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Causes of death for men and women in

the UK (2000)

An obvious difference between these charts that more women die of stroke than men, also that
men die more than women to injuries and poisoning. A big similarity is that a large percent of
both women and men die of coronary heart disease. Women and Men both have about the
same Causes of death for things like colon-rectal cancer and lung cancer. Women can die of
breast cancer whilst men cant even contract breast cancer. It is also seen that men die more
than women of coronary heart disease than women, even though both genders have high
percentages for deaths caused by this disease.

Premature causes of death for Men
Respiratory Diesease Injuries and Poisoning
Coronary Heart Diesease Stroke
Other cardio Vascular diesease Lung cancer
Colo-rectal cancer Other cancer
All other Casuses
Premature causes of death for Women
Respiratory Diesease Injuries and Poisoning
Coronary Heart Diesease stroke
Other Cardio Vascular diesease Lungcancer
breast cancer colo-rectal cancer
other cancer all other causes

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