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Abrasive Rough;causing irritation;harsh

2. Abreast Being up to particular standard or level
especially in being up to date in knowledge
ex:\"kept abreast of the latest developments\"
3. Activism The practice of pursuing political or other
4. Adumbrate Describe roughly or briefly or give the main
points or summary of
ex:\"I adumbrated that I did not like his
5. Aerie The lofty nest of a bird of prey (such as a
hawk or eagle)
6. Affected Fake acting;have effect
7. Affluenza An extreme form of materialism resulting
from the excessive desire for material goods
ex:\" Neologism for american\'s desire for
electronic goods is Affluenza\"
8. Albeit Although
ex:The village head is illiterate albeit very
9. Alienate Causing hostility;
10. Amortize Gradually paying off debt
Ex:\"Amortize your mortgage over a loan
period based on your input\"
11. Amulet Talisman
12. Anachronism something wrong happened in the past
Ex:Did you catch the anachronisms set in the
latest blockbuster set in the Ancient Greece?
13. Analgesia Pain relief
ex:Natural birth advocates reject Analgesia in
child birth
14. Anoint Treat as divine;apply oil or ointment
15. Antagonize Hostility;unfriendly
16. Antedate Be earlier in time; go back further
Ex:\"Stone tools antedate bronze tools\"
17. Antithetical Directly opposed
Ex:Partying hard is antithetical to one\'s
performance in exams
18. Apocryphal Of questionable authenticity
19. Apostate Person who deserts Party or religion or cause
Ex: Some people consider freedom fighters as
20. Apostle Pioneer of a reform moment
Ex:Rubens is the Apostle of Mediterrian diet
21. Approbation Formal praise or approval
Ex:She won approbation from er peers
22. Appropriate Take for one\'s own use
ex: Principal appropriated Flood relief fund for
personal use
23. Arbiter Judge
ex;Professional mediator arbitrate disputes
24. Arcane secret;hidden
25. Ascetic Person who leads austere life
26. Asperity harshness;rough
Ex:Asperity of cheap sweater/asperity of
principal for not attending college
27. Assail Attack
Ex:Assail the enemy
28. Assiduous Persevering;diligent;sedulous;consistent efforts
Ex:\"her assiduous attempts to learn French\";
29. attuned Adjusted;
Ex:Attuned to the new environment
30. Augury Foreboding;presage;divination;omen;prophecy;
Ex:\"I hoped the augury was a true one, but
there were times when I doubted.\"
31. August Majestic;grand;venerable;revered
Ex:\"august holy men\"
32. Autism Syndrome to consider others as people
33. Avid Enthusiastic;Desirous of power
34. Axiom Self evident truth
Ex; Its axiomatic that brain is dependent upon
35. Balk Refuse to proceed
36. Balk Refuse to proceed or to do something
37. Balloon Swell
Ex: Junk shares ballooned during dotcom boom
38. Bane Something cursing
Ex:Mosquitoes are baneful to my life
39. Baying Howling like wolf
Ex:The lonely dog bayed all night
40. Benediction Opp:Malediction
41. Beneficent Philanthropic;doing good;benevolent
Ex: Salmankhan is a beneficent guy
42. Benign Innocuous;harmless;kindly;not cancerous
43. Besiege Attack;surrounded
Ex:The regiment was besieged by the enemies
44. Bevy Group of birds;large group of people
EX:The bar owner cringed after watching bevy
of women
45. Bickering Quibble;nibble;spat;squabble;fuss
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46. Blight Destroy;ruin;killing plants
EX:Violence had blighted our town
Blight killing their farms
47. Bonhomie Friendliness
Ex:Everest base trip had developed bonhomie
with so many people
48. Brandish Shake;wave
Ex:After drinking Brandi, drunken guy had
brandished sword in ladies tent
49. Brook Suffer
Ex:Brook shields had to brook a lot of wicked
remarks from MI guy
50. Burlesque Travesty;lampoon;humorous comedy
51. Burnish Polish;smooth
Ex;I have replaced all rustic door knobs with
burnished knobs
52. Bygone Former or past
53. Cadaver Corpse;clay;dead body
54. Calumny canard;slander;aspersion;malign;false
Ex:I hate your wicked(morally bad)
calumnious accusations
55. canoe small light boat
56. Caravan A procession going with
mules;elephants;sheep etc
Ex:Caravan of animals
57. Catholic Universal;broadminded
58. Cellulite Excessive fat in thighs
59. Chicanery wile;deception;bilk;trick
Ex:I have had enough of your chicanery
young man :)
60. Chronological Arranging in time order
61. Circumscribe To be constructed around so as to touch all
Ex:A square circumscribed inside a circle by
