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GraphicsPaths and Regions

Back in the early chapters of this book, we used pens and brushes (in conjunction with the Draw… and
Fill… methods of the Graphics object) to create abstract regular shapes on the page. We drew and
filled lines, rectangles, regular curves, and ellipses.

In this chapter we'll take a look at two classes that take this a significant step further: the
GraphicsPath and the Region. These classes enable us to work with more irregular shapes, and to
group sets of shapes together for more effective processing.

So, in this short chapter we will cover:

❑ How we can use the GraphicsPath class to describe paths in GDI+

❑ How we can describe regions, using the Region class
❑ The similarities, differences, and relationships between GraphicsPaths and Regions

This chapter covers the basic features of GraphicsPaths and Regions – specifically, we focus on how
we use these classes to compose outlines and shapes and perform some simple operations with them. In
the next chapter, we'll see how these objects can be used in operations such as clipping, invalidation,
and creating custom gradient brushes, to create some very useful effects.

What are GraphicsPaths and Regions?

The GraphicsPath and Region are two classes that contribute significantly to the power of GDI+ as a
graphics-programming interface. These two classes are intimately related, as we'll see in this section,
and yet quite distinct in their purposes and capabilities. Together, they allow us to build higher levels of
abstraction, and thereby create simpler, cleaner code.
Chapter 6

A GraphicsPath object represents a set of sub-paths or figures. Each figure is a connected path,
composed of a series of line and curve segments and geometric figures. These segments and geometric
figures can be described in any of the standard ways we've seen already in this book – we can use arcs,
Bézier curves, ellipses, rectangles, and so on. To create a figure, we simply list the components of the
figure in the right order – the GraphicsPath object computes the figure to be the outline that results
when these component outlines are joined together in the order specified. (We'll see some examples of
this in the next section.)

The GraphicsPath itself is the path composed of the ordered set of figures. Because the set of figures
is ordered, and because each figure is composed of an ordered set of lines and curves, the
GraphicsPath itself is a path with a beginning and an end.

The figures within a GraphicsPath object don't need to be connected to one another – they can be
disconnected. In particular, this means that the figures don't have to be top-to-tail on the drawing
surface: in fact, usually, they're not top-to-tail and thus the path described by the GraphicsPath object
is discontinuous. To follow such a path from one end to the other, we would need to 'leap through
space' from the end of one figure to the beginning of the next.

The Region class is similar to the GraphicsPath path class, but it relates to areas (or regions) instead of
paths. Thus, we can use a Region object to represent a shape, or a set of shapes. A region can consist of
geometric shapes (like rectangles and ellipses) and/or custom shapes whose outlines are composed of
whatever lines and curves we care to specify. Like a GraphicsPath, the shapes that make up a Region
don't necessarily have to be connected.

Once we've created and defined a GraphicsPath object, we can draw it to our drawing surface using a
Pen object. After constructing a Region object, we can fill the region using a Brush object. In both
cases, there's an important point here. We can use the GraphicsPath and Region classes to compose
complex paths and shapes; but the task of rendering the completed path or shape to the screen can be
achieved in a single method call. This makes the rendering process much tidier, and also allows us to
organize our code more tidily.

Let's start to look at some real GraphicsPaths and Regions, so we can get a better idea of how
they work.

The GraphicsPath Class

The GraphicsPath class encapsulates a connected series of lines and curves. You may recall that we
used a GraphicsPath object back in Chapter 3, to demonstrate the effect created by a

Essentially, we use a GraphicsPath object when we want to describe an outline. Once we've described
the outline, we can do a number of things with it: we can draw it using a pen, or fill its interior using a
brush, or use it to create clipping regions.

We'll see all these applications of our outline during this chapter and the next. Before we get to that, we
should look at some simpler examples and get the basics under our belt.

Composing a GraphicsPath
As we noted earlier in the section, before we can do anything with a GraphicsPath path, we need to
compose it. A GraphicsPath is composed of an ordered set of figures; and each figure is composed of
an ordered set of line and curve segments, and geometric figures.

