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Pride Leader

Chapter 54
Author: Mark J. Silva Jr
First Editor: Elvin Gan Kuan Len
Standin there ponderin !hat he should do" Mark hears #oot steps $o%in up
&ehind hi%.
Child" 'ou are stressin over thins that (ou need not to. Co%e let o and sit in the
arden. )e need to talk.
* still think * should s%ash it and toss the pie$es into the %ist.
Mother +ature:
Co%e Mark" its not oin an(!here.
-uke +ess !akes. Surprised he even !oke up. .e ets up o/ the 0oor" pissed" !h(
!ould the( put hi% on a 0oor1 .e !alks over to a sink and %irror and on$e his e(es
#o$uses. .E is sho$ked2 .e is !hite no!2 And a $ollar" a slave $ollar2 .e looks do!n
at hi%" no hersel# no!2 .e is #e%ale no!" he tries to s$rea% and 3nds no voi$e2
)hat did the( do to hi%2 4he doors opens and a servant !alks in.
.ello" * see (ou5re a!ake no!" the uards !ill &e in soon to take (ou to (our ne!
station. 4his dress is #or (ou. Chane and et read(.
-uke +ess stands there no voi$e to arue !ith" no !a( to tell her !ho he is.
*# (our !onderin" * kno! !ho (our !ere. And * kno! (ou $an5t speak. So * !ill tell
(ou this. 'our na%e no! is +ess( and (ou are on (our !a( to house trainin in the
house o# 6uikl.
+ess(5s 7a! drops. .e is &ein sent to a house that is kno!n #or &eatin a slave into
su&%ission. *t5s a do or die pla$e to learn.
.is Sire has de$ided (our house is to &e dissolved and all assets put in hold #or (our
dauhter !hen she ains house rank. +ess( (our li#e has $haned" (ou are oin to
&e a slave #or the rest o# (our li#e. +o! !here (ou sta( !ill depends on (our
4his looks like a ood spot to sit. Let5s et $o%#orta&le" !e have a lot to o over.
)hat5s oin on1 )h( all this hidin stu/ #ro% %e1
Mother +ature:
So%e %istakes !ere %ade. See a lon ti%e ao" the universe had otten stanant.
*deas !ere passed around to %ake $hanes" it !as de$ided the &est !a( !as a !ar.
So the orders !ere le#t #or it to start and !ho the %a7or pla(ers !ere to &e. 4he God
)ar !as put in $hare" the -ouhed !ere pi$ked #or their vi$ious appetite to #eed.
And the( !ere pushed into !ar &( a #a%ine on their !orlds. *t !as thouht on$e
the( rea$hed Feloineius spa$e that the pride !ould push the% &a$k and end their
!ar. 6ut the( !eren5t to &e stopped that easil(. 4he( #ound a !a( to kill the pride
kin. 'ou kno! o# that part &asi$all(" it5s &een a ver( lon and dra!n out !ar. .ere
is !here thins et sti$k(. 'our ho%e !orld has &een o/ li%its to all ods and
oddesses. 8nl( the $aretakers are allo!ed there. Ever( step has &een taken to
keep it #ro% &ein dis$overed. )ar ot desperate to 3nd a !a( to end it. 4he sear$h
has &een ver( lon. And &( so%e error a ship ended up in (our ho%e s(ste%. )ar
sa! his $han$e to 3nd a !a( to reset the &alan$e o# the !ar and push the -ouhed
&a$k ho%e. .e #ound 'ou. )hat he didn5t kno! or understand is !h( hu%ans are o/
li%its. So he started to $hane (ou to 3t his needs" (es it5s !ron" and * kno! (ou
paid hihl( &e$ause o# it. 6ut !ith his ta%perin !ith (ou" he started a $hain
rea$tion. +o one ever drea%ed a ne! od !ould &e &orn o# this a$t. 6ut as (ou
kno!" it did happen. .ere are a #e! thin (ou don5t kno!. 4he reason (ou $an5t
re%e%&er (our past is &e$ause !hen Father #ound out he needed to prevent (ou
#ro% seekin to o ho%e. 'our past !as erased. +ot 7ust re%oved. 6ut erased. 'our
#a%il( one" as #ar as histor( sees it" the( !ere never &orn.