touching all points
2)To limit;restrict;skittish(limited)
62. Circumspect cautious;wile
x:my brother was circumspect about my
future hubby
63. Clamber climb awkwardly
Ex:with excitement to reach the top of
summit she clambered even the steepest
64. clandestine Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or
Ex:\"clandestine intelligence operations\"
65. Cliquish Snobbish;social exclusiveness
66. Cloying Distasteful
Ex;Cloying sweets
67. Coda Epilogue;end
Ex:The coda of the day was amazing
68. Coffer Place of storing financial
Ex:\"He was arrested for dipping into
\"I use my drawer as coffer for storing
priceless old coins
69. Collude Connivance;secret agreement;collusion
Ex:Two companies colluded for
increasing the prices
70. Compendium Brief summary
Ex:Movie review is a compendium of
entire movie
71. compendium A publishing containing different works
72. Complaisant Complying cheerfully;Oblige;pleasing
Ex:Complaisant workers in the new
73. Concede Give in;admit;accept
74. Concur Approve;agree;avow;concede;affirm;
75. Confection The act of creating by mixing few things
Ex:confection of sweets
76. confection The act of creating something (a medicine
or drink or soup etc.) by compounding or
mixing a variety of components
77. Confound Frustrate
Ex: I was confounded with the questions
78. connotation Suggestion;implied;literal meaning
Ex:Titanic means \"Large\", but it was
sunk, so it had negative connotation
79. Constrict Squeeze;restrict the freedom of
80. Construe Interpret;translate
81. Contextualize place in context
82. Converge Unite;move towards a point
83. Conversely Opposite
84. convoke Call together
Ex:The dean has convoked this meeting
for discussion about new rules
85. Coroner medical examiner
86. Cosset Pamper;
Ex\"The cosseted toddler
87. Couch formulate particular style or language
Ex:Couch pillows twice a day
88. Counterintuitive against intutively
89. Counterpoint Antithetical;opposite
90. Covert Esoteric;veiled;hidden
91. Credulous Gullible;dupe;easily believing
92. Crescendo Reaching climax;steadily increasing force
93. Cringed Draw back with fear or pain;recoiled
Ex:Girl cringed after finding her mother
when she was with her BF
94. Culmination Highest point
95. Cupidity Greed;Avarice
Ex:Doctor had lost his licence due to his
96. Dalliance Flirting
97. Daunt Dishearten;discourage
98. Debase degrade;lower
Ex:Don't debase yourself by accepting bribery
99. Declaim Speak in pompous manner;Formal speech
x:After drinks Gabby declaim about her
policy whole night
100. Declivity Downward slope
101. Deem Judge;consider
102. Deface Mar the appearance;vandalize;wanton
103. Default Failure to act
104. Deference Reverence;submission;yielding to authority
105. Deflect turn aside
106. deleterious Harmful
107. Delimit Fix;limit
Ex:The role of an executive coach was
delimited by our behavior
108. Delineate limn(draw);describe;draw a outline
109. Demagouge Leader who claims power by spreading false
110. Demure Diffident;Shy;coy;Diffident
Ex:Demure fellow
111. Desultory Going off track;going off topic
Ex:You are preparing for GRE in a most
desultory way
112. Detached Disinterested;unbiased
113. Diaphanous Transparent;translucent;pellucid
Ex:Diaphanous silk
114. Dictum Proverb;Formal order
Ex:The old dictum was \"A stitch in time
saves nine\"
115. Didactic Instructive;teaching
116. Dilate make wider;
ex;Doctor given eye drops for dilating my pupil
Talk at length;elaborate
Ex:Poet dilated for an hour about his new poem
117. Dilatory Come late
ex:He\'s a dilatory fellow
118. Dilettante person who learns art for fun
Ex:He is a Dilettante fellow
119. Din Loud and confusing noise
120. Dirge Elegy;Eulogy\'Encomium;coda;compendium;Paean;Panegyric
Ex:His Dirge for Linocoln was so boring
121. Discomfit Frustrating;confusion(baffle)
Ex:Your acts are discomfiting
122. Discordant Dissonant;inharmonious;disharmonious
Ex:Discordant speech
123. Discriminate Discern;showing good judgement
124. Disjointed disconnected;jerky;having joints separated
125. Disparage belittle;shame
Ex:your acts bring disparage to us
126. Disparate Discrete;distinct;different
Ex:Use quotations to disparate from others
127. Dispassionate detached;disinterested;Calm;not passionate
128. Disquieting Disturbing
129. Dissemble Pretend
Ex:Dissembling as an inexperienced guy
130. Distaff relatives from maternal side;woman staff
Ex:Doctor had asked whether any distaff has cancer?
