',~'~, l~'" 1';

Society or !lny of jtuub~i~;artos, ~np ca::rv" i )Jnitt.~~b.: ... '! ):! I ~8r~. ;\Y" .~I/I::,carry Oll

, . I,.. on bU$i~ess'';')':i: i!,,;; ;.,,1,,1 "~ ::-i ';:',';" ,,ac~iyiti,e~l~;~~)f .

~ -. 'i .. 1

. "':":'iJ .~f;:~~:):·{' !.·'I·'~ '~': \f:",'''flii 'f, ~.:,"":i '1ft;

AM? Premium Proper,ty , I NewZeal~nd ,For AMP'establishill9. ,I>J1PPrslllj\lll\ I Proper~y(,;~estricted,. ;,~o. (Oak il'l9" . ,ijivJ~g,off .. V:lpent manils ca::

Trust I.." ,',.; 1 ;("',' *~t and issuing \IfIit'n.p AMP, ,A!'iJI!!\mtijle!ltp,or~f.oHD in~e$~~11 i~, :q_rr,y,on;,~he~~ ~c~j'y,tties them-

Equitiesuitit. Jr.ijst .' :~1}a9ement (NZ) Ltd ~I\d ,prOPo$edautho~ise~; , pr_iY,ah .,nd P4bJ i~,qO!ll- '<l~'lve,~, )f<: i, '), ... ~ i

investments of the Trust. parlies'1!";' '-:":"':'n' "t.

C()lM1ercilllA~~kSa~;;:~ewleal~~d .', .!~u~ t,4QO $1 rllde!ll1lable,pr:~f.erGnce;sh~~s at.;,,~n~ng~;,,~m'!l9i ~~4: ~cP~~9,e.,i~' ~en,Hc;ial ownerings Bank.;(;NZ), 4td ", (bytle,a~pac, ': dr,emjufIl of $999 per ,sn,ar,e"to !I'lQ$,tp~c ~Pf'OPi' , ; prqp.rt;'$Jt)rl~ s~i'~: ...... ' ','

(to ~e te!'lame~ Y1es;-, (;H9!l;d,in9~Nl ':' dIrties, Lt~~ .: : ,i'" i,: I" \ ,,'.; ,US~ ~~ic~nles,;~;;h!l7 '..,:'" ~ :!. .r. 1,:'

pac Prop,ert ies :NZ" Lt~'J ' i ", 'j " .' ' • , , ," c, ''; ! ;'e$tp~~;9r.Q~P; d' i'. i ,;. p. :.,' , v:

Ltd.) ";,:I/lf·.: ,I .,{~ ~ !:-, .'/:~. \ ;t~~: ··I··.,:~,·J i:~'_~'A~':'~ :, .... '!;·~~,;t~:,:~' Of';; ,'; ':f,!'~·l~t··j<:"!·t~,

. ( .: ; ~ t I;; \! ,,~1 ,,' " ! : ;' . ;

1 . ;~, ,.'.~ ~.~,.' I,:~' .;;;.; •.• ":;'",: ,i.~',.; '.l~ij '~\.d' ··t!.,\{i;~l ~:I'~''',;,~ ~:{)~'~:i.'~:';!··. rI~J '!'~~~"~l

2"cou~t!'y ,direcf;;thnddr,ll~s, onhe .pp.1imt,;". ,~ot:'ieC~$saJ)i1y its ~try ,of"q~norship:,,; I'o;i ;', ,.,;', : ,':1: :";:' : ~

To whllt the Comnission r!lve consent. , , . './ h'i If i-:,;iI' ',i it L !; i" i I

3Act;vities to which t~e consent app 1 18s.

4Rflllson it¥: accept,anee ,Qf : th~ ,epp 1 i ~~t ; Cli. , ,

: I' of

t:.::,. r. .":


F !ollertec Ltd ~uitraiia

(whoHyc'OwfI!ld sub~

s idiary;"~f . Shll-

pl1dt'~; ·F~nera:s


Lotto Products and Services Ltd

.• j


: ,.;-

'M'i'l.~\{New; ~ealand)

·~td:· .

Austra; ia

~rgellt ina

Oclysseuli:ol!roodities Hong .Kong


Odysseus Sec:,;~~tles

?~ecis(~o. 3} ~td Another cOI'!IPany I yet

tooe named. .

SewZaa 1and

To.:r:egisteras3R ,overseas company under the, Restricted to those of a flo'll()rt,ec has expert ise in A:.:-

COmllal'li&~'Act 1955 and to carryon business:n f:or ist ad any ancjJ1af'Y stra! ~a' !mdw!: 1 provide train-

NilwZealand; . act~v~t;es re~atec inS to its New Zealand

'. • " .l ,. : thereto, emp :oyees. ?;oposa: w::1 a'sc res~lt in the export of f:owers to ":owertec I s Australian branches.

