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Your Name in Gold

Anne sat at the breakfast table, eating her cornflakes and reading the print on the cereal box in front of
her. "Tastee Cornflakes - Great New Offer!" the box read. "See back of box for details."
Annes older sister, Mary, sat across from her, reading the other side of the cereal box. "Hey, Anne," she
said, "look at this awesome prize - your name in gold."
As Mary read on, Annes interest in the prize grew. "Just send in one dollar with proof-of-purchase seal
from this box and spell out your first name on the information blank. We will send you a special pin with
your name spelled in gold. (Only one per family, please.)"
Anne grabbed the box and looked on the back, her eyes brightening with excitement. The name
"Jennifer" was spelled out in sparkling gold. "Thats a neat idea," she said. "A pin with my very own name
spelled out in gold. Im going to send in for it."
"Sorry, Anne, I saw it first," said Mary, "so I get first dibs on it. Besides,
you dont have a dollar to send in, and I do."
"But I want a pin like that so badly," said Anne. "Please let me have it!"
"Nope," said her sister.
"You always get your way - just because youre older than me," said Anne, her lower lip trembling as her
eyes filled with tears. "Just go ahead and send in for it. See if I care!" She threw down her spoon and ran
from the kitchen.
Several weeks passed. One day the mailman brought a small package addressed to Mary. Anne was
dying to see the pin, but she wouldnt let Mary know how eager she was. Mary took the package to her
room. Anne casually followed her in and sat on the bed.
"Well, I guess they sent you your pin. I sure hope you like it," Anne said in a mean voice. Mary slowly took
the paper off the package. She opened a little white box and carefully lifted off the top layer of white
cotton. "Oh, its beautiful!" Mary said. "Just like the cereal box said, your name in gold. Four beautiful
letters. Would you like to see it, Anne?"
"No, I dont care about your dumb old pin."
Mary put the white box on the dresser and went downstairs.
Anne was alone in the bedroom. Soon she couldnt wait any longer, so she walked over to the dresser.
As she looked in the small white box, she gasped. Mixed feelings of love for her sister and shame at
herself welled up within her, and the pin became a sparkling gold blur through her tears.
There on the pin were four beautiful letters - her name in gold: A-N-N-E.
By A. F. Bauman
from Chicken Soup for the Kids Soul
Copyright 1998 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Patty Hansen and Irene Dunlap

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