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Daily Lesson Plan

Course/Level: ESL-Low Intermediate

Lesson Aim(s):
a)Learners will describe scenes or situations using simple actions; b) Students will describe scenes or
situations using actions constructed in the passive voice
Personal Aim(s) To work on giving clear instructions
Skills Emphasized: Conversation; grammar
Assumptions/Potential Issues: Students may need a review on how to form past participles, particularly irregular p.p.
Previous Lesson: Previous class focused on active voice construction; this lesson will contrast with passive voice

Time Stage Procedures Interaction Aids/Materials Notes

10 min


Tic-tac-toe game on the whiteboard; write a grid with the
base form of six irregular verbs. Divide class into two
teams. Students have to give the past participle form of
three verbs to make one line. First team to do so wins.
Play two or three games

Ss--- T



Eat / drink / cut
Hit / make / draw
Grow / feed / lead

10-15 min


Show students a series of 10 pictures with various scenes.
Ask students to listen as a sentence is read aloud
describing each picture and match each sentence to the
picture. Repeat the sentence once. Students should look at
the picture card and write the number of the question that
matches the sentence (e.g. #2: E). Students then check
their answers with a partner. Then write sentences on the
board. Allow students to check their answers. Review
together orally. Point out differences in form and meaning
between active and passive verb forms.

T-- Ss

S - S

T - Ss

Large picture card
with a series of 10
separate pictures
marked a, b, c,

Pictures should be drawn in
pairs, with one picture in each
pair displaying n opposite
action. E.g. "The robber hit the
policeman - The policeman
was hit by the robber. The
objective here is to clearly
portray the usage and meaning
of the passive and active verb

10 min


Erase sentences off board. In pairs, students use the
pictures to reconstruct the sentences from memory,
writing two sentences for each of the prompts such as
this: The robber./The President../The old woman./The
dog.. ,etc. Check answers as a class.

S - S

15 min


Use another large drawing or photograph as a prompt. For
example, a scene of a busy restaurant with many people
doing different things. In pairs, students are to write as
many sentences as they can using the passive voice to
describe the scene. The pair with the most correct
sentences is the winner.

S - S

A large picture or
drawing that has
enough activity in
it to support at
least 10 passive

Variation: Use several different
pictures, one for each pair or
small group.

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