Grace ! nter!lat ~ona 1 ~e:nova 1 s LtciAustra!!alsBue 15C1~DO $' ordinary SlWbS at par for cas~ to Brambles "!nc:lstries ~tc anc

itsnomjnees.Non~tl,adjngApprove~ ~()t name protection purposes on~y .

,;i' .


:0 issae 10,000 $1 ordinary shares at par for cash to: John Hycenko Pty Ltd (privllte Austra~ 1 ian company) 1,000; Anlva Nominees Pty Lt,d (private Australian company) 500j Fay Neighw bours (Australian resident) 2,500j and carry ;on ous·jll6ssl

i-'." .

! ssue 50,000 $1 ord inary shares at pal' for cseh to Adrem $.A. (pr i vats Argent i na company) anc nO::ll nee and carty on b:.:s j ness.

Restricted to providing supp 1 iesand services to the lotto industry in New Zealand.

Restri cted to proroot ~ tiS and export ing New Zealand \lIool and fibre.

Theapp 1 icant '11m introduce new products I Se:fv,) cas and sk 111 s whiie creating'local employment opportunities. They have pro" vlde~ the sa~)e sorvice success" funy in cOl\jur.ct:o~ with t~e Australian lotto.

The app 1 i cant w111 be basee i r. Hawkes BIlY lIno \'11 n boost lOCI! 1 regional development with the ~esulting flow~or. effects benefitt ing an economically de~ pressed region. (Local employment, service industries, shipping). Sa" rearkets for New Zea" 1 and \'1001 If 111 eventuatethrough established overseas car.tacts.

To ism 100 $lordinar-y snares at ~ar .fof.:Restritlted to acquiring Usedo:s a vehicle. for th~ acquicash asfol1o\IJs; S.U, Trak Holdings Ltd:·lnd.holdins shares in sition by theZuelligGroup of

(Hong Kong, 51), .;Selpam' Pty Ltd (Austral u.. :;:C.'B.,Nor:\lJoQd~j~tr5butats 90% of the shares :n C.S. ~or-

49) a!lHOoQarry (.If: b:;s:ness 111 New leaiar.c .. "Ltc;· 'II()o~ Dlstr:outors Ltc.

: n each case, consent to issue 100 $1 ordinary shues to I ndosul!z New lea 1 and Ltd and its ~(t,':jnee and to carryon business in New Zealand,

Restricted to pr'oviding merchant bank i ng If: nancial tlnd nominee servict)$.

.ssue 10,000 $1 ordinary shares lit ?sr fer ~estricted to ;o~tfo1io

'cash ·:to· EKeo !!west.'net)t Co, ~tci, (hold,~nSi.;':1Ilr.~$ i~ New Zea~

" com~any ,t;1.timate:1;y owned by Coopers! a~d, land pubh and private Lybrand (Port VnJa) LI;.d')" ,and. nOll1ines,. and· ·.:tnmpanies. ",';

, cllr~yonbuain!!ss •.

?aarSOl\ ! r.vest:nents Vanuatu


_"".. " "

Rainholl Timu .. Ltd


il<ss~e 20,0.00.$1 ordinary shares at W for cash to Budget Ref\t A CV.r Ltd.

Restrichd to operat':!19 the Nel1 lealanc refits: f1eet of Budget Rent A Car Ltd and carry 011 bus· iness.

Hiving off.

Ap~1~ca~ts co~]ti ~aKe these investmenh·c,irect ly from overseas but want to usa NS'Ii Zeal arid comp8.ny as a vehicle.

~o change ~n control of Budget

• • .' Z 1 ' (I

opera.:op.s ~n New ea,anc. ,S

in effect B reduction in the leve] o~ overseas ()w~e!,$hi? as a New Zealand company, Questsr COf'porat ion Ltd, l1ill hold the ~ell1a~r,i:'!9 :o,ano shares.)

~i%.r(;)'b:m~1\ Ti'til;t!l1ll

Corporlltio)1 U.G

(t}Saatcnl and Saam tthf CC!I1j)ton (NZ) Uri (:;ltimate~y

mmtl~ by Secondo !n~ vestmentS! Ltd) i

(2L (3) Ser;ondo !1!~ v~tm~nts ~td (to btl

f'0'l1li.lji$~ Sauch 1 and

S!l~tdli Compton Ltd). [3 MPlLrate 4Ppr()!tll'lsj

Si.llnllder hah i Japan

~ fisher'llls Ltd

Ta!4raCllst Pro~uets USA

Austr@loia Ltd

!'erraCast !nterfll~ USA tiO!!81 Ltd

(1), (2) Aequir~ thG' assets of Eastwood In\'i.\stmont$ Ltd, lind Saateid !lnd Scwtchi COlllflton Ltd, mpettivllly.

