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A U T H O R ' S N O T E
Something dramatic is happening in America. Just about everyone in the nation is waking
up to a very simple, profound fact: Prevention is always better than cure. Chronic
fatigue, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart disease, many forms of cancer, even crime and
violence are far more effectively and costeffectively prevented than they are treated or
And something else is happening, too. !n the " years since Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's
Transcendental Meditation was first published, more and more doctors and other health
care professionals, business and community leaders, educators, and members of the
general public have come to appreciate the enormous practical benefits of #ranscendental
$editation. #hey are endorsing the use of this simple techni%ue in preventionoriented
programs to reduce stress and disease, improve health, reduce crime and violence, and
improve the %uality of life for the individual and society.
#he old saying is a wise one: &#here is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time
has come.& #ranscendental $editation is much more than an idea it is a powerful,
proven technology to unfold our most precious natural resource the human mind. !t is a
technology whose time has come. #he whole of society is already the better for it the
future will be even brighter.
-- Robert Roth
'n January (", )"*", $aharishi $ahesh +ogi arrived at San ,rancisco !nternational
Airport. !t was his first visit to the -nited States, and the second continent on his global
tour to introduce his #ranscendental $editation techni%ue to the world.
$aharishi lectured to hundreds of people during his (month stay. many people learned
the techni%ue. The San Francisco Chronicle covered one of $aharishi/s lectures and
published the first article on #ranscendental $editation ever in America.
$aharishi/s message then was simple and direct, and it/s the same today. 0ife is bliss.
$an is born to en1oy. 2ithin everyone is an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence,
and happiness. #ranscendental $editation is a simple, effortless procedure to experience
it. #he techni%ue can be easily learned by anyone of any age, culture, religion, or
educational background.
!n those early days, there were no other #ranscendental $editation teachers, no
#ranscendental $editation centers. After San ,rancisco, $aharishi spent several months
in 0os Angeles, then traveled on to 3ew +ork. ,rom 3ew +ork, $aharishi went to
4ngland, 5ermany, 5reece, and on around the world.
#he #ranscendental $editation movement started simply and grew steadily. #hen
suddenly, with the first published scientific research on the techni%ue, #ranscendental
$editation gained worldwide recognition.
#he first study on #ranscendental $editation was conducted at the -niversity of
California at 0os Angeles in )"67 by physiologist 8obert 9eith 2allace. :is thesis, &#he
;hysiological 4ffects of #ranscendental $editation: A ;roposed ,ourth $a1or State of
Consciousness,& earned him his ;h.<., and his findings were published in the 1ournals
Science and Scientific American. #his also inspired a huge upsurge of research into the
effects of #ranscendental $editation.
=y )">* #ranscendental $editation was a household word.
And today? $ore than four million people worldwide including more than one million
people in the -nited States from every profession, age, educational background, and
religion practice #ranscendental $editation. And the number keeps growing.
#he techni%ue has been learned by over 6,@@@ medical doctors in the -.S. and by tens of
thousands of executives, managers, and employees of large corporations and small
businesses throughout the -.S. and the world.
:omemakers practice #ranscendental $editation. So do attorneys, computer
programmers, teachers, students, sales clerks, clergy, athletes, factory workers, architects,
airline pilots, electricians, chefs, and artists.
2hy? #ranscendental $editation is easy to learn. Anyone can practice it. And it works.
<uring the past (* years, more than *@@ scientific research studies have been conducted
on the effects of the #ranscendental $editation techni%ue at ()@ independent universities
and research institutions in AA countries. #he studies many of which have been
published in leading scientific 1ournals have shown that the #ranscendental $editation
8educes stress
!ncreases creativity and intelligence
!mproves memory and learning ability
!ncreases energy
!ncreases inner calm
8educes insomnia
!ncreases happiness and selfesteem
8educes anxiety and depression
!mproves relationships
!mproves health
;romotes a younger biological age.
Since $aharishi first began teaching the #ranscendental $editation techni%ue over A6
years ago, modern science has made ma1or breakthroughs in understanding how nature
functions. 8ecently, scientists have glimpsed the deepest level of nature/s functioning
the unified field of natural law which is the source of the unlimited creative potential
displayed throughout the universe.
As we/ll see in this book, the unlimited potential found deep within human consciousness
and the unlimited potential found at the level of the unified field are not different. they
are the same.
#ranscendental $editation is a simple, effective techni%ue that enlivens the unlimited
potential of life from its source in the unified field. !t enriches all areas of life, 1ust as
watering the root of a plant brings nourishment to all parts of the plant.
#his book has been written to provide you with a brief and complete introduction to the
#ranscendental $editation program. !t is an introduction to the techni%ue that can change
your life for good.
! hope you en1oy it.
C H A P T E R 1
Transcendental Meditation at a Glance
A :arvard graduate student asked his instructor, 8onald <avid, $.<., about meditation.
2hat was it? 2hat did it do? <r. <avid, 0ecturer in ;ublic ;olicy at the John ,. 9ennedy
School of 5overnment, offered to find out. :e called the #ranscendental $editation
Center in Cambridge, and the next week a speaker addressed <r. <avid/s class.
,ascinated, six students, along with <r. <avid, started the techni%ue.
!t/s now )7 months later, 7:@@ a.m. on a #uesday one of the busiest days of the week for
<r. <avid. :e sits in his office, notes for today/s lectures piled on his desk. =ut before he
starts to review them and before his office turns busy he turns off the ringer on his
telephone, closes his eyes, and begins his morning practice of #ranscendental $editation.
& ! finish meditating and ! start the day feeling alert, creative, energiBed, and much more
organiBed,& <r. <avid says.
0ater that morning, after going over his notes with a colleague, <r. <avid, a noted
pediatricianturned policy analyst, will lecture to C( graduate students on &8isk and
8esilience in Childhood: !mplications for ;ublic ;olicy.& After lunch, he will make final
preparations for, and then teach, a Ahour afternoon seminar.
&At the end of what has normally been a hectic pace and before ! get on the train to go
home, ! close the door to my office, again turn off the ringer on the telephone, and
meditate. ! wind down from the tension of the day. it leaves me completely refreshed and
alert for the train ride back, so ! can do something ! en1oy, such as read a book, rather
than 1ust fall asleep.&
As a health policy analyst, <r. <avid sees significant applications for #ranscendental
& 2e have focused too long and too exclusively on the medical model of management,&
<r. <avid says. & ! am impressed with the emerging data on the role of #ranscendental
$editation in the treatment of intractable hypertension, reduction of recidivism in prison
inmates, and recovery from drug addiction particularly among African Americans.
& ,or me #ranscendental $editation is much more profound than simply a physiological
way of relaxing. !t/s a way of becoming whole, of experiencing our own deep inner
connectedness as human beings. #hat experience gives a far greater capacity for health
and healing.&
What exactly is Transcendental Meditation?
And what is it not?
2hat are the benefits? :ow does it work?
#he first thing to know about the #ranscendental $editation program of $aharishi
$ahesh +ogi is that it/s easy to learn and en1oyable to practice.
Second, scientific research shows that the benefits of #ranscendental $editation can be
seen immediately and accumulate over time.
#hird, it/s simple to understand.
What Transcendental Meditation Is
#ranscendental $editation is a simple, natural, effortless, easilylearned mental techni%ue
practiced for )* to (@ minutes twice daily, sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.
#o elaborate:
Simple #ranscendental $editation is not difficult or complicated. it is a simple
Natural there is no manipulation or suggestion, such as in hypnosis.
Eortless #ranscendental $editation is easy to practice and re%uires no ability
to concentrate or control the mind.
Easily learned anyone beginning from age )@ can learn #ranscendental
$editation easily.
Mental techni!ue it re%uires no physical exercises, special postures, or
Practiced or "# to $% minutes twice daily #ranscendental $editation is
practiced for )* to (@ minutes: once in the morning before breakfast, to start the
day with alertness and energy, and once again in the afternoon before dinner, to
eliminate the accumulated stress of the day and as a basis for an en1oyable
evening and a good night/s sleep.
Sittin& comortably no awkward or cramped positions are necessary to
practice #ranscendental $editation. +ou can practice the techni%ue anywhere in
your office after work, riding the subway, sitting in a plane, or even in your car
parked at a highway rest stop. =ut it is usually practiced in the comfort of your
own home.
What 'appens (urin& Transcendental Meditation
<uring #ranscendental $editation the mind settles down to a silent, yet fully awake, state
of awareness pure consciousness. At the same time the body gains a uni%ue and
profound state of rest and relaxation.
#o understand the experience of the mind and body settling down during #ranscendental
$editation, we/ll take two common occurrences.
Excited mind) !t/s ,riday, (:@@ p.m. !t/s been a busy day and a long week. +ou/re late for
an appointment. +ou race to your car only to realiBe that you/ve forgotten your keys. +ou
find your keys, and then you have to battle traffic and road construction before finally
making it to your appointment only to discover that you/ve left behind some important
papers. +our mind is speeding, and your heart is pounding.
Settled mind) !t/s Sunday afternoon and you/re heading home from a long weekend
vacation, rested and refreshed. +ou feel contented, relaxed, happy. +our mind is alert,
calm, clear. +ou begin to think of new ways to make things better at work and at home
good, practical ideas.
=oth of these experiences of greater and of lesser excitation of mind and body are
already very familiar to us.
Now what does Transcendental Meditation do?
#ranscendental $editation is a systematic techni%ue that allows mental activity to settle
down to a silent state of awareness where the mind is calm, collected, yet fully expanded,
fully awake.
#his state is the simplest form of human awareness. !t is pure consciousness, a state of
&selfreferral& awareness open only to itself open to its own full potential. And as we/ll
see in the next chapter, it is the unified field of natural law, which modern physics
describes as the source of the infinite creativity and intelligence of nature.
#his settled state is completely natural to the mind. !t has always been there. !t was there
)@ years ago, it/s there right now, and it/ll be there tomorrow. 'nly it has been lost from
experience, lost from use, because of the constant noise and pressures and excitations of
daily life.
#ranscendental $editation allows the mind to experience pure consciousness easily,
effortlessly, and en1oyably. At the same time, extensive scientific research has shown that
while the mind settles down during #ranscendental $editation, the body gains a state of
profound rest and relaxation that is far deeper than any other techni%ue of meditation or
relaxation produces.
*eneits o Transcendental Meditation
2hat are the benefits of this experience?
;ure consciousness is the source of the unlimited creativity and intelligence of the mind.
8esearch has shown that the twice daily experience of pure consciousness during
#ranscendental $editation makes the mind more alert, creative, and intelligent
throughout the day.
And the deep rest provided by #ranscendental $editation eliminates the buildup of
stress and tension. improves health. and provides the basis for more dynamic, productive,
and satisfying activity.
Not +ll ,est Is E!ual
8est eliminates stress. #he deeper the rest, the better. #he rest gained during a night/s
sleep is sufficient to eliminate some of the stress and fatigue that comes from a full day of
activity. =ut obviously a night/s sleep, no matter how deep, isn/t enough. 2e may feel
better the next morning, but all too often we don/t feel completely refreshed, completely
free from the fatigue of the day and days before.
So we may exercise to help cope with stress play tennis, work out at the gym, take an
evening walk or listen to music, read a book, knit a sweater, or go on a fishing trip.
=ut something is missing. <espite our best efforts, stress clings to the nervous system and
builds up day after day, year after year. =utterflies in the stomach from preexam nerves
at age )6 can turn into stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, or premature aging, at age C@
all from too many years of too much worry.
2hat is missing? Dery, very deep rest.
8ecreation or a vacation may be relaxing, but they don/t provide the depth of rest
necessary to eliminate accumulated stress. =ecause of this, the benefits are shortlived.
E8ecall your first day back at work after a weeklong vacation. 2ithin a few hours it feels
like you never left.F
2hat is the solution?
(eep ,est Eliminates (eep Stress
#ranscendental $editation. !t provides very deep rest which is exactly what the body
needs to eliminate the very deeplyrooted stress that sleep or a vacation never touch.
!n one stroke of #ranscendental $editation, the mind and body are re1uvenated. #hen you
can play tennis, work in the garden, read a book, or go fishing, because you en1oy it, and
not because you are trying to cope with an everincreasing amount of stress in life.
+ll Techni!ues +re Not the Same
Are all meditation and relaxation techni%ues the same? Are all their benefits e%ual?
3o. ,our ma1or &metaanalyses& have been published that compare findings of hundreds
of scientific studies on #ranscendental $editation and all other forms of meditation and
relaxation. #he studies show clearly that #ranscendental $editation is far more effective
in reducing anxiety. improving psychological health. increasing selfactualiBation. and
reducing cigarette, drug, and alcohol misuse.
Practical Techni!ue or 'ealth- 'appiness- and Success
,or a long, long time meditation has been considered the domain of recluses. ,or people
with families and 1obs, meditation, at its best, was seen as a momentary refuge from the
demands of living. at its worst, an escape from life.
#ranscendental $editation is neither. !t is a practical, proven techni%ue for developing
more energy, creativity, and intelligence for awakening the unlimited potential of mind
and body and en1oying greater health, happiness, and success in life.
What Transcendental Meditation Is Not
#ranscendental $editation is not a religion, a philosophy, or a lifestyle. 3or does it
involve any codes of conduct or moral training, a value system, belief, or worship. #o
Transcendental Meditation is not a reli&ion it/s a techni%ue. $illions of
people of all religions, including clergy, practice #ranscendental $editation. !t
supports all religions because it releases stress and purifies the mind, body, and
emotions of the person who practices it.
Transcendental Meditation is not a philosophy it/s a simple, mechanical
techni%ue. #urning on a light switch is a techni%ue. it involves no philosophy.
-sing a lever to move a large rock is a techni%ue. it involves no philosophy. And
#ranscendental $editation is a scientific techni%ue because it is universally
applicable, repeatable, and verifiable by anyone, anywhere.
Transcendental Meditation is not a liestyle it/s a techni%ue. +ou don/t have to
change your lifestyle in order to start #ranscendental $editation. Just learn it,
practice it, and en1oy the benefits.
.The irst thin& I do every mornin&- beore I exercise and eat breakfast, is
#ranscendental $editation. 2hen ! get home after a long day at the office, the first thing
! do, before dinner, is #ranscendental $editation. #he techni%ue is extremely relaxing. !t
provides me with a practical, efficient, powerful respite from my very high levelof
activity. ! absolutely count on it to keep me clearheaded, rested, and healthy.&
John Gamara, $.<., a specialist in cardiology and internal medicine, 'range County,
California. <r. Gamara has been practicing #ranscendental $editation for () years.
.I have lon&- complex days with many demands and many continuing pressures that
spill over from day to day and week to week. ! direct a clinical unit, take care of patients,
teach medical students and residents, and carryout my research into neuroimaging. 2hat
! find is that #ranscendental $editation gives me a clearer mind, and ! am able to focus
my attention on areas that re%uire the greatest amount of work. Stress doesn/t accumulate.
! return to each day with a freshness. #ranscendental $editation has enhanced my career
and my life.&
9elvin '. 0im, $.<., Assistant ;rofessor of ;sychiatry and =ehavioral Sciences at
Stanford -niversity School of $edicine, ;alo Alto, California. <r. 0im has been
practicing #ranscendental $editation for )A years.
.Transcendental Meditation is li/e a daily vacation0 !t/s a renewal for my body and
calms my mind. ! do a lot of writing and speaking, and it has given me a flood of
&!/ve always felt that #ranscendental $editation was an aid to my Christian growth. !t
never replaced my Christian growth, but it was an aid to it. !n fact, ! decided to commit
my life to Christ after !/d been practicing #ranscendental $editation for A months.
