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hats the one food
you refuse to eat?
Peas? Tofu? Liver and
onions? Whatever it is, its
probably because you
dont like the way it tastes,
not necessarily because it
contains ingredients sus-
pected of causing cancer
or because it was picked by
farmers wearing Hazmat
suits. Still, there are still a
lot of foods that fit that
description on store
shelves, and food-industry
insiders, who know what
goes on behind the scenes,
refuse to eat them. We
polled some of those
insiderspeople who
know the business and
work daily to evict pesti-
cides, genetically modified
organisms, animal cruelty,
social injustice, and
unhealthy foods from the
food supplyto find out
what they know about the
dark side of convenience
foods and what they will
eat. Take note so you, too,
can avoid the worst of
what grocery stores have
to offer. Here they are in
no particular order.
by Food?
Robert Kenner, director of Food Inc. and founder of
THE PROBLEM: While filming Food Inc., Kenner says he wanted
to film strawberry farmers applying pesticides to their fields. The
workers wear these suits to protect themselves from the dozens and
dozens of known dangerous pesticides applied to strawberries, he
says. When I saw this, I thought to myself, if this is how berries are
grown, I dont really want to eat them anymore. I havent been able
to eat a nonorganic strawberry ever since. Unfortunately for the
food-concerned public, he wasnt able to get the shot of these farm-
ers. I guess they didnt think it looked too appetizing.
THE SOLUTI ON: Opt for organic! The Environmental Working
Group, which analyzes U.S. Department of Agriculture pesticide-
residue data, has found 13 different pesticide residues on chemically
grown strawberries.
Philip Landrigan, MD, professor of pediatrics and professor and
chair of preventive medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine
THE PROBLEM: One of Dr. Landrigans No. 1 warnings
to women who are pregnant or are looking to become
pregnant? Make avoiding mercury in fish a priority,
he says. Swordfish is notoriously high in the heavy
metal, a potent neurotoxin that can damage develop-
ing children and even trigger heart attacks in adults.
Aside from obvious health concerns, swordfish is
often overfished and some of the gear commonly used
to wrangle in swordfish frequently kills turtles, seabirds,
and sharks.
THE SOLUTI ON: For a healthy omega-3 brain boost, look for fish that are
low in contaminants and have stable populations, such as wild-caught Alaskan
salmon, Atlantic mackerel, or pole- or troll-caught Pacific albacore tuna. Have a more
adventurous palate? Try snakehead fish to satisfy your fish craving and improve the envi-
ronment. The invasive species lives on land and in water, where it wipes out important frogs,
birds, and other critters. Snakehead fish is popping up on some restaurant menus, and the
taste and texture are about identical to swordfish.
Isaac Eliaz, MD, integrative health expert and founder of The
Amitabha Medical Clinic and Healing Center in Sebastopol, CA
THE PROBLEM: Dr. Eliaz stays away from any diet soda and
foods, sugar-free candies, and gum containing artificial sweeten-
ers such as sucralose, aspartame, acesulfame K, and neotame,
among others. The safety data on these sweeteners is shrouded
in controversy and conflicts of interest with the manufacturers
of these chemical compounds, Dr. Eliaz warns. Independent
research strongly suggests that when metabolized in the body,
these sweeteners can cause health-related issues and problems
related to metabolism and weight gain, neurological diseases,
joint pain, digestive problems, headaches, depression, inflamma-
tory bowel disease, chemical toxicity, and cancer, among others.
THE SOLUTI ON: If youre craving a soda but want to avoid the
shady sweeteners, fake food dyes, and preservatives found in
popular brands, try a bottle of Steaz zero-calorie green tea soda
or Bionade, a fermented soda thats majorly popular in Europe.
Joel Salatin, sustainable farmer and author of Folks, This Aint Normal
THE PROBLEM: McDonalds isnt just about food, its about food
mentality, according to Salatin. It represents the pinnacle of factory-
farming and industrial food, he says. The economic model is utterly
dependent on stockholders looking for dividends without regards to
farm profitability or soil development.
