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Pride Leader

Chapter 53
Author: Mark J. Silva Jr
First Editor: Elvin Gan Kuan Leng

Some think Gods know all.. But really they dont, some say they are all seeing, there are none so blind
who refuses to see they are so wrong. Some say they never make mistakes, but without mistakes made,
no one learns.


Violet! Have you seen Mark?

Hes busy right now Heather, is there something I can help you with?

Damn. I finally get the nerve up to ask him. Fuck. Shit. You know what. When you see him tell him Im in
bed waiting for him.

I see being a bunny is getting to you.

Hell... I cant get him out of my head. I cant go five minutes without thinking how he would feel in me,
and I mean in everyway possible. Ways I have never considered in the past.

Yeap, being a bunny is a life full of sex. Youve been holding back and now its fighting you back. You
cant hold back like you have, embrace it and enjoy.

But I dont want to be a fuck bunny all the time. I want a life. I want to learn more about this life.

Trust me, you can be all that and be happy, But your body has needs you have to learn to live with. And
the overbearing sex drive is one of them. Your body is going to make you explore all forms of Sex. Things
you though nasty in the past, you will most likely enjoy now.

What about babies? I dont want hundreds of babies to take care of.

Ahh, You have many choices on that matter. Divine intervention, Birth control Meds, Birth control herbs.
And Marks Nursery if you decide to have any at all. You have many choices, and even more fun to

Well, right now I just need to get laid badly. Its driving me crazy with all the urges Im having about him.


Okay Mark, I know you have a problem with the idea of releasing the demon lord, but you need to. Hes
not the one who started this mess.

So hes not the one who started it, he will know who did or who would know. And I will get my answers
from him.

Look at me. This is very important. You need to release him and stop looking for who started this. You
need to find a way to end it.

Mark sits there, digesting what Joy is saying. Then it comes to him, she knows. She knows who started
this and shes hiding it from him.

Mark deadpans the question to her.
Tell me who started this now Joy.

Joy shocked, he asked her right out. She cant lie to him, but she cant just tell him also. Shes stuck, how
does she tell the one she loves its her father fault. That this mess with his life started with the best
intentions, she looks down at the ground.

Yes I know. I just cant tell you right now. I may never be able to. Believe me Mark, I want to, but theres
too much at risk here. You cant dwell on who started it, you have to find a way to end it.

So that how its going to be. Youve been hiding the truth all this time. Not once did you say a word.
Souls have died, families torn apart by war. And the one who started this, the one who can just stop this
youre protecting.

Its not that way Mark, I ju. < Her body shimmers, she been kicked out of Marks realm. > Dammit
Mark!! Hear me Out!!!


Dohawk: Home world to the Douhed Empire. The one world untouched by war, five hundred billion
souls plus one Mad God.

Douhed scatter, running away from a being whos eyes burn white, His Mane made of blue flames.
Hovering over the biggest city. A thought and its flatten. Smashed flat. Nothing stands now. He slowly
moves to the next city. A God floats above their heads, fighters try as they might, but are swatted down
like bugs. Planet Defense systems are useless.

I know you know Im here, show yourself or I will destroy everything! And I mean everything!


Mother Help!!

Mother Nature:
Child, why the panic? Whats wrong?

Mother, Mark... Mark... Mark is on a rampage! He tossed me out, he got mad that I wont tell him what I
know. I tried to get close to him, but he wont allow it.

Mother Nature:
I cant feel him, where is he?

Hes tearing Dohawk apart. He wants who started this to face him!

Mother Nature is deep in thought, she cant feel him, but she does feel Dohawk being torn apart. She
can feel the resistance of Mark keeping her away, most likely others cant get close either. This is not
good. A third of the planet been crushed. Another part is in flames. There is no stopping him. At least
not by a goddess or god.

Go get Tina, Fyyf, A Kit and a Pup. And meet me at Dohawk.

What are you thinking?

Mother Nature:
Im hoping they can talk him out of his madness, He feels betrayed. HE needs to know the truth.

He does, but what will he do. Father told me not to tell him. Mother, Im stuck. I cant lie to him, but I
cant betray Fathers trust.

Mother Nature:
That was a bad choice on Father also. You should not have been the one he asked to speak to him on


So Fyyf, I need you and Tina to come with little ones. We need to stop him.

Joy, why did the Gods let this happen? Marks such a loving soul.

It was a mistake. Some very bad choices where made and sadly Marks in the middle of the mess. Right
now we need to get him back.

Im ready. When do we go?

Now if youre ready Fyyf?


In a mountain valley Mother Nature, Joy, Fyyf, Tina, a couple kits and pups wait.

Mother Nature in a soft voice:
You two, call for him. Dont yell; just speak his name.

Fyyf and Tina:
Mark, please come.

The skies darken, winds kick up and a storm swirl touches down a few hundred feet away, a form walks,
out of it, much different than they have seen him before, his eyes blazing white, mane burning in blue
flames. And two hellish red flaming wings. Fold up behind him.