&! would say to any Christian to anyone of any religion that #ranscendental
$editation would benefit your life. !t/s a techni%ue, a simple process that re%uires no
belief. !t is not a religion. #here are so many thoughts that clutter the mind, and
#ranscendental $editation is like taking a bath it/s very cleansing and very refreshing.&
8ev. <r. Craig 'vermyer, a pastoral counselor in !ndianapolis, !ndiana. <r. 'vermyer
received his $aster of <ivinity in )"7( and his <octorate of $inistry in )"7* from the
Christian #heological Seminary in !ndianapolis. :e has been practicing #ranscendental
$editation for (( years.
.I wouldn1t be able to ulill my responsibilities as a rabbi to the level ! expect of
myself without #ranscendental $editation. ! am better able to deal with the stresses of
being with the sick and the dying, and the pressures of funerals, weddings, and bar
mitBvahs because ! have within me a considerable reservoir of calm. ! am able to walk
into a tense situation and naturally settle people down. #hey appreciate the ease and calm
! bring to situations. =ut even more important, #ranscendental $editation has made me a
better rabbi because it has given me an experience and insight into the profound depths of
life. As a result, ! am able to express a true depth of knowledge about my own tradition.&
8abbi Alan 5reen of =eth !srael Synagogue in 2innipeg, $anitoba. 8abbi 5reen has
been practicing #ranscendental $editation for (@ years.
.Transcendental Meditation is a tremendous stress buster0 !t/s the most potent form of
relaxation that ! know of. After meditating 1ust a few days, ! noticed mental sharpness,
less worry, and increased tolerance and ability to get along with people. !t/s one
magnificent stroke that benefits my life in so many different ways.&
5lenn ;illing, actor, 0os Angeles. $r. ;illing has been practicing #ranscendental
$editation for )C months.
.I really appreciate the portability o Transcendental Meditation0 ! travel a lot, and
!/m able to gain the benefits of meditating no matter what is happening around me. !
recently was on a plane with very rambunctious children racing up and down the aisles. !
1ust sat there en1oying my meditation. Afterwards, one of the parents came over and sat
down next to me and said, /2hat are you doing? +ou seem so peacefulH/ #ranscendental
$editation gives you e%uanimity. +ou can move through all kinds of situations during the
day, coming from a place of peace, and then impart some of that peacefulness to others.&
$errily $anthey, $.S., <irector of the !nstitute for 4xecutive Stress $anagement in
9ent Egreater Seattle areaF, 2ashington. She has been meditating for (( years.
.I was out shoppin& recently with my husband buying bikes for our kids at a mall. !t
was late, the mall was chaotic, and ! was starting to get tired. 'n top of that, our son was
coming home from college that night with three friends for dinner. #hen ! realiBed, ! have
nothing to worry about. ! can go home and do my #ranscendental $editation, and ! won/t
be tired anymore. ! did and ! felt great, really refreshed afterward. ! 1ust wish ! started
when my friend first told me about it more than (@ years ago.&
<enise <roese, mother of four children, ages C, )@, )(, and (@, Carmel, !ndiana. $s.
<roese has been practicing #ranscendental $editation for one month.
C H A P T E R 2
2noldin& 3ull Potential 44
and 2sin& it
!t/s 7:A@ a.m. and the phones are ringing off the hook on the seventh floor of the 2orld
,inancial Center in $anhattan. What do you think What do you think What do you
think What do you think
&#hat/s what ! hear all day long,& says 2alter Gimmermann, first Dice ;resident at
0ehmann =ros. &Customers want to know what you think. #here/s a lot at stake. !f you/re
wrong, they can lose a lot of money. And if you/re right, they love you for it.&
$r. Gimmermann works in 0ehmann/s 5lobal 4nergy <epartment. ,or him each work
day actually starts the night before when he develops an &outlook& for the next day.
2here does he think any rally will fail? 2here does he think any decline will stop? <oes
he think it will be an uptrend or a downtrend, or does he expect a &congestion& day? 'n
that basis he decides:& :ow bullish am !? 2hat/s the best way of taking advantage of that
up move? Should ! stay with what ! have? Should ! add on? Should ! reverse my
$r. Gimmermann must develop an outlook for each hour, each day, each week, each
month, and each %uarter. $ost of the people he deals with are shortterm traders. #hey
rarely hold anything for more than a week. #hey need to know from $r. Gimmermann at
each moment during the day, &!sthis still your outlook? 2hat do you think?&
$r. Gimmermann has been practicing #ranscendental $editation for (A years.
&$y kind of work re%uires a uni%ue combination of analytical skills and intuitive clarity.
$y tool is not the price charts or the news wires. $y tool is the clarity of my awareness,
with which ! can pick up on things sooner than other people. !/m competing with some of
the best minds out there. 4verybody has the same information. everybody can look at the
same price charts. everybody reads the same newspapers. =ut success comes to the
person whose awareness can penetrate more deeply and, at the same time, be more
sensitive to the onset of trend changes. !f you haven/t developed that kind of awareness,
you/re going to get crushed by the oil markets.
&-nfolding your mental potential is not simply time well spent. it/s absolutely necessary
if you/re going to succeed. #ranscendental $editation gives me the clarity of mind and
inner calm that does not get overshadowed or shaken by the high level of emotions and
tension and anxiety that characteriBe this kind of work place.&
$r. Gimmermann started out with 4.,. :utton in $anhattan in )"7C. #he company was
bought out by Shearson and has gone through several name changes to its current name,
0ehmann =ros. $r. Gimmermann has been highly successful through it all.
&#his is a very stressful work environment. #he petroleum market is the most volatile
market out there, by a wide margin, and that volatility takes its toll. 3ormally you 1ust
don/t last as long as ! have. #he people ! started off with have burned out and gone on to
other things. ! attribute my endurance to #ranscendental $editation. 4ndurance has its
advantages. !f you endure, you remember things that other people weren/t there to
experience. +ou gather wisdom. !f you/ve /seen it all,/ you basically know how to deal
with it all.
&!f someone asks me about #ranscendental $editation, ! ask them, /:ow valuable is
mental clarity to you? :ow valuable are insight and innovation to you? :ow valuable is
it for you to be able to see what other people don/t see? !f that/s of value to you, then
#ranscendental $editation is something you can do to get as much clarity and insight as
you re%uire./ &
Maharishi1s Transcendental Meditation is not 5ust a techni!ue to reduce stress. !t is
much more than that. !t is a practical, effective procedure for developing consciousness
for unfolding your full mental potential and using it in daily life.
Is There Time?
2e have to be practical when it comes to time. 4very day there are pressures, deadlines,
and responsibilities to meet. #here/s a business deal to close, children to send off to
school, a term paper to write. And tomorrow will probably be even busier.
So is it practical to take time to consider developing mental potential much less do
something about it when there/s so much to accomplish with so little time?
;erhaps intuitively we/ve always known that we weren/t using our full potential in life,
but due to the pressing demands on our time and energy today, we/ve had to put these
considerations off until tomorrow or to a distant future.
!s this being practical? :ardly.
I There1s a 6hoice
;sychologists and psychiatrists estimate that we use between *I and )@I of our mental
potential. And there are days when even that figure may seem generous.
!f you had a choice, wouldn/t you prefer being able to draw upon more of your creativity
and intelligence to resolve a problem at work, or organiBe your household, or take a test
at school?
2hat could be more practical than having a clear, organiBed mind. or the ability to learn
%uickly and remember things accurately. or the capacity for broad comprehension along
with the ability to focus sharply, for long periods of time?
3othing could be more practical, and therefore nothing is more important than
developing full mental potential and using it.
:ow do you unfold mental potential through #ranscendental $editation?
Juite naturally. +ou simply gain access to the unlimited reservoir of energy, creativity,
and intelligence that is located at the most settled, silent, fully awake level of your mind
the source of thought.
#o understand how this is possible and to see how simple and natural it is, first we/ll start
with a few common experiences in daily life.
Excited Mind7Settled Mind
#wo business professionals are reviewing the draft of a transaction over lunch at a
crowded restaurant.
A high school student is working on a calculus problem with the television on.
3either the business professionals nor the student are finding much success. 2hy? #here
is too much noise. 2here there is more noise, there is more confusion. 2here there is
more silence, there is more order, more intelligence.
So the business professionals meet later in a %uiet conference room to complete the
details of the transaction, and the student goes to his room to study.
2henever we have something important to do, like study for a class or work out a
business deal, or whenever we have something important to say, like a hearttoheart talk
with a family member or a close friend, we try to find a %uiet place. =ecause when the
mind is allowed to settle down, it naturally gains in clarity, comprehension, and
The Purpose o Transcendental Meditation
2hat is the purpose of #ranscendental $editation? Just this: =ecause of the constant
demands on your time and energy, it/s not often that you can get away to a %uiet place for
a long period of time. And even if you/re able to get away, then because of the buildup of
stress and tension, it can take a long while before your mind really begins to settle down.
2hat you need is a way to develop the ability for your mind to always remain clear and
settled, a way to use the full potential of your mind at all times even in the midst of the
most hectic activity.
#hat/s the purpose of #ranscendental $editation. !t/s a simple techni%ue that allows the
active mind to settle down and continue settling down until it reaches its own
perfectly calm, collected state, where the body is deeply rested and the mind is silent,
unbounded, and fully awake.
#ranscendental $editation is also very practical. !t can be practiced anywhere at any
time. 2hether it/s been an intense day at work or school, or a laBy Sunday, whether you/re
1ust home from an allday downtown business meeting or a weekend boating trip, you
can practice #ranscendental $editation and benefit from this settled state of awareness.
And exactly what is this most settled state?
!t/s the full potential of consciousness a silent reservoir of unlimited creativity and
intelligence found deep within your mind. And this reservoir, as we/ll see later, is the
same as the source of unlimited creativity and intelligence found deep within nature
(r0 6hristopher 'e&arty is a mana&ement consultant, who speaks at more than )@@
business conferences a year, on developing the fundamentals of competence. :is client
list includes chief executives at !=$, A#K#, =lue Cross, Lerox, and the -nited Airlines
;ilots Association. :e has been practicing #ranscendental $editation for over (@ years.
&#he world is changing so fast, with so much new information to process, that to survive
in business today much less succeed demands an optimal level of mental
competence,& says <r. :egarty.
&! consider #ranscendental $editation to be the single most effective techni%ue available
for developing this inner potential. #ranscendental $editation removes the stress and
/debris/ from your mind and nervous system. !t gives you access to your own deepest
resources what ! have experienced to be a limitless source of energy and intelligence.&
Thou&ht Is the *asis o +ctivity
2hat is this reservoir of energy and intelligence that <r. :egarty and millions of other
people experience twice a day during #ranscendental $editation? And where is it
0et/s analyBe it step by step, starting with thought.
#hought is the basis of activity: #he design of a building begins with the thoughts of an
architect. a legal brief begins with the thoughts of an attorney. a smoothrunning
household is based on the thoughts of a homemaker.
#he clearer, more creative, more intelligent the thought, the more successful is the
architectural design, the legal brief, the family/s day.
2hat can make thought more intelligent and more powerful?
#he way to make thought more powerful, according to $aharishi, is through contact with
the reservoir of energy and intelligence deep within the mind, contact with the source of
Thou&ht) Ener&y and Intelli&ence
2hat is the source of thought? All day, every day we think innumerable thoughts. ,rom
the moment we wake up in the morning to the time we sleep at night, the mind is
constantly thinking thoughts:
&#en minutes to get the kids to school.&
&! wonder who won the game last night?&
&$ichael needs the computer file.&
!s there anything common to these thoughts and all the different thoughts that we
+es energy and intelligence.
4nergy because all thoughts move. one thought follows another. #his
movement implies energy.
!ntelligence because the energy takes a particular direction.
#his means that all thoughts express some degree of energy and intelligence. And all day,
every day, you are constantly thinking thoughts. #hat means you are constantly
generating impulses of energy and intelligence.
2hat is the source of all this energy and intelligence? ,rom where do thoughts arise?
2hile it is true that the stimulus for a particular thought may be a book or a conversation
or a movie, the fact is, thoughts impulses of energy and intelligence arise from
somewhere within us, from somewhere deep within the mind.
The Source o Thou&ht
As we discussed earlier the mind can be
Dery noisy and excited
Juiet and settled
;erfectly settled and silent
As the mind settles down it naturally grows in creativity, intelligence,and energy. #he
deepest level of the mind is the field of maximum energy and intelligence.
!t/s here that we locate an unbounded reservoir of pure energy and creative intelligence. !t
is from here that all thoughts arise. #his is the source of thought.
#he source of thought, $aharishi says, is the field of pure consciousness, a &selfreferral&
level of awareness where consciousness is open only to itself awake to its own full
potential. !t is silent, yet ready to function with maximum dynamism, clarity, and
#ranscendental $editation is a simple, natural procedure re%uiring neither
concentration nor control for refining mental activity and directly experiencing the
source of thought.
Transcendental Meditation and Science
2hat does science tell us about this experience? ,rom research in physiology and
biochemistry, we learn that #ranscendental $editation reduces stress and anxiety and
promotes a longer, healthier life. ,rom psychology we learn that intelligence grows,
memory improves, and learning ability increases.
And from the integration of modern physics and #ranscendental $editation, we learn
something else: 2e learn of the deep connection between human beings and nature.
2e learn that the source of intelligence within each of us is the same as the source of the
intelligence within nature, and that we have access to the unlimited creativity and
intelligence of nature within our own consciousness. 2e learn what it means to unfold
full mental potential and use it.
#o understand this connection between ourselves and nature, we first need a little
background in physics.
Modern Physics (iscovers the 2niied 3ield 44
+nd What It Means to 8ou
;hysics investigates nature. 2e are a part of nature. So what can physics tell us about
nature that can help us understand our own potential?
#o consider this, first we/ll review recent developments in physics and then relate them to
'bserve nature a maple tree, a galaxy of stars, or an atom and you observe the
display of nature/s intelligence. 4verywhere in nature there is perfect orderliness,
unfathomable energy, unlimited creativity, and infinite organiBing power.
2hat is its source? ;hysics tells us that nature is structured in layers, that within the
molecules are atoms, and that within atoms are subatomic particles. #he deeper the layer,
the greater the energy and organiBing power.
#he %uest of science has always been to uncover deeper levels of nature/s functioning and
ultimately to discover the common source of the tree, the galaxy, the atom the very
source of the universe.
The 3our 3undamental 3orces o Nature
,orty years ago the basis of the universe was seen to be the four fundamental forces in
nature and the socalled &matter fields.& E#he four forces are electromagnetism, which
accounts for such things as electricity and chemical reactions. the weak force, which is
responsible for such phenomena as radioactive decay. the strong force, which holds the
nucleus of an atom together. and gravity, which keeps ob1ects earthbound and planets in
#hese force and matter fields constituted everything in the universe. 8ecently, physicists
have uncovered even more powerful, more unified levels of nature. ,or example, at the
level of &electroweak unification,& the electromagnetic force and the weak force become
one. ESee -nified ,ield ChartsF
(iscovery o the Source) the 2niied 3ield
3ow, the source of all the force and matter fields in the universe has been glimpsed by
modern science in the supersymmetric unified %uantum field theories of physics. !t is
called the unified field of natural law. !t is a field of pure energy and intelligence, which
underlies everything in creation and which is responsible for all forms and phenomena in
the universe.
According to physics, the entire universe emerges from the &selfinteracting dynamics& of
the unified field. And it is the unified field that gives rise to all the laws of nature that
govern the entire universe.
<ifficult to picture? :ere/s an analogy: #he unified field is like the sap within a tree. #he
sap, while colorless and formless itself, is nonetheless the source of the fragrant, red
flower. the shiny, green leaf. the leathery, brown stem. #he sap permeates the entire tree,
manifesting itself as flower, leaf, and stem. !n the same way, the unified field underlies
and pervades the universe. !t is the basis of the infinite energy, creativity, and intelligence
displayed in nature. !t is the basis of everything in the universe, including ourselves.
