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Vehicles Project, cross-curricular with PSHE; Making Smart Choices.

This week Year 2 have been doing a cross-curricular project on vehicles. In DT

they have studied cars, learned the names car parts, and looked at vehicles
for transport, emergency, leisure and work. They learnt that some were
bigger, some smaller and some made different noises. After this the children
had to design cars using 4 wheels, 2 axles and a body and then they had to
make them, following the design carefully. When they had finished this they
painted the vehicles. Next, as part of a cross-curricular topic with PSHE they
used the red thinking hat to help them make smart choices when evaluating
their design. They asked the questions; what do I like about this? What do I
not like about this? And; what can I make better? Alfie Thomas decided that
his car needed a sun roof because it was hot in Spain.

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