Fast food typically is loaded with many of the ingredients mentioned
elsewhere in our list: genetically engineered corn, food dyes, artificial
sweeteners, and other bad actors in the food supply. The type of farm-
ing that supports this type of food business relies on harmful chemicals
that threaten not only human health, but also soil health.
THE SOLUTION: Learn to cook! You might be surprised to find that
paying extra up front for a pasture-raised chicken can be cheaper than
buying prepared fast-food chicken. For instance, cooking a chicken and then
boiling down the bones for a rich, disease-fighting stock can yield up to three
meals for a family! (Heres how to make homemade stock.) Find sustainable
farmers at
Frederick vom Saal, PhD, professor of biological sciences at the
University of Missouri-Columbia
THE PROBLEM: The resin linings of tin cans contain
bisphenol-A, or BPA, a synthetic estrogen that has been
linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to
heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Studies show that the
BPA in most peoples bodies exceeds the amount that sup-
presses sperm production or causes chromosomal damage to
the eggs of animals. You can get 50 micrograms of BPA per
liter out of a tomato can, and thats a level that is going to
impact people, particularly the young, says vom Saal. I
wont go near canned tomatoes.
THE SOLUTION: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles (which do
not need resin linings), such as the brands Eden Organic and
Bionaturae. You can also get several types in Tetra Pak boxes,
such as Trader Joes and Pomi.
William Davis, MD, cardiologist and author of the New York Times bestseller Wheat Belly
THE PROBLEM: Modern wheat is nothing like the grain your mother or grandmother
consumed. Today, wheat barely resembles its original form, thanks to extensive genetic
manipulations during the 1960s and 70s to increase the grains yields. You cannot
change the basic characteristics of a plant without changing its genetics, biochemistry,
and its effects on humans who consume it, Dr. Davis notes.
In his book, Dr. Davis makes the case that modern-day wheat is triggering all sorts of
health problems, everything from digestive diseases like celiac and inflammatory bowel
disease to acid reflux, obesity, asthma, and skin disorders. If there is a food that yields
extravagant, extraordinary, and unexpected benefits when avoided, it is bread, says Dr.
Davis. And I dont mean white bread, I mean all bread: white, whole wheat, whole grain,
sprouted, organic, French, Italian, fresh, day-old...all of it.
THE SOLUTION: Try eliminating bread altogether from your diet for a few weeks to see
if you note health improvements. When you do choose grains, look to things like quinoa,
buckwheat, millet, and wild rice, but in smaller quantities (less than a half cup) because
these can also trigger high blood sugar, Dr. Davis says.
Michael Pollan, author of numerous books and articles on the food system
including The Omnivores Dilemma, In Defense of Food, and Cooked
THE PROBLEM: Cattle raised in filthy conditions, pumped full of growth
hormones, and fed diets composed mostly of genetically modified corn are
three major reasons humane, grass-fed ground beef is a better alternative
for your burger. But they arent the only ones, says Pollan. Also consider
that while a steak or roast usually comes from a single animal, processors
of ground beef combine meat from hundreds of animals. This vastly
increases the risk of contamination, he says. USDA scientists have found
dangerous levels of disease-causing bacteria in more than 50 percent of
ground beef samples theyve tested.
THE SOLUTION: I love hamburgers, but only eat them when theyre
grass-fed and ground by a butcher, Pollan says.
Maryam Henein and George Langworthy, directors of the documentary
Vanishing of the Bees
THE PROBLEM: Todays corn plants are more like little pesticide factories
with roots. Most of the nations corn supply is genetically engineered to either
produce its own pesticide supply within the plant or withstand heavy sprayings
of chemicals, which wind up inside of the food. Thats problematic not just for
bees, but for people, too. I avoid corn because most is genetically modified, and
on top of that, most of the seeds are treated with systemic pesticides that are
killing our bees, says Henein. And lets not be fooled, the sublethal effects of
these pesticides also slowly impair our health.
THE SOLUTION: In one form or another, corn is present in the vast majority
of processed foods. From ketchup to salad dressing, and even bread, its hard to
escape corn ingredients. One to especially look out for? I always try to avoid
foods containing high-fructose corn syrup, says Langworthy. Not only is it
unhealthy, but the pesticides used in the production of the corn are detrimental
to honeybees and other pollinators.
