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Vitamin K1 (Phytonadione) (AquaMEPHYTON, Mephyton)

INDICATIONS AND USE: Prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn and
vitamin K deficiency.

ACTIONS: Required for the synthesis of blood coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X. Because
vitamin K1 may require 3 h or more to stop active bleeding, fresh-frozen plasma, 10 mL/kg, may be
necessary when bleeding is severe. The drug has no antagonistic effects against heparin.

SUPPLIED: Tablets, injection.

ROUTE: PO, IM, IV, SC. (For IV use, dilute in D5W and infuse over 30 min or longer.)


Neonatal hemorrhagic disease:
Prevention: 1 mg IM at birth; if the infant is <1500 g, give 0.5 mg IM at birth.
Treatment: 1 mg as a single dose.

Deficiency state: 1 mg/dose PO, IM, or slowly IV.

ORAL ANTICOAGULANT OVERDOSE: 1-2 mg/dose IV q4-8h prn. (Monitor the serial
prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time for response.)

ADVERSE EFFECTS: Relatively nontoxic. Hemolytic anemia and kernicterus have been reported
in neonates given menadiol sodium diphosphate (vitamin K3 [Synkayvite]); however, vitamin K1 has
not been associated with toxic symptoms or hypersensitivity. No association between exposure to
vitamin K at birth and an increased risk of any childhood cancer or of all childhood cancers combined
were found using data from the Collaborative Perinatal Project, although a slightly increased risk could
not be ruled out.

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