GraphicsPaths and Regions

Once we've created a new GraphicsPath object, we compose the GraphicsPath path segment by
segment, and figure by figure. The order in which we specify the segments and figures defines the order
and direction of the path – and hence the start and end points of the path. Let's look at an example:

private void Form1_Paint(object sender,

System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, this.ClientRectangle);

// Create a new GraphicsPath object

GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

// Create a figure
gp.AddLine(10, 10, 10, 50);
gp.AddBezier(10, 50, 10, 55, 25, 70, 30, 70);
gp.AddLine(30, 70, 60, 70);
gp.AddBezier(60, 70, 85, 70, 90, 55, 90, 50);
gp.AddLine(90, 50, 90, 30);
gp.AddLine(90, 30, 120, 10);
gp.AddLine(120, 10, 150, 10);
gp.AddLine(150, 10, 170, 30);
gp.AddLine(170, 30, 170, 70);

// Create another figure

gp.AddLine(60, 110, 40, 160);
gp.AddLine(40, 160, 60, 180);
gp.AddLine(60, 180, 140, 150);
gp.AddLine(140, 150, 120, 110);

// draw the path

g.DrawPath(Pens.Black, gp);

// Clean up

If you're trying these examples for yourself, remember that the GraphicsPath class is part of the
System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespace, so you'll need a using directive to include it.

In this code we've created a path that contains two figures. We've composed the first figure by adding a
series of line and Bézier curve segments to the GraphicsPath object, using the AddLine and
AddBezier methods. It begins with a line-segment from the point (10, 10) to (10, 50), and then
continues with a Bézier curve round to (30, 70), followed by another line segment, another Bézier curve,
and then five more line segments – ending on the point (170, 70).

When we call the StartFigure method, we begin a second figure. By definition, this means that we
have finished composing the first figure. As you can see, the second figure is composed of four lines,
beginning at (60, 110) and ending at (120, 110).

Chapter 6

The whole path looks like this. Its start point is the point (10, 10), and
its end point is the point (120, 110). It's not a continuous line – in
order to follow it from one end to the other we must jump from the
end of the first figure to the start of the second.

Note that the GraphicsPath class itself doesn't provide any functionality for rendering the path we've
created. If we want to render the path contained in a GraphicsPath object, then we call a method in
the Graphics class – and pass the GraphicsPath object as an argument. (In fact, as we'll see later, the
Region object is very similar in this respect.)

Drawing Multiple Figures in a GraphicsPath

In the example above, note how we composed the two figures. To begin describing the first figure, we
just launched into a sequence of Add… methods, which sequentially build up the first figure. We must
finish describing the first figure before we begin describing the second figure – because as soon as we
call StartFigure to begin describing the second figure, GDI+ takes it as read that you've finished
describing the first figure. There's no going back to it!

We can call StartFigure as often as we like. Each time we call it, it will end the existing figure and
begin a new one.

Open Figures and Closed Figures

A figure is closed if its start point and end point are the same. If a figure is not closed, then we say that
it's open. (It's just like a pen – if you don't close the pen, the sheep can get out.) In the example above,
the first figure starts at (10, 10) and ends at (170, 70), and is therefore open. The second figure starts at
(60, 110) and ends at (120, 110), and so is also open.

There are a number of ways we can close a figure. The obvious way is explicitly to add a line or curve
segment at the end of the figure, whose end point is the same as the start point of the figure.

An easier way is to use the CloseFigure method when we've finished describing the figure, like this:

// Create a new GraphicsPath object

GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

// Create a figure
gp.AddLine(10, 10, 10, 50);
gp.AddBezier(10, 50, 10, 55, 25, 70, 30, 70);
gp.AddLine(30, 70, 60, 70);
// Close this figure

GraphicsPaths and Regions

// Create another figure

gp.AddLine(60, 110, 40, 160);
gp.AddLine(40, 160, 60, 180);
gp.AddLine(60, 180, 140, 150);
gp.AddLine(140, 150, 120, 110);

// draw the path

g.DrawPath(Pens.Black, gp);

// Clean up

Now, the first figure is composed of a line from (10, 10) to (10, 50); a
Bézier curve to (30, 70); a line to (60, 70); and a line that closes the
figure by joining this last point back to the first. In fact, the
CloseFigure method not only closes the existing figure; it also starts
the next figure automatically, so that the call to StartFigure here (for
the second figure) is in fact superfluous.