3ow, what does that mean to you?
(isplayin& the 6reativity and Intelli&ence o Nature in 8our 9ie
#he unified field deep within nature is a field of unlimited energy, creativity, and
intelligence. #he source of thought deep within every individual is also a field of
unlimited energy, creativity, and intelligence.
!s there a connection between them? +es.
$aharishi states: &$odern physics has recently glimpsed the unified field of all the laws
of nature. Since ancient times the unified field has been described by Dedic science a
complete science of consciousness as the field of pure consciousness, the field of
infinite energy, creativity, and intelligence underlying man and nature. #hrough
#ranscendental $editation, pure consciousness the unified field can be enlivened at
the source of thought deep within the mind of every human being.
&#his means that we can display the infinite creativity, intelligence, and dynamism of
nature in our own life. #his is our natural birthright.&
:ohn S0 'a&elin- Ph0(0- a member o an elite &roup o scientists who are at the
forefront of research in unified field theories, agrees.
<r. :agelin is an expert on supersymmetric unified %uantum field theories and has
published over "@ papers on the sub1ect in leading physics 1ournals. <r. :agelin received
his doctorate in physics from :arvard and has conducted research at two of the top
laboratories in the world for advanced particle physics the 4uropean 0aboratory for
;article ;hysics EC483F in 5eneva, SwitBerland, and the Stanford 0inear Accelerator
Center ES0ACF in ;alo Alto, California.
Since )">6 <r. :agelin has studied $aharishi/s descriptions of pure consciousness in the
light of modern physics. 8ecent advances in %uantum physics, <r. :agelin says, provide
&substantial evidence that the unified field and pure consciousness are not two separate
fields, but one and the same.&
As Chairman of the <epartment of ;hysics and <irector of the !nstitute of Science,
#echnology and ;ublic ;olicy at $aharishi !nternational -niversity in ,airfield, !owa,
<r. :agelin is a recogniBed world authority on unified field theories and a preeminent
scholar in the dynamics of human consciousness.
&!t is clear that the unified field is ultimately the origin of all attributes in the universe,&
<r. :agelin says. &Any property of existence electric charge or color charge must
have its dynamical origin in the structure of the unified field itself.
&#he properties of intelligence, dynamism, and selfinteraction can also be located in the
structure of the unified field, suggesting a link between the unified field and the /ground
state,/ or most fundamental state, of consciousness.
&2hen one examines the properties of the unified field in detail, one discovers all the
properties of pure consciousness.&
What (oes +ll o This Mean?
!t means that the full potential of your mind is the same as the total potential of nature/s
intelligence. !t means that you have the innate capacity to use and display the unlimited
energy, creativity, and intelligence of nature in your own life.
And for this you only need to restore the natural connection through #ranscendental
$editation between the thinking mind and the source ofthought, between the active
mind and the unified field. 2hen you make this connection, you grow in creativity and
intelligence, reduce stress and fatigue, and en1oy greater happiness and more progress and
accomplishments in your life. +ou gain the support of nature for everything you do.
.*ein& able to &o to that silent place within me and experience the unified field every
day has unlocked an incredible storehouse of creativity,& says Chris =oas, a thirdyear
law student at the -niversity of San ,rancisco 0aw School. &Since !/ve been meditating,
good ideas 1ust seem to come easily. ! feel that there/s no end to what ! can accomplish.&
Chris is studying intellectual property and technology licensing &high technology law.&
:e/s been practicing #ranscendental $editation for )( years.
&#he main re%uirement for success in law school is to be able to think clearly under
pressure. ;eople who do well here are those who handle that pressure, especially during
final exam time. Since !/ve been meditating, my mind is relaxed and alert, and ! can think
through things clearly and logically, even under pressure. ! retain information more
easily, and ! can access it more %uickly whenever ! need it.&
#o a student entering law school, Chris says, &#ranscendental $editation makes
education en1oyable. $any people find the first year of law school to be a painful
experience or, at least, a chaotic one. #ranscendental $editation allows you to en1oy the
process. !t expands the potential of your mind to take in new information and improves
your ability to use it. !t also increases your selfconfidence. !nstead of feeling like you
have to compete with everybody else, you/ll feel like you have a lot to give to everybody
Experiencin& Sel4,eerral +wareness throu&h Transcendental Meditation
$aharishi explains: &!n #ranscendental $editation the conscious mind comes to a state
of selfreferral awareness, which is the simplest form of human awareness where
consciousness is open only to itself. #his selfreferral state of consciousness is the unified
field of natural law.
&#he supersymmetric unified field theories of physics have glimpsed this state of unity,
which, through its own selfinteracting dynamics, expresses itself as diversified forms
and phenomena in creation.
&2hen the conscious mind identifies itself with the unified field through the process of
#ranscendental $editation, then human awareness is open to its full potential, which is
the total potential of nature/s intelligence.
&As a result, thinking and action spontaneously become more and more in accord with the
evolutionary power of natural law. =y enlivening this most basic level, #ranscendental
$editation is that one simple procedure which can raise the life of every individual to its
full dignity in which perfect health, happiness, and success are the natural features of
daily life.&
The Mind4*ody 6onnection) Science Studies Transcendental Meditation
2hen scientists first decided to study the effects of #ranscendental $editation, they
looked to the body.
2hy? =ecause there is an intimate connection between the mind and the body.
8esearchers knew that for every state of consciousness there is a corresponding style of
functioning of the physiology. ,or example, when you sleep at night your brain waves
slow down, as do your heart rate, breathrate, and other physiological functions.
So scientists predicted that if the mind does, in fact, %uiet down and become more
expanded, more awake during #ranscendental $editation, then due to the close
coordination between mind and body, the entire physiology must change as well and it
must be measurable.
The 3irst ,esearch on Transcendental Meditation
#he first scientist to study the physiological effects of #ranscendental $editation was <r.
8obert 9eith 2allace at -C0A in )"67. <r. 2allace found that during #ranscendental
$editation, the entire system gained a uni%ue and profound state of rest and relaxation
far deeper than ordinary eyesclosed rest. :e also observed biochemical changes
indicative of reduced stress, and changes in 445, or brain wave patterns, that indicated a
state of &heightened inner wakefulness& or restful alertness.
The State o ,estul +lertness) + 3ourth Ma5or State o 6onsciousness
AnalyBing his findings and comparing them to research on the three ma1or states of
consciousness, <r. 2allace arrived at a remarkable conclusion. #ranscendental
$editation produced a fourth ma1or state of consciousness a uni%ue state of &restful
alertness& different from waking, dreaming, and sleeping states of consciousness, but
also essential to the health and wellbeing of an individual.
<r. 2allace/s findings were published in the $arch )">@ issue of Science.
Since that initial study there have been more than *@@ scientific studies on
#ranscendental $editation, conducted at ()@ independent universities and research
institutions in AA countries, including :arvard $edical School, -niversity of Chicago,
Stanford, and -C0A.
$uch of the research has been published in leading scientific 1ournals, including The
American !ournal of "hysiology# $nternational !ournal of %euroscience# "sychosomatic
Medicine# American "sychologist# and the!ournal of Conflict Resolution.
#he research has documented the effects of the #ranscendental $editation program in
every area of life, including mind, body, behavior, and society.
*rain Wave 6oherence
'ne of the most significant findings shows that #ranscendental $editation produces a
uni%ue ordering, or coherence, in brain wave patterns among the different parts of the
brain. And the longer a person practices #ranscendental $editation, the higher the 445
<r. 2allace, who now is Chairman of the ;hysiology <epartment at $aharishi
!nternational -niversity and one of the world/s leading experts on the research on
#ranscendental $editation, explains the meaning of this finding:
&:igher 445 coherence produced during #ranscendental $editation indicates that the
techni%ue /optimiBes brain functioning./ #his means that the brain functions in a more
coherent, integrated style during #ranscendental $editation than during the usual waking,
dreaming, and sleeping states of consciousness.
&$any psychological studies have shown that the higher 445 coherence gained during
#ranscendental $editation is associated with increased intelligence and creativity and
higher moral reasoning.&
2hat is the cause of 445 coherence? &#he increased orderliness and integration between
the different parts of the brain corresponds to the direct experience of the selfreferral
state of pure consciousness the unified field gained during #ranscendental
$editation,& <r. 2allace says.
2noldin& 3ull Mental Potential
2hat does &optimiBing brain functioning& mean in daily life? !t means unfolding the full
creative potential of the mind and using it. And using this full potential means en1oying
the state of enlightenment in every aspect of daily life.
&4very day ! experience a higher level of mental /peak performance/ from #ranscendental
$editation than ! experienced by chance during those > games of the 2orld Series,& says
=uddy =iancalana, former shortstop for the 9ansas City 8oyals and a star of the )"7*
2orld Series.
Sportswriters called the 2orld Series one of the most exciting in recent memory, and it
turned =uddy =iancalana into a national hero. 9ansas City faced off against the St. 0ouis
Cardinals. #he 8oyals fell behind three games to one and then stormed back to win it in
seven games. =uddy/s sparkling, acrobatic defense and unexpected clutch hitting helped
propel 9ansas City to the world championship. !t was the best > games of baseball in
=uddy/s professional career, and it came when hundreds of millions of people all over the
world were watching on television.
&! was deep in the /Bone/ during the whole 2orld Series,& =uddy recalls. &! had a
tremendously deep level of focus, to the point where ! felt ! couldn/t do anything wrong. !
felt like every play was going to go my way and it did. !t was a level of clarity ! had
never experienced playing baseball prior to that time or in any other aspect of my life
and ! never reached it again until ! learned #ranscendental $editation.&
#oday, =uddy is a players/ agent, scouting and signing professional baseball players and
negotiating their contracts. :e has been meditating for 7 months.
&3ow, when ! get up in the morning, ! know it/s going to be a great day. #here may be
obstacles, ! may have things to work out in my business, but the core of me is always
feeling fabulous, no matter what is going on around me. 4very day is a great day.&
.The most powerul beneit that I1ve experienced rom Transcendental Meditation
is that it makes my mind much sharper. !t allows the haBiness in my mind to be cleared
away so that everything makes sense to me and connects to my own ideas. ,rom that
level it/s much easier to study, and every sub1ect that ! study has a much more penetrating
effect. ! can/t imagine being a student without it. !/ve also found that once ! have that
clarity, all good things in life are drawn to me. 2hen !/m feeling clear and the stress is
gone, everything 1ust naturally supports me and comes my way.&
Jennie 8othenberg is a )""A 3ational $erit Scholar and a firstyear literature ma1or at
$aharishi !nternational -niversity in ,airfield, !owa. E$aharishi !nternational -niversity
integrates the arts, sciences, and professions with the study and development of
consciousness through the practice of #ranscendental $editation. $aharishi !nternational
-niversity is accredited to the ;h.<. level by the 3orth Central Association of Colleges
and Schools.F
.3or me the experience o settled inner wa/eulness and expanded awareness during
#ranscendental $editation is the real foundation for successful decisionmaking. After
meditating ! have the mental clarity and alertness for laserlike focus on the details and, at
the same time, for broad comprehension so ! don/t get lost in the details. ! find myself
continuously growing in insight and intuition, as well as in the ability to focus and
analyBe. !n my experience, if you can have those %ualities together at the same time,
you/re going to make the right decisions not only for your own success, but for the
progress and wellbeing of others. 'ver my years in business, #ranscendental $editation
has been a real competitive advantage.&
Steve 8ubin, Chairman and C4', -nited ,uels !nternational, !nc., one of the world/s
largest international energy brokerage firms.
C H A P T E R 3
'ealthy Mind 7 'ealthy *ody
&! believe that your mind controls your body, and !/m convinced that #ranscendental
$editation has kept me not 1ust mentally healthy, but also physically healthy and in very
good shape,& says $ike ,itBgerald, <irector of the 2ashington State <epartment of
Community #rade and 4conomic <evelopment. &! have a lot to do, and ! would never
have the high energy level that ! have without #ranscendental $editation.&
$r. ,itBgerald directs a newly formed department with a M>@@ million annual budget, C(@
employees, and a broad and diverse range of responsibilities.
'n a typical day $r. ,itBgerald will help the governor and the state legislature formulate
their policies on 5A## and 3A,#A. :e/ll make decisions on what kind of taxation
package his department will put to the legislature to give incentives for small businesses.
:e/ll meet with a group of community leaders to try to determine how to restructure a
local economic development grant that will allow them to take new initiatives in their
community. :e/ll also meet with local government representatives to determine how to
improve and expand access to the state/s early childhood education programs.
$r. ,itBgerald learned #ranscendental $editation at a friend/s recommendation.
&! notice, almost instantly after meditating, a relief from the pressures of the day, and a
new clarity, a new freshness, and a new energy,& says $r. ,itBgerald, whose day starts at
*:A@ a.m. and ends at >:A@ p.m. when he gets home to his family in !ssa%uah, a city )@
miles east of Seattle.
&!/m in very good physical shape, and #ranscendental $editation has helped me a lot with
that because it keeps stress at a minimum. ! don/t overeat. $editating also helps to keep
me calm and thoughtful and restful and reflective. !t/s my lifeline in a very chaotic
$r. ,itBgerald says #ranscendental $editation can play a key role in solving social ills.
&#he tendency of our society is to deal with events and symptoms, not causes,& he says.
&2e deal with the symptoms of too much violence, not the causes of it. 2e deal with the
symptoms of disease, not the causes of it. #he basic cause is that people are full of stress.
#ranscendental $editation goes to the heart of the problem. !t releases stress and makes
individuals healthier and more selfreliant, and puts them in a position where they can
start to solve their own problems.&
&!t is fortunate for the field of health today that one techni%ue exists to take care of the
very basis of an individual/s life pure consciousness and thereby to restore and
maintain perfect health on all levels of mind, body, and surroundings.& $aharishi
What +re the Trillion (ollars 2sed or?
#he -nited States has one of the most technologically sophisticated and advanced health
care systems in the world. 4ach year we spend over one trillion dollars on health care
more than )(I of the entire gross national product E53;F. =y the year (@@@ that amount
could spiral to as much as )7I.
2hat are the trillion dollars used for? ;reventing illness? Securing the health and well
being of every American?
3o. As 1ust about everyone knows, that huge sum of money is used mainly for treating
disease. And according to many health experts, up to "@I of those diseases could have
been prevented.
:ow? =y effectively reducing stress, which is a prime causal factor in a ma1ority of
disorders from headaches and the common cold to serious illnesses such as heart
disease and many forms of cancer.
What Is Stress?
#o understand how you can reduce stress and therefore prevent disease, first we should
define it. Stress is not a deadline to meet at work, a term paper, or even a traffic tieup
during rush hour. Stress is how we react, physically and mentally, to these experiences.
Some days we/re better at it. some days we/re not. !f we/ve slept well at night and wake
up fresh and rested, we/re apt to handle any demand during the day far better than if we
run into it, headlong, on a ,riday afternoon at the end of a long week.
Stress, then, can be understood to be any structural or material abnormality in the body
Etight neck muscles, high blood pressure, tension headaches, etc.F that is caused by
overloading the machinery of experience, the senses.
Any overload can cause it. #he sudden flash of a bulb from a camera can create stress in
the eyes. #oo much exertion or excitement can cause stress or not enough rest. Any
experience, positive or negative, can create stress if the system is unable to handle it.
Is Stress the Spice o 9ie?
Some say that stress is the spice of life. ;eople who thrive on the continual stimulation of
new challenges, new responsibilities, new pressures would hate to live without stress.
!t/s true that new opportunities and new challenges are essential for a fulfilling life.