4he sho$k o# hearin this &rins Mark to tears. +ot to even have a past. .o! $ruel
$an it &e.
Mother +ature:
'es $r(. * kno! (ou need to. 6ut here is a little ne!s #or (ou. )hen SsEr$a$e &onded
!ith (ou" she ained a #e! o# the% &e#ore the( !ere #ull( one. She %a( still have
so%ethin (ou $an re$over. 6ut let %e o on !ith it. So !ith all the $hanes (ou
have ained po!er &e(ond an(one5s drea%s. So #or the part (ou have &een lookin
#or. Father is the one !ho ordered the !ar to start. .e $an5t stop it no!. 6ut $hild"
(ou $an. 'ou have a #e! $hoi$es to %ake. 6ut (ou $an stop it. 9elease the de%on
lord" Father !ill tell hi% to o ho%e and a&andon his role in the !ar. 6ut it5s oin to
&e up to (ou ho! to put an end to it" the -ouhed aren5t oin to 7ust stop So (ou
see !h( (ou need to release the -e%on lord1
Mark sits there" .is li#e destro(ed" his #a%il( si%pl( erased like an error. +othin
le#t" not a $han$e to ever see the%. +o ho%e to return to ever.
4ell %e" !hat happens !hen it5s over1 )hat happens to %e1 4o %( kits and pups1
Are !e to &e si%pl( erased. Gotten rid o# like rotten #ood1 4ell on$e * 3: ever(one
else5s #u$k ups. )hat happens to us1
Mother +ature:
Child" there is no one to $hallene (ou. 'ou !ill live on and have %an( kits and
pups. *t5s &een passed around (ou are not to &e &othered. 4here !ill &e thins to do"
and there !ill &e other !ars and disasters that !e !ill need (our help on. 6ut as #ar
as !hat to happens to (ou. +othin. 'ou are tied to the livin -ivine. And the
thouht o# so%ethin happenin to (ou s$ares %e. )e don5t kno! !hat !ould
happen in the &a$k lash o# (ou reall( d(in.
)hat a&out %( past1 )as it reall( that i%portant to erase %( #a%il( and %(
Mother +ature:
Mark" look into %( e(es. *# (ou returned to earth" it !ill &e a disaster. 'ou are no
loner hu%an. Just like (ou had to $hane .eather to 3t in" (ou !ill never &e a&le to
o there. 8ne da(" the( !ill leave earth and dis$over !hat5s out there. And then on
that da(" (ou $an o ho%e. 6ut &( then (ou %ost likel( !on5t $are. Mark. Love (our
#a%il( as (ou have no!. 9iht no! (ou are the %ost lovin od to ever e:ist. .e$k"
(ou have Goddesses and Gods !ho love (ou" 'ou %a( not kno! or understand this"
&ut there is no other like (ou. 'es ods and oddesses like ea$h other" &ut (ou are
trul( loved. 8nes even (our li#e %ates
So all that needed no! is #or %e to release hi%. )hat a&out the others1
Mother +ature:
Sa%e" there is no reason to keep the%. 6ut it see%s (ou $haned a de%ioddess"
Care to e:plain ho! and !h(1
)hile she !as &orn a de%i" she reall( !asn5t evil. So * ave her a $han$e to redee%
hersel#. And !ith a &lessin * shi#ted her She 7ust needed a $han$e to ask #or the
help. 8n$e she !as trul( !illin to ask #or %( help. * &lessed her. She is still a
%ortal. And has a$$ess to her divine. 6ut no! her nature has &een shi#ted %ore to
the side o# kindness.