(3)io iss.~e & f~rthtlr 199.S98 $1 ()rdi~arv shares to Salltchl & Saatelli COleptOll PLC at par for' cash.

Issue 1,000 $1 ardinur'y snllr(!!l.l!t Pill" fnr mh to thefolloififlS: Asahi Fi$hedes Ltd, SOOj C. C. Hufflett (MZ) 250); R. H. p(}ttcm (KZ) 250; Illlrl carry Of1 bUll i ness.

fssue2n,OOO $1 Ot'oinary shares at par fttr cash to. the follo'IJ,fng: TtirraCast lnterfll!itio!ilil Ltd (USA, 10,000L Hmis Rohtior.~l Moulders Ltd (MIj 10,000) lind c{{r'ry on business.

issue 500 $1 ordiflarysnme at Pill" for mh to the fol!Qwing: Ratdcast ?lastics inc (US private eo!IIIlany, 499}, n·. Hal'!';s (NIl'l1 Zealand,

1) and carryon btlsinen. '

Acting it) the ca~city of trwittJe Imd lll&n&g&r (If the Sentinel Trust Mul' t ipleEmp Joyer Retirell!!l!'tt Plan.

Restr icteQ to those of an ttdvertising agent.

Restr i cted to fj sn tracl~ ing the interl1f!tiollal market.

Restrictedto1Mnufaetu!'~ . ins and distributing inject illilP last iemoulde.cfed (sic) proDucts.

Restr :cted to act ing lUI an &K1: lusive Jicen$~Q of the product (plastic Im)U lded produc:tsmal1uf actured by Tem.Cast Products Austra!os; and related nct ivities.

Ccmpl1rty is to us!: its t!xper·t 1$11 ttl !lct u trustlle' and manl!ger (if the trust, f una. The Dener i c i· ar leI! of the trust are Mew Zea~ land res i dents therflfof'e th~ trust is not n:n wOVafat'lQS per· son·,

I !Iter C!lIl\Il!liW restructur i I\g which dOGS not rlisult ill a change in the beneficia 1 OUiner'~ ship. Rep llltss consent dated 23 July 1985 milch lapsed.

~he app 1 f cants (1 argtl ,Japanese fishing COl\'lPany) will contribute their fishing expert i!!~, ~xperi~ elltSI modern veisels·and equip' ment to th£t joint venture. Combined 'fIith Solander'a (nelson based fjsh &~portl!r) expertise in interngtione.l tr~iflg the flew company ~il1 be ab 1 e to compt1te internatio!lally. Fishing win irdti1illy be based ;n the South Atlantic ~fld will not btl' ba.s~d 111 Nell' Zea!and waters.

)few Zeal and company i H8.f!' : S Rlltatiolll!l Kouldllf's, l1l!Inuhr;~ tUfe$ p 1 ast. i e product.s and I~l!flts to tinter into a joint venture wm Rotoeast Pl!~tic products lne., (US private company) which hold a gUt! shlreho1dinS in Terrll.Cast lr!ter!1l!ti()n~l Ltd, A greater range of products al1ci atlded compet1tion '11m benefit New l&aland consullIIlrs.

New, Zea land COfll$Jany I Hfil'ris Rotational MouJd&ra, nmnLlf&c~ tunIs p I nat ie products. and WIUlts to enter into £ joint venture with Rotoeast Plast ie Products ! nc, f tu manufacture th~ ·proQ·· uet$ for ule in New Zltalafla lIn~ AustN!!ia.

rimotwtfrcl nuu$tr lee;; l,tcl

!~Sll!} S,OOO $1 ~har!!s to &.P. Forests Milt! Manufactures laminated

l\lt!. 1 ~nd Ie td. . wooden beams.

Issue; 10j013jl2S ordinary $1 sn&.res li.t (sic) Restr,lcted to thoso of a

SQuthern Cross Ef:t6rpr'ise~ ~td .. holdirtgcompany I rura 1 an

general' cartage, 1 inen haulage, furnitureremova 1, , woo 1 storage I trailSportat ionof refrigerated s;nd t~rature contra 11- ell gl.Iods, I!xclivati!1g, ~ bul1doziog and supplying lind pU!l\f!ing of-concrete.

Tr'~!\s~iC Held ifl~S t td (~e\1 Zenl and public company)

~u.lltra 1111 (by vlt'tue QfSouthofll

. C!iJ$'.l:rtet~ prisesLtcl)

Timbertec is a fast gfo'llil19 company and re~ulres addit~onal resources to expand succ0ssfl~1~ ly. BoP. ~orests ilnPbeable to provide the addit:one! reo sources.

Sout.hern Cross Enterpr i ses Ltd is underwr:ti!l9 a further share imm.