4liminating stress from your life does not mean eliminating these challenges. 8ather, it
means eliminating their negative sideeffects chronic fatigue, anxiety, headaches,
indigestion, insomnia, etc. which severely restrict your capacity to be healthy,
successful, and en1oy what you do.
'ow to Mana&e Stress?
:ow, then, can you live your life fully and not be victimiBed by stress?
#here are many &stress management techni%ues& available today that try to minimiBe
stress by training people how to better organiBe their time, their responsibilities, and their
work and home environments.
#hese techni%ues often give advice on how to avoid highpressure situations, recommend
mental imagery exercises, and advocate changes in lifestyle to reduce stress. Some
suggest deescalating career goals.
Are these the basics of stress management?
3o. #hey may be helpful in their own right, but they are not the &bottom line& on stress
2hat is the bottom line?
8est. #he very deep rest gained during (@ minutes of $aharishi/s #ranscendental
$editation allows the body to re1uvenate itself and throw off the accumulated stress and
fatigue that has built up over years.
!t helps to normaliBe high blood pressure, reduce high cholesterol levels, improve
bronchial asthma, provide relief from insomnia even improve reaction time and athletic
2ithout this rest, you can only hope to &manage& stress and struggle to organiBe your
schedule to cope with growing stress in life, not eliminate it.
(on1t Mana&e Stress- Prevent and Eliminate It
2ith this rest you don/t 1ust manage stress, you prevent new stress from accumulating
today and you eliminate stress built up from the past. 8esearch shows that you/ll improve
your health, increase your energy, and promote the clarity of your mind and the creativity
and orderliness of your thinking. #hen you/ll be better prepared to meet all of the
responsibilities in your life without creating more stress and strain and without reducing
or shying away from any new commitment or challenge. At the same time you/ll grow in
the capacity to en1oy life to its fullest.
&! have been using #ranscendental $editation in my practice as a stressreduction
modality for the past (@ years,& says Steele =elok, $.<., clinical instructor of medicine at
:arvard $edical School. &! have found that it is not only an effective tool to use in
anxietyrelated disorders, but it also has significant physiological effects. ! have seen
positive effects on hypertension, cholesterol, asthma, and insomnia. !n addition, for
patients who are healthy and who are interested in prevention and health promotion, !
have found #ranscendental $editation to be highly effective in enhancing their physical
and mental wellbeing. #hese effects have been corroborated by a growing body of
scientific literature showing the effectiveness of #ranscendental $editation in these and
other areas.&
'ealthy Mind 7 'ealthy *ody
,educin& the Eects o Traumatic Stress
#here are the normal stresses and strains of daily life and then there is the devastating
impact of traumatic stress. #ranscendental $editation has also been found to be a potent
antidote to the effects of extreme stress what doctors have termed &posttraumatic
stress syndrome.& ,or example, a Amonth study of Dietnam veterans found that veterans
who learned #ranscendental $editation improved significantly compared to veterans who
were participating in a counseling program. #he veterans practicing #ranscendental
$editation were found to be less emotionally numb and had reduced alcohol abuse,
insomnia, depression, and anxiety. #hey also showed a decreased severity of &delayed
stress syndrome& E!ournal of Counseling and &e'elo(ment 6C: ()(()C, )"7*F.
#ranscendental $editation also helps those who are recovering from the trauma of a
serious illness, and those who have suffered through the stress of other ma1or traumas,
such as a serious auto accident.
$artha 5ray, C7, is a data architect who develops computing systems for the =oeing
Company in Seattle. !n $arch )""( $artha was diagnosed as having breast cancer. She
had surgery a lumpectomy and afterwards underwent six months of chemotherapy
and then radiation treatments. <octors told $artha that her prognosis was good. =ut by
the end of her treatments, $artha was in a deep depression.
&! went to a breast cancer support group, and ! discovered that depression was almost an
accepted way of life,& $artha recalls. &#he ma1ority of the women and ! mean the
ma1ority of the women who were in that group were on some sort of antidepressants.
After all that ! had been through, ! realiBed that ! 1ust did not want to live my life in
anxiety and fear.&
$artha had been doing a lot of reading and had heard about #ranscendental $editation.
She learned the techni%ue at the #ranscendental $editation Center in Seattle on June )",
&!t has absolutely changed everything for me,& $artha says. &$y outlook is completely
different. !/m positive. !/m happy. #ranscendental $editation releases the stress. #hat/s
been the key. =efore ! would try to laugh off the anxiety, or disregard it, or stuff it back
down, or try to ignore it, or try to be brave all the things you try to do to manipulate the
fear and try to keep going. 2ith #ranscendental $editation the stress is released and it/s
gone. !t/s been tremendously freeing.
&2hen people talk about all the problems that a cancer patient faces, they forget to realiBe
that the family and spouse also go through a tremendous amount of anxiety and anguish
and fear. =ecause my husband, ,red, started #ranscendental $editation also, it/s been a
wonderful thing for him, too.&
,red 5ray, C7, is a finalassembly flightline inspector for =oeing. :e gives each =oeing
>C> a final review before the M)6@ million aircraft is delivered to an airline. ,red says
that #ranscendental $editation keeps him relaxed on the 1ob &! have a very stressful
occupation& and happier within himself. :e also sees a big change in $artha and in
their relationship together.
&#ranscendental $editation has calmed $artha a great deal,& ,red says. &She doesn/t
dwell on the fear of the possible recurrence of her illness. :er health has skyrocketed.
Chemotherapy had really disrupted her body. 3ow she/s vivacious and healthy and alert.
Since we started meditating, we also have a much better relationship. 2e look at each
other and nod in agreement. 2e don/t have to express so many things verbally anymore.
we 1ust understand what/s going on.&
$artha encourages others facing recovery from a ma1or illness to practice the techni%ue.
&#ranscendental $editation is the key to regaining a sense of wellbeing and purpose in
your life. After having what some people would consider a catastrophic illness, it/s a
must. !t/s something that restores a sense of balance and enthusiasm for life. +ou won/t be
afraid, and you/ll be able to make plans for the future without some dread. ! honestly wish
! would have discovered this a long time ago, because in my own mind, my life would
have been different.&
$artha has 1ust had a (year checkup and her doctors say that everything is fine.
&!t helps so much to be able to sit down twice a day and 1ust %uiet ourselves,& $artha
says. &#ranscendental $editation has created a stressfree, happy way of life for both of
.I had so much physical and emotional stress rom the accident-. says 5ail #omura,
an artist living in 2est 0os Angeles. &#ranscendental $editation is the first thing that
helped because it gives me such profound rest. !t/s finally allowing that deep stress to be
released. !n the A months !/ve been meditating, !/ve made more progress with all of my
treatments than ! have in the past 7 years.&
5ail was a bright (7yearold graduate student working towards a masters/ degree in fine
arts at Claremont College in southern California. 'n July )7, )"76, she was driving at
dusk along a narrow winding road near ,ullerton when she was hit headon by car
speeding at 6@ miles an hour.
5ail was lucky to be alive. She broke a leg, an arm, and two ribs, fractured her skull, and
suffered what her doctors called a &mildtomoderate& head in1ury. She began an intensive
program of physical therapy and cognitive therapy. She said that she felt like she was
walking with a thick fog around her head. She had to relearn to read, concentrate, follow
directions, and find things on a map. She had been an avid reader, devouring three to four
books a month. 3ow, if she was lucky, she could read three to four books in a year.
<etermined to recover, she made slow but steady progress for 6 years. She wasn/t back to
)@@I yet, but she was getting close, when on June (C, )""(, 5ail was in another car
accident. !t was minorno broken bonesbut it somehow brought back her old symptoms.
:er headaches returned and so did her backaches and neckaches. 5ail/s doctor put her on
an intensive program of Cdaysaweek physical therapy and recommended counseling. !t
didn/t help. She tried some alternative therapies. She didn/t get any better. She said that
she lost hope and began to sink into a depression.
5ail had read something about #ranscendental $editation and decided to give it a try. 'n
<ecember C, )""A, she learned the techni%ue at the #ranscendental $editation Center in
;acific ;alisades.
&#he fog is gone,& 5ail says now. &$y mind is clearer than it has been since the accident.
! am able to read more, and my comprehension is excellent.
&=efore ! started meditating ! used to have tremendous fatigue doing anything. !f ! had
one day of activity, ! had to have a full day of rest in bed. !f ! cooked a meal or went to
the grocery store, ! was exhausted. 3ow, for the first time in 7 years, ! don/t have a
fatigue problem. ! have much more energy, and ! rarely get tired. ! feel healthier
mentally, emotionally, physically than ! have since my accident.&
5ail/s art career is taking off. She does painting and drawing, and for the first time she is
finding that she doesn/t have to solicit shows. curators are starting to call her, and
collectors are buying more of her work.
&#ranscendental $editation has helped me in so many ways. !t has given me hope of
being able to get beyond anything in my lifebeyond chronic pain, beyond my own
insecurities, beyond anything.&
Transcendental Meditation over Time 44 Slowin& (own the +&in& Process
2e know that stressnormal daily stress and severe traumatic stress is at the basis of
almost all diseases and disorders. 2e also know that stress greatly accelerates the aging
process. 3early )* years ago, researchers began to study the effects of #ranscendental
$editation on aging. 3ot surprisingly, considering the role of stress in aging, researchers
found that longterm practice of #ranscendental $editation can promote a significantly
younger biological age.
6hronolo&ical +&e7*iolo&ical +&e
#o understand how this could happen, first it helps to understand a little about the aging
;eople age at different rates. According to most theories, the causes of aging are complex.
#hey include heredity, the stress of daily living, and prior illnesses. =ut it all adds up to
wear and tear on the system. ,or example, Charles is C7 years old according to his birth
certificate, but his doctor knows otherwise. :is doctor knows that because of intense 1ob
stress, Charles has the physiology of an average 6@yearold. #he doctor recommends
that Charles cut back on his workload and stop smoking, and he prescribes special
medication for his high blood pressure.
;aul, on the other hand, is C" years old and in good shape. ;aul/s doctor says that he has
the physiology of a man * years younger. :e gets a clean bill of health.
#here is a difference between chronological age and biological age. Chronological age is
fixed. it/s your age based on your birth certificatethe number of years you have lived.
=iological age isn/t fixed. it is an indication of your overall state of health compared to
the norm in the general population.
Scientists can use several tests, such as measurements of systolic blood pressure, auditory
threshold, and nearpoint vision, to distinguish an individual/s biological age from his
actual chronological age.
,esearch on Transcendental Meditation and +&in&
#he first scientist to study the effects of #ranscendental $editation on aging was <r.
8obert 9eith 2allace, the same physiologist who pioneered #ranscendental $editation
research as a graduate student at -C0A in )"67. #welve years after his first
#ranscendental $editation study was published in Science, <r. 2allace published his
research on #ranscendental $editation and aging in the $nternational !ournal of
%euroscience E)6: *A*7, )"7(F.
"$ 8ears 8oun&er
<r. 2allace found that sub1ects with an average chronological age of *@ years, who had
been practicing #ranscendental $editation for over * years, had a biological age )( years
younger than their chronological age. #hat means a **yearold meditator had the
physiology of a CAyearold.
Several of the sub1ects in the study were found to have a biological age (> years younger
than their chronological age. #his study has since been replicated several times. 'ther
studies have also shown the beneficial effects of #ranscendental $editation on the aging
A higher level of plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate E<:4ASF is a hormonal
marker of younger biological age. A study found <:4AS to be significantly
higher for A(6 adult #ranscendental $editation techni%ue practitioners than for
">( age and sexmatched controls. #hese differences were largest for the oldest
age categories. E!ournal of )eha'ioral Medicine, )*ECF: A(>AC), )""(.F
A study randomly assigned residents of 7 homes for the elderly Eaverage age 7)
yearsF to one of the following programs: #ranscendental $editation. an active
thinking EmindfulnessF program. a relaxation program. or a control group with no
treatment. #he #ranscendental $editation group improved most on a wide range
of physical and mental health measures. !n addition to reporting that they felt
younger, the #ranscendental $editation group actually lived longer. After A years,
all members were still living, in contrast to lower survival rates for the other
experimental groups, and a 6AI survival rate for the C>7 other residents who did
not participate in the study. E!ournal of "ersonality and Social "sychology, *>E6F:
"*@"6C, )"7".F
Are these findings surprising? &3o, not when you consider that all the ma1or factors
associated with longevity, such as hypertension and cholesterol, have been shown to
improve with the regular practice of the #ranscendental $editation techni%ue,& <r.
2allace says.
&#ranscendental $editation has been shown to significantly improve cardiovascular
health, work satisfaction, positive health habits, physical function, happiness rating, self
health rating, intelligence, and mental health. #he result is a younger biological age.&
.I1m never tired since I started meditatin&-. says Ann :urley, >*. &!/ve got a lot of
energy. ! work at my son/s law office, and ! run circles around the two women in the
office. !t/s two stories, and ! run up and down the stairs all day. 'ne of the women said to
me, /<on/t you ever get tired?/ ! stopped and thought, and ! realiBed that this hasn/t
happened to me since #ranscendental $editation. !/m not tired anymore.&
Ann worked for <u;ont for AA years before taking an early retirement in )"7A. #hen, in
)"7>, she went to work for her son in 2ilmington, <elaware. She started by filling in as a
temporary receptionist over the lunch hour, and now she works from nine o/clock in the
morning until five or six o/clock at night, doing filing, legal work, and accounting. She
brings extra work home and does accounting on her computer. She started meditating in
&#ranscendental $editation has made my mind clearer. 3ow !/ve got this desire to study.
! want to know more. =efore ! 1ust goofed off like everybody else. 3ow people ask me,
/2hy do you read all the time?/ ! say, /#ranscendental $editation has woken up my mind.
! want to know more about everything./
&!/m en1oying life, really en1oying life. #hat/s what ! do now. ! go to work and ! go on
trips and ! look forward to the next day and how beautiful it/s going to be, which ! never
did before. #ranscendental $editation has changed my whole outlook on lifethat life is
really worth living.&
+n Eective Solution to Spiralin& 'ealth 6osts
2hat are the combined benefits of reduced stress, better health, and a younger biological
age? Among the many advantages is a dramatic reduction in health care use and with it,
an effective answer to the crisis of spiraling health care costs.
A *year nationwide study of more than (,@@@ #ranscendental $editation practitioners
found that the #ranscendental $editation group made **I fewer health insurance claims
than did the population norms. #he group had less than half of the hospital
admissions and outpatient visits of other professional groups. #hey also had lower
sickness rates in all categories, including 7>I less hospitaliBation for heart disease and
**I less for cancer. !n addition, people practicing #ranscendental $editation who were
over C@ years of age had an even higher percentage reduction in insurance utiliBation
compared to the norm for their age group E"sychosomatic Medicine C: C"A*@>, )"7>F.
'n the basis of this insurance study, and hundreds of other findings on the techni%ue,
physicians and other health care professionals now see #ranscendental $editation as a
practical, costeffective solution to the health care crisis.
.We are tryin& to solve the health care crisis by rearran&in& who pays or the
sic/ness-. says :ari Sharma, $.<., ,.8.C.;.C. &2hat we need to do is keep people from
falling sick in the first place. #hat is true health care reform. then we/ll save money in the
best possible way by keeping people healthy.&
<r. Sharma is ;rofessor of ;athology and <irector of Cancer ;revention and 3atural
;roducts 8esearch at #he 'hio State -niversity College of $edicine. :e is a consultant
to the 3ational !nstitutes of :ealth, Alternative $edicine Section, and has lectured on
preventive medicine to medical audiences around the world, including the 2orld :ealth
&!n truth, the health care crisis is a crisis of stress. #here/s an epidemic of stress, both in
individuals and in society as a whole. Stress breaks down physical and mental health in
the individual and creates biochemicals that are destructive to the physical body.
