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Sound waves strike the tympanic membrane and cause it to vibrate

Vibration of the tympanic causes the three bones of the middle ear to vibrate. The
foot place of the staple vibrates in the oval window.
Vibration of the foot plate causes the perilymph in the scala vestibule to vibrate,
which in turn cause displacement of the basilar membrane

Short wavelength, from high-pitched sounds, cause displacement of the basilar
membrane near the oval window. This movement is detected by the hair cells of the
spiral organ, which are not visible in the animation.

Long wavelengths, from low-pitched sounds, cause displacement of the basilar
membrane far from the oval window. Again, this movement is detected by hair calls
of the spiral organ, which is not visible here.

When the vibrations reach the perilymph in the scala tympani, they travel to the
round window where they are dampened.

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