Mother +ature:
Like * said Mark" (ou are the kindest od * kno!. .u%%.. see%s like (ou have
visitors. * think (ou should o to the%.
; ; ;
6e#ore Mark round the $orner" he s%ells <ul$an. .e starts to !onder !hat pro&le%
is &ein dropped in his lap no!.
Shh he is $o%in.
* $an hear (ou. )hat5s oin on ladies" <ul$an" +i$e to see (ou #riend.
4he honor5s all %ine.
)e have a i#t #or (ou Mark"
'es Mark" <iolet5s &een &us(" .eather here had an idea #or a s!ord %ore 3ttin (our
3ht st(le. <iolet took the idea to <ul$an" he %ade it #or (ou. And !e like to ive it
to (ou no!.
A s!ord1 6ut * have one.
+o Mark" (ou hold Justi$e5s s!ord" and one da(" !hen so%eone5s need is reater"
the s!ord !ill o to the%.
'ou %ean" * $ould &e usin it and it !ould 7ust leave i# so%eone else5s need is
reater1 )hat a shitt( deal
'es Mark" it $ould. 6ut this one !ill never do that. Co%e and look. *t a!aits (ou.
Mark !alks over" and peers at the strane lookin !eapon.
*s it starin &a$k at %e1 And * #eel li#e #ro% it1 )hat is it %ade #ro%1
'es it5s lookin at (ou. *t kno!s (ou are its %aster. 4his s!ord is %ade #ro% soul
steel. *t is livin.
'es Mark" its %ade #ro% the souls o# inno$ents" 6e#ore (ou #reak out. 4hat are souls
o# the past livin" and the( all volunteered.
Mark rea$hes #or it. 8n$e he !raps his pa! around its rip" it starts to hu% a so#t
tune. A pea$e#ul son. A son o# 7o( and love" he s!ins the &lade" its &alan$e is
per#e$t" its %ove%ents li=uid.
Mark %akes a #e! pra$ti$e %oves" the s!ord %oves !ith ra$e. .is 3htin st(les
3ts this s!ord. And the s!ord 3ts hi% &etter" it !eiht 7ust riht" its lenth per#e$t.
.e stops #or a %o%ent and looks at the%. Pla$in the s!ord &a$k do!n #or a
%o%ent he !ithdra!s the s!ord o# Justi$e .e 0ips it to hold the &lade and hilt 3rst
passes it to <ul$an.
M( #riend" see it ets a ood ho%e. *t has served !ell and no! its ti%e to rest.
*t !ill until its ti%e o# need $o%es on$e %ore. * have a pla$e 7ust #or it in %( ar%or(.
Mark turnin to his #riends and loved ones:
4hank (ou. .eather * don5t kno! ho! (ou $a%e up !ith su$h a !onder#ul desin"
&ut thank (ou.
<ul$an turns and leave" his #or% vanishin into a !isps o# s%oke.
Mark5s loves ones surround hi%" all huin hi%.
A #e! da(s later Mark5s in his o>$e dealin !ith an unendin pile o# paper !ork.
.eather enters" a s%irk on her %u??le.
Mark" $an * have a #e! %inutes o# (our ti%e1
8# $ourse" ho! %a( * pleasure (ou1
.eather iles at Mark5s $o%%ent.
)ell.. *ts a&out a #e! da(s ao. )hen !e" (ou kno!. )ell.. oka(.. Look.. *5% not
stupid. )hat did (ou do to %( &od(1
Mark stares at her" thinkin o# ho! she #elt" ho! %u$h #un she !as.
* onl( %ade it so (ou !ouldn5t et hurt. *n #a$t" (ou see%s to keep pushin #or %ore
that da(.
.eather stands there" holdin her tail nervousl(. She did en7o( it. 6ut he has altered
her &od(.
)ell (ou $haned %e !ithout askin. * didn5t think that !as #air.
* understand. 6ut * didn5t think there !as an( stoppin (ou at the ti%e. 'ou !ere not
in the %ood to %ake an( $hoi$es.