131. Distend Swell;balloon
Ex:Distended tummy
132. Distill Purify;extract the important elements
133. Dither Act indecisively;
Ex:Stop dithering, select one shirt first.
Trembling or state of fear
Ex;Children came out of dither state
134. Diurnal Occurring every day; Happens in the morning
Ex:Taking lunch is a diurnal affair
135. Doctrinaire Rigid;impractical
Ex:Don\'t be doctrinaire and consider other feelings also
136. Doff Take off shirts:remove hats as state of gesture
Ex:Doff your shirt and kiss me
137. Dogma Gospel;sermon;gospel;doctrine;tenet;code of beliefs
138. Domicile Abode;dwelling place;habitat;Shack
Ex:You should have a domicile near to a place where you work
139. Dovetail join or fit together
Ex:Their careers dovetailed nicely
140. Drivel Saliva dropping out from mouth
141. Droll Goof;Funny in an odd way
Ex:It was a droll production, funny in a odd
142. Dupe Person who became fool
Ex:I was a dupe;many people duped me before
143. Duplicity Deceitful
Ex:We came to know his duplicity after few
144. Dyspeptic Irritating;suffering from indigestion
Ex:Dyspeptic professor
145. Ebullient enthusiastic
Ex:Ebullient kid
146. Ebullient Unrestrained joyous
147. Echelon Higher ran executives;a level
Ex:You can't meet echelons directly;I can't
thrust echelon further
148. Edify Enlighten spiritually
Ex:read book which can edify you
149. Effrontery Audacious;presumptuous
Ex:I hate my daughter's BF effrontery proposal
150. Egalitarian belief in the equality of all people
151. Egress emerge out of
Ex:You should not block a primary or
secondary egress doors
152. Elicit Call forth;bring out;evoke
153. Emaciate Became thin
Ex:Family surprised to see emaciated guy who
was in Sea
154. Embellish Ornate;decorate;adorn
155. Emulate copy
156. Engender Produce;procreate;multiply
Ex: Demagouge was responsible for
engendering hatred and divisiveness
157. Enigma Puzzle;confound;conundrum;
158. Enumerate Specify individually
159. Enumerate specify one-by-one;count
160. Enumerate Specify individually;count
161. Epicure Gastronomist;person who has good taste in
food and drinks
Ex:He is a great epicure(Dad)
162. Equanimity Composure
Ex:Doctor's Equanimity was unparalleled
163. Equitable Fair;equal;just
164. Ersatz Inferior;substitute
Ex:Ersatz quality
165. Ethos Characteristic or attribute of person,
group (culture) or time period
ex:Ethos of hard work and athletic
166. Euphemism Use inoffensive words in case of
Ex:Instead of saying he "Died of cancer",
using euphemism as :"Finally is troubles
are over"
167. Euphony Sweet sound
Ex;You miss poet's euphony if you
168. Euphoria reveler;Merrymaker;very
169. Exhume disinter;place body outside
170. Exigent Emergency
Ex:due to Exigent matters i didnt come
for lunch
171. Exonerate Exculpated;clear from blame
Ex:he was exonerated from crime
172. Expedience Opportunism
173. Expedient Proper;formal
Ex:It is expedient to send gift
174. Expurgate Censor;
Ex;Expurgated Novel due to lewd content
175. extemporaneous Done without rehearsal
Ex: It was extemporaneous to act in front
of MY Mom when she cam suddenly
176. Exuberant Joyfully unrestrained;excessive
177. Facsimile Fax;duplicate copy
178. Faction Small group
EX: Small factions's caucus had
terminated abnormally with argots and
179. Fashioned Forged
Ex:Fashioned house in the forest
180. Fathom Come to understand;measure the depth of
Ex: Its hard to fathom the mind of my
181. Fathomless fathom;sound;Come to understand
182. Fecund fertile
Ex:Fecund land
183. Felicitous Marked by happiness;appropriate
Ex:Felicitous ocassion
184. Fervid Fervent;Torrid;perfervid;ardent
Ex:Fervid fan of football
185. Fiat Order
186. Figurative Having many forms
187. Finesse Extreme delicacy
188. Fledgling Bird which got new feathers
Ex:Nice to see fledglings to come out of aeries
for the first time