&!n multiple published research studies, #ranscendental $editation has been shown to be
the most effective techni%ue for reducing stress and rebalancing the biochemicals in the
body to produce improved physical and mental health. #his has been corroborated by
research showing that #ranscendental $editation reduces health care utiliBation by *@I.&
<r. Sharma is the author of Freedom from &isease-*o+ to Control Free Radicals# a
Ma,or Cause of Aging and &isease. :e practices #ranscendental $editation and says that
the techni%ue should be widely applied as part of reforming America/s health care system.
&#ranscendental $editation is a ma1or preventive technology. 0ike everything else in
prevention, #ranscendental $editation should be covered by health care providers. #hat
way we can prevent forthcoming disorders that are extremely costlynot only financially,
but also in terms of human pain and suffering. #ranscendental $editation would help the
individual, society, and the federal government. !t would help everyone.&
.I used to &et real stressed in colle&e0 ! knew that medical school would be even more
stressful. #ranscendental $editation has been perfect for me. !t/s so relaxing. !t/s a very
efficient way for me to get recharged, be able to spend more time studying, and get more
out of my day.&
Sarah Church, firstyear medical student, 4mory -niversity School of $edicine,
Atlanta. $s. Church has been practicing #ranscendental $editation for 6 months.
.More bounce in my step0 Good health0 Good humor0 5ood relations. ! en1oy my
church more. ! haven/t been to a doctor except to take life insurance exams since !
started meditating (( years ago.&
Sam $arasco, Sr., 6>, Advertising Sales $anager at the San <iego Sports Arena, San
<iego. #hirtythree members of $r. $arasco/s extended family have learned
#ranscendental $editation, including his "*yearold motherinlaw, 5randma $acri.
C H A P T E R 4
Ideal ,elationships
=ruce =rooks is a versatile and prolific awardwinning author who has written )) books
* novels and 6 nonfiction in )@ years. :e has won the national 3ewbery :onor for
two of his children/s books, and he recently completed a sports biography and a collection
of essays on fatherhood. =ruce travels throughout the country, giving several hundred
presentations a year, to children, teachers, librarians, and parents, on reading and writing
how to use literature in education and for personal enrichment.
=ruce/s wife, ;enelope, is an accomplished artist, housewife, and mother of their )@year
old son, Alex, and their )6monthold son, Spencer. ;enelope does threedimensional art
work in sculpture and lighting, and for several years she taught art and was assistant art
director at the Jewish Community Center in the 5reater 2ashington, <.C. area.
=ruce and ;enelope have been married )6 years. #hey live in Silver Spring, $aryland.
*ruce) &! remember the introductory lecture that ! attended on #ranscendental
$editation. #he teacher said, /2hen two people come together and both expect to get,
then neither receives. 2hen two people come together and both are ready to give, then
both receive./
&#ranscendental $editation allows you to discover 1ust how vast an amount you have to
give. +ou become more secure in yourself by discovering how big you really are. that, in
fact, you are infinite. +ou can give and give and give and you will never exhaust yourself.
!n my experience that is the secret of relationships, and that has been the secret to raising
our children the capacity for complete giving. And 1ust as you practice #ranscendental
$editation as the basis for action, for bringing more of yourself into your work, so, too,
in a relationship, you meditate as the basis for bringing more of yourself into the
relationship. 'nly by giving more will you receive more.&
Penelope) &#ranscendental $editation has allowed me to experience the depth of love
that/s within me. !t has allowed me to become more aware of my own feelings, desires,
and needs, so that ! am able to relate more clearly to the feelings, desires, and needs of
others. +ou can only relate to other people your husband, your children, your friends
based on how you relate to yourself. !f you have love in your heart, but your love is
buried under stress, it/s lost. Since !/ve been practicing #ranscendental $editation, !/ve
found that love has become a continuum in my life and not 1ust on certain days, like
holidays or birthdays. #he love within me comes up and supports me and my activities all
the time.&
*ruce) &$arriage and raising children have gotten easier and easier because we are
meditating and growing toward enlightenment.&
.+ stron& mind is tolerant; a wea/ mind is easily overcome by the surroundin&s0. 44
The World Is as 8ou +re
!t/s a common experience: 'ne morning you wake up as tired as when you went to sleep.
#he day moves slowly. complications arise. problems seem to be overwhelming. +ou feel
worried. relationships suffer.
=ut the next morning, after a deep sleep, you feel fresh and alert. #he circumstances of
the previous day may remain the same, but your evaluation of them differs dramatically.
+ou are more relaxed, yet more energetic, more productive. 8elationships are smoother,
more harmonious.
2hy the difference? =asically, it/s because the world is as you are. ;ut on green glasses
and everything appears green. ;ut on yellow glasses and everything is yellow. 0ook
through tired eyes with an anxious mind and your vision is clouded with problems, many
of which, in reality, may not exist.
0ook through fresh eyes with an alert, creative mind and you are better able to see
solutions to the problems that do exist. 2hen you are rested and fresh, you have the
stability, adaptability, energy and intelligence to solve problems and make improvements
in all areas of your life.
2hat/s needed? A fully developed consciousness.
Good Social *ehavior
!n his book Science of )eing and Art of -i'ing, $aharishi writes, &8eally good social
behavior between people will only be possible when their awareness is broadened, when
they are able to see the whole situation, to understand each other more thoroughly, to be
aware of each other/s need and attempt to fulfill that need. #his naturally necessitates a
fully developed consciousness, a right sense of 1udgement, and all the %ualities that only a
strong and clear mind possesses.&
And without this developed consciousness?
&Small minds always fail to perceive the whole situation and in their narrow vision create
imaginary obstacles that are neither useful to themselves nor to anyone else,& $aharishi
writes. &#hen their behavior towards others only results in misunderstanding and increase
of tension.&
,elationships Thrive on Givin&
!t/s also a common experience that relationships thrive on giving. At home it/s the father
giving time and attention to his children. At work it/s the manager giving enough
supervision and support to the sales staff.
=ut we can only give from what we have. #he father who returns home from work
exhausted can hardly give his children the love and help they need. 0ikewise, the
manager who is anxious and shorttempered can hardly give the necessary patience and
insight to properly train his staff.
2hat is the solution?
Transcendental Meditation and ,elationships
!t/s a matter of common sense to understand how $aharishi/s #ranscendental $editation
can improve relationships.
!f you/re able to think more clearly, you/ll be better able to properly evaluate situations
and circumstances as they arise. 2ith broader vision you/ll be naturally more
understanding and patient.
=ecause you have an effective way to eliminate stress and develop your own unlimited
potential, you/ll be more fulfilled within yourself, and you won/t suffer from the buildup
of tension and fatigue. #he result? $ore happiness, less worry, more energy, and a fuller
heart. 8elationships spontaneously improve, and life naturally becomes much more
en1oyable, much more satisfying.
,alph and (ian Gump have been married or <= years0 8alph and <ian and their two
grown daughters, Sara and Julie, learned #ranscendental $editation in $adison,
2isconsin. 8alph is a learning coordinator at =lack :awk $iddle School in $adison.
<ian is a homemaker. Sara is married and has gone back to college. and Julie is a senior
at the -niversity of 2isconsin, ma1oring in wildlife ecology. #he 5umpfs have been
meditating for one year.
(ian) &8ight after learning #ranscendental $editation, ! noticed that we were able to
communicate better with each other the edges of things were softer. 2e/ve always had
a good time together as a family, but now we/re more open with each other. we/re able to
say more things to each other.&
:ulie) &! used to be so negative, especially coming out of my teenage years. !nteracting
with friends, we didn/t have anything to talk about unless it was, /0ife is terrible./ ! am a
lot more positive now less 1udgemental and more patient with people. Studying goes
more %uickly now, too. ! absorb more information a lot faster. And when ! go into a test
and don/t know the information right away, ! don/t freeBe up as ! used to. ! can sit back
and think it through. #hat/s something new for me. !t/s been very easy to find time to
meditate at school. #here have been many times when !/ve postponed studying for (@
minutes even though ! had a test the next day so ! could meditate. ! would never miss
it, because it helps me so much.&
,alph) &! think the interactions with my wife and daughters are much better, much easier,
since we/ve been meditating. 2e always had a good relationship, but now we are able to
tell each other things that are accepted in a more positive way. !n addition, my physical
checkup was better. $y blood pressure always used to run a little high, but this year it
was down, and ! hadn/t taken any medication for it.&
(ian) &! was always the anxious type. ! had this freefloating anxiety, butterflies in my
stomach. #he first thing ! noticed after learning #ranscendental $editation was that the
anxiety left. ! am much calmer now. !/ve also seen definite changes in my husband. :e
has a very stressful 1ob. #here/s %uite a bit of difference in him now when he comes home
from work. :e/s more relaxed. he/s a lot easier around the house. And ! also think he has
a lot easier time at work.
&2e look forward to life more each day. 2e see fewer things as problems. 2e have a
growing sense of /2e can handle this, whatever comes along./&
.I am comortable and secure within mysel- no matter what is happenin& around
me, and because of that my effectiveness has multipled many times. #here is no amount
of money for which ! would give up all ! have gained from this remarkably simple
practice. !t is a priceless treasure.&
Jonathon <. 0evy, Assistant <ean, School of !ndustrial and 0abor 8elations, Cornell
-niversity, !thaca, 3ew +ork.
.Substance abuse disorders are no lon&er a blac/ or 'ispanic or poor problem0
#hey are now everyone/s problem. +ou can go to the best university campuses in this
country, and you will find a large percentage of kids strung out on alcohol and drugs.
#hat/s a fact. !t/s a nationwide disaster. #he very fabric of what constitutes the future of
any society, which is the integrated mental and physical health of all its members
especially its youth it is actually being torn to pieces right now from coast to coast.
&As someone who has treated thousands of people who have suffered from the disease of
substance abuse, ! cannot make a stronger recommendation than this: #he government
should research #ranscendental $editation, understand it, and put it into practice
immediately as part of a relapse prevention program. Society cannot afford to overlook
the power that #ranscendental $editation can bring for healing the horrible disease that
now plagues us violence and drug abuse. #ranscendental $editation is easy to learn,
effective, and cost effective, and the time has come for it to be used and understood.&
$arcelino Cruces, 0!CS2, has supervised substanceabuse treatment programs for
over )* years in 2ashington, <.C. and 0os Angeles. :e has served as a consultant for the
development of protocols for the treatment of alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health
disorders for the -.S. <epartment of :ealth and :uman Services and the -.S. State
<epartment. :e is a member of the <istrict of Columbia $ayor/s Advisory Committee on
<rug Abuse and is chief administrator for the Coalition of 0atino Community=ased
'rganiBations and clinical director of the Salud :ealth Center in the <istrict of
C H A P T E R 5
Promotin& 6orporate (evelopment
,0W0 .*uc/. Mont&omery- :r0- wanted to turn around his (etroit4based chemical
manuacturin& company, the :.A. $ontgomery Company.
&#he company had been in business for over C@ years,& =uck recalls. &!t had gotten into a
routine, a rut of oldtime management, and it was difficult to get the people to see new
thinking. #hat was in )"7A, and at the time the -.S. automotive industry was in a great
slump, stalled by imports from Japan and 5ermany.
&2e needed a new approach to everything a new attitude, new thinking, new energy to
revitaliBe the company and get it to take off again.&
=uck and his staff attended numerous seminars and courses.
&2e would go to weekend or weeklong seminars, and we/d return with these huge books,
and we/d still be plagued with the same problems. 2e/d forget what we learned, or we
didn/t have time to restudy what we/d learned, due to the demands of the 1ob, and so we
1ust went back to our old routine.
&! was looking for a tool that my employees could utiliBe every day, that would allow
them to change their thinking, allow them to have more energy, be more creative on their
own, and use more of their potential on the 1ob. ! found #ranscendental $editation to be
the tool that would work.&
=uck sat down with his senior staff and came up with a plan. ,irst, #ranscendental
$editation would be offered at company expense to anyone interested among the
managers. #hey would meditate twice a day for 6 months. #hey would be asked, on a
monthly basis, to write progress reports, pro or con, on what they thought of the program
and how it was affecting them in their daily life both at the office and at home. #hen
they would decide if the program would go companywide.
&After 6 months there was )@@I agreement among that management group to offer the
program throughout the company,& =uck says. &#ranscendental $editation was then
introduced into research, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and administration.&
=uck encouraged his managers and employees to meditate at least once a day in the
morning or in the late afternoon on company time at the plant.
&;roductivity improved dramatically,& =uck says. &Absenteeism decreased drastically, as
did sick days and in1uries. #he creativity of our research department went up, sales
increased )(@I in ( years, and profitability went up *(@I.&
!n )"7> =uck sold the company and retired. :e now spends his time with his family and
consults with companies that are looking for new avenues for success. :e is often asked
to speak on the success of the #ranscendental $editation program at the former :.A.
$ontgomery Company to executives who are interested in repeating that success in their
own firms.
&#he individual is the most important resource a business has,& =uck says. &+ou/ve got to
improve the capacity and capabilities of the individual. !f you take a tired individual, or
one who is not motivated or who doesn/t feel he has any creativity, no matter what tools
you put in his hands, it/s a waste of time. ,irst you have to improve the individual,
increase his potential. then you can give him other tools to work with. #he only program
that ! know that will do that is #ranscendental $editation. #he small amount of money it
costs today will be of immeasurable benefit to the company on the profitability line and
on a morale line and everything else you can imagine. #his is success.&
20S0 business is bein& crippled by stress0 2p to >$%% billion is lost wasted, actually
each year due to stress in the work place, according to a )""A report by the -nited
3ations !nternational 0abor 'rganiBation.
2orse yet, research indicates that none of the programs for stress reductionNpersonal
development widely in use in business and industry today provide a solution to the
problem. <espite intensive efforts to curb the impact of stress in the work place, medical
care utiliBation costs continue to escalate, and 1ob performance, productivity, and
employee turnover rates continue to suffer.
.In this era o increased competition and downsi?in&- businesses have as/ed people
to do more and more wor/ in less and less time-& says 5erald Swanson, ;h.<.,
;rofessor of $anagement at $aharishi !nternational -niversity, who has introduced
#ranscendental $editation in several -.S. corporations and has written a book,
4nlightened $anagement, on the use of the techni%ue in business. &#his puts more stress
on the employees and leaves them burned out and unable to have a good time with their
&#oday most people in business are looking for some way to reestablish the balance
between home and work. #hey are torn between the need to maintain their financial
stability and security and the need to come home and nurture their family. #his is
especially true now that there is such a large number of twocareer marriages and single
parent families. =oth the mom and the dad are being called upon to be bread winners and
still provide that nurturing value to their family.
&:ow can you do that unless you have some way of not being overwhelmed by the stress
of working? #he only way to do that is to have a stronger, more resilient physiology.
&2e know from research and experiences in business that that/s precisely how people feel
when they practice #ranscendental $editation,& <r. Swanson says.
+ 6ost4Eective Solution to :ob Stress
!n the past A6 years, $aharishi/s #ranscendental $editation has been learned by tens of
thousands of business professionals. #he techni%ue has also been offered companywide
to executives, managers, and employees in hundreds of large corporations and small
businesses throughout the world.
Scientific research in several of these business settings has found that #ranscendental
$editation offers a costeffective solution to problems caused by 1ob stress. #he research
shows that sickness, absenteeism, and health care utiliBation decrease. productivity and
1ob satisfaction improve. and relationships between coworkers and supervisors improve.
Transcendental Meditation in a 3ortune "%% 6ompany
,or example, a study published in the scientific 1ournal Anxiety, Stress and Coping in
<ecember )""A found significant benefits of #ranscendental $editation in stress
reduction, health, and employee development, in two companies.