* kno!" * reall( !asn5t in the riht #ra%e o# %ind" &ut thank (ou #or understandin.
*ts %( 7o&" 'ou are %( $hare" * have to think o# (our &est interest and i# (ou like" *
$an restore (ou &a$k" &ut %ind (ou. 'ou $an su/er &adl( !ith out the $hanes *
.eather stands there thinkin" she did en7o( hersel#" he did do it !ith her &est
interest in %ind and he is !illin to undo it.
+o" * !ill keep the $hanes" &ut (ou pro%ise %e one thin.
)hat5s that1
Just keep lovin %e.
4hat5s one thin (ou !ill never have to !orr( a&out.
Luna" take a %essae please.
9ead(" Sire.
Address to Pride .ead%istress Avvul on the -S4 -o%oleise.
-ear Avvul" * 7ust 3nished (our last reports and it $o%es to %ind" )e are in the
<rol s(ste% at the %o%ent" and (our roup is t!o da(s ride #ro% here" * !ould love
to %eet (ou in #urson. * kno! (our dauhter !ould love to see (ou. And * like (ou to
%eet so%e o# (our randkits and pups. *# this is oka( !ith (ou * like to set up a
dinner in (our honor. Let %e kno! as soon as possi&le.
)ith Love Mark.
End and send Luna.
-one Sire. * do hope she !ill $o%e.
* kno! (ou %iss her Luna" *t %ust &e hard on &oth o# (ou.
Laun$h &a( nine.
Captain" !e have 7ust too %an( #o: $lass 3hters in here" !hen do !e et to send
the% &a$k.
Captain +us:
Chie#" its $o%e do!n the pipe line" !e are to uprade as %an( as possi&le and start
sendin the% ho%e.
Chie# Silva:
Capt" (ou kno!" !e have the $arrier S!i#t )ol# in 6a( @. She is underoin a #ull
re3t" &ut * see no reason !e $ouldn5t re3t and load a &un$h o# the% on her" it !ould
#ree up %ore roo% and let so%e o# the pilots rest #or a #e! e:tra da(s.
Captain +us:
.u%%.. !e do reall( need the roo%. Let %e $he$k !ith the re3t tea% that5s on her.
*# it $lears !ith the% !e $an start trans#ers riht a!a(.
Saaaa !alkin around Mark5s private real%. She5s !onderin !hat she is to do no!"
&randed. +e! #eelins. And a ne! start" Mark told her to rela:" et use to the
$hanes" she has #ree !ill to do as she sees 3t. She has no $lue !hat she !ants to
do" her old ures are %u$h redu$ed. As she !alks she $o%es up to the de%on lord.
'ou kno!" in all the $enturies * have kno!n (ou" * detested (ou" +o!" !ell no! * 7ust
don5t $are an(%ore a&out (ou" even thouh (ou &eat %e at ever( turn" * no! kno!
(ou $an5t hurt %e an( %ore.
She stands there" kno!in he $an5t ans!er her. She !onders i# he $an hear her. She
noti$es her #eelin o# hate and aner !ith hi% no loner e:ists" Mark ave her
pea$e o# her soul. .e5s sho!n her love and happiness.
*# (ou $an hear %e" * #orive (ou. 4hanks to Mark" * $an do that no!. )hen (ou
leave" please never $o%e lookin #or %e" (ou are no loner %( #ather and * have no
!ish to see (ou.
4he Statue that is the de%on lord has heard it all. *n all his li#e" he has never seen
his dauhter at pea$e" %u$h less happ(. 4his ne! od has $haned her" he reall(
did it" he has $onverted a de%ioddess. 4o !hat he doesn5t kno!" &ut he did" even
no! in this state" he $an #eel her at pea$e. She5s speakin honestl( !ith hi%. +o
aner in her voi$e" and no %ali$e at all.
6ehind her Mark appears. .e5s !alkin alone and !ith purpose.
