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It is believed that the function of education is to nurture a child to be a

qualified citizen useful to the society .Indeed, great effort have been made
recentlyWhile who should be fully responsible for childrens education has
been a hot discussed topic all along. Some argue that it is parents obligation,
whereas others refute that school is the right place children should be taught
about that.

It is goes without saying that parents are childrens first teacher who impart
some essential knowledge in the daily life since they were born. Sure enough,
the parents are bound to know their children very well especially in terms of
their study habit, drawbacks etc., based on which parents can teach them more
specifically. For instance, a child can be cynical of the outside world sometimes
-may be difficult for teachers to notice, will arouse parents vigilance easily. A
lesson would be given up -to -the minutes then. In addition, as the most intimate
and close person, parents play a indispensable and irreplaceable role in
childrens life, in most cases, their views about the society are persuasive and
plausible to children.

School is a society in miniature. There, children will contact people of various
background and handle all kinds of tricky problems as if in the society. Hence,
the life in the school would lay a solid foundation for their future career in the
society. Besides, school as a comprehensive and authoritative organization
definitely has a say in teaching, for their teaching mythology, basic principle etc.
are somewhat systematic and unbiased. Under the instruction of school,
children are prone to accept the prerequisite of a qualified citizen and try their
best to live up to it. After all, the educational objectives are quite extensiveif
only one student acknowledge itother will follow suit spontaneously.

From the discussion above, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that both
parents and schools education have their saving grace which should be valued

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