Mark goes to send them home and Tina speaks up.

Love, please stop. This is not you. Please come home. We miss you.

Mark, I have Angel here. Please calm down and see her.

A kit walks up to him and hugs his leg.

Papa, Why are you mad?

In the heat of anger, even the love of an innocent can tear at his heart. He bends down, the wings
dissipate into smoke. His eyes return to their deep blue. The flames of his mane flicker and vanish. He
lifts her. Hold her close to his heart. And places a loving kiss on her forehead.

Mark walks over to Fyyf and Tina, Joy and Mother back off. Not wanting to upset him. Mark hugs and
kisses his wives and children. Once he had a few minutes of peace he speaks to Mother.

Why did you bring her?! < Pointing at Joy> I dont want nothing to do with her.

Joy breaks down in tears. She never imagined being rejected by him. And it tears at her soul hearing this.
She tries to leave but Mother wont let her.

Mother Nature:
Listen to me Mark, This is not her fault and she should not have been put in the middle. We need to talk.
But first go home. Calm down. Take Joy home. She is not at fault. Shes stuck in-between two she cant
refuse. Take her home; forgive her. I will come later and explain all I can.

Mark, she does truly love you and she wants to tell you. But like you, she cant break a promise given.

Mark stands there with Tina and Fyyf in his arms, looking at Joy cry. He knows what it means to give
ones word. Tina slips out of his arm and walks him to her, she looks at both of them, like her, Tina knows
how it feel to be loved by Mark and would never want to be in Joys shoes in a case like this.

Mark, you know you love her, Take us all home please.

A though and all of them are in Marks bed chambers. Heather shrieks and jumps under the covers.
Trying to hide her nudity from the others.

Love, I need to get Angel back with her sisters and bothers. I will see you at dinner Love.

Me too... but I think you may have someone else whos waiting for your attention.

Humm.. a fresh one too Mark, shes all excided.

Come on. Im going crazy here!

Tina and Fyyf slip out with the little ones, Tina giggling because she knows what Heather in for.

Mark, I think she really needs you, Im going to go and play with the little ones. Remember be gentle.
Shes a virgin and in much need of a gentle paw.

Mark looks right into Joys eyes.

Joy, first off. Im sorry and I hope youre okay now.

I love you too you big lug. Now go and teach this new bunny how much fun it is to be one.

If shes anything like you or Violet. We are going to have some real fun soon.

Just remember she is mortal. So be gentle.

I will be. Now Heather, tell me whats on your mind?

Joy slips out thru the mist, leaving behind her love and happy hes back to her.

Well humm .. I.. Need.. damn! < to her self >{ Just say it dammit } Im going nuts!

Whats wrong? Is there a problem?

Damnit Mark, you know what fucking wrong! Im so damn horny Im about to burst!!! Just get over here

Lets slow down a moment, Are you positive you want to go thru this? This is a big step, I dont want you
to be upset later thinking I took advantage of you in a weak moment

You!! Get over her now! Ive been debating this for some time now!!

Mark slowly removes his shirt, Heather jumps up and rips it off, she than grabs his pants and start to
tear then down. She sees him for the first time this way, she now fully understands the warnings she has
been told time after time. She made her mind up, right now she doesnt care if he rips her in two, she is
getting it in her some how. Mark just stands there, watch her think it over, she slowly reaches out and
begins stroking him bring him to his full size, amazed that she has a problem wrapping both paws
around his shaft. Then she does something she just a short time ago thought was nasty, she starts licking
its head. She finds that she enjoys the feeling of it. She pulls him closer and with one paw fondles his
sack. As she works him, shes trying to figure how the hell is she ever going to fit him in her. She feels his
paws on her shoulders, pushing her gently back, having her lay down on the bed. He kisses her breasts,
working each nipple, slowly kissing her way down her body, her body tingles as she enjoys herself.
Unknown to her, Mark is making slight changes to her body, ones where she can accept him without
injury. Ones where she can take every inch she wants. And anyway she wants it. Adjustments that she
will never know about, ones just for her pleasure, he reaches her pussy, and stick his tongue deep in her.
Her back arches as she comes for the first time. One of many more to come.
After a few minutes of this he raises his body and get ready to enter her, She pauses for a moment and
stops him,
Mark, please let me take you. I want to slide down it.

As you wish.

He lies down on his back, she grabs his, for a moment she does a little titty fucking, getting the nerve
back up to try taking him in her. Shes afraid her body just cant handle his size. She get up and decides it
now or never, she raises to her toes, she know there is no way it will all fit, but she has to have him in
her now she lines herself up, an looks right in Marks eyes, she smiles, and shoves herself down, he goes
right thru her maidenhood. And deep in her on the first shove. She is shocked at how he got so far. She
waits for her body to adjust to him. While she breaths deeply she places a paw on her belly, she can feel
him distending her belly he is deep in her. She raises a little and feels him. She is amazed, no pain, no
tearing, just pleasure and a urge to get all of him in her. Another urge and she lifts her feet off the bed, a
joy fills her as she feel herself just slide down all the way. She rubs her belly, feeling his shaft go all the
way under her breast. She is impaled all the way on him, her mind tells her there is no natural way for
her to do this. Her organs should have been crushed, torn, ripped, shredded. She knows he used magic
on her, and she doesnt care, she enjoys every sensation he is giving her body, she falls into a pleasure
lust. All she wants now is what she has.