.ello Saaaa" * hope (ou are !ell toda(.
.i Mark" * a%" * !as 7ust havin a #e! !ords !ith hi%.
A ver( one sided $onversation.
'es" 6ut * needed to sa( so%ethin. Can he hear us1
'es" * !anted hi% to kno! !hat5s oin on around hi%. +o! -e%on lord" !e have
thins to take $are o#.
Mark !ithdra!s a nast( lookin !eapon. *ts shape lo!s in Mark5s pa!s. 4he de%on
lord &elieves Mark plans on shatterin his #or%. Endin an( $han$es o# ever &ein
released #ro% this prison.
Mark" please don5t har% hi%. * kno! he $aused (ou %u$h pain" &ut #or %e" please
Mark looks do!n at her" he e(es &ein #or hi% not to har% the de%on lord. For
so%e reason she $ares #or this de%on.
* have no plans on har%in hi%" &ut *5% no #ool also" *5% oin to release hi%. And
(ou de%on listen $are#ull(" o to Father" he !ants a !ord !ith (ou" and re%e%&er
he is the reason *5% releasin (ou.
4he statue shi%%ers" its #or% shi#ts &a$k to 0esh. 4he de%on lord no! $an %ove
and speak.
-e%on lord:
* don5t kno! ho!" &ut (ou have $haned her. Saaaa" * !ill honor (our !ish" 7ust
re%e%&er it !orks &oth !a(s" never seek %e out aain. And (ou" !hile * see (ou
hold %u$h po!er" ne:t ti%e our paths $ross" (ou !ill &e doo%ed.
6elieve %e" * have no interest in $rossin (our path" &ut also re%e%&er" * have no
#ear o# destro(in (ou or an( other. +o! Leave2
4he de%on lord starts to sa( so%ethin" &uts 3nds hi%sel# &ein e7e$ted #ro% this
real%. +o %atter ho! he tries he $an5t 3ht &a$k" he is tossed out like trash &ein
$($led out into spa$e. .e 3nds hi%sel# in the %ist lookin &a$k at a !all he $an5t
even tou$h. )hat po!er is all he thinks.
Mother +ature:
-uard" * see Mark released (ou.
-e%on Lord -uard:
Mother" ho! ni$e to see (ou" (es he did" Father %ust &e proud o# his ne! $reation.
Mother +ature:
)alk !ith %e" )e need to talk.
)hat5s the %atter1
Mother +ature:
Mark is not Father5s. .e !as a %istake" and one to &e taken ver( seriousl(" .e has
no allian$e to an( o# us.
.e !hat2 'ou %ean !hen he threatens us" he $an do it21
Mother +ature:
And %u$h %ore. * heard !hat (ou t!o said to ea$h other. 4ake %( advise" leave hi%
)hat a&out the la!s" i# he $an trul( destro(ed a od !ouldn5t he &e punished1
Mother +ature:
)e don5t reall( kno!. 6ut he has #ound other !a(s around la!s. Like (our
i%prison%ent. Just that alone %akes hi% one !ho (ou don5t !ant to %ess !ith. So
&est 7ust let hi% have pea$e. *# he is at pea$e" !e all have nothin to !orr( a&out
*# he is so danerous" he needs to &e put in his pla$e. )hat5s his ratin" * !ill 3nd
one !ho $an put hi% in his pla$e.2
Mother +ature:
.e is outside. .e even lives o/ the livin divine. +one are a %at$h to hi%. And to
destro( hi% %a( destro( ever(thin else. *t5s %u$h &etter to let hi% &e" he5s a
lovin soul !hen at pea$e.
)hat5s (our thouhts on !hat he did to Saaaa1
Mother +ature:
4ruth#ull(" * think it5s a ood $hane #or her" she !as never ood at &ein a de%i"
no! she $an &e a ood use#ul soul.
She does see% happ(. * $an trul( sa( it 3ts her.
Mother +ature:
+o! lets o talk to Father

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