2. D{u.:isioH$ w!da .ufld~ Pn!'t II. (ifth~ O~ersli~!lIIlVtt.!(_t Regulatioos

Offerer Offeree

'!PA,mmrJltj1!~Ukl.Ju!la~l~mL~~,,,,,,,,,,-_......J.IJ_~i ~~~~

4dhesivePapel" kull:l11ia 91ensto(:kHold- To acquir!! mll of tilt\' tlominaJ Restrietedtomanufactul"@ The a~p1icants win ~e the

Supplies {,td ingSLtd (Nil I issuedshar6capita!j ing and se11ingadhesive first adhesiv.e p~per mar.~-

(ft·ivateAtlst;ra~ 100~l) bein9 100 $1 ordinary papers.' facturer 111 Mew 'te~llind f!r.O

Har,compaFlY} llh~rll:$ lind carryon rlill utilise' 'locally f!!l!r.u·

(lOO%) b1l5ifle~s in New laa:~ f&ctl.lred paper. Local ,11m"

llwd. p loyment OPPol'tunit ies 8,nd less dependence em imported idhllS ive paper will eventuate.

lfig mId fl'redi~ Stsh !es (anAuS'l traliall pub lie company) (In. ~2%)

(50.95% J 100~) maining 4t05~uf the

... issu~ shere capital . ill ·Ra Ora stud ~td', belllS 6,399 ,821 ordl~ l1ar~y 50 cent shares.

Raeillij and Breeding stlll.l!es ili!l'~ !IS for 7 Ra Ora shBr~s,

': ,~

l' . .. ' .

,,:~CO:.mtry direct"; the'lIddY'lIl1s elf the IlPP licllflt " not necessarily its cr!Ulltry of oWller'ship. :Oversea~ shareho !d:ng berare ~l1d after approved trallStil!tion.

3t h ~ ~~ I" ". • f '

4,0 \'!,.a~ .;1& ",orr.mmlcm gHve CCflsen ••

Cor.siderat ian

5Activltiesto w~ich the consent IlPplies, ~e!!~Clr. for !!CCeptllm:t: of thtl il~~Jic!ltion,

at ion bet.sen the iiff&iiii and. the offeree (Ra Ora n61d$ 'l3.Grof ARA!S,llld ARASSln ttlrri hold SUShf Ra Ortl). The,~ur~ose of thi's 1 ink 11M to prov i de itn ISS!)~ ciat ion sb 1& to 'assist in tileprepa.ration of yearlings using the ~omp 1 ~mentliry $k ill Sind expert ise of company. ARABS now; heliove that thll prospecta of AR~es and Ra Ora together far IlX~ CIlO! those of the bm COll!~ 'PIlYlj'es • Or! their. own.

GI'OUP ( 10D%)

\llll~fi; idate:i Am' rm~ E"~ 1sttl Ltd (100%)

(l) tMlol idte.t S\\gring (! WfJt~ menU) Pty Ltd (lOU~); and (2) i'llfbenr :~Qld1~s!ltV Ltd

E~tl1ty Shirt!

lt4 (wholly'

Q~n~d by R&W Hel1tby Ltd) (10n~ by virtue of R6ft He 11 &P)' ~trl's 50.1 a·1i'!·

'<';'~i;" h~ 11.."".1' ... , .... , Ir 10:' 1 m:;t""~:

eflfpqfttiofl ~td).

: mpat~s Secufu liles Ltd (~m~)


»&'11 Zea" land

Mder$oflHughtli;l aM P!lI'mif'S ltd (Uil I 4n%} J

(rller!LResourm Ltd (at 11QC~)

SaeL'lJ A[)! Ltd (101J?g'by NisSflll DatsunHolding!l Ltd I 100%)

Lane Lilt im~r Group Ltd (5G~1 I lOUt)

~'hita Fox & Jm!lll Sl'tl If CWr pany (Nil / lOOt)

te acquire 40%'of t,h~ l~$u(frl ~h~ril capital of AridllfSOl\ Hl!~ll(Jll ~nd P8rtnlti'S Ltll, lil'r 1119: (i) 25 clli.$~C $1 Shllf'l2$j (i 1) 7 e'!a~s A $1 shar'l!s; (iii) 1 clnS!l B $1


T(I 6cqllir'~ all thll istu~d share capital o<!ins 100 od'iflat'~' $1 snlires

F()f' consf!lntl f nee" Il:IlMry to 6lf;Qlllf!l (1) 1Utrmd (2) 23.'1% of the isstld share c!lpit~l being (1) 141) 150 ordinary A $1 llha.rGs Rnci 11,445 ordinary S $1 Snnfl''IS and (2) 43,650 Of'Q i~ nary siler tIS lind 3,555 crdJrfar'y Ii slHlres.

To ~cqllir6 the re~ l!!~itli!'lg SUlur tht i~liuad cllpihl 1n Lal'le tat 11l!I!r Gt'CUP Ltd! being ?SO I 00(1 ordlrmry $1 Shfff'flS.