To avoid genetically engineered corn, which has never been tested for long-
term impacts on human health, choose organic or non-GMO verified foods.
Maria Rodale, CEO of Rodale Inc. and author of Organic Manifesto
THE PROBLEM: Ironically, theres a lot of evidence that suggests
using artificial sweeteners, which have zero calories, is just as bad
for your waistline as using regular, high-calorie sugar. For instance,
research from the University of Texas has found that mice fed the
artificial sweetener aspartame had higher blood sugar levels
(which can cause you to overeat) than mice on an aspartame-
free diet. Not only are they bad for your health, but scientists
have also detected artificial sweeteners in treated wastewa-
ter, posing unknown risks to fish and other marine life. Plus,
as Rodale says, Theyre unnatural, nonorganic, taste horri-
ble, and lead to all sorts of bad health consequences, false
expectations, and short-term strategic thinking.
THE SOLUTION: Refined white sugar isnt any healthier, but
you can replace it with small amounts of nutritious sweeteners,
including honey, blackstrap molasses, and maple syrup, all of
which have high levels of vitamins and minerals.
Drew Ramsey, MD, assistant clinical professor of psychi-
atry at Columbia University College of Physicians and
Surgeons and coauthor of The Happiness Diet
THE PROBLEM: The right kind of chocolate serves not
only as a sweet treat but as a brain-boosting superfood,
too. The problem is, white chocolates health profile is
blank. The data on the health benefits of cacao is pretty
awesome, says Dr. Ramsey. Much of this is due to a set
of amazing phytonutrients that can increase blood flow
to the brain, protect blood vessels, and boost mood and
focus. White chocolate is missing all this goodness.
THE SOLUTION: Indulging in a chocolate treat? Look for
organic versions from companies like Theo and NibMor.
Alexandra Scranton, director of science and research at Womens Voices for the Earth, a
nonprofit that advocates for environmental health issues that directly affect women
THE PROBLEM: Diacetyl is used in a lot of fake butter flavorings, despite the fact
that the chemical is so harmful to factory workers that its known to cause an
occupational disease called popcorn lung, Scranton says. After news of the
chemical got out to the popcorn-eating public, companies started replac-
ing diacetyl with another additivewhich can actually turn into diace-
tyl under certain conditions, she adds. Neither chemical is disclosed on
microwave-popcorn bags because the exact formulations of flavorings
are considered trade secrets. Its a classic example of the need for bet-
ter chemical regulation and improved transparency on the chemicals
used in our food and other household products, she says.
THE SOLUTION: Make your own popcorn using real butter. Pop it on the
stovetop in a pot or go an easier route: Put a small handful of kernels into a
brown paper lunch bag and stick the bag in the microwave. The kernels will
pop just like those fake-butter-flavored kernels in standard microwave popcorn
bags. When theyre done, pour some melted organic butter over them. Makes
pretty good popcorn at a fraction of the cost! Scranton says.
Doug Powell, PhD, professor of food safety at Kansas State Uni-
versity and author of the BarfBlog food-safety website
THE PROBLEM: Sprouts have been the source of so many
major food recalls that theyre not worth the risk, Dr. Powell
says. Whether bean or broccoli, alfalfa, or pea, sprouts have
been at the center of at least 40 significant outbreaks of food-
borne illness over the past 20 years. Theyre often found to be
contaminated with Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria; theyre
vulnerable to contamination because the seeds require moist,
warm conditions in order to sproutconditions that are ideal
for bacteria to multiply.
THE SOLUTION: Get the crunch of sproutswithout the added
bacteriaby shredding cabbage or carrots onto your sandwiches.
If you really enjoy the flavor of sprouts, cook them first.
David Zinczenko, author of the Eat This, Not That series of books
THE PROBLEM: No matter where you go, the ice cream sundaes
made in most chain restaurants have a couple things in common:
namely, supersized portions and an ingredient list a mile long, he
says. All you really need for ice cream is milk, sugar, and maybe a lit-
tle vanilla, but somehow these places are loading it up with corn
syrup, cellulose gum, and vegetable shortening. In addition to
being unhealthy, those additives are usually derived from geneti-
cally modified corn and soy.