Alternatively, we can call the CloseAllFigures method, which closes all the figures in the path upto
and including the current one:

// Create a new GraphicsPath object

GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

// Create a figure
gp.AddLine(10, 10, 10, 50);
gp.AddBezier(10, 50, 10, 55, 25, 70, 30, 70);
gp.AddLine(30, 70, 60, 70);

// Create another figure

gp.AddLine(60, 110, 40, 160);
gp.AddLine(40, 160, 60, 180);
gp.AddLine(60, 180, 140, 150);
gp.AddLine(140, 150, 120, 110);

// Close all figures


// draw the path

g.DrawPath(Pens.Black, gp);

// Clean up

Chapter 6

This code creates two open figures, and then closes them both off at the same time. Finally, it draws the
two closed figures to the drawing surface.

We can also add geometric figures to the path. By nature, these figures are already closed, so the
CloseFigure and CloseAllFigures methods have no effect on these figures. For example:

// Create a new GraphicsPath object

GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

// Create a figure
gp.AddRectangle(new Rectangle(10, 50, 80, 20));

// Create another figure

gp.AddEllipse(50, 10, 20, 80);

// draw the path

g.DrawPath(Pens.Black, gp);

// Clean up

In this example, the first figure is a rectangle and the second is an ellipse. Note that there's no need to
use StartFigure to end the first figure and start the second, because the first figure is already closed
(and therefore complete).

In short: if the first and last points of a figure are different, and we don't call the CloseFigure
method for the figure, and we don't call the CloseAllFigures method, then the figure will
be open.

GraphicsPaths and Regions

Filling the Area Bounded by a GraphicsPath

As we'll see a little later, we can use a GraphicsPath as the boundary of a Region – but only if all the
figures in the GraphicsPath are closed.

Moreover, we can apply a Brush object to fill the area bounded by our GraphicsPath object,
like this:

GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

// create an open figure

gp.AddLine(10, 10, 10, 50);
gp.AddLine(10, 50, 50, 50);
gp.AddLine(50, 50, 50, 10);

// start a new figure

gp.AddLine(60, 10, 60, 50);
gp.AddLine(60, 50, 100, 50);
gp.AddLine(100, 50, 100, 10);

// add a geometric shape (a rectangle) to the path

Rectangle r = new Rectangle(110, 10, 40, 40);

// Fill the area 'bounded' by the path

g.FillPath(Brushes.Orange, gp);

// Draw the path

g.DrawPath(Pens.Black, gp);

// Clean up

Of course, it doesn't make sense to fill an open area, like the one we've created here. In this case, the
FillPath method works out the closed path that we would get if we called CloseAllFigures on our
GraphicsPath. Then it uses the specified Brush to fill the area bounded by that closed path:

As you can see, GDI+ doesn't actually call CloseAllFigures on the GraphicsPath itself. It calls
CloseAllFigures on an implicit copy of our GraphicsPath, and uses that path to perform the
filling operation.

Chapter 6

Absolute Coordinates and a Shorthand for Straight-line Figures

Note that the arguments to the GraphicsPath.AddLine method (and other Add… methods) are not
relative – they represent the absolute coordinates of the start point and end point. Thus, the operation
gp.AddLine(50, 0, 0, 20) will add a line that runs between the points (50, 0) and (0, 20) –
regardless of what we've added to the figure so far.

This raises the interesting question of what happens when consecutive Add… method calls describe line
or curve fragments that don't top-and-tail one another. For example, in the first example we created a 9-
segment figure like this:

// Create a figure
gp.AddLine(10, 10, 10, 50);
gp.AddBezier(10, 50, 10, 55, 25, 70, 30, 70);
gp.AddLine(30, 70, 60, 70);
gp.AddBezier(60, 70, 85, 70, 90, 55, 90, 50);
gp.AddLine(90, 50, 90, 30);
gp.AddLine(90, 30, 120, 10);
gp.AddLine(120, 10, 150, 10);
gp.AddLine(150, 10, 170, 30);
gp.AddLine(170, 30, 170, 70);

Here, we've carefully specified the arguments of these Add… methods so that each one runs on from the
previous one – so that segments n and n+1 meet at (10, 50), (30, 70), (60, 70), (90, 50), (90, 30), (120, 10),
etc. What happens if we're not so careful?