TI,} aCf)Uif'& 1QC% of the issued share! CliP~ ita1 in Whittl Fox ll1d JOMS She 1 f Company I b~ifl9 80 ardifllAry $1 tih~r*~,

Apprtl)£ $2,0 mi11 1ml (fClt 100~ (jf the is!iU!ld cap 'i~ til l'I~111ch ill 0111:llleted to btl scqu h'ed (lVEl!' a !)&riod (If 3 YSltrs).

10e ttl be paid

rttal A~ ,5J4 million

~$1, hi 11 ian in shaf'es in the offenw with thebal~ anca ill c!1sh from funds 1ihidl \'1m be held outs.ide~e'ljZ!lIl.~ l~nd,

itlist.r h:tt1d to Opiirat illS ili! ~dvllrt hdflg ~g!\ncy I

Re!ltT'icte~ to min/mi.l pros.peetill9 ina llit~l()r.8r tiofl in tmls of any 11," Cilnce . gr!illted hy the Mines Divisioil, ~Hni$try of Enilr9Y.

Marketing lind distritlUt~ j fig bn 11 and roll ad bearings !lnd moeiated p!'odN ucts ..

Rfliltri eted to ma.nuf ac:i:uring and distributing foodstuffs for human con~ S~1llpt 101\.

Reiltr i cted to awn i tiS lInd opent i n~ the Host Harvey HIlt:eI in 1&11 i ngt1ln.

f1:'(!P()(Hil 11m tlflSut'li th(i camrmny t"amains cQmlmt it iV€l livid grows uy r.rtllfi d i ~li th& $01 i d f mmrlst iCin I1~C(lsmy i~ l;odD:Ys udvllrtir.tng world TOI' cont imlOrj SfOtth cteviI'l o?l1lont, The (j ff erer has e~teIls ivlJ advert ;$1n9

G~ts in thll U.K" u.U'I !ilwtf'lt 1 S l nsapOit'l I Thtd- 1and, \~ting Kong ~nd !11!lKY::1a till len w ill btl of grcat benefit to tnt)' @ffc:retl.

!lfhr'or hltil: thll n(leellsmry e11p~f't ise tlnd fiflS!.flCC to l:nd!i,rt!!k~ mtnera: ?rosp,lict~ i!lg.

(1) Nlssan wish te divllst t;hG~1r' int(.lf'est.Commlidatoo etJ.aring ~t111 provide con!tid~ Grab 16 technical &dvances

el(~crt i$!l to the IJ~w Ztla I and Cf1mplwy 0

(1) I\!lrb®~r npp~8,r$ to be !l'li.sot:iattd\iithC~l\$o 1 idat!\~ 'Bm'ftrings.

RfJaC\!tl Q?tlrati( • if it itt to cunt I fillS to tr~.d(l then a capitsl inj!!cticn or access to !'et}sfJflabl e ~ 1 nanci ft 1 fil" \!\iUree;11 Illllst be f11!ide CtG; 1- a,b 11}, R~ Hellt1by h~'i(J nego· tiated the ~e(luisitjafl l'Jith Il' vimt to f{!SClling tans Lntq im~r Group Ltd so u to en" able th~m to c!mtil1u(I tl'ad~ in~.

The 'V!lfl6ar wishr:!o to lieil

shares 1,~ciH1Se thl1Y h1iV6 her-mn!! CWI? cO!1mitted t-nd &ffi ill nsed elf cffpit!!) to fiti'l icv0' the finr..nel!1 1 ItpGSSUre ftir'ced Of\ th®m. Implltus $(lcl1rit:18s have' Ctlr.~ $,1 derab 10 ey"llirience ill thfl hdsI.IY'II, tourism lind hospital ity iflclu~tril's IUiQ it is ti1S!1r intcntion to tlsSIXllh 1& a, ella in ()f K(j~tHltrv'!iY hD~

jj!!brnltd(J;P, & J, L.JIfIl.iG!!On) (10U~}

Mintagohw(lst~ lIIJr.tsLtd(ultl-mateJy tfilledby K-olllllf ReInWalS N. L.) (lon~)

. titimal pacific CorporationLtd (40~ owned by Inter'-~ac jf{e EqU1t.y Its') (4ot)

itll.hrna$.hr Trustees Ltd (10Q%)

Platinunr6rCiup !'fetal s No Li a'''· bilitV (uvtlt'· lOU~)

Prtnlier Mining Securities Ltd (31.29%)

Channel Islands

we'il lear land


New LOLl!llnd Sh111f: Co. Ltd (61t by Jon FreidrichSehr~ ens A. G, I 1uQ%: 60t Jrulj" br(),40t Jon Friedrich) .