THE SOLUTION: Go local, says Zinczenko. Small-batch ice
cream from local stores is less likely to be some industry Fran-
kenfood creation. Or, for totally homemade sundaes, you could
try making your own ice cream. A killer caramel sauce can be
made with just sugar, butter, and heat, and youll never have to won-
der what kind of chemicals youre loading up on, he says. Plus, youll
control your portion size, which means you can indulge in modera-
tion without widening your waistline.
Michael F. Jacobson, PhD, executive director of the Center for Science in
the Public Interest
THE PROBLEM: Health advocates have tried for years to get the Food
and Drug Administration to ban food dyes. Their concern is based on
small studies linking them to hyperactivity in children and cancer in
animals, and thats one reason Jacobson avoids them. Red 3 has caused
cancer in lab rats, and Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 may contain cancer-causing
contaminants. But mainly, he says, he avoids them on principle. I just
dont like eating synthetic chemicals and oftentimes the synthetic foods
in which theyre used. His group criticizes companies that use food dyes
to make foods appear more healthful than they are and to replace truly
healthy ingredients. In a recent report on the nutritional quality of fruit
juices, the Center for Science in the Public Interest noted that Tropicana
Twister Cherry Berry Blast contains no berry and cherry juice, but lots
of the artificial dye Red 40.
THE SOLUTION: Read labels anytime youre buying a prepackaged
food. Food dyes can crop up in some really unexpected places, even in
healthy foods like cheese and yogurt.
Philippe Cousteau, explorer, environmental advocate, and
cofounder of EarthEcho, a group empowering youth to protect the
water-based planet
THE PROBLEM: Bluefin tuna is overfished and on the verge
of collapse, thanks to the global appetite for this type of
tuna, largely from sushi restaurants. Stock of the fish
is down a shocking 96 percent.
THE SOLUTION: You can still enjoy seafood, but
look for sustainable options. Download Monterey Bay
Aquariums Seafood Watch app for a handy, go-to guide.
Margaret I. Cuomo, MD, board-certified radiologist and author of
A World Without Cancer
THE PROBLEM: Fish is naturally low in saturated fat, and some
types, like salmon, are also high in omega-3 fat, reducing the risk
of stroke and heart attack and inflammation throughout the body.
While Americans need to eat more seafood and less red meat,
some fish such as farmed salmon are contaminated with carcino-
genic chemicals such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), pesti-
cides (including dieldrin and toxaphene), and antibiotics, she says.
And unlike wild salmon, farmed salmon are fed a mixture of other
fish ground into fishmeal and fish oil, and they concentrate more
toxins in their fat tissue than do other fish, Dr. Cuomo notes.
THE SOLUTION: Fish is an important part of my familys diet,
and I am very careful to choose wild salmon, rather than farmed
salmon, which contains many carcinogens, Dr. Cuomo says.
Mark Kastel, cofounder and senior farm policy analyst at the Cornucopia Institute, a
farm policy research group based in Wisconsin
THE PROBLEM: Insects love potatoes. To counter that, nonorganic farmers gener-
ally spray chemicals on potato plants several times a year in the field. But if thats
not enough, in many production systems, their vines are sprayed with an herbi-
cide just prior to harvest so they can be more easily harvested, Kastel explains.
After harvest and washings, potatoes are often sprayed with a mold and
sprout inhibitorright on the skin, the high-fiber part.
THE SOLUTION: Buy organic potatoes. They
are cheap and have one of the lowest pre-
miums you need to pay to eat organically,
Kastel notes.
Natasha Turner, ND, regular guest expert on The Dr. Oz Show,
the founder of Clear Medicine Wellness Boutique, and the
author of three internationally bestselling books: The Hormone
Diet, The Supercharged Hormone Diet, and The Carb Sensitivity
THE PROBLEM: While everyone loves a good barbeque, grilling
meats can produce carcinogens if you arent careful. The two
most associated with charring are HCAs (heterocyclic amines)
and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). HCAs form when
meat is cooked at high temperatures; PAHs are created when the
flames touch the meat or when fat drips into the flames and pro-
duces smoke, which then rises and coats the food.
