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A True Gay Love Story With A Sad Ending

All she wanted was love and respect from her family and friends. I worked with
Sherry many years ago and talked to her often. She was a nice person who did not
dislike anyone. She found her way out.

I do want to point out that this is about a lesbian named Sherry, but I could be
writing about a man named Mike, I knew, who was heterosexual and had the same
problems and solution. We are all the same, with the same feelings.

This is a true story about a woman that just wanted to be in love and have her
family and friends accept her for who she was. She was a lesbian. This is her

All she ever wanted in life was to be happy. She became pregnant after leaving the
service, but found herself drawn to her best friend from the service. They were so
close and enjoyed so many things together. They became intimate and decided to
raise her then young son together. She was so excited and happy for the first time
since she was a teenager.

They lived together without the support of her family and friends. Her partner’s
family was very open and welcoming, but her family was judgmental and demeaning of
her relationship and of her partner. Sherry was determined to make her
relationship with Tami work. She tried to reason with her family and found herself
losing every time she turned around.

Tami was about to leave because she could not take the discrimination and
judgmental behavior of Sherry’s friends and family. Sherry thought the only way
she would ever make the pain go away would be to die. She tried to commit suicide
by pills. Her mother found her and she was saved. For what, she wondered, since
she had loss the love of her life.

Her son was growing and started to take on similar attitudes as her friends and
family had. What did she expect when they were constantly telling him she was bad
and that Tami should not live there with them. Tami came back, only to leave
again. It was impossible to be happy in that home. Sherry tried suicide again. She
slashed her wrists and was saved when Tami found her.

Tami and Sherry tried to make things work. They loved each other and wanted to be
together, but the turmoil that friends and family were inflicting was unbearable
for Tami, who had total acceptance from her family and friends.

The third time Sherry tried to commit suicide she succeeded. She hanged herself in
the basement. All she wanted was love and respect from her friends and family. She
needed them to accept her. She wanted to be with the one person she felt
comfortable with and loved. She wanted Tami.

This story takes a bad turn and not only was Sherry gone, but her son was the one
to come home and find her instead of her mother. All these lives ruined because no
one in her family would accept her and her relationship.

A boy without a mother, a woman without her life, a woman without the one person
she loved, but could not have according to some people who could not open their
minds and their hearts for love.

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