1'0 Iicquirtl60t of the issued c~pita 1 of Mew If)~.1 and stapl:i (;0. Ltd, b~liig 816,OOU orcl jnllry $! snar'lls.

. "

HQmtlwardSound, To !lequire an the

Mining. Ltd (0% issued ~hare capital

I 100$) being 1 ,COO ordinary $1 share.s.

TI! Nt hili 1 In· lIurancttCompany of K6lIl Zealand, ltd {90. 71t: I . 10~) ,

fUm~ Wff (! !tin" agern!lnt Ltd (shelf company) ('$N lOlll}

To !lcquire approx i~ nmttlly II further 9. ~ Z9~ of the issued share cap ita 1 h~illg 3, 16D.,5G3ordinar'y 50 cent/snares.

Apft'~i11~cly; $50,000.


Acquire all the ie;s~ ';. Nominal u~d .: Shl!t'6 cap ita 1

'beir:g . 100 ordillm'y shares QnQ CtlllliGnt tr} eM'ry 011 bus i nti~S i r: tllJ\'l Zealand.

Premier:· Mi'lling. ;;Acquire G,OOU,0002S' SlIeuritiea.l td ,.,coot; shares.

(41~ I U%)'

&!titIer~ . Spectl't!!ll Re"

1 and sourc@s Ltd (29.5% I 10at)

To acqu h'~ urI tCl 10[1% of the, ltiSI1!lQ cap itill.

hs t rid 1,\ d t c m~n\lhcttlriI19 ~f\d dis· tr ib~;tins inciuu1:rii!.l ff!S· tflflllrl),

R~!}tr'ictad to minertbl.· prospecting lind exp lara-

. tior. in t@!'lllS of t!iY H(:unce. gr'a;;tlld . by. the i'1it1~ Divl$i1m, Ministry

of Energy, -

Rastf'ict~d 1;1;0 thf! iMurb anee Rnd rein$urance.aod other activit illiicurl'ent~ j Y 4fldertaker. -.

R0$triCt(ld . til invest tng III d@bt Rnd Ilqu lty .$e~\i~·· itias,

,(.'. ; i ,

$U miilhm . Millurlil {ixpl():ttll.t,io!lalld, inc lu·Q i II 9 .' prosrl&eti!l9 ill terms: {If

a I 000 I 000 any. lfc01H.:es gr'llflttld by:

s!~rflllr.t»m th~ Ministry'of Er.~!'9Yll

Itod acqt!irin~andMldt'na, ~hnrr&s in cOO1p~nifl!! Md \,l'iilturi/$ involved in m in;tlg ~etiviti!l&.

For 6.5%: a p p r UK $1,476,000 For the fINmmindllr: 3 ol'd inHY sh~resill PI'sIIIier ff!r !liI!l'r'y one in Sptvctrl.lftl.

,,;',' .

Min!lru 1 pl'(j~pect ifl9 and c)(!)\aihtltlf\ ill tefnls·of lillY 1 ic(tllces' grnnhd by the Kirtistry. of':Eoorgy end acqlliring1and h(lldil'l~ Shlf'!I& in companies'and v!'ifttures involved ill min)'; ill~ act iv itlllS,

tels -1J;nd !'esorts ~llMcl in NI)I\' Zea h.od and Austra lh.

»~SCUf! opel'at iOll ~ ,)nmbra Ltd is abla to provide a CliP ita I inject ion to Wew . Z~alfllld Staple Co. Ltd.J8m~ hr(l w111 ltlllll provid~ f:)~Il· I1rt i sa t;o H~\~ Zealand Stl!~· 1~6

P("fIlflt c(jn~'.lft!iY hns the nec" eS9Qry e~pert i S9 !lnd f: llIi1let! to undertake 'rr.intlra 1 pros· r;acting.

Offeror ~lr!)Rd\f (lwns 90.m and l'IishlJs to bll able to ~r::qlJirll further shures which have been cr I'In iell may bll off,eredto it;by MRtiOfHlI I !lSUflifl.CIi' shareholders wIlll CO!lcerned that their shares are 1\0 longer 1 isted tin the tia.\i/ lllflland Stock Exchanse.

~cti'lity could have het!TI \!ndt\ifhk~n frolll. off~hQro. Thl1i offeror Vlil.).llpply fo!' the Commiss \1)11'.$ consent bafor!) at:quiringiS' or more of allY class af share ill a ~!~\4 leI! !:md Co.mpllflY.

;.' ,.