$anagers and employees in a large manufacturing plant of a $idwest ,ortune )@@
company and in a smaller ;ennsylvania sales distribution company learned the techni%ue.
After A months employees who learned #ranscendental $editation were compared to a
control group of nonmeditating employees who worked at similar 1ob sites, held similar
1ob positions, and had similar demographics Eage, education, etc.F and similar personality
characteristics, before the study began.
8esearchers found that compared to controls, the #ranscendental $editation group had
0ess anxiety, 1ob tension, insomnia, and fatigue
8educed cigarette and hard li%uor use
!mproved health and fewer health complaints
4nhanced effectiveness, 1ob satisfaction, and workNpersonal relationships
#he research showed that the effects of #ranscendental $editation on anxiety, alcohol
and cigarette use, and in enhancing personal development, were much larger than for
other forms of meditation and relaxation found in previous studies.
Worry over the ne&ative impact o risin& 5ob stress led employees at the ;uritan
=ennett Corporation, the world/s leading maker of respiratory care products, to ask the
company to address the problem.
&2e researched the best stressreductionNpersonal development programs,& says $ary
$artha Stevens, ;h.<., $anager of :ealth and 2ellness at ;uritan=ennett. &2e decided
on #ranscendental $editation for three reasons: #he techni%ue had the most research
supporting it. the best followup of any program of its type. and clearly from what ! had
discovered, it was the easiest, most practical, and most effective techni%ue for busy
individuals to use.&
;uritan=ennett offered the #ranscendental $editation Corporate <evelopment ;rogram
at its corporate head%uarters in 9ansas City in August )""A. Sixtysix managers and
employees and ten spouses learned the techni%ue during the program/s first phase.
!nstruction was held on company time, as was a complete Cmonth followup program.
,or those with work schedule problems, instruction was also held after hours.
#he benefits were immediate, according to <r. Stevens. After 1ust a few days, managers
reported that they felt more relaxed and less anxious, were thinking more clearly, and
were able to organiBe themselves better and accomplish much more.
<iana #rompeter is payroll supervisor for the ;uritan 5roup at ;uritan=ennett. She has
been with the company for )A years. <iana learned #ranscendental $editation because
she had been under extreme stress from the death of her mother and increasing pressures
at work. After C weeks of practicing the techni%ue, <iana wrote a letter to <r. Stevens,
assessing her progress:
&!n the beginning ! wasn/t sure what #$ would do for me, and when ! shared the idea
with my staff, they had doubts, too. ! decided to try it, and it is one of my best decisions.
&#$ immediately changed things for me. ! became calm and clearminded after my first
session, and it works as well for me now, C weeks later, as it did that first day. #$ is one
of the few things that is truly effortless and yet you can see the benefit.
&$y employees have commented on the difference in me and in other meditators they
often work with. 'f all the good benefits the company has offered us through the years,
this is by far the most beneficial for me. ! feel better, more confident about my decisions,
and most important, ! feel a peace and calm that seems to get me through the most
difficult times.
&#hank you for introducing #$ to us, and ! would like to see it offered to all our
#en months after learning the techni%ue, <iana reported that the benefits were continuing
to grow.
&#ranscendental $editation has produced a calmness and serenity in me that allows me to
deal with my 1ob and the people around me in a much more pleasant and efficient
manner. 3othing outside of me has changed. #he 1ob pressures are still there. the
problems are still there. #ranscendental $editation is simply a way of letting me handle
my own life better so that ! am better at dealing with those outside pressures. !t is the best
thing ! have ever done.&
!n the pro1ect design a research component was included to evaluate ob1ectively the
effects of the program on A7 meditating executives compared with A7 matched controls.
#he findings: 'ver a Amonth period, the meditators reduced psychological and physical
symptoms of stress, reduced total blood cholesterol, gained vitality, and enhanced mental
health and wellbeing.
<r. Stevens said that ;uritan=ennett was very satisfied with the results and that she
strongly recommends #ranscendental $editation to other companies. &!f you want your
employees to eliminate stress and not 1ust cope with it which is what companies spend
a great deal of time doing today then having them learn #ranscendental $editation is
the best way to do it.&
C H A P T E R 6
9ie Supported by Natural 9aw
#he more years that ! meditate, the smoother my life goes, and the more good luck, the
more support ! get in my activity from the environment and from people around me,&
says ,red 5ratBon, chairman of #elegroup, !nc., a long distance international discount
carrier. ,ounded in )"7", #elegroup is now one of the fastest growing companies in
America. #he firm has clients in ))C countries.
&#ranscendental $editation refines my thinking and feelings so that ! am more in tune
with the subtle creative impulses deep within me and to the source of those creative
impulses. 2hen ! am in tune with that, ! have very good luck. !t/s as simple as that. !t/s an
abstract thing to describe, but it/s a very real experience. 2hen ! have it ! feel confident.
!t/s like an athlete who is in the /Bone./ ! want the ball. ! know !/ll hit the shot. ! can/t miss.
#hat/s a metaphor for everything in my life. ! feel that !/ve got the rhythm, !/m hot. ! have
come to expect support of nature, even insist upon it. And ! know what ! have to do to
keep it. ! meditate. 4veryone in business should have this experience. 3o, e'eryone
should have it.&
.I you avor natural law- natural law will avor you0. 44 Maharishi
Support o Natural 9aw or Success in 9ie
'ne day everything is a strain. +ou feel worried and tense and out ofstep with the day.
+ou 1ust miss an important phone call, hit all the red lights when you/re rushing for an
appointment, and can/t find a parking place anywhere.
Another day you feel %uite good. 4verything seems to go right and click into place. +ou
find the perfect parking place, reach the right person on the phone, and come up with a
workable solution to a problem at the office. #he day seems to go effortlessly and you
wonder why every day can/t go at least as smoothly.
!t can through &support of natural law.&
:ere/s how.
What Is a 9aw o Nature?
#hrow a tennis ball up in the air and it falls to the earth: gravity, a law of nature.
:eat water to ()(O, and it boils: a law of nature.
2ater a plant, give it proper food and sunlight and it grows: laws of nature.
#he entire world, the entire universe is governed by laws of nature. 4verywhere we look
at <3A through an electron microscope or at the galactic life through a highpowered
telescope everything in the universe is permeated by intelligence. all activity is
governed by natural law.
What Is the Purpose o Natural 9aw?
0ike a strong current in a river, natural law propels life in an evolutionary direction. !t is
the invincible force in nature from the level of the unified field that continually creates,
maintains, and evolves life.
Natural 9aw and 8ou
2hat does natural law have to do with you? 4verything because not only are electrons
and galaxies sub1ect to the laws of nature, but so are you.
#here are, for example, countless laws of nature that govern the functioning of your body.
!f you align yourself with those laws eat the right foods, exercise properly, get enough
rest, etc. your body maintains its health.
Diolate those laws and you fall sick and suffer.
#herefore, the key to better health actually the key to perfect health is to attune
yourself with all the laws of nature that naturally promote growth and evolution. !t/s also
the key to skill in action in life.
:ow can that be accomplished?
8ou 6an1t Try to 9ive in +ccord with Natural 9aw
0iving in accord with natural law is simple through #ranscendental $editation, and we/ll
see how in a moment. =ut first, let/s analyBe the ways that you can/t gain this alliance:
=y trying intellectually to understand or remember all of the different laws of
nature that govern life.
=y trying strictly to adhere to specific laws of nature.
2hy? =ecause there are far too many laws of nature to understand, much less remember.
And, even if you were able to gain some knowledge about specific laws of nature, it/s no
guarantee you/ll be able to abide by them.
,or example, there/s the medical doctor, a noted authority on the causes of stressrelated
diseases, who nevertheless gets sick from overwork and worry. :e/s fully aware of the
causes and conse%uences of stress, yet he is unable to follow his own professional advice.
:e works too long and too hard.
'r the factory supervisor with a heart condition who/s placed on a strict diet and exercise
program by his physician. :ow long does it take before he begins to compromise on his
regimen even though it/s in his own best interest to maintain it?
2hat is the difficulty?
#o act in a way that is completely life supporting is next to impossible, unless it is
natural. !t can never be accomplished by trying to remember what/s right, or by forcing
oneself to behave in a certain way.
+lliance with Natural 9aw Must *e Spontaneous
Alliance with natural law must be spontaneous. And it can be lived only on the basis of a
fully developed consciousness.
$aharishi/s #ranscendental $editation places life in the center stream of the evolutionary
power of natural law.
:ow? =y allowing the conscious mind to settle down to its most silent, wakeful, and
fully expanded state, #ranscendental $editation opens the awareness to pure
consciousness, which is the unified field of all the laws of nature.
As we discussed earlier, it is the unified field, through its &selfinteracting dynamics,&
which expresses itself as all the diversified forms and phenomena in creation. #his means
that all matter, all energy, and all the laws of nature that govern all the activity in the
universe spring from the unified field.
6oncrete- Natural- and Practical
2hen you open your awareness to the unified field during #ranscendental $editation,
you draw upon the unlimited potential of nature at its source. +our mind naturally
becomes clearer and more creative. +our body becomes healthier and more energetic.
+our thoughts, feelings, and actions are s(ontaneously more in tune with the evolutionary
power of natural law. And then you en1oy more success and satisfaction in everything you
<oes it sound abstract?
!t/s actually concrete, natural, and very practical.
.I believe that you &et bac/ what you &ive-. says $ichael 8eed, ;h.<., manager in
business development for 5laxo !nc., a pharmaceutical company in 8esearch #riangle
;ark, near 8aleigh, in 3orth Carolina. &#ranscendental $editation has allowed me to
give more, do more, and live and en1oy my life more fully. At the same time, because !
meditate ! feel that ! am having a positive influence on the people ! live with, the people !
work with, and society in general.
&Some people 1ust call it good luck, but since !/ve been meditating !/ve found that
spontaneously good things happen, often without any directed thought or effort on my
part. 3ature spontaneously delivers opportunities and situations to enhance my 1ob, my
family, and my social life.
&! have a wonderful life. ! have a beautiful wife, a new baby, a 1ob that is very satisfying,
and ! live very comfortably. ! feel that !/m living the fruits of support of nature every day
in many, many ways.&
.Everyone has had this happen) 8ou want somethin& and suddenly * minutes later,
or a day later, it/s there and you didn/t seem to do anything,& says Channler <rawdy,
chairman and partowner of Atherton #echnology, a computeraided software engineering
company in ,remont, California. &$ost people think this kind of good luck is
coincidental, but it doesn/t have to be that way. Since !/ve been practicing #ranscendental
$editation these things are occurring with more and more fre%uency in my business and
in my personal life. #he amount of support ! seem to be spontaneously receiving has
reached the point where ! can no longer say it/s a coincidence. ! am able to do less and
accomplish more. 0ife has become simpler and much more en1oyable.&
=efore ac%uiring controlling interest in Atherton #echnology in )""A, $r. <rawdy was a
software engineering director for Sun $icrosystems. Atherton #echnology had not been
successful since its founding in )"76, but the company turned a profit the first year after
$r. <rawdy and his associates came in. 3ow we/re into an explosive growth period,& he
says. &2e/re really taking off fast.&
&!n my experience, success comes from support of nature. #here are laws of nature, like
the laws of physics, and you can either violate those laws or you can live in harmony with
them. !f you live in harmony with those laws, then every aspect of your life is fuller,
richer, more successful. !f you violate them, then you experience a lot of pain and failure
and discomfort. #he easiest, fastest way to cultivate harmony with the laws of nature is
through #ranscendental $editation.&
Solution to Problems Is +lliance with Natural 9aw
2hy do people violate the laws of nature?
&4ducation is responsible,& $aharishi has said. &3o educational system in the world is
capable of training an individual to function spontaneously in accord with natural law.
#his lack in education is the cause of all problems in every area of life.&
#he solution to all problems then, as $aharishi has said, is spontaneous alliance with
natural law. 2hy? =ecause when you closely examine them, all problems in life originate
from the violation of natural law. !t is violation of natural law that causes stress. Stress in
an individual/s life is the cause of sickness and suffering, and the buildup of stress
among all the individuals in society is the cause of crime, violence, conflict, and war.
'n the other hand, life spontaneously lived in harmony with natural law is the basis for a
healthy, prosperous, and fulfilling life for the individual, and the foundation for lasting
peace and progress for the whole world.
C H A P T E R 7
,educin& 6rime in Society and 6reatin&World Peace
2e are in a highly stressed area, an area that has a lot of drugs and a lot of violence,& says
<r. 5eorge 8utherford, ;rincipal of the ,letcherJohnson School in southeast
2ashington, <.C. #here are 7C@ students in grades pre9 through ", and )(* staff at the
school. <r. 8utherford has been practicing #ranscendental $editation for ( years.
&Some of my students and former students have been shot. some of my former students
have been killed. #hat brings about tremendous stress in me because ! know these kids,
and ! have to worry that my school is safe for my students and staff. ! have to make sure
that ! don/t have the outside forces coming in. !n order to do that !/ve got to be able to
think clearly enough to run my building and still try to assure youngsters that this is a
safe haven.
&#ranscendental $editation is the best thing ! have ever done to help myself. ! have more
! am less stressful. ! can think clearer, and ! believe ! have become a better principal. $y
tolerance level is higher, so ! am able to talk clearer to youngsters and understand the
things that are affecting them.
&$y health is outstanding. !f ! had not started #ranscendental $editation, !/d have left the
school system or !/d be dead because of all the pressure. !t has made me much stronger
physically and much stronger mentally.
&! truly feel that #ranscendental $editation is a vehicle that we can use to reduce or
eliminate the violence in our community. !t will help to remove all the baggage that
young people bring to school with them that makes them ready to 1ump and fight at the
first moment anyone touches them. !f they can meditate at home, it will help them
remove the stresses that they have each and every day and that is from hearing
gunshots at night and seeing people get killed family members and friends.
#ranscendental $editation is going to eventually remove that kind of behavior.
&! would wholeheartedly support large groups of #ranscendental $editation meditators
in 2ashington to reduce crime and create peace in the community. 3othing else has
worked. ! feel, based on my experience with #ranscendental $editation, that this is the
means, the vehicle that is going to get us to a peaceful society. #he government should
support these large groups, if, in fact, it is serious about reducing or eliminating crime.&
.@nly a new seed can yield a new crop0 @nly new /nowled&e- new principles- and
new pro&rams can put an end to conlict- sic/ness- and suerin&- and prevent such
problems rom arisin& in the uture0 @nly new /nowled&e can create a healthy-
prosperous- harmonious society and a peaceul world0. 44 Maharishi
The Problems o Aiolence
Crime spreads at an alarming rate through our cities. 8egional conflicts rage in many
parts of the globe.
=illions of dollars urgently needed for education, health care, etc., are allocated to build
more prisons and hire more police, but no one is safe from the threat of rising violent
;eacekeeping forces are sent, at considerable risk and expense, to faroff lands to %uell
conflicts. 4xperienced diplomats hammer out peace accords between opposing factions.
+et order is not maintained, and lasting peace is not delivered.
3othing is working. 2hat/s wrong?
The 6ause o 6rime and War
2hat/s wrong, according to $aharishi, is that the root cause of violence both in crime
and war has not been addressed. =oth are the outburst of builtup stress in society. And
stress in society is created by all the people in society continually violating the laws of
&As long as individuals continue to violate the laws of nature, they will continue to create
stress in their own lives and create stress in the collective consciousness of the whole
nation,& $aharishi says. &As a result, governmental efforts to promote peace will prove
ineffective, and the world will face violence and conflict everywhere. ;eace will only
remain an abstract, unattainable ideal.&
@ld +pproaches 3ail to ,educe Stress in Society
0ike smokestacks pouring pollution into the atmosphere, individuals suffering from stress
pour stress into the environment, creating the ground for crime, violence, and conflict in
#he approaches that have been tried repeatedly more police, longer prison terms,
military force, peace agreements have ultimately failed because they fail to solve the
problem of high levels of stress in society.
