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My Awesome

Marshmallow Bridge!
by Eva
(Of my marshmallow bridge)
The base of
Bridge is like
Square or
Of like a
The Base
Explaining my base!
My base is a square because I think
It will hold things better than other
Things will hold.
Shapes on my marshmallow bridge
I have a lot of shapes on my bridge! The shapes
I have the most of are triangles and squares.
If you can see there
Are some triangles
On here.
How line segments are different than a line
Line segments are way
different from a line! A
line just keeps going in
both directions,but a
line segment stays as it
is and doesn't keep on
going on both sides.
My marshmallow bridge
Has all kinds of lines and
Line segments.
Explaining a ray
A ray is a line with a arrow on one side and a point on
the other. The side with the arrow goes on forever.
When you name a ray you have to use the letter of the
end point first and then the letter of the arrow next.
This is what a
ray looks like
Parallel Lines
Parallel lines are when two lines never cross and
the lines are on a flat surface too. Parallel lines
are like rail road tracks railroad tracks never
touch or cross and they are on a flat surface.
These are parallel
These are not
Perpendicular lines
A perpendicular line is...
Two lines that form a square corner.
They can cross to make a square corner.
Acute angles
An acute angle is an angle that is 90
degrees or lesswide and i t does not
make a square corner like a right angle
This is
An acute
An obtuse angle is
when a angle is
between 90 and 180
degrees wide. An
obtuse angle is wider
than a right angle and
an acute angle.
Right angles
A right angle is an angle that is 90
Degrees wide. Wider than a acute angle but
Not as wide as a obtuse angle.
Symmetry is
when you can cut
something in half
and both of the
parts are the
This circle
Is cut in
Half and
The parts
Are the same
The BIG Idea
(How humans use shapes and lines to build and organize
Humans use shapes to build things like,bridges,playgrounds
and houses for people to li ve in. Humans also use lines to
organize things if bridges and roads were really curvy and
squiggly than they would not be organized.

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