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In the listening section of the IELTS test, if you spell a word incorrectly then it is wrong.
Here is a list of common words that you should know how to spell in order to avoid losing
valuable marks.

Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Sunday, weekdays, weekends

Months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July August,
September, October, November, December

Money matters: cash, credit card, cheque, in advance, annual fee, monthly
membership, interest rate, deposit, tuition fees, poverty, bank statement, money
management, current account, student account, withdraw, low-risk investment

Subjects: science, politics, history, economics, biology, architecture, law, geography

Studying at college/university: course outline, group discussion, handouts,
written work, report writing, research, rewrite, proof reading, experiment, experience,
review, revise, reference, textbooks, dictionary, laptop, printer, student support, student
advisor, a term, intensive, modules, topic, assessment, library, education department,
computer centre, classroom, lecture theatre, a lecture, lecturer, tutor, main hall,
attendance, deadline, give a talk, speech, computer laboratory, certificate, diploma,
placement test, overseas students, full-time, facilities, college dining room, specialist
knowledge, international, accommodation, home stay, primary, secondary, intermediate,
media room, resources room, staff room

Marketing: catalogue, interview, newsletter, supervise, competition, TV programme,
strategies, research method, entertainment industry, leadership, management, testing,
display, products, customer, special offer, collecting data, questionnaire, survey, mass
media, statistics

Health: yoga, keep-fit, salad bar, vegetarian, picnic, outdoor activities, tennis, cycling,
leisure activities, disease, diet, meal, dance studio, squash courts, protein

Nature: field, footbridge, environment, waterfall, river, mountain, forest, village

In the city: cities, street, lane, city centre, central station, train, car park, mini bus,
department stores, ground floor, hire a car, bridge, restaurant, caf, temple, embassy,
road system, hospital, nursery, garden, pollution

Workplace: dentist, engineer, business, office assistant, reception, waiting list,
appointment, staff selection, colleagues, workshop, showroom, information desk,
employer, efficient, employment, unemployed, technical cooperation, team leaders,
stress, attitude, ability, vision, confidence, training

Rating: reasonable, satisfactory, dangerous, safe, strongly recommend, poor quality

Touring: castles, guided tour, ticket office, souvenirs, trips, guest, reservation, view,

Other: prize, weather, temperature, international, passport photo, local newspaper,
state, government, individual, variety, section, expensive, practice, gender, creativity

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