THE SOLUTION: To grill more healthfully, lower the heat on
your gas grill or increase the distance between the fire and the
meat if using a charcoal grill. Choose smaller cuts of meat, flip
them often, and use a meat thermometer when cooking at
lower temperatures so you can check to be sure the meat is
fully cooked. Marinating the meat ahead of time, particularly
with a rosemary marinade, may reduce the risk of HCAs; you
can also opt to envelop meats and veggies in aluminum foil for
a healthy alternative.
Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the United States
THE PROBLEM: Foie gras, the unnaturally fatty liver of a duck or
goose, is traditionally thought of as a luxury food item. But the bird
lives a far from luxurious life. The way foie gras is produced
involves extreme animal cruelty, says Pacelle. The ducks are force-
fed three times daily for weeks on end, causing their livers to swell
more than 10 times their normal size, leading to diseased organs.
The feeding makes it difficult for the animals even to walk, Pacel-
lel says. Thats too much cruelty for a mere table treat.
THE SOLUTION: If you enjoy the texture of foie gras, but not the
animal cruelty, Pacelle recommends trying Faux Gras, a healthy
lentil-walnut pat.
Keeve Nachman, PhD, MHS, assistant scientist at the Johns
Hopkins Center for Global Health and director of the centers
Farming for the Future program
THE PROBLEM: Your supermarket meat could be coated in
superbugs. Industrially produced animals in the U.S. are rou-
tinely fed antibiotics, which can promote the growth and
spread of bacteria that are able to withstand the antibiotics we
rely on to treat infections in people. Government research has
turned up bacteria on grocery store meat samples that are
resistant to multiple important antibiotics.
THE SOLUTION: If I eat meat, I want to be sure its cooked to
a temperature that will inactivate or kill those bacteria,
Nachman says. I also am careful to clean meat preparation
surfaces and utensils.
Andy Sharpless, CEO of Oceana, the worlds largest group
dedicated solely to ocean conservation, and author of The
Perfect Protein
THE PROBLEM: Shrimp is the most common seafood in the
American diet, but our taste for it has an astounding environ-
mental impact and potentially threatens our health, too. For each
pound of wild shrimp harvested from oceans, there are five
pounds of bycatch pulled onto the boat deckincluding sea tur-
tleswhich is left to die. Farmed shrimp generally comes from
foreign mangroves turned into filthy ponds doused with antibiot-
ics to ward off disease. If you want to be a responsible seafood
eater, Im sorry to say you have to give up shrimp, Sharpless says.
THE SOLUTION: Youre better off eating wild or farmed shell-
fish like oysters, mussels, and clams, which are filter feeders and
help clean the ocean as they grow, Sharpless says. Unlike farmed
shrimp, these guys are an ally in keeping the oceans healthy.
Jillian Michaels, health and wellness expert and author of Master Your Metabolism
THE PROBLEM: Heart disease has become the number one killer in America. A
major culprit, Michaels says: Trans fats, aka hydrogenated or partially hydroge-
nated oils, vegetable oils that have been reconfigured to extend their shelf life
(but that ultimately harm your cholesterol levels). A medium fry from a fast-food
restaurant could contain as much as a whopping 14.5 grams of this fat. Thats sig-
nificant because there are no safe levels of trans fats, according to many public
health experts. In fact, if only 3 percent of your daily calorie intake is from trans
fats, your risk of heart disease goes up by 23 percent, Michaels notes. Although
fast-food fries are a main culprit, I highly recommend reading your food labels
and avoiding this toxic preservative wherever and whenever possible, she says.
SOLUTION: Bake your fries at home using this simple recipe: Preheat your oven
to 450F. Cut a potato into wedges. Mix together 1 Tablespoon olive oil,
2 tea-
spoon paprika,
2 teaspoon garlic powder, and
2 teaspoon onion powder. Coat
the potato wedges with the oil/spice mixture and place on a baking sheet. Bake
for 45 minutes in the preheated oven.