189. Fleeting Passing quickly;temporarily(transitory)
190. Foment Instigate;stir up;provoke
191. Forage Search for a food
Ex: Raccoon's forage in your garden,if you
leave food
192. Foray Sudden attack
193. Forbearance Patience
194. Ford A place water is small enough to cross or ride
195. Foreshadow Presage
196. Forfeit Surrender or loose as a part of error;cancel
197. Fortify strengthen
198. Fortuitous Happen by chance
199. Frenetic Frantic;Wildly excited
Ex:He was such a frenetic,he used to sex
while brushing his teeth :)
200. Fringe Periphery;on the margin
201. Frisky Playful like a lively kitten(young domestic cat)
Ex:Frisky child
202. Fulminate Rail;Explode;attack against
Ex: My father fulminate against gun powder
203. Furtive Secret;hiding
Ex:Quite furtive about junk food
204. Gabby Trivial conversation
205. Garner collect;amass
Ex:He garnered so many copies of classic
novels for GRE
206. Gauche Tactless;lacking social grace;awkward;crude
207. Gawky Physically awkward
208. Gestation Pregnancy period
Ex:Elephant's gestation period is 22 months
209. Glacial Cold;unsympathetic
EX:Judge's glacial looks had scared me
210. Glower Frown;sullen;Looking angry or sullen and
wrinkle one's forehead as a symbol of
Ex:GF glowered at me as I had missed her
211. Gory Slaughterous;sanguinary;butchery
Ex:I hate gory movies where people eyes are
gouged out
212. Goth Barbarian
213. Gothic Medieval;(literature)grotesque(ludicrous)
214. Gouge Digging tool like chisel
215. Gradation Progression
216. Graft embezzlement;inserting one plant into
another where it continues to grow
EX:I hate his graft and like him when he
grafts one plant into an another plant
217. Graft Inserting plant into another plant
218. Grandstand Perform showily to impress others
219. Grating Irritating;harsh or discordant
220. Grievous causing grief;
221. Grovel creep or crawl by keeping one's face on the
222. Guile Clever deceit;cunning;mulct(impose a fine)
223. Gussy Adorn;clothe;decorate
224. Hackneyed common place;banal
225. Hand-
Grasping or squeezing due to nervousness
226. Hapless Unlucky;unfortunate
227. Harangue Vehement speech;
Ex:Coach's harangue for failure
228. Hardy Hard;Brave
229. Harrow Farming tool that breaks soil;Painfully disturb
or distress
230. Hearken Pay attention;listen
231. Hedge Fraud;putting bets on both sides;
232. Hedonism pursuit of pleasure as highest(ethic)
233. Hedonist Person devoted to pleasure
234. Hegemony Domination;authority
235. Hew Strike;chop or hawk
236. Hoary Very old or gray
237. Homage Honor or respect
238. Hoodwink Deceive
239. Hostile Inimical;Enmity or ill-will;unfriendly
240. Hotly Fiery and intense
241. Idyllic Pastoral;bucolic;rustic;mean;base
242. Ignoble Not noble
243. Illiberality Bigotry;narrow mindedness;
244. Imbue Saturate or dye;soak cloth throughly
245. Imminent Impending;ready to happen
246. Impair damage
247. Impasse Deadlock
248. Impecunious penury;wretched;
249. Impede Obstruct
250. Imperious Commanding
251. Impious not religious;Lacking reverence
252. Implode Burst inward
253. Imponderous can't think
254. Imprecation curse
255. Impugn Attack the truth
256. Impute Ascribe;credit
257. Inasmuch Considering;In like manner
258. Incarnadine Blood red or flesh-colored
259. Inchoate incipient;beginning state
260. Incipient Inchoate
261. Inconstancy Fickleness;Unreliability
262. Inculcate Teach persistently;plant in brain
263. Indefatigable Untiring
264. Indeterminate Vague
265. Ineffable sacred;sacrosanct;inviolable
Ex:Ineffable beauty;sacrosanct
266. Inept efficient
267. Inert impassive
268. Infallible Incapable of error;certain
269. Ingrained deep routed
270. Ingrate Ungrateful person;person showing no
271. Ingratiate Make an effort to gain favor
272. inimical hostile
273. Inordinate Excessive
274. Inquest Judicial inquiry
