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Prologue: A New Queen is Born

What did I ever do to you? Anna shouted. The party slowed as the guests stopped dancing to watch
the interaction.
Enough, Anna. Elsa quickly began walking towards the door, her uncovered hand hugged against her
chest. A single thought kept repeating in her head. Stay calm, dont let it show. Dont. Let. It. Show.
No, why do you do this? Why do you shut me out all the time? Anna asked, her voice rising in the
growing silence. By now, the dancers were fidgeting amongst themselves, uncomfortable with the
I said thats enough! Elsa exclaimed, her hand sweeping out in frustration. Instantly, a barrier of ice
formed between the queen and the guests. Deadly spikes protruded menacingly towards those nearby.
A look of horror appeared on the queens face, matching the looks on some of the dignitaries.
Sorcery, A diminutive, older man whispered in fear. The Duke of Weselton scampered behind his two
bodyguards, peeking out from behind. I knew there was something dubious going on around here, he
Anna just stared at her sister in shock. What just happened? This cant be real. Since when was Elsa able
to do this? As her brain slowly began to piece itself together, she noticed the frozen look of terror on her
sisters face. Elsa? she breathed, taking a step forward. In that instant, everything broke loose. The
queen fled from the room as all the guests began to shout.
Anna, what was that? Did you know? A voice asked from behind her. Prince Hans stepped into view,
looking concerned and, dare she say it, slightly fearful. Annas head was starting to throb, but she
ignored it. She had to catch up with her sister.
No, and nows not the time for this, Anna said. Keep everyone calm, Hans. I dont want anyone
following. She gave him a significant look, before running for the nearest door. As she charged down
the hall, she could just barely hear Hans asking for everyones attention.
Why, Elsa? Why didnt you say something about this sooner? Why didnt you trust your own sister?
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Anger coursed through her veins as Elsa flew down the hall. 21 years. For 21 years she had kept her
secret, and now that was all for nothing! A stupid show of emotion and now everyone knew what she
really was, an abomination. Why couldnt she have kept calm? What did she ever do to be cursed like
Elsa raced into the Entrance Hall, flinging open the Main Doors and running out into the summer air.
Immediately, the sounding of applause greeted her; a crowd had formed in the palace courtyard.
Hey, its the queen!
All hail Queen Elsa!
Long may you reign, my queen!
Soon they were all crowding around her, each wanting to express their loyalty and happiness at her
coronation, each longing to be near their queen. That familiar knot of fear was building in Elsa. They
couldnt touch her! She would only hurt them.
She ducked all the outstretched hands and tried to weave her way through the crowd. At every path,
however, she was blocked off by well-wishers.
My queen, is everything all right? A woman asked in concern, her baby nestled in her arms.
Too close. They were all too close to her. Elsa tried to rein in her panic as she backed up towards the
courtyard fountain. She felt a slight jolt in her lower back as she bumped it and her uncovered hand
reached out to steady herself against the fountain. At first contact, an icy sheet began to spread along
the polished marble. The water froze in midair and the air itself became noticeably colder.
Gasps could be heard from the crowd around Elsa, and a wide circle began to form around her. The fear
in the atmosphere was almost tangible. Everywhere Elsa looked, women were shielding their babies
against their chests; men pushed their children behind them.
Not again. Why, oh why, couldnt I be normal?
In the dead silence, the doors to the palace slammed open, and the Duke of Weselton ran out, his
hulking guards at his side.
Stop her! The Duke screamed. Dont let her escape!
Elsa looked around. No one had moved yet, but she could see the determination beginning to appear in
their eyes of the crowd. A few men began to take tentative steps forward.
Dont come near me! Elsa cried. I dont want to hurt anyone.
Leon, Karl, grab her. The Duke commanded. The two bodyguards began heading towards the queen.
I said stay away! Elsa shouted, raising her hands up in front of her. What could only be described as a
white ball of energy flew from the queens hands, impacting the ground in front of the Dukes men. A
small explosion of frost threw the two guards off their feet, freezing the entire area where they had
previously been standing.
Monster, the Duke whispered in fear, his eyes focused on the frozen patch of earth. Youre a
No, I- I didnt mean to do that! By now the panic was threatening to overcome Elsa. She had to get out
of there. At that moment, the doors burst open a second time. Anna sprinted out, her hair disheveled
and her dress in disarray from all the running.
Elsa! She cried out, seeing her sister next to the frozen fountain. Wait!
In a split decision, Elsa launched herself towards the crowd, a wide path forming as no one wanted to
risk touching their queen. Sparing no glance behind her, the Queen of Arendelle flew down the streets,
heading towards the lake shore.

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