In fact, if the end of one segment is not the same as the beginning of the next segment, then GDI+
assumes that you want to join them with a straight line segment. What this means is that, if we wish, we
can specify figures with straight-line segments by omitting some of the AddLine operations (just so long
as we don't omit any of the coordinate information).

For example, we can describe the above figure with three fewer AddLine operations than we've
shown above:

// Create a figure
gp.AddLine(10, 10, 10, 50);
gp.AddBezier(10, 50, 10, 55, 25, 70, 30, 70);
// gp.AddLine(30, 70, 60, 70);
gp.AddBezier(60, 70, 85, 70, 90, 55, 90, 50);
gp.AddLine(90, 50, 90, 30);
// gp.AddLine(90, 30, 120, 10);
gp.AddLine(120, 10, 150, 10);
// gp.AddLine(150, 10, 170, 30);
gp.AddLine(170, 30, 170, 70);

GraphicsPath Properties and Methods

There are a number of methods and properties that give us quite a bit of power when working with
paths. The following table gives an overview of the public properties of the GraphicsPath class, of
which there are five:

GraphicsPaths and Regions

Property Description
FillMode If we're filling the interior of the path, then this property dictates how it
will be filled. Its values come from the FillMode enumeration (which has
two values – Alternate and Winding). We can get or set the value of
this property. See the additional note below.
PathData This gets a PathData object that contains information on how the path is
constructed. (The PathData object has two properties – Points and
Types – which give the same arrays as those described in the
PathPoints and PathTypes properties in this table.)
PathPoints This gets the points in the path, in the form of an array.
PathTypes Each point in a GraphicsPath has a type (for example, Start, Line,
Bezier, CloseSubpath). This property gets the types of the points in the
path, in the form of an array.
Note that all the possible point types are listed in the PathPointType
enumeration, which is part of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D
PointCount This gets the number of elements in the arrays returned by the
PathPoints or PathTypes properties.

As we state in the table above, there are two possible values for the FillMode property – Alternate,
and Winding. The exact way that these fill modes fill the interior of a path can depend on the orientation
of the path – that is, the start and end points of the path and the resulting direction of the path.

For the purposes of writing custom controls, the use of intricate fill patterns is likely to be minimal, so
we won't dwell on the details of this point here. However, it's worth noting that the fill behavior of some
brushes can depend on the orientation of the path – and therefore can depend on the order in which
you describe the individual line and curve segments and the individual figures.

Most of the methods in the GraphicsPath class facilitate construction of our path. These methods,
which are all prefixed with the word Add…, allow us to add things like lines, curves, and geometrical
figures to the path. We've already covered this process in some detail, so we will not tackle it further
here, except to say that the full list of these methods includes:

AddArc AddClosedCurve AddLine AddPie AddRectangles

AddBezier AddCurve AddLines AddPolygon AddString
AddBeziers AddEllipse AddPath AddRectangle

The following table lists some of the other methods of the GraphicsPath class. This table is not
intended to be a reference, but rather is a guide to the different ways that we can construct a path.

Chapter 6

Method Description
ClearMarkers See below.
Clone Creates a GraphicsPath object that contains a copy of the
current path.
CloseFigure Closes the current figure by adding a line between the ending point of
the last segment and the starting point of the first segment.
Automatically starts a new figure in the path.
CloseAllFigures Closes all figures drawn so far, by adding lines between each figure's
end point and its start point. Automatically starts a new figure in
the path.
Flatten Converts curves into a series of connected line segments.
GetBounds Returns a rectangle that encloses the path.
IsOutlineVisible Determines whether a particular point is contained in the outline of
the path. Could be used for hit testing.
IsVisible Determines whether a particular point is contained in the interior of
the path.
Reset Clears the path.
Reverse Reverses the order of the points in the path.
SetMarkers See below.
StartFigure Starts a new figure in the path. Leaves the previous figure open.
Transform Applies a transform matrix to the path.
Warp Applies a warp transform to the path. A warp transform is defined by a
rectangle and a parallelogram.