275. Insinuate Adumbrate
276. Insinuate Adumbrate;give to understand;insert in a
subtle manner
277. Insularity Detached;standing alone
278. Insurrection Rebel against a government
279. Inter Bury a dead body in a place
280. Interplay Interaction or reciprocal relationship
281. Intrepid Brave;fearless
282. Juncture critical point of time
283. Kindle Ignite;burning
284. Knell The sound made by bell before funeral
285. Lachrymose Mournful
286. Languid sluggish;slow
287. Larceny Theft
288. Largess Magnanimous;generosity
289. Lassitude Tiredness;weariness
290. Latent Potential but hidden
291. Lax Slack
292. Leap Pass from one state to another
293. Leery Suspicious or circumspect
294. Legerdemain Trickery or magic with hands
295. Lest For fear that, in order to prevent
Ex:\"she tiptoed lest her mother should hear
296. licentious Sexually
297. limpid lucid;vivid;clear;
298. lionize treat like celebrity
299. lissome flexible;supple;plasticity;lithe;svelte
300. listless spiritless;
301. livid angry
302. Lofty Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated
in nature or style
ex:\"a noble and lofty concept\"
303. Lofty High moral or intellectual value
304. Ludicrous Preposterous;incongruous
305. lugubrious lachrymose;mournful;
306. Lull Make or cause to fall asleep
307. Lumber walk heavily;ponderous
308. luminous shining
309. lurid gruesome
310. Machiavellian Follower
311. machination scheme
312. maelstrom whirlpool
313. Magnanimous Largess;benefact
314. Magnate wealthy person
315. Magnate Powerful businessman:mogul
Ex:Business magnate
316. maim injure;wound
317. Makeshift Fleeting;temporary;
318. Malediction Imprecation
319. Malinger Pretended to be sick
320. Manifest Excessively sentiment;crying for some
321. Manifest clear picture;image;
322. Mannered Having particular manner
323. Martinet Fastidious
324. Maxim general principle expressed in proverb
325. Memoir An account of the author\'s personal
326. Mendacious dishonest
327. Mendicant Beggar;impecunious;impoverished
328. Meretricious Gaudy;tawdry;showy;cheap
329. Metaphorical Expressing one thing and representing
330. Metaphysical Study of nature
331. Milieu environment;atmosphere
332. Militate act upon;work against
333. Mired Struck;entangled
334. Mirth merriment;happiness;jollity
335. Missive Letters
336. Modicum Less quantity
337. Modish Stylish;contemporary
338. Molt Shedding skin
339. Monastic Abstinence;reclusive;seclude;hermit;
340. Moreover Besides
341. Mores Conventions that embody the particular
342. Morgue Mortuary
343. Morose compunction;saturnine;gloomy;remorse;deep
344. Munificent Lavish;over generous
345. Mutilate Mar;blemish;destroy severely
346. Myopic Short sighted
Ex:Increasing price is myopic
347. Nadir Lowest point
348. Nascent Inchoate;incipient;given birth;juvenile;
349. Neologism New word
350. Neologism Newly invented phrase
351. Neophyte Novice
352. Nettle Irritate;sting;discomfort
353. Nocturnal Active in night time
354. Noisome Disgusting;offensive;harmful
355. Nontrivial Important or huge
356. Normative Implying or establishing a norm;tell what to
357. Notoriety Ill-fame;criminal ways
358. Obdurate Stubborn;obstinance;abstruse
359. Objective Unbiased;factual;
360. oblique slanting or slope
361. Obviate Forestall;prevent
362. Occlude Impede;Obstruct;block;jam
363. occlude block
364. Occult Arcane;hide;occlude;preternatural
Ex:Moon occults the Sun
365. Offhand Casual;brusque(rude)
366. Officious Meddlesome
367. Offset Counteract
368. Ogre Fiend;demon;devil
369. Ominous baleful;indicating tragic events
370. Omnivorous Eat both plants and animals
Ex:Man is omnivorous
371. opine express opinion
372. opprobrium disgrace
373. Opulent Rich and superior in quality
374. orotund rich;full;
ex:orotund voice
375. ossify become bone;become hard;become inflexible
