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1 green papaya fruit, peeled and quartered
regular-sized squash, peeled and quartered
5 okras, sliced
5 tomatoes, sliced
1 head garlic, minced
1 thumb-sized ginger, thinly sliced
1 piece lemon grass
2 tsps salt
100 grams patani or lima beans
100 grams sigarilyas
100 grams string beans
1 cup malunggay leaves
150 grams squash flower and leaves
Rice wash
1. In a pot, pour the rice wash and let it boil.
2. Add garlic, ginger, and lemongrass. Boil for five to seven minutes.
3. Remove the lemongrass.
4. Add papaya and squash. Boil for six minutes.
5. Add tomatoes, okra, patani, sigarilyas, squash flower and leaves, and string beans. Cook for
three to four minutes.
6. Put the malunggay and salt. Stir. Turn the heat off.
7. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve.
2 pcs medium catfish (hito)
Calamansi juice
Cooking oil
Ground black pepper
Dipping sauce:
4 tablespoons soy sauce
Chopped red onions
Chopped chili (optional)
3 tablespoons of vinegar
1. Clean the catfish. Take off all the intestines and innards. Wash it. Pat it dry.
2. Scrub with salt, calamansi juice and cooking oil inside and outside the fish.
3. Grill for about ten to twenty minutes (depending on the size).
4. Mix all the ingredients for the dipping sauce and serve with the inihaw na hito.

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