The SetMarkers and ClearMarkers methods relate (unsurprisingly) to a feature of GDI+

GraphicsPaths, called the marker. We can use SetMarkers to insert a marker at a specific
point in a path as we are constructing a path. Later, we can create a new path that consists of a
subset of the original path that lies between two markers in that path. We can use the
ClearMarkers method to clear any markers from an existing path. We use markers to separate
groups of sub-paths.

Finally, it's worth noting that the GraphicsPath object constructor is overloaded to accept an array of
points, and/or an array of point-types, and/or a fill mode. If our GraphicsPath isn't very complicated,
this approach works well. See the documentation at for
more information.

GraphicsPaths and Regions

The Region Class

As we've said, we can use a Region object to describe a region of our surface – that is, zero or more
areas of real estate on our surface. When we work with a Region object, we generally begin by defining
what area the Region covers, and then performing operations that use the defined region. (In this way,
at least, we use a Region object in much the same way as we'd use a GraphicsPath object.) Once
we've defined our region, we can perform a number of operations: we can fill it with a Brush object, or
use it for hit testing or as a clipping region (see the next chapter).

It makes sense to begin by seeing how we might define a Region. Unlike the GraphicsPath class, the
Region class doesn't have an army of Add… methods. In fact, while a GraphicsPath object has its
figures, there is no equivalent concept in a Region object – while a Region object typically does
consist of a number of disconnected enclosed areas, they're created in a very different way. In
particular, we don't build up a Region incrementally, like we did a GraphicsPath.

Instead, we usually create a Region by using one of the overloaded Region class constructors. We'll
look at some ways to create Regions here.

Creating a Region from a GraphicsPath

One way to create a Region is to use a GraphicsPath to define a path, and then use this path as the
outline of our new Region object.

In this example, we'll use a familiar GraphicsPath object (one from earlier in the chapter) to create a
region, and then we'll fill the resulting region with a Brush:

// Create a GraphicsPath
GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

// create an open figure

gp.AddLine(10, 10, 10, 50);
gp.AddLine(10, 50, 50, 50);
gp.AddLine(50, 50, 50, 10);

// start a new figure

gp.AddLine(60, 10, 60, 50);
gp.AddLine(60, 50, 100, 50);
gp.AddLine(100, 50, 100, 10);

// add a geometric shape (a rectangle) to the path

Rectangle r = new Rectangle(110, 10, 40, 40);

// Create a Region whose boundary is the above GraphicsPath

Region reg = new Region(gp);

// Fill the Region

g.FillRegion(Brushes.Green, reg);

// Clean up

Chapter 6

Here's the result. The shapes that we see are familiar, but the way
we've filled them is different. The Region class constructor we've
used here is one that accepts a GraphicsPath object; it takes a
copy of the path, closes it, and then uses it to create a Region. As
you can see, this region is composed of three disconnected areas:
two 4-sided polygons and a circular ellipse.

So, Regions (like GraphicsPaths) don't need to be connected or contiguous. Moreover,

GraphicsPaths give us a way to describe regions whose boundaries are irregular. For example:

// Create a GraphicsPath
GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

// Create a figure
gp.AddLine(10, 10, 10, 50);
gp.AddBezier(10, 50, 10, 55, 25, 70, 30, 70);
gp.AddLine(30, 70, 60, 70);
gp.AddBezier(60, 70, 85, 70, 90, 55, 90, 50);
gp.AddLine(90, 50, 90, 30);
gp.AddLine(90, 30, 120, 10);
gp.AddLine(120, 10, 150, 10);
gp.AddLine(150, 10, 170, 30);
gp.AddLine(170, 30, 170, 70);

// Create another figure

gp.AddLine(60, 110, 40, 160);
gp.AddLine(40, 160, 60, 180);
gp.AddLine(60, 180, 140, 150);
gp.AddLine(140, 150, 120, 110);

// Create a Region whose boundary is the above GraphicsPath

Region reg = new Region(gp);

// Fill the Region

g.FillRegion(Brushes.Green, reg);

// Clean up

Here's another region whose outline is a familiar shape (it's outline is

the GraphicsPath we drew at the beginning of this chapter). This
time, the top figure is not entirely concave, so when GDI+ closes the
figure in order to create the region, the resulting interior is in
two pieces.