in attitude
376. Ostensible Outward appearance
377. Ostentatious Pompous
378. Outstrip Surpass
379. Oven An enclosed in which heat is produced
380. Overshadow Dominate
381. Overwrought Overly nervous;agitated
382. Palatial palace;magnificent
383. Palliate Mitigate;sooth;assuage;alleviate
384. Pallor Pallidness;lividness;luridness
385. Panache Style;Flair;swagger
386. Panegyric flattery;servile;
387. Panoply Splendid;wide ranging of array
388. Paradox Contradiction
389. Paragon Model of excellence
390. Paraphernalia Appurtenance
391. Parching very hot
392. Pare To cut down;to trim
393. Parish Local church community
394. Parley Meeting;
395. Parry skillfully avoid;Equivocate
396. Pastiche Potpourri;medley;mix of incongruous parts
397. Patent Obvious
398. Pathogenic Disease causing
399. Pathological Relating to caused by disease
400. Patronizing Deign;condescend;feel superior than
401. Pedant Knowledgeable in books
402. Peddle 1)selling illegally;selling by wandering;
2)disseminate or spread
403. Pejorative disparaging;belittle;
404. Penitent Regretful;remorse;
405. Penumbra Shaded region of Eclipse;outer
406. Penury Extreme poverty
407. Per se Intrinsically;by itself;
408. Peregrinate Wander
409. Perennial Perseverance;
410. Perfunctory Mundane;banal;quotidian
411. Peripatetic Wandering by foot
412. Permeate Disseminate;spread
413. Pernicious Dangerous;
414. Perspicacious Sagacious;sage;wise
415. Perspicacious Having good discernment;keen insight
416. perspicacity astuteness;perspicacious;intelligent
Ex:His perspicacity is amazing
417. Phalanx Formation of soldiers in groups
418. Philistine person in deficient or hostile to culture
419. Phlegmatic Sluggish
420. Phony Glib;mulct;deceive;cozen;delude;
421. Pith Cardinal;core;essence
422. Placebo An innocuous(harmless) or inert
423. Plagiarism Copied from someone else
424. Platitude banal;commonplace;cliche;shallow or overused
425. Plausibility apparent validity
426. Plausible Believable;
427. Plebian of common people
428. Plethora Excess
429. Plucky Brave;spirited
430. Plutocracy Society ruled by rich
431. Polarized Divided into sharply opposing groups;conflicting
432. Polarized conflicting or contrasting situation
433. Polemic Controversial argument;attack specific idea
434. Politic diplomatic;practical;
435. Polyglot Speaking several languages
436. Ponder Contemplate;think deeply
437. Ponderous Walk heavily;lumbering;
438. Posit Suggest;put forward
439. Potentate Dictator;ruler
440. Prattle Chat idly;babble
441. Precarious Unstable
442. Precipitate Hasten;fling;plunge;fell down
443. precis Concise;summary
444. Predilection Favorability
445. Predisposed Biased;tendentious;proclivity
446. Prefatory Preamble;introduction;preface
447. Preposterous Absurd
448. Prescient Foreseeing the future;foresight
449. Presumptive Based on assumption
450. Presumptuous Arrogant
451. Presumptuous Assumption;bold;arrogant
452. Preternatural Supernatural
453. Prevaricate Parry;equivocate
454. Primacy The state of being foremost importance
455. Probity Honesty or integrity
456. Proclivity Inclination;natural tendency
457. Prodigious Colossal;stupendous;So great in size, force or extent as
to elicit awe
Ex:Prodigious enemy
458. Prodigious colossal;exuberant;profuse;abundant;luxurious;riotous
459. Profligate Wasteful;completely and shamelessly
460. Profound Deep insight;intense;pervasive
461. Prolix Prolonged conversation
462. Prolix Tautological;excessively prolonged;verbose
463. Pronounced Distinct;strong
464. Propagate Spread;disseminate
465. Propensity Like
466. Prophetic Ominous;presage;
467. Propitiate Appease;sooth
468. Propitious Favorable;auspicious
469. Proselytize Convert to another faith or religion
Ex:\"Christian efforts to proselytize Jews
began to be made on nationalistic lines\"
470. Protruding jutting;Extending out