Tasneem Bhatia, MD, medical director of the Atlanta Center for
Holistic and Integrative Medicine and author of What Doctors Eat
THE PROBLEM: A single chicken wing has 81 calories and 5
grams of fat. Given that most people dont eat just one, a lone
feast of chicken wings could easily lead to 1,000 extra calo-
ries and 50 grams of fatnearly two or three days worth of
artery-clogging fat!
Since 500 extra calories per day leads to two pounds
per week, chicken wings are a recipe for weight
gain, Dr. Bhatia says.
THE SOLUTION: If you like chicken, try baked
or grilled versions to avoid a calorie overload.
Since conventional chicken feed often con-
tains antibiotics, and sometimes even
arsenic, to stimulate faster growth,
choose organic whenever you can.
Mark Coach Smallwood, executive director of the Rodale Insti-
tute, an organic research farm in Pennsylvania
THE PROBLEM: Margarine and other vegetable oils contain BHA
(butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene),
artificial antioxidants that help prevent food from oxidizing or
spoiling too quickly. These chemicals have been shown to produce
potential cancer-causing compounds in the body, and have also
been linked to liver and kidney damage, immune problems, infer-
tility or sterility, high cholesterol, and behavioral problems in
children. In addition, margarine is usually manufactured from
genetically modified crops, and contains residues of the pesticides
and chemicals used in their cultivation, Smallwood says.
THE SOLUTION: Choose real butter from cows raised on organic
grass pastures. This type of dairy is higher in heart-protecting
omega-3 fatty acids.
Anne Alexander, editor-in-chief of Prevention magazine
THE PROBLEM: Dont trust front-of-package labeling to figure out
whether a cereal is truly healthy. Ive seen breakfast cereals
with up to 10 different kinds of sugar! says Alexander, author
of The Sugar Smart Diet. Not only is excess sugar a threat to
healthy blood sugar levels, but it can also trigger overeat-
ing, lead to dangerous fat buildup around your liver, and
even cause accelerated aging.
THE SOLUTION: Always check the label and check for
hidden sugars on the ingredients listespecially in
healthy-sounding cereals. Sugar lurks in dozens of different
ingredient names, including sucrose, cane sugar, evaporated
cane juice, agave, fruit juice concentrate, and high-fructose
corn syrup, among others. All of that adds up! I try to aim for
no more than 5 to 6 grams of sugar per serving and as much fiber
as possibleI look for at least 5 grams of fiber per servingin my
Andrew Weil, MD, founder of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
THE PROBLEM: Chips, pretzels, and most packaged pastries are
highly processed manufactured foods and are typically loaded with
some combination of sugar, salt, and unhealthy oils and rank high on
the glycemic index. They contribute to blood sugar dysregulation and
systemic inflammation, Dr. Weil says.
THE SOLUTION: Choose healthy snacksthey can be satisfying
and delicious. Consider seasonal fresh fruit alone or mixed with a
dollop of organic plain Greek yogurt and a sprinkle of ground flax-
seed; a small handful of walnuts, cashews, or almonds; or a small
piece of high-quality dark chocolate containing at least 70 percent
cocoa, he recommends.
Ellen Gustafson, food activist, cofounder of Food Tank, and for-
mer UN spokesperson
THE PROBLEM: Even though theyre delicious and Con-
cord grapes are one of the few fruits original to North Amer-
ica, the way most of us taste them is in the form of
high- fructose-laden grape jelly. Even though its given away
for free like ketchup in little plastic packets, its basically a
jelly-textured candy loaded with various forms of sugar, artifi-
cial colors, and flavors, Gustafson says.
THE SOLUTION: Gustafson suggests opting for real fruit, honey,
or 100-percent apple butter on your PB&(F, H, or AB) sandwich. If
you do reach for jelly in the store, look for low-sugar, organic ver-
sionsorganic bans the use of artificial colors and flavors and
requires the grapes be grown without the use of chemical pesti-
cides. (Nonorganic grapes are one of the most pesticide-laden
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