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Back to School Night

Miss Flores
Room 105
uear arenLs,
Welcome Lo your chlld's classroom! WhaL
happens ln Lhls classroom wlll aecL your chlld's
fuLure. ?our chlld's ume here wlll be well spenL. Pe
or she may even come home exhausLed from all
Lhe Lhlnklng done durlng Lhe day. 8uL l wlll make
every mlnuLe counL.
We have a fanLasuc group of chlldren ln Lhls
class. l am looklng forward Lo a Lerrlc year ahead.
WlLh your help, we can make lL happen.
Mlss llores
We are a NUT FREE school!
Please read ALL labels and make sure there
are no nut products in any food item your
child brings to school.
B.S. Child & Adolescent Studies
Multiple Subject Credential
M.S. Education
Technology Enriched
CSU, Fullerton
Teaching Experience
Preschool 4
Wednesday Mornlngs
8:03 - 8:23 am
1hursday Aernoons
3:00 - 4:00 pm
*lease emall Lo schedule an appolnLmenL*
-Lmall response umes Monday - lrlday
-osslble Weekends buL noL guaranLeed.
Office Hours
All students benefit when they come to
school every day and arrive on time!
Daily attendance:
*Increases academic achievement
*Students can ask questions first-hand
*Teaches work habits needed in later life
*We will be rewarding students for good attendance!
1. LlsLen when your Leacher ls Lalklng.
2. lollow dlrecuons qulckly.
3. 8especL oLhers, respecL yourself,
respecL your school.
4. 8alse your hand Lo speak or sLand.
3. 8e safe, be klnd, be honesL.
*Clip ups
*Table points
*Brownie Points
*Credits to
purchase items
*Clip Down
*Complete work
at recess
*Parent contact
Weekly Reports
*Weekly Behavior/Communication folder
sent home EVERY Monday
*MUST be returned by Tuesday Signed
*Includes: Weekly assignments and
grade: -15 minutes of reading
every night
-15 minutes of additional
homework (math,
science, writing)
*Assignments not completed result in completing assignment
at recess/lunch*
*Please check your childs communication
folder every night.
*Chosen Lhe lrlday before
*SLudenLs chosen randomly
LhroughouL Lhe year
*CompleLe posLer & pracuce
presenLauon over Lhe weekend
*8rlng back Lhe followlng Monday
*aruclpaLe ln dally evenLs
*No treats Please!
-Donate a book to our class library.
-Parents welcome to schedule a
read aloud of donated book.
8:25-8:30a Arrival (Early arrival Sibling care provided
beginning at 7:45am)
8:30-8:55a Elective (Science, Writing, etc)
8:55-9:15a Spanish
9:20-9:40a PE
9:45-10:05a Art
10:10-10:25a Recess
10:25-10:50a Lunch
10:50a-12:45p Language Arts
12:45-1:00p Recess
1:00-2:40p Math
2:45p Dismissal (Late dismissal Sibling care
provided until 3:05pm)
Independent Study
*Available during our First Grade
rotations period in the morning
*Students MUST be present during
Core Academic period 10:50a-2:40p
*If interested, please contact the
front office*
Early Lunch &
Afternoon Recess
*Students are encouraged daily to eat remainder
of their Lunch during second recess at 12:45p. ALL students will take
lunch bag/snack and eat for the first 5-8 minutes then excused to play.
Scheduling Factor:
Meeting required number of
instructional minutes
Core Subjects
*Language Arts
*Social Studies
Pearson Reading Street
Reading: Foundational Skills
-undersLand Lhe !"#$%&'$(!% and )$*&+ -.$/0".* !- 1"&%/
-Le Lo rlghL -1op Lo bouom -age by page
-8ecognlze -.$/0".* !- $ *.%/.%+.
-CaplLallzauon -Lndlng puncLuauon
-undersLand *1!2.% 3!"4*5 *677$)7.*, and *!0%4*
-undersLand 18!%&+* and 3!"4 $%$76*&*
-know LhaL every syllable musL have a vowel sound
-9.$4 regularly spelled !%.:$%4 /3!:*677$)7. 3!"4*
-9.$4 $7!04 wlLh accuracy and expresslon
-!"#$#%$ "#'(') LhaL lnclude an oplnlon
and Lhe reason for Lhe oplnlon
-*$+%,-./0' "#'(') LhaL name a Loplc,
supply facLs, and provlde closure
-1.,,./0') abouL Lwo or more evenLs
-use +!"".+/ #"$;;$"
-rlnL all 011."+$*. $%4 7!3."+$*. 7.<."*
-use correcL +$1&/$7&'$(!%5 10%+/0$(!%5 $%4 *1.77&%#
-ueLermlne ;.$%&%# !- 0%2%!3% 3!"4* by 7!!2&%# $/
1$"/* !- /8. 3!"4 and oLher words ln Lhe senLence
-=!"/ 3!"4* &%/! +$/.#!"&.* and 4.>%. 3!"4* by key
!" $%&' () * +*'%& ,*- .(-/ )-'(0&)1
-Addition & Subtraction
-Place Value
-2D & 3D Shapes
Pearson enVision MATH
Math Standards
-Solve $44&(!% $%4 *0)/"$+(!% 3!"4 1"!)7.;* wlLhln 20
-undersLand Lhe ".7$(!%*8&1 )./3..% $44&(!% $%4
-Apply Lhe 1"!1."(.* !- !1."$(!%*
-?44 $%4 *0)/"$+/ 3&/8&% @A
-B!0%/ /! C@A, sLarung aL any number
-undersLand Lhe ;.$%&%# of Lhe .D0$7 *&#%
-undersLand 17$+. E$70.: ones, Lens
-use 17$+. E$70. /! $44 $%4 *0)/"$+/ wlLhln 100
-F.$*0". 7.%#/8* and /.77 Lhe ;.$*0".;.%/ ln 0%&/*
-1ell and wrlLe (;.
-8elaLe ume Lo evenLs (before/aer, shorLer/longer, eLc.)
-8ulld and Lalk abouL a #"$18
-8ulld, descrlbe, exLend, and explaln a *&;17. 1$<."%.
-B!;1$". *8$1.* by Lalklng abouL sldes, veruces, eLc.
-Compare /3!:4&;.%*&!%$7 *8$1.* Lo /8"..:4&;.%*&!%$7
Studies Weekly
Reading Street
literature to Social Studies
Life, Physical, Earth & Space,
Engineering & Technology
*Integrates with Math and Language Arts
*Hands-on approach
(performance expectations)
*Students think like a scientist / engineer
*High level thinking
Next Generation
Science Standards
*Integrated within lessons
and projects.
*In-depth learning, not just a project
*Will take place initially in the classroom and some
work will need to be done outside of the classroom
also (minimum day/conference and home study/
conference days)
*Involve communication, collaboration, creativity,
and critical thinking
*2 Scheduled this year
1-After winter break
2-March or April
Project Based Learning
Baseline Assessment
In the beginning of the school year it
is necessary to create a baseline of
knowledge for each child.
We need to establish:
*What they know
*Still need to work on
*How to challenge them to achieve
beyond the level they are at now
*Planned throughout the year
*Connected to our standards
Aquarium, Science Center,..
Take home
Field Trips
*Lunch & Recess*
*Drop Off & Dismissal*
Room Parent
*Sign up tonight! !*
Parent Conferences:
October 23-24, February 12-13,
and April 2-3
Winter Break: Dec. 22 - Jan. 2
Spring Break: April 6-10
Last Day : June 18
Our grade level website dedicated to
communication with the home!
Access to daily schedules, Monthly Class
Newsletters, homework, & events!

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