471. Providential Lucky;charm;or relating to divine care
472. Prudent Wise;savage;judicious
473. Psoriasis skin disease
474. Puddle Mix of water
475. Puerile Juvenile;childish
476. Pugilism Boxing
477. Pugnacious Bellicose;belligerent;truculent;jingoist;war
478. Puissance Power;might
479. Pulchritude Beauty;comely;piquant
480. Pungent Sharp taste or
481. Pusillanimous Cowardice;timid
482. Putative Acknowledged;purported
483. Querulous Complaining;
484. Quiescent Calm
485. Quixotic Ideally optimistic
486. Quotidian Ordinary;found in every day course of
487. Quotidian Every day;mundane;cliche
488. Raccoon Ex:Omnivorous, nocturnal mammal
489. Raconteur Narrator
490. Ramp Any inclined surface
491. Ranks people;among groups of people
492. Rarefied Lofty;very high up or elevated;exclusive
Ex:rarefied ranks of attendees
493. Reactant something that reacts
494. Reap harvest
495. Recalcitrant Not obedient;rebel
496. Recant Publicly retract
497. Recapitulate Summarize
498. Recondite Abstruse
499. Recrudescent Revival;reappear again
500. Redound To have good or bad effect as a result of
person's efforts or actions
Ex:Studying vocabulary little every day will
redound to success
501. Redress Provide relief
502. Refractory Stubborn
503. Refulgent Shine
504. Rejoinder riposte;Witty response or reply;
505. Rend Tear one's clothe
506. Render translate;declare formally;submit or
507. Repast meals
508. Repertorial Number of theatrical performances
509. Replete Abundant;profuse
510. Repose Tranquility
511. Reprobate Unscrupulous person;morally not restricted
512. Requite Reciprocate;repay;revengeful
513. Resurgent Recrudescent;revival
514. Revamp Renovate;redo;revise
515. Revile Rail;vituperate;spread negative information
516. Revile rail;vilify;Vituperate;spread negative
information about
517. Rhetoric Voluble;fluent
518. Rhetoric 1)Pleasant language;Using language
effectively to please or persuade
2)confused language
519. Ribald Obscene
520. Ridden Burden
521. Rife replete;abundant
522. Rift A gap;fissure(rock);fight
523. Rococo Ostentatious decoration
524. Rue Regret;remorse
525. Ruminate Brood;think
526. Rummage Thorough search
Ex:Please do rummage for rum
527. Sacrosanct Inviolable;Reverent
528. Sardonic cynically derisive
529. Savage Pugnacious;bellicose;belligerent;truculent;war
530. Savant Scholar;learned person
531. Savor Appreciate;enjoy
532. Scant scarcity
533. scant Limit in quantity
534. Scathing Vituperative;harsh criticism;coruscating
535. scathing injurious;bitterly harsh(remark)
536. Scintilla Tiny part
537. Scram Leave immediately
538. scurrilous expressing reproach
539. Scurvy Mean;Contemptible
540. Searchingly In a searching or protruding manner
541. Secrete Produce a substance from cell
542. Semantic Relating to different meanings of words or
other symbols
543. Sentient Conscious
544. Seraphic Angel
545. Shard sharp fragment of Pottery
546. Sift Check and sort carefully
547. Sinecure Paying for less or no work
548. Skittish Restive;nervousness;shy;fickle;uncertain
549. Slack Negligent;lazy;loose
550. Slake Quench(Satisfy);slack(lazy);not active
551. Slew A large number of quantity;turn sharply
552. Sobriquet A nick name
553. Solecism Nonstandard use of grammar or words;esp in
554. Solicitous request;conscious or anxious;taking care
555. Solidarity Fellowship in interests or responsibilities
556. Somatic Related to body
557. Sound Fathom;fathomless;wise;measure the depth of
558. Spartan Austere;frugal
559. Spate deluge;inundate;sudden rush of
560. Spearhead vanguard;leader
561. Squabble Quibble;spat;bickering;To argue over petty
Ex:Don't squabble over a silly girl
562. Squalid Wretch;filthy;sordid conditions;bad
563. Squelch Crush(quench);suppress;walk in mud land
564. standing rank;exist infinitely
565. stark complete;plain