The ttlCl t'.ompani(ls n,erate in $imil~r fields Bild 'till pool tllStlurc(!s (technic~ 1, .:r.anaSC1rial linG financial) to er'eate il st~()ng!ll' bas!! for future grOirth,

S€iz;~~clg i nitj'~t~" fllli'itS'Ltd (trJ jw. rfm_$a~tth i ,md Salltch1 Q]rf~'Wff Ib ldjij~

r tA' .. ' ! F'Hl~·\ f ~ t~~',f.',J l e ~~y.wJ , .J

1rrilit1&f'lttfM'PPro~ vcdsl

Str1}l!u'& Fis~ (!i!1!ldillgS) PIc (tODl!)

s-c, S. ~~ (United sttes ~id:Mt) (Ol'!F ~"llYJiv mUll!)

T"ll!\~ill~ t!tlJd~ ill~'s U.d (~litl'l letl fR'1~ fJ\lbH Ii tllft\f';$I\Y) (S4$) l1l &PflliCfE'" A' 1


hilr! {by ~ u 11 (¥ (i1'1jWP lM)

~(li! l*~~ ltlld

U • K • {public lhted tmpGny}

U. S,A.

~n1i!! (by vir .. tue' af SOuthern CI'Hfl Eflt6f'~ prius ltd)

(1) ~l$'$pl}nM MllI'k&tifis Ltd (lnO~ I 100~); (2) Seatehi and SIl.lltchiCl'illI!ltofi (KZ} Ltd (lOa, 1100~);

(3.) Ct\i~Jlliigrt Haldin~!i Ltd (10m: I 10U%).

N!tlill.¥~ll!ncl L! ghl; Lt<lttll~f$ ltd (50~ hy The Unioo Inter" nat lO!lwil PI e I Sut}

fhit~ 'Fo~ !flU .tmm's !i161 f OJrrr pany N!m'~ftr 2J Ltd (Mi 1/ gl~,)

(1) fiutrtw am ~tllsLtd (1m 164~)

(2) Hc::imr too. ltd (Hil ! l00~j (3) Ci'$ Tl"lIlISport Ltd (Nil I raO'}

(4} COitin!)Q Ctll1tf);lnGI' Stir· vit.'fl~ Ltd (r.tfl nat) {S)Marlb!ir1l1l9h Rfiadyrsh COn- . crete Ltd HH 1

I SS~}

{6} KirbYIl Fur~ fiitul'&Na;I\i}VlklS' LtQ (~ill UJ(fJ) m Kirhy$' lfltlil"llllt jlji\l\;l Ltd

IO(l~ of 1 tlll(lll'd ~hll.r'~ C&.~· in tHI1d~i'fi Co.'ft"

',,' H • .! \,

11,\t!i1l1i1i~ mm{ ,,~cl, II~~

lMOO tll'dillfif'V $1 Ilhn:ttl£:,.

Acquirfi ~11 of tOil is!!.ul!d shafulillital being:

(,) 100 $1 ordinary sharest

{2}iS9,9SS $1 (}rdi~ iUiry ~h~r~IH

(1) 1 ,ouo,on~ $1 erd i IUlI'Y slimrell. .

A'Cqu.irfl 50% of the ja$u~d~hm·Gcapit&l, being 3,000,000 oro;" Ilitry 50 {;lilIt ~hllfl!li.

Til 8cqulfl! 91~(jf the issut'li sllal"1l clijlital b~ill9 91 $1 ordinllY'Y $.h~rt'i$ lind t:1l ctlrry {l11 bUG i flll®ll i fl *fiWc Z&~l~ffd,

To lUJqtl1rcthe st~tf1id pllt'Centa96 Qf th~ iSSI.I()dc!lpitll'l of th~ affe:re~,

A~~~'(}£ tn1il;ely ~270,U~O


[dIt1f1ted ill $'11 ca.SfJsj

~Ili~tdctlld to prQvidii\~ &, ~ljeu!' i tv II 1 arm lind ffil!r."· i tori ng l!'tJt'V i C0' •

Rt}str i tied to tho~~ of 1m tldver'tising Ilgent.

Proc.f.t3s illg lnd finlfihin~ 1 eath@r arid ~k i fiG and t!l" labd products.

0i1l1n9 and ltlf!llins tn Uf. !Slid P,A. Shaw ~ llU7n7h~ct~re hl'l!! property in Wolf 0$ Rd I 07CfOl'd.

Rf.!$tr'icted to:

(1) s1,llid and shillGllHXtrll'ct 11.111 and cru'tsge; (5) r&mdymix nm1'lufact\lr~ and c&rt~gei

I}I;htts: fr&igtlt hll:ull1go lind ~eflllrlt 1 clArtggc.

tthil1~ SIl1)Llrity Ltd H'll !in ~fit8h1ish(ld SIICUf'ity Ilhtrm lind ll1()nit~rins C(im~[f\V in Auckland \10e thiu~ be~ ing a m~ans of cCifltinuing, {md then wxpandil1gthfl r~n0\! ~f $el'V iells in the $~c!H\jl;y industry 'in the Christchurch ~rl.if1 lind sW'f'ound ing districts.