GraphicsPaths and Regions

Creating a Region from a Rectangle

We can create a Region from a Rectangle object, in a very similar way:

// Create a Region whose boundary is the above Rectangle

Region reg = new Region(new Rectangle(10, 10, 80, 20));

// Fill the Region

g.FillRegion(Brushes.Green, reg);

// Clean up

The result isn't very surprising; but it's handy to have an easy way to put
together a rectangular Region, because many of the regions you're likely
to need will be rectangular.

Creating a Region from Another Region

To create a Region from an existing region, the constructor doesn't accept the existing region object
itself – instead it expects an array of data about the region. We can get the required data about such a
Region from its GetRegionData method – this method returns the required data in the form of a
RegionData object. We can then pass this object into the Region constructor, and hence create a new
Region object just like the existing one:

Region r1 = new Region(new Rectangle(10, 10, 80, 20));

RegionData r1Data = r1.GetRegionData();
Region r2 = new Region(r1Data);

Alternatively, it's easier just to use the Clone method instead:

Region r1 = new Region(new Rectangle(10, 10, 80, 20));

Region r2 = r1.Clone();

Unions and Intersections of Regions

Once we've constructed a region, we can modify it. The Region object provides five methods that
allow us to perform set algebra on the region. This involves specifying a second area (in the form of a
Rectangle, a RectangleF, another Region, or the internal of a GraphicsPath), and performing an
operation – this results in a new Region that is a subset of the two.

Here's an example. Here, we first set the Region object to represent the area inside the tall rectangle.
Then we modify it – we reduce its size by taking only the intersection of the Region with the region
described by rect2:

// Create two rectangles

Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(50, 10, 50, 130);
Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(10, 50, 130, 50);

Chapter 6

// Set Region using first rectangle

Region reg = new Region(rect1);

// Modify Region to be intersection of itself with second rectangle


// Draw the result so we can see it

g.FillRegion(Brushes.Orange, reg);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rect1);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rect2);

The resulting Region is shown in the shaded area here. The screenshot also shows the two rectangles.

All five methods work in a very similar way – they represent five different set algebra operations. The
methods are listed below:

Operation Description
r1.Intersect(r2); Updates r1 to be the intersection between r1 and r2 (that is, any
portion that is in both r1 and r2)
r1.Union(r2); Updates r1 to be the union of r1 and r2 (that is, any portion that is
in either r1 or r2 or both)
r1.Xor(r2); Updates r1 to be the exclusive union of r1 and r2 (that is, any
portion that is in either r1 or r2 but not both)
r1.Complement(r2); Updates r1 so that it includes areas that are contained within r2, but
excludes any portion that was originally contained in r1
r1.Exclude(r2); Updates r1 to exclude any portion that is also contained within r2

Here's a screenshot that demonstrates all five. The code is quite similar to the code we've just seen, so
we'll omit it here – though it is included within the support code for the book. In each of these, r1 is the
tall thin rectangle and r2 is the short wide one:

GraphicsPaths and Regions

Methods of the Region Class

There are a number of other methods that we can use to manipulate regions and query regions (and
return information about them). Some of them are listed below. For a full list, see the documentation at We will not cover them all in this chapter, but you will see some of
them in use elsewhere in the book:

Method Description
Clone Returns a Region object that is a copy of the existing one.
GetBounds Gets a Rectangle object that bounds this Region object on the specified
drawing surface.
GetRegionData Gets a RegionData object that contains data that defines the region. We
can use the RegionData object to create a new Region.
GetRegionScans Gets an array of RectangleF objects that approximate this Region.
IsEmpty Returns a Boolean – true if the Region is empty on the specified drawing
surface, false otherwise.
IsInfinite Returns a Boolean – true if the Region has an infinite interior, false
otherwise. See below.
IsVisible Returns a Boolean – true if any part of the Region is visible when drawn
on the drawing surface of the specified Graphics object; false otherwise.
There are a number of overloads for this method, that test for visibility of
an intersection of the Region with a given point or rectangle on the given
drawing surface.
MakeEmpty Initializes this Region so that its interior is empty.
MakeInfinite Initializes this Region so that its interior is infinite. See below.
Transform Applies a transform matrix to the Region.
Translate Offsets the Region by an X and Y offset.