+ New Seed or a New 6rop
'nly a new seed can yield a new crop. A completely new approach is needed that can
reduce the dangerous rise of stress and crime in our cities and, at the same time, reduce
the dangerous rise of stress and conflict in the world/s trouble spots.
,ortunately, such an approach exists. !t has been developed during the past A6 years, and
it has been found to work. 2hat follows is a brief explanation of this approach, including
a history of its development, a discussion of its mechanics, and the research that shows
that it works.
Individual Is the *asic 2nit o World Peace
2hen $aharishi first started teaching #ranscendental $editation in )"*7, he said that the
techni%ue was a way for the individual to grow in health and happiness, and for the world
to rise in peace.
&,or the forest to be green, every tree must be green,& $aharishi said. &#he individual is
the basic unit of world peace. ,or the world to be at peace, every individual has to be at
$aharishi said that #ranscendental $editation was the key to producing a peaceful
individual, and therefore was the basis for creating world peace.
@ne Percent or World Peace
A few years later $aharishi made a prediction: !f as little as )I of the world/s population
practiced #ranscendental $editation, there would be no more wars. #he peaceful
influence created by people practicing #ranscendental $editation, he said, radiates
throughout the environment, like the light from a bulb radiates throughout a darkened
At that time, in the early )"6@s, there were too few meditators in the world to test
$aharishi/s prediction, even on a small scale. =ut by the end of )">C, more than (*@,@@@
people were meditating in the -nited States, and many small cities in the country had )I
of their population practicing the techni%ue.
#he first study to test $aharishi/s prediction occurred in <ecember )">C, when scientists
measured %ualityoflife indicators in C cities where )I of the population was practicing
#ranscendental $editation. #hey examined such standard and publicly accessible indices
as crime statistics, accident rates, and hospital admissions.
(ecreased 6rime in "B 6ities
2hen these findings were compared with similar research from four control cities
matched for population density, geography, economic conditions, etc., a remarkable
discovery was made.
#he cities with )I of their populations practicing the #ranscendental $editation program
showed a decrease in crime rate while the matched control cities showed an increase in
crime rate as did the -.S. as a whole.
#he researchers then expanded their study to include eleven )I cities and eleven control
cities. #hey found a )6.6 percent reduction in crime rates among the )I cities compared
to the nononepercent cities.
2hat did it mean? !t was the first scientific validation of $aharishi/s prediction that the
%uality of life could be improved through a small percentage of a population practicing
#ranscendental $editation.
'n January )(, )">*, in the presence of leading scientists, doctors, educators, business
leaders, and the world press, $aharishi hailed the significance of this discovery by
inaugurating &the dawn of the Age of 4nlightenment& for the world.
$aharishi said, &2ith )I of a city/s population practicing #ranscendental $editation,
crime rates decrease. 'ne percent of the world/s population practicing the #ranscendental
$editation program will neutraliBe stress and negativity, and promote positivity and
peace, throughout the world. 2ith 1ust this first scientific research on the sociological
effects of #ranscendental $editation we can see the onset of a new age of progress and
harmony for all mankind.&
Transcendental Meditation Is the 6ausal 3actor
#he research continued. #he ))city study was expanded to include C7 cities, with similar
results. #he study, entitled &#he #ranscendental $editation ;rogram and Crime 8ate
Change in a Sample of ,orty4ight Cities,& was published in the !ournal of Crime and
!ustice EDol. !D, )"7)F.
Since )">C #ranscendental $editation crimerate studies have been conducted in
hundreds of cities in the -nited States, using some of the most sophisticated,
computeriBed, statistical procedures to control for a broad spectrum of variables.
#he conclusion: #ranscendental $editation program participation was found to be the
causal factor in crime rate reductions in cities and metropolitan areas throughout the
nation. Scientists named the effect the &$aharishi 4ffect.&
:ow is this possible?
2e/ll see in a moment.
The Transcendental Meditation4Sidhi Pro&ram
Concurrent with all of this, a new development was taking place that was to have a
profound impact on the direction of #ranscendental $editation research.
!n )">6 $aharishi introduced the #ranscendental $editationSidhi program, which he
described as advanced procedures or natural extensions of #ranscendental $editation &to
train consciousness to function from the unified field of natural law, the selfreferral state
of pure consciousness.&
$aharishi explained that the #ranscendental $editationSidhi program trained the
awareness to function in the same selfinteracting style as the intelligence of nature. !n
this way, $aharishi said, individuals would gain the support of the total potential of
nature/s creativity and intelligence for the fulfillment of their desires in daily life.
Scientific research showed that $aharishi/s #ranscendental $editationSidhi program
significantly enhanced the benefits of #ranscendental $editation. !t increased 445
coherence, increased creativity and intelligence, and promoted longevity.
$ost dramatically, sociological research showed that the practice of the #ranscendental
$editationSidhi program by a small number of people together in one place had a very
powerful effect on society as a whole even more powerful than the )I #ranscendental
$editation effect.
8esearch showed that only the s%uare root of )I of a population practicing the
#ranscendental $editationSidhi program together in one place was re%uired to create an
influence of order and coherence in the entire population.
:ow is all of this possible? :ow can people meditating alone in their homes or offices, or
together in a group, influence other people across town or across the country who
aren/t even meditating?
The Super ,adiance Eect) +ction at a (istance
#wo corks are floating in a sink of water 7 inches apart. ;ush down one cork,
release it, and the other cork bobs up and down.
#urn on the radio as you drive to the supermarket. A disc 1ockey is playing a song
*@ miles away. #he music fills your car.
#hese are two examples where one ob1ect can influence another ob1ect at a distance. !n
physics this phenomenon is called &action at a distance.&
:ow does it happen? #hrough the influence of waves traveling through an underlying
field. 2ater links the two corks, and the electromagnetic field links the radio station and
the car radio.
Connecting all matter in the universe are unseen, fundamental fields the
electromagnetic field, the gravitational field, and the fields of the weak and strong forces
binding the center of the atom.
At their basis, according to supersymmetric unified %uantum field theories, is the unified
field, which creates and connects everything together in the universe all fields, all
matter, everything, everybody.
The *ehavior o 3ields
'ne interesting characteristic about the behavior of fields is the manner in which waves
travel through them.
,or example, consider the ordinary light radiating from your reading lamp. !t is the
product of innumerable light waves that are random and incoherent in their pattern. #ake
any )@@ of these incoherent light waves and they produce the light of )@@ separate waves.
=ecause of this the light from your lamp is bright enough for you to read the book in your
lap, but not nearly bright enough, say, to reach the moon.
'n the other hand, if those random light waves are made coherent so that the peaks and
valleys of each wave are in step with each other, then the intensity of the light waves
becomes far greater than when they function separately. #heir intensity is proportional to
the s%uare of the actual number of waves. #ake those )@@ light waves again, make them
function coherently together, and they will produce a light as bright as )@,@@@ incoherent
light waves.
Coherent light is called laser light. !t can be bounced off the moon, applied to conduct
surgery, or used to play a laser disc recording. #his phenomenon has been called the
&superradiance effect.&
The 3ield Eects o 6onsciousness
:ow, then, can the coherence created by a small number of people practicing
#ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi program together in one place affect a large
Scientists said it could happen only if consciousness, experienced in its selfreferral state
during #ranscendental $editation, is a field and only if it is the same unified field that
underlies all of nature.
#hey said that only a field can produce the influence of &actionatadistance,& and only
the unified field would be able to account for the wideranging effects on society
observed with the collective practice of $aharishi/s #ranscendental $editation and #$
Sidhi program. #his is because on the level of the unified field, everything in nature is
8esearchers predicted that if a group of experts in the #ranscendental $editation and
#$Sidhi program could, in fact, produce an influence of coherence on the level of the
unified field, then according to the behavior of fields, that coherence would spread
throughout the environment.
#hat/s the hypothesis. 3ow does it actually happen? 2hat is the evidence? And how can
it be measured?
Measurin& the Trends o Time
!n the past two decades, social scientists have developed sophisticated statistical
procedures to analyBe changing trends in society. #hese methods are helpful to
researchers attempting to determine why these changes occur.
,or example, sickness rates might be found to be suddenly decreasing in a particular city.
2hy? !s it due to a public health program recently introduced into the school system, or
is it simply a seasonal change?
#hrough these advanced statistical procedures, scientists are better able to identify the
reason, or reasons, for the decrease in sickness rates in the city, eliminate alternative
explanations, and hopefully use the technology or program to produce the same effect
again, perhaps on a wider scale.
Studyin& the Eects o Transcendental Meditation on Cuality o 9ie
4xtensive research, employing many of these statistical procedures, have been conducted
throughout the world to gauge the effects of the #ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi
program on the %uality of life in society.
#he research has demonstrated repeatedly that when the s%uare root of )I of a
population practices the #ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi program together in
one place there are marked decreases in negative tendencies such as crime, sickness, and
accident rates, as well as instances of turbulence and violence in society. #he research has
also shown significant increases in positive trends, such as improvements in economic
D-%%% +ssembly at Maharishi International 2niversity
#he largest experiment studying the impact of group practice of the #ranscendental
$editation and #$Sidhi program occurred from <ecember )>, )"7A, to January 6,
)"7C, at $aharishi !nternational -niversity in ,airfield, !owa.
Seven thousand experts in the #ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi program from
over *@ nations gathered at the university to create &an upsurge of coherence& for the
whole world. Seven thousand is approximately the s%uare root of )I of the world/s
#he findings confirmed predictions made by scientists in advance. 8esearch showed an
immediate increase in positivity in situations of international conflict. Available data from
ma1or countries on several continents also showed that traffic fatalities per miles driven
and the incidence of infectious diseases dropped during the assembly, while patent
applications and other signs of creativity and positivity rose.
And after the assembly? All the positive trends returned to the usual patterns that had
characteriBed them prior to the assembly.
+ New 3ormula or Peace
=ased on these findings, as well as on similar results from several other large assemblies
throughout the world, $aharishi declared )"7> to the +ear of 2orld ;eace. :e presented
a program to reduce crime and violence in society and create peace in the world.
$aharishi/s plan called for the establishment in every country of a permanent group of
>,@@@ experts practicing the #ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi program together
in one place.
$aharishi said that this group would immediately reduce the dangerous buildup of stress
in collective consciousness and create &an indomitable influence of coherence and
positivity in national and world consciousness to ensure that all political, social, and
economic trends will always remain positive and enriching.&
3or There to *e Peace in Society
$aharishi also laid out a plan whereby every individual can contribute his or her share to
promote peace. &,or there to be peace in society, there must be peace in the individuals in
society,& $aharishi said. &#ranscendental $editation is a techni%ue for gaining peace. !f
you have peace then you should engage in creating world peace by bringing your friends
and family to start this practice. -nless you create peace in your family and friends, your
own peace will be fragile and world peace will have no meaning for you. 2ith peace in
every home in our precious family of nations, :eaven will be created on 4arth.&
Scientiic ,esearch Expands
8esearch on group practice of the #ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi program
continued to expand. =y )""@ there were over C@ sociological studies, including research
showing positive effects on reducing urban crime, decreasing conflict in the $iddle 4ast,
and reducing violent death. #he studies were published in some of America/s leading
peerreviewed scientific 1ournals, including !ournal of Conflict Resolution# Social
$ndicators Research# and !ournal of Mind and )eha'ior.
The 2r&ent Need or a New Solution to 6rime
=y this time the alarming rise of violent crime in -.S. cities had also made it very clear
that a new solution to the crisis was urgently needed. <espite the expenditure of tens of
billions of dollars on crimefighting programs, violent crime continued to soar. 4xperts
admitted that conventional approaches had failed. !n fact, there was no evidence to
suggest that building more prisons, hiring more police, or handing out stiffer sentences to
offenders were making even the slightest dent in reducing crime.
Two4Month 6rime ,eduction (emonstration Pro5ect in Washin&ton- (060
#here was, however, considerable evidence to show that group practice of the
#ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi program did reduce violent crime. #o
demonstrate this fact publicly, a M* million sociological experiment was held in
2ashington, <.C., during the summer of )""A.
,rom June > through July A@, C,@@@ experts in the #ranscendental $editation and #$
Sidhi program from *@ countries assembled, at their own expense, in 2ashington, <.C.
#wice a day they participated in large group meditations to reduce social stress and
violent crime.
8esearchers lodged predictions for the experiment in advance with a (>member,
independent &pro1ect review board& comprising leading research scientists from
universities throughout the -.S., including the -niversity of $aryland, the -niversity of
the <istrict of Columbia, and the -niversity of <enver School of 0aw. policy analysts.
and local government and community leaders. =ased on previous findings, researchers
predicted that violent crime in 2ashington, <.C., would decrease significantly by the end
of the pro1ect. !n addition, because of reduced levels of stress in the nation/s capital,
researchers also predicted an increase in the level of cooperation and effectiveness of the
government and, on that basis, an improvement in ;resident Clinton/s standing in the
opinion polls.
Aiolent 6rime in Washin&ton (ecreases Si&niicantly durin& (emonstration
#he results exceeded predictions. After months of rapid increase, :8A violent crime
Ehomicide, rape, and assaultF suddenly declined in 2ashington, <.C., during the
demonstration, according to time series analysis. EDiolent crime usually increases in June
and July.F ,or the final ( weeks of the demonstration, :8A crime dropped )7I. !n
addition, other %ualityoflife indicators moved in the positive direction, and an analysis
of opinion polls on ;resident Clinton showed a highly statistically significant change
from a declining trend to a trend of increasing public support during the demonstration.
'nce the #ranscendental $editation assembly dispersed and social stress began to rise
again, :8A crime rose as well. E#he results of this study will be expanded and finaliBed
after the <istrict of Columbia $etropolitan ;olice <epartment releases its complete
crime report for )""A to the ,=! in 'ctober )""C following the publication of this
book. ,or a copy of the final results of the 2ashington study, contact the !nstitute of
Science, #echnology and ;ublic ;olicy at $aharishi !nternational -niversity, ,airfield,
!owa *(**>.F
.This demonstration has conirmed the theory that large assemblies of people
practicing the #ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi program reduce social stress and
tension, as measured by decreased violent crime, increased governmental cooperation and
efficiency, and improvements in other sociological indicators,& says <r. John :agelin,
<irector of the !nstitute of Science, #echnology and ;ublic ;olicy at $aharishi
!nternational -niversity. &!t shows definitively that any government can reduce crime and
other social problems, and prevent new problems from arising, by establishing /A 5roup
for a 5overnment/ a large group of experts practicing the #ranscendental $editation
and #$Sidhi program. 5overnments now have a practical means to prevent costly
problems and dramatically improve the %uality of life for the whole population.&
.I thin/ the claim can be plausibly made that the potential impact of this research
exceeds that of any other ongoing social or psychological research program,& says <avid
4dwards, ;h.<., ;rofessor of 5overnment at the -niversity of #exas at Austin, referring
to the many studies conducted on effects of the #ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi
program on society. &#he research has survived a broader array of statistical tests than has
most research in the field of conflict resolution. ! think this work, and the theory that
informs it, deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy makers alike.&
<r. 4dwards does not practice #ranscendental $editation.
