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Muslim leaders condemn Islamic

State's Alan Henning threats

The #idna$ and threatened murder o% ritish aid &or#er Alan Henning '(
Islamic State )IS* militants is not $ermissi'le under sharia la&+ $rominent
Muslim clerics ha,e &arned-
A .udge on the Sharia council in /ondon+ a director o% Pro$hetic 0uidance
and an imam $leaded &ith the Islamic e1tremists to release the %ormer ta1i
dri,er %rom Manchester+ &ho tra,elled to S(ria last (ear-
Their $lea %ollo&ed a similar call %rom re$resentati,es %rom ritain's Muslim
communit( &ho signed a letter urging IS to %ree the "23(ear3old- Henning
a$$eared at the end o% the ,ideo de$icting the murder o% Da,id Haines
released last &ee#end and his li%e is similarl( threatened-
In a YouTube video Judge Shaykh Haitham Al Haddad said: "This is to confirm that
executing this man is im!ermissible" !rohibited according to Sharia"
'4o .usti5cation'
Ustadh A'u Eesa+ a director o% Pro$hetic 0uidance+ is 'ased in Manchester
and said he &ould 6$ersonall( ,ouch %or6 Mr Henning+ adding that his
&ould3'e #illers are de%acing the religion o% Islam-
Imam Sha#eel egg+ o% /e&isham Islamic 7entre 8uotes %rom the 9oran+
e1$laining that there is 6no .usti5cation in our religion that allo&s (ou to
continue to hold him let alone harm him6-
Earlier this (ear+ Islamic State &as also diso&ned '( Al3:aeda- In ;e'ruar(+
a statement released '( the grou$ read< 6=Al3:aeda> has no connection
&ith the grou$ called the =IS>+ as it &as not in%ormed or consulted a'out its
esta'lishment- It &as not $leased &ith it and thus ordered its sus$ension-
There%ore+ it is not a?liated &ith al3:aeda and has no organisational
relationshi$ &ith it-
6Al3:aeda is not res$onsi'le %or =IS>' actions+6 it added-
In %ootage released earlier this &ee#+ Henning said that the dangerous
.ourne( to S(ria that he &as underta#ing &as 6&orth&hile6 to hel$ those in
need- He s$o#e &ith other aid &or#ers on the 0reece3Tur#e( 'order in
Decem'er last (ear-
And+ on Thursda(+ a ,ideo o% ritish $hoto.ournalist @ohn 7antlie &as
released+ sho&ing the hostage reading %rom a $re$ared scri$t+ sa(ing he
&ould tal# a'out the sel%3$roclaimed IS mo,ement- Unli#e $re,ious IS
,ideos there &as no threat made on camera to Mr 7antlie's li%e-
Still %rom Islamic State $ro$aganda ,ideo
Islamic State has also released a ne& $ro$aganda ,ideo sho&ing the
murders o% soldiers claimed to 'e lo(al to S(rian President ashar al3Assad-
In the ,ideo+ called ;lames o% Aar and %eaturing IS' no&3common slic#
$roduction+ a mas#ed man &ith an American accent deli,ers a s$eech in
%ront o% the #neeling soldiers-
The men had 'een %orced to dig their o&n shallo& gra,es 'e%ore the( are
sho&n 'eing shot in the head-
Bn Saturda(+ it &as re$orted that around "C+000 9urds had crossed the
'order into Tur#e( Deeing the ad,ance o% IS militants- It &as also re$orted
that+ the same da(+ Tur#ish intelligence agents rescued "E hostages seiFed
'( Islamic State more than three months ago-
According to the Reuters ne&s agenc(+ securit( sources said the hostages
&ere released o,ernight in the to&n o% Tel A'(ad on the S(rian side o% the
'order &ith Tur#e( a%ter 'eing trans%erred %rom the eastern S(rian cit( o%
Ra88a+ Islamic State's stronghold-
The hostages+ &ho included Tur#e('s consul3general+ di$lomats' children
and s$ecial %orces soldiers+ &ere seiFed %rom the Tur#ish consulate in Mosul
on !! @une during a lightning ad,ance '( the Sunni insurgents-
Bn ;rida(+ Tur#e( re$ortedl( o$ened a stretch o% the %rontier as 9urdish
ci,ilians Ded their homes+ %earing an imminent attac# on the S(rian 'order
to&n o% A(n al3Ara'-
6Around "C+000 S(rian 9urds ha,e crossed the 'order as o% no& %rom eight
entrance $oints along a G0#m distance %rom A#ca#ale to Mursit$inar since
&e o$ened the 'order (esterda(+6 Tur#ish de$ut( $rime minister 4uman
9urtulmus told 744 Tur# tele,ision-
#osted by Thavam

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