I ntl;ll' ccr(ljlgny f'0t'1truct,l!I' i ftG which d!iWltl't result in & ching\} in the bener ic ial O\mershi~. Rtlplmles c~nsent dat6d 23 July 1961 lihien 19p~ed.

~!l (:!1l)f1(!~ in . .tns' 1 I1'V eJ (Jf ()\'lM's&a~ o~lnersh ip. Tn ill ill lillf't of a prtIpos!ll I'lhef'!!by the ofhf'flr h~ to acquirli thnlOrldlJfidfJ letth!}!" interesh of The Union !ntef'MtiOf!i\l Plc;.

Rep 12005 ccmsent at. 20 !lillY f l~Sl as Mr Swenson now wi~hw liS' to 1)$& Ii corpo!'ah til aCQIJ ira thli property.


It in felt that tOO I'IWrgGf of the6!;\' ra~d transp!irt ceiTl" pIlfJi~t~ ~Jill '~r(lvida thll firs:t llJajor S.te.l1 inrnti(l!\ftligatio!l of thl} tranll~ pClrt inw.l~try !lil1cfN deftlgu", ht ion. Fe'!t&ibH ity $tudili~ eomp 1 eted by tnt! eOll1prmy have bdicat~cl Il1ltjar IIffiCie1ICieund ultimately servic!!J.bef\6fits to custolfillrs thl'Qugh imprll'lt2ul.ltl1 illation I1f II. m~r9t;d n ~!lt.

~t~i:e 1tI,1d,in~' taZ Ltd (laO~)

l~a] l1!lff Ho I d· 11l$f!Ud ( 108')

Amtr~li!! (by w.rllt~ file &\I'it~ ing Cor· Pli'i inn) .

Qtitler'~ hnd (by Ho Id~r~' 11m FillIliltier~ Gltil'lt.)

om I laij~) (S) Kirby!! C~r'"" d6'1'!1 Ltd (m / 10~~)

(~) ltlL ir(!] ~!t· 11'19 Ltd (Nil I lOOt)

(10) ~I)SS 1101d'' ift9!l(ii6!lt land) Lt.d (~ll/l(j%) (1 n~lu~Str'(I~k ~arci1Jl El(vrfi!l~ Ltd (lli 1/ WfJJh)

Th~Cmnffi\lr c illl Balik Sa" ings Sink om Ltd (to b~ f'fill~fII0d WGlltpal;ProV·!2r~ t i~s NZ Ltd}, (lOOt') by W!)st~ I1':ic sav! 'tis 1Alt*. ltt!/100~)

Ne~ lli& 1 ~nd Cs· llt~lfit H()ldifl9~ It.d (9USt\l 61.5~le~ lhuff I 30 • 39~ SlI i ~lil1 P1Jrt 1 ~rn! wid

ktmtra.1 b,n &

K6ndG~ / lnO~)

To ~cqui r~ 1 ao~ (If tha 1113l!!lU sllnf'1t: c~p~ ibl, b!lirig m,uoo (Ira I nwry $2$h~r{t~ I !ilid f urthll lif f ~rtl.~; to tltrry Oil eus! n~~s ill Nmt le{l1tmd.

To icquir'(l the ['ew lll~ifdrl9 3U% (If tnt'! i 1!$!I!)d tJh~t'fJ CliP i hi ,

Not knolln 1%1; thi$ gl;astl

0'1If1 i119, ff!!I,!l1i9 i 119 IlIld jtl({sillS prcplIf'titl'S for 11I1$' by ooffifjllflloo in tnt)'

w~~tp~e group. .

CtlC'lltmt proal.n:t;clI! ~nd dilftr'i,but;iolll ]jm!!: Pf>Q~ duct ion! qU21rrying ~fld . Ctla 1 milling Ilnd IJXP lor!!'· t ion for thi1 PU!'tlOS@ of

C&;l)lJl1t lind I llliB pr!ldlAt:~ tinll.

~() chllllge' ill M!6flficifll lliSll&I'ship. Off!'Jrtl& 'is to be f'llfict i vatcd to !llMsga' pr{ifl~ $!'t ie§ used bV Westpa:c group cgrl~lani@s.

Hg 1 dOf'btmk Switzer 1 ~!id' ~ full w!l$!'illlip Ifill SUPPI'JI't IIl1d afJ51$t hi RIlM!:!Il'illg gr0ater efficiency throl!(Ill rllt ional j~!itiofl and dcvelliP~ I1lsnt of r~)\)!)IlI'e*m,

i , :"

. ;.,

',.' ,.; j '(1 .,

.<,.' :

, > '. : ' , .. ; .I."'~:: " ; i

t "',

Foreign Control

. -1: Q !

Postage Paid Christchurch, N.l .

Pcmnit No. 1161

Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa P.O. Box 2258.


New Zealand.

. NZ Registered magazine

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