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Los Angeles Unified School District

Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies

5931 W. 18th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90035
(323) 549-5900

November 20, 2009

To Whom it May Concern:

This letter is in reference to Jasmine Uniza.

I had known Jasmine for several years before she was in my Calculus BC class. From the beginning of the class, I was relieved to see that Jasmine was more than

just the ever-friendly, kind, and bubbly young girl I had known since she was in the seventh grade. Besides all that she is a young woman with a sharp intellect and a

unwavering pursuit of mastery.

The material in my class is quite rigorous and it did not come as naturally to Jasmine as it did to many other students. Still, she never let it get her down or in any way

alter her determination to succeed and master the material in my course.

Through consistent and careful effort, she did just that. I cannot say that she was the perfect mathematician-student, but I can say that I would prefer to have a

classroom of students like Jasmine who are willing to struggle and fight with the material in order to master it than a handful of students who take for granted that the

math comes more naturally to them.

With her determination and focus, I believe that Jasmine can accomplish anything she sets her mind to if she is given the right opportunities. I have no doubt she

would benefit tremendously from your program and would use the resources you provide to the best of her ability.

I hope you seriously consider her for you scholarship program.


Eli Lieberman

math teacher

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