Let's finish off this section with a couple of examples that demonstrate some of these methods. We can
illustrate the methods that return Booleans as follows:

Chapter 6

private void Form1_Paint(object sender,

System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, this.ClientRectangle);

// Create a Region object, cut a rectangular hole in it, and fill it

Region r = new Region(new Rectangle(30, 30, 30, 60));
r.Exclude(new Rectangle(40, 40, 10, 10));
g.FillRegion(Brushes.Orange, r);

// Tell us about the Region

Console.WriteLine("This Region: ");
Console.WriteLine(r.IsInfinite(g) ? " - is infinite"
: " - is finite");
Console.WriteLine(r.IsEmpty(g) ? " - is empty"
: " - is non-empty");

PointF pf = new PointF(35.0f, 30.0f);

Console.WriteLine((r.IsVisible(pf) ? " - includes"
: " - excludes")
+ " the point (35.0, 50.0)" );

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(25, 65, 15, 15);

g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rect);
Console.WriteLine((r.IsVisible(rect) ? " - is visible"
: " - is invisible")
+ " in the rectangle shown" );


When we run this, we get a list of output to the console window. We also see the region in the client window.

This Region:
- is finite
- is non-empty
- includes the point (35.0, 50.0)
- is visible in the rectangle shown

As you can see, the filled region is finite, in that it doesn't extend in all directions as we see it in the
drawing surface. It's also non-empty – it contains at least one point. We've selected the point (35, 50) to
see whether it's contained within the region – and the output tells us that it is. Finally, the output
confirms that the region is visible through the rectangle shown – because the interior of the rectangle
contains a part of the region.

GraphicsPaths and Regions

Infinite Regions
It's worth a note on infinite regions. It's sometimes useful to set a region to be equal to the entire
drawing surface – extending infinitely in both directions. We then can use the set algebra operations
(Intersect, Union, Xor, Compliment, and Exclude) to cut out bits of the infinite region and get our
desired region.

This is useful, for example, we want to draw a background over the entire custom control, apart from
certain rectangles or regions in which we want to draw other elements. In this case, making an infinite
region (using the MakeInfinite method) and cutting rectangles out of it is a very convenient

// Create a Region object and set it to be infinite

Region r = new Region();

// Now cut a rectangular hole in it, and draw the result

r.Exclude(new Rectangle(30, 30, 50, 20));
r.Exclude(new Rectangle(30, 60, 50, 20));
g.FillRegion(Brushes.Orange, r);


Here, we've set the Region object to be the infinite space, before cutting out a couple of rectangles and
filling what's left.

In this chapter, we covered the GraphicsPath and Region classes. A GraphicsPath object is used to
represent a path. This path is composed of an ordered set of figures, and each figure is composed of an
ordered set of line segments, curve segments, and geometric figures. To define the GraphicsPath
object, we build up the path piece by piece. A Region object, by contrast, represents an area. We can't
define a Region piece by piece – more commonly, we describe a Region by using set algebra
operations (Intersect, Union, Xor, Compliment, and Exclude).

GraphicsPaths and Regions can both cope with being disconnected or discontinuous, and a Region
can be infinite.

Chapter 6

We saw how each of the figures in a GraphicsPath is either open or closed, and that we can call the
CloseFigure method or CloseAllFigures method to close open figures. We can use a
GraphicsPath as the outline of a Region – if the GraphicsPath contains any open figures, then
GDI+ works out what the closed path would look like and then builds the Region from that.

We can draw a GraphicsPath's path using a Pen object, and we can fill a Region using a Brush
object. (As a sort of shorthand, we can also fill the region whose boundary is a given GraphicsPath
directly, by passing the GraphicsPath and a Brush to the Graphics.FillPath method.)

Both the GraphicsPath and Region classes have many utility methods and properties that give us a
great deal of power and flexibility.

In the next chapter, we'll see how the GraphicsPath and Region classes can be very useful in the
context of clipping. We're also going to take a look at invalidation.

GraphicsPaths and Regions

Chapter 6


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