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Name of the teacher: Ansu P Joseph Standard: IX

Name of the school: MTGHS, Kottarakara Strength : 58/60
Subject : Chemistry Date : 17/06/2014
Unit : Nature of Materials Duration : 45 Minutes
Topic : Surface Tension Age : 13+

Curricular Statement
Develop various dimensions of knowledge, process skills and attitudes on surface
tension through experimentation, observation, group discussions and evaluation by
Content Analysis
Term: Surface Tension
Liquid surface acts like a stretched membrane.
Soap dissolved in water can reduce the surface tension of water.
Water droplets are spherical in shape due to surface tension.
Surface Tension: The molecules on the liquid surface are attracted only
towards the sides and downward that its surface behaves like an elastic film.
The force responsible for this is called surface tension.
Learning Outcomes
Enable the pupils to develop:
1. Factual knowledge on surface tension through
a. Recalling the new terms like surface tension and facts and concepts mentioned
in the content analysis
b. Recognising the relationship between surface area and surface tension
c. Explaining the surface tension and its applications
2. Conceptual knowledge about the surface tension through
a. Recalling the molecular arrangement in the liquid surface
b. Explaining the surface tension and the surface area of water droplets
3. Procedural knowledge on surface tension through executing the experiments and
4. Metacognitive knowledge on surface tension exhibited by the liquids through
a. Recognising the force experienced on the liquid surface
b. Devicing the procedure for analysing the relationship between surface tension
and surface area
5. Different skills like
a. Observing the experiments and their results
b. Identifying the reduction in the surface tension of water when soap is
dissolved in it
c. Communicating within the group and to the class by discussing and presenting
the group works
6. Scientific attitude towards surface tension and its applications in real life situations
Pre requisites
Students already know about the molecular arrangement in liquids.
Teaching Learning Resources
I. Experimental materials: soap solution, water, beaker, blade, metal ring and thread.
II. Reference materials:
standard physical science textbook published by SCERT
Hand book (9
Classroom Interaction Procedure Pupils Response
Show the students the picture of a water spider. Have you ever
observed small insects moving around on the water surface? Do they
float on the surface? Why they dont get sink in the water? What may
be the reason behind it? Today let us discuss about it.
Divide the students into different groups
Activity 1
Give the students a beaker filled with water and a razor blade. Then
ask them to place the blade on the water surface carefully and to note
down their observations in the science diary.
Liquid membranes acts like stretched membranes and the force
responsible for this is called surface tension.
Activity - 2
Provide the students a breaker containing soap solution and ask them to
place a razor blade on the surface of soap solution very carefully. Then
ask them to observe the result and note down their inference in the

They float on the water surface

Blade float on the water surface

Blade get sink in the soap water

science diary.
Surface tension of water decreases when soap dissolves in it
Activity 3
Take a thin plastic bangle and tie a cotton thread loosely across the ring
away from the centre. Dip the bangle in soap solution and raise it
slowly. Now ask the students to break the larger portion of the soap
film between the bangle and the thread by using a sharp pencil tip.
Write down your observations in the science diary after discussing in
your group.
Surface tension tends to reduce the surface area of a liquid surface

1. Define surface tension?
2. Why the liquid droplets are spherical in shape?

Students observe the experiment

Thread gets stretched into smaller

Follow Up Activity

Try to find out more examples for surface tension from your daily life?

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