566. Stasis Equilibrium
567. Status quo Existing condition
568. Steeped Engulfed;engrossed;immersed
569. Stentorian Loud and powerful voice
570. Stigma Social disgrace or mark on face
571. sting pain
572. Stingy Mean;
573. Stint Period of time;less amount of work;less
amount of food
574. Stipulate Specify
575. Stolid Stoic;unemotional
576. Stomp Stamp;to bring down forcibly;to walk heavily
Ex:He was stomped out of class
577. Stratagem Machination;intrigue;Army maneuver to
deceive or surprise;scheme contrived to
578. Stratum Layer(strata)
579. Strut Supporting structure
580. Stymie;stymy Block;hinder
581. Subjective Exist only in mind or relating to one's own
thoughts;not in reality
582. Sublime Awe
583. Subliminal Imperceptible
584. Subpoena Court order
585. Succinct brevity;gist;Adumbrate;
586. Sully make dirty
587. Supplant Supersede;Replace especially with sneaky
588. Supposition Assumption;hypothesis
589. Surfeit Excessive
590. Surly Rude;ugly;hostile;churlish;peevish;
591. Surmise Extrapolate;infer;hypothesis;conjecture
592. Surrogate Substitute
593. Swindle deceive
594. Sybarite Excessively involved in pleasures
595. Symbiosis Inter dependent relationship between two
groups or people
596. Synoptic Synopsis
597. Syntax Grammar rules
598. Tacit Implied
599. Taciturn reticent;reserved
600. Tawdry Gaudy;cheap
601. Temerity Courageous
602. Tendentious Biased;strong feelings
603. Tenuous Long and thin
604. Terrestrial Earth
605. Terse Sententious;pithy(often in rude manner)
606. Timorous Craven;coward;fearful
607. Tiptoed walk on toes
608. Titan Colossus;heavy weight;giant;behemoth;a
person of great importance
609. Toady Fawning;servile;inveigle
610. Toddler young child
611. Token Symbol;representing entire group;only few
612. Tome Scholar book
613. Topping A flavor addition
614. Torpor Torpid;lethargic
615. Torrid Passionate;very hot;
616. Tortuous Twisting;winding;not straight forward
617. Transgression Violating law
618. Travesty Lampoon;Burlesque
619. Treacherous Deceptive;betray;Quisling;mercenary
620. Trenchant Caustic;sharp;essential
621. Truculent Bellicose;belligerent;Savage;fierce;war
622. Tumultuous Riotous;violently agitate;noisy;chaotic
623. Turbid Mucky
624. Turgid Pompous
625. Turgid Pompous;
626. Turpitude Opprobrium;disgrace;a corrupt or disgrace
627. Tyro Beginner;Novice;Juvenile;fledgling
628. Umbrage Annoy;irritate
629. Unconscionable with out conscience;Morally unjustifiable
630. Unseemly Improper
631. Unsparing Generous;lavish;ruthless(unsparing
632. Untempered Not slowed down
633. Upbraid Irritate;reproach;captious;find faults
634. Usury lending money at high rates of interest
635. Vacillate waver in one's mind
636. Vandalize Destroy wantonly;
637. Vanguard Leaders in any activity;soldiers in front
638. Variegated Motley;different colors
639. Verdant Green;Juvenile;
640. Verisimilar Truth;probably
641. Vernal Spring
642. Vestige Sign of something that existed
643. Vex Annoy;bother
644. Vicissitude Change of fortunes
645. Vim Enthusiastic
646. Virulent Poisonous;extremely infectious
647. Viscid or
648. Vitriol Vituperative;invective
649. Vociferous Vehement
650. Voluble Fluent in speech
651. Wan Pale;dull
652. Wanton Destroy without any
in sexual behavior)
653. Welter Pile;wallow(roll);
654. Whet Stimulate;Make keen or more accurate
Ex:Whet my appetite
655. Whitewash Deception;covering up
Ex:Govt whitewashed all details of scam
656. Wimpy Weak and ineffectual
657. Winnow To analyze carefully
658. Winsome Charming
659. Wizened Withered;shriveled;shrink due to illness
660. Xenophobia Fear of foreign places or things
661. Yelp Bark in a high pitched sound
662. Yoke A burden or something that oppresses;A frame for attaching animals
663. Zeitgeist Based on particular time

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