Submitted and written by Moonblade

Moonblade walks into the supply section of the Luna, a stack of request in his arms. Walking up to the
desk he slaps them down. "I need these items so I can get my ship fixed."

Sergeant Grendal, sits with his back to the desk, "Yeah well leave them there and I will get to them when
I have time. I am busy here," he replies as he cleans his nails.

Shocked Moonblade growls in anger at being brushed off, "I need these now. So why dont you turn
around and get me the parts."

"Like I said, maybe I will get them," he replies as he reaches back and picks up the forms and looks at
them. "You want a new mark 18 sensor scanner, well what you got for me?"

"Why you little pipsqueak how about I drag you down to your commanding officers office and you can
explain that remark."

Turning, Grendal looks up at the cat, "look my boss knows how the game is played, you give me
something and you get your parts, now I know for a fact your ship has thirty cases of Krallian brandy,
what say you give my half of them..."

Moonblade feels his rage building up, and looks into the cats eyes, "Why you little pipsqueak how about
I drag you down to your commanding officers office and you can explain that remark."

A small flash catches his eye, and when he looks, he sees Yama standing there, her shirt in her arms.
Eeck.How did I get here? Looking around she sees her charge holding up a puma cat and shaking
him. Moonblade put him down, she says as she puts her shirt on.
With a growl, Moonblade looks at the puma and then he sniffs. You stink, clean yourself, and then you
go see his Sire. Dropping the cat he turns to Yama, I am sorry priestess, but this worm pissed me off.
To barter for parts requested to repair ships, how many warriors have died because of him?
His Sire will deal with this scum, if what you have said is true. Then it shall be known by him. Looking
at the puma, she continues, Have the items on his list delivered to the Bloodhawk. I will deal with you
later. Taking Moonblades arm, she guides him out of the room.


Heather awakens, her body sore, but shes happy. She sits up and wipes the sleep out of her eyes,
looking around she finds Flower is sitting on a corner of the bed, holding a mug out to her. She smiles
and thanks her for the tea. While sipping it she wonders how long. And where did Mark go? While she
drinks she watches Flower moving around the room, shes a very lovely thing, She can see why Mark
picked her. She moves gracefully and with such pride. Then she notices the dress for the first time really,
how it shimmers, hiding and revealing Flowers body and she moves. Flowers returns to the side of the
bed holding a datapad.

Heather puts down the mug and smiles at Flower. She reads the pad.

> His Sire said you might be sore and may need something. I have meds, herbs and different teas to
relieve any discomfort you may have. <

Heather enters her response

> Tea please and thank you Flower. How long have I been here? <

She passes it back and waits for Flower to answer her.

> His Sire left hours ago to take care of other things. You have been sleeping for about three hours and
in here for seven hours. He asked me to personally see to your needs and to find you a hand maiden
once we are done. I would suggest a bath before you go back out to the public areas. <

Heather read this and starts running her digits thru her fur, it itches a little and she finds its sticky, and
harden in places. Slowly she realizes its not just from sweat. She is covered in drying cum. She blushes
and giggles. Never in her life did she picture herself acting this way. And now she is enjoying it all.

> Yes. I believe I badly need a bath, can you have one readied for me please? <


Back on Funioueses, the home world for all the Feloineius. There stands a palace a top a plateau, a
palace for the Royal family. Many orphaned kits and breeders have been brought here. The palace holds
many secrets and shelters the lives of the loved ones of his Sire, the lonely buildings stand silent for the
return of their king. Most are happy; all but one enjoys their new life.

The vast halls, are filled with happy staff members and servants, who rush about carrying for all the little
ones, that is except one old Lioness, whos heart aches with loss.

* * *

The old lioness stands there looking down on the body of her grandkit; his thirteen-year-old body
burned and blacken from the damage his fighter took when it crashed. The Royal guard has delivered
him to her, his last living family member. His grandmother Looking around she sees the guards standing
at full attention in his honor, "My sweet Arn, why did you join up, after all we have given in this war. All
my kits, my husband and now you my only single surviving family member," with tears running down her
muzzle, she reaches down to her grandkits waist and pulls his dagger out. "He shall pay for what he has
done," she says as she slips the dagger in her sleeve. She turns and faces the Guards. Prepare him to go
with me, Im taking his body home.


Mark stands in front of the Demon lords statue. Thinking, Im so close, why wont they let me finish
this? Why is it so important to keep the truth from me?

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