.There is &rowin& reco&nition that we have been thin/in& too narrowly about the
causes, dynamics, and means of resolving conflicts,& says John <avies, ;h.<., 8esearch
Coordinator for the Center of !nternational <evelopment and Conflict $anagement at the
-niversity of $aryland. &#his thinking hasn/t given us sufficiently effective options to be
able to manage and minimiBe conflict in the world.&
<r. <avies is an expert on the prevention, analysis, and resolution of conflict. :e is
currently developing the most advanced and sophisticated global event data system for
tracking daily international and intranational events worldwide. !nternational peace
keeping organiBations will use the data system for developing early warning systems and
evaluating the success of attempts to prevent or resolve conflicts.
<r. <avies, who practices #ranscendental $editation, has conducted his own study to test
the effect of group practice of the #ranscendental $editation and #$Sidhi program on
conflict resolution. :is findings replicated several earlier studies showing a positive
correlation between the number of people collectively practicing this technology in a
society and the reduction of conflict throughout the entire population. :is research also
indicated a significant increase in the level of cooperation between opposing parties who
were involved in conflict during the experimental period.
&#he advantage of this approach to conflict resolution is that it doesn/t re%uire any
intrusive intervention to resolve the conflict,& <r. <avies says. &!t appears to make use of
a fundamental level of interconnectedness among all members of the community to
reduce stress and create coherence in the conflict area. #he evidence is there that this
approach warrants inclusion in any government/s multilevel repertoire of concurrent
approaches to promote the development and %uality of life at every level city, national,
and international. !t expands the range of tools for federal government. 0eaders should be
aware of it. #hey should be trying it.&
C H A P T E R 8
The Next Step) 'ow to Start
$y wife, Jane, started #ranscendental $editation before me, and ! saw changes in her
right away,& recalls =arry ;itt, president of a large retail business in 8edford, a suburb of
<etroit. &She was happier and much more outgoing. So ! decided to learn, too.&
#hat was (C years ago a year before =arry and Jane got married. At the time, =arry was
a special education teacher in <etroit, teaching emotionally disturbed boys, )( to )6
years old.
&!t was a real stressful environment. $y class was the last stop for those kids in the
public school system. After that they went to 2ayne County Juvenile :all. 4very
morning when ! would go to school, ! would grab my keys, my wallet, and two aspirin.
=y noon ! would have a splitting headache, and ! would have to take the aspirin.
&#he day ! started meditating was the last time ! ever took the aspirin. ! never got
headaches again.&
#oday, =arry runs a (*,@@@s%uarefoot hardware and automotive store with )(@
employees. &A real pressure cooker,& he says. All day =arry is talking with vendors about
merchandise, attending meetings to set advertising and marketing programs, dealing with
employees over personnel issues, and spending a lot of time on the floor working with
=arry practices #ranscendental $editation twice a day. :e says that it/s part of his
routine, like brushing his teeth or taking a shower. &!t/s essential. ;hysically, it keeps me
strong, and mentally, it keeps me clear and alert. =ecause ! meditate, ! en1oy my life a
!n )">@ Jane 8oman ;itt was a 1unior at the -niversity of $ichigan, studying education.
She had heard about #ranscendental $editation from a friend, and when she saw a poster
announcing an introductory lecture, she decided to attend. After the lecture she decided to
&At the time, ! had been drinking about six cups of coffee a day 1ust to keep going. ! was
in school and working fulltime as a waitress. ! learned #ranscendental $editation, and a
few days later ! didn/t need the coffee anymore. And after ! would meditate in the
afternoon, ! could study at night without falling asleep. !t really made a difference. ! felt
much happier and more settled inside.&
#oday Jane is the mother of two teenagers: Jesse, )>, and Joanna, )C. She is also a
composer whose works are performed by choirs and chamber groups around the country.
Jane says the benefits of #ranscendental $editation are the same today as when she
started (C years ago &only much more so. #he only way ! could handle all the roles and
responsibilities that ! have as a working mother let alone en1oy them is through the
deep rest, energy, and mental clarity that ! get from meditating twice a day.&
People start Maharishi1s Transcendental Meditation or a wide variety o reasons0
Some may learn the techni%ue at the recommendation of their doctor, to help treat a
specific stressrelated problem, such as high blood pressure. 'thers may be %uite healthy
but decide to start because they want to use more of their mental potential. 'thers may
start #ranscendental $editation because they want to improve their relationships or help
create a more peaceful society.
8egardless of the reasons one has to learn #ranscendental $editation, with the regular
practice of the techni%ue, all of the overall positive benefits to the mind, body, and
behavior naturally develop. #ranscendental $editation is one procedure that
simultaneously strengthens all aspects of life. !t/s like watering the root of a plant to
nourish the entire plant in one simple stroke.
'ow (o 8ou 9earn It?
#he #ranscendental $editation program is taught through a sevenstep course of
instruction offered through hundreds of $aharishi Dedic -niversities and Schools
throughout the -nited States and the world. E;lease see $D- 0ocations.F
#he course includes two lectures that provide the necessary intellectual understanding to
start the techni%ue, and four consecutive days of actual instruction about ( hours each
#he course structure is as follows:
Step " 44 +n Introductory 9ecture
#he first step is a public lecture that provides an introduction to the #ranscendental
$editation program and presents a vision of possibilities from practicing the techni%ue.
#he lecture is about "@ minutes and includes:
<escription what #ranscendental $editation is and what it is not.
=enefits the scientifically validated effects the techni%ue has on improving
mental potential, health, and social behavior, and on promoting world peace.
:ow to start the techni%ue an outline of the sevenstep course of instruction to
learn #ranscendental $editation.
Step $ 44 Preparatory 9ecture
#he second step is also a public lecture, which provides an explanation of the mechanics
of the #ranscendental $editation techni%ue. !t lasts about "@ minutes and includes a
discussion of:
:ow #ranscendental $editation works.
2hy #ranscendental $editation is easy to learn and effortless to practice.
:ow #ranscendental $editation is uni%ue and different from all other techni%ues
of meditation or selfdevelopment.
#he origin of #ranscendental $editation.
Step < 44 + Personal Interview
#he third step, a personal interview with a trained teacher of the #ranscendental
$editation techni%ue, provides an opportunity to ask any additional %uestions you might
still have and to make an appointment for personal instruction. #he interview takes about
)* minutes.
Step E 44 Personal Instruction in Transcendental Meditation
#he fourth step is the actual instruction in the #ranscendental $editation techni%ue,
which is held on a onetoone basis with a %ualified #ranscendental $editation teacher. !n
this step you/ll actually learn to practice the techni%ue. ;ersonal instruction takes about (
Step # 44 3irst (ay o 6hec/in& Seminar
#he fifth step begins a Aday series of (hour checking seminars following your personal
instruction in #ranscendental $editation. #his fifth step is held the day after personal
instruction. !t is to review the mechanics of the techni%ue and to verify and validate the
correctness of your practice. #his seminar is attended by all the other people who
received personal instruction the previous day.
Step F 44 Second (ay o 6hec/in& Seminar
#he sixth step is held on the second day after your personal instruction. !n this session
you get the answer to any new %uestions you might have, verify the correctness of your
#ranscendental $editation practice, and discuss the mechanics of stabiliBing the benefits
of #ranscendental $editation.
Step D 44 Third (ay o 6hec/in& Seminar
#he seventh step is held on the third day after your personal instruction. !ts purpose is to
answer any new %uestions you might have, verify the correctness of your practice, and
gain a vision of the goal of the #ranscendental $editation program the development of
full human potential in higher states of consciousness. #he complete followup program
is also outlined.
+ 6omplete 3ollow42p Pro&ram
,ollowing these seven steps of #ranscendental $editation instruction, there is a
complete, optional lifetime followup program that is available for every meditator. #he
program includes regular personal checking, advanced lectures and special seminars to
ensure your complete understanding of the benefits. #he seven steps, plus the followup
program, are offered through $aharishi Dedic -niversities and Schools located
throughout the -nited States.
The ,e!uirements to 9earn
#here are a few practical re%uirements to start the techni%ue, including the time needed to
learn the techni%ue ( hours a day over C consecutive days and a course fee. ,or
details on both, please attend a free introductory lecture on #ranscendental $editation in
your area.
.This is a lar&e university- and there are a lot o very competent people here, so you
can easily feel that your work doesn/t matter,& says Joelle #amraB, (), a thirdyear social
studies ma1or at :arvard. &!t takes a lot of belief in yourself, a lot of selfconfidence.
Some students fall by the wayside when they/re not given positive reinforcement. !t also
takes an open and flexible mind and discipline and commitment to your work to be
Joelle is an A student. She is considering an academic career or public service, after
graduation. Joelle started #ranscendental $editation, along with her mother and sister, in
3ew +ork City after she graduated from high school. She has been practicing the
techni%ue for the A years she has been at :arvard.
&After ! meditate in the morning, ! go to my classes and out into the world, and ! feel
confident and calm. ! feel more prepared for the tasks at hand, which are often difficult
and many.
&And although my studies are extremely important to me, since ! have been meditating !
feel that my life has a deeper sense of purpose. #he experience of my inner self has
allowed me to put what ! do every day into a larger, more meaningful whole. As a result,
my relationships with people have dramatically improved. !/ve developed much more
loving and profound friendships, which ! trace to the growing balance and peacefulness !
have from #ranscendental $editation. And because ! meditate regularly, ! don/t feel a lot
of stress even when ! have a lot of work. ! am able to put things in perspective.&
#o other students facing the challenges of high school or college, Joelle strongly
recommends #ranscendental $editation.
&!t will give you a greater sense of stability and happiness and make you feel that you can
easily tackle your daytoday challenges.&
:ac/ E0 .Woody. *arnes- ED- an insurance salesman in =irmingham, Alabama, had
always wanted to develop the potential of his mind. :e had read a lot of books, heard a
lot of tapes, and had a lot of different ideas.
&#hen ! decided to learn #ranscendental $editation, and finally ! had a direct experience
of what ! had been looking for all these years real expansion of consciousness. !t/s like
driving down a road and suddenly the fog begins to clear. $y mind is clearer now. ! have
experiences of unity in my life, whereas before unity was 1ust a concept ! had read
2oody started #ranscendental $editation along with his wife, =obbie, an interior
decorator, and his )>yearold daughter, ,rannie, a 1unior at $ountain =rook :igh
School. #he family has been practicing the techni%ue for 6 months.
*obbie) &! had bad hip pain. 2henever ! drove for more than an hour, ! had to stop and
walk around. !t had bothered me a lot for ( years. $y physical therapist said that a lot of
the pain was due to stress. ! remember one day after practicing #ranscendental $editation
for a few weeks, ! suddenly realiBed that the stress and the pain had completely gone
awayH And 6 months later it hasn/t returned. $y mind is a lot clearer and calmer now, too.
And for me that/s saying a lot. ! am calm even when things around me are hectic. And
because ,rannie, who is my stepdaughter, and ! sometimes practice the techni%ue
together, ! think it has brought us a lot closer.&
3rannie) &! love meditating. !t/s really relaxing. !t/s like taking a nap, except that your
mind is awake, and you don/t feel groggy or heavy afterward. !t/s very refreshing and
gives me peace of mind. !t has also helped me in school. ! am able to cope with things
better and ! am able to remember more and concentrate better in my classes. =efore !
learned #ranscendental $editation, ! used to get mostly =/s, but now ! get =pluses and
A/s. #ranscendental $editation has also made it more peaceful around the house. #here
was always a lot of love in my family, but now there is a nicer, %uieter atmosphere.&
Woody) &0earning the techni%ue has been wonderful. #he teachers of #ranscendental
$editation are great people, and the followup program has been absolutely outstanding.&
+ter This *oo/ 44 The Next Step
2hat do you do now, after reading this book, if you want more information about the
techni%ue? #he next step is to attend an introductory lecture.
And if you have some %uestions about material covered in this book? Contact your local
$aharishi Dedic -niversity or School and speak to a #ranscendental $editation teacher.
'r ask your %uestions at the introductory lecture. All #ranscendental $editation teachers
have received extensive training up to a year of study to teach this very simple, yet
very precise techni%ue. #hey will be happy to answer all of your %uestions.
And 1ust remember, #ranscendental $editation is easy for everyone to learn.
C H A P T E R 9
Cuestions and +nswers on the Techni!ue
What does Transcendental Meditation do?
$aharishi/s #ranscendental $editation provides the mind and body with a uni%ue and
profound state of restful alertness. #he body gains an extraordinarily deep state of rest
while the mind settles down to a state of inner calm and wakefulness. #his process
dissolves deeply rooted stress and tension, re1uvenates the entire system, infuses the mind
with creativity and intelligence, and provides the basis for dynamic, successful activity.
I play tennis to relax0 + riend o mine listens to music0 (oesn1t exercise or simple
relaxation do the same thin& as Transcendental Meditation?
#ennis, 1ogging, fishing, golf, gardening, reading a book, listening to soothing music,
bowling, etc. are all relaxing, en1oyable activities. #hey provide a welcome change of
pace, a break in the routine.
=ut the important %uestion is: 2hile they may seem relaxing, do these activities actually
release deeply rooted stress and tension? 3o.
#his is because even though they may feel relaxing, nonetheless, they keep the mind and
body engaged in some activity.
2hat is nature/s antidote to stress? <eep rest and the deeper the better. #ranscendental
$editation is uni%ue. !t is not 1ust another form of activity or recreation. #ranscendental
$editation is a scientifically validated techni%ue for providing the entire system with
very deep rest far deeper than ordinary eyesclosed rest or relaxation.
#his deep rest has been shown to release accumulated stress and tension that nothing else
comes close to eliminating not a good night/s sleep, a restful vacation, relaxation
exercises, a great tennis match, or a stroll in the park.
Is Transcendental Meditation li/e hypnosis or other types o meditation techni!ues?
#ranscendental $editation is uni%ue.
:ypnosis involves suggestion. #ranscendental $editation is natural and involves no
All other forms of meditation or self development involve either concentration or
contemplation. #ranscendental $editation is easy to learn, effortless to practice, and
involves neither concentration nor contemplation.
8esearch comparing #ranscendental $editation with other meditation and relaxation
techni%ues has found #ranscendental $editation to be far more effective for reducing
anxiety, increasing selfactualiBation, improving psychological health, and reducing use
of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs.
Will Transcendental Meditation ma/e me so relaxed that I won1t be motivated or
Just the opposite. =y eliminating stress and tension, and increasing energy and
intelligence, #ranscendental $editation provides an effective basis for dynamism and
success in life.
#ranscendental $editation is like pulling an arrow back on a bow. <raw the arrow back (
feet, and the arrow flies forward *@ yards. #ranscendental $editation naturally draws the
mind back to its own source, a reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence. After (@
minutes of the techni%ue, you can plunge into activity refreshed and rested, with more
creativity and intelligence.
#he result: <o less and accomplish more with greater energy, success, and satisfaction in
everything you do.
6an I learn Transcendental Meditation rom a boo/ or a tape?
3o. 4ach person is uni%ue. each person has a different nervous system and therefore a
different pace of learning. 4nsuring that you learn the techni%ue properly re%uires
personal instruction from a %ualified #ranscendental $editation teacher. 8eading a book
or listening to a tape cannot provide the experience of pure consciousness and the
corresponding profound state of restful alertness. nor can a book anticipate or answer all
of the %uestions, at the right time, that every person might have while learning the
practice. 2ith proper personal instruction, you can en1oy the techni%ue for the rest of
your life as well as all of the benefits it naturally unfolds.
Is Transcendental Meditation diicult to learn?
#ranscendental $editation is easy to learn and effortless to practice. 'ver one million
Americans and four million people worldwide of every age E)@ years and upF,
profession, education, and religion have learned #ranscendental $editation and en1oy its
When I start Transcendental Meditation do I have to 5oin an or&ani?ation?
3o. 'nce you/ve learned #ranscendental $editation, you practice the techni%ue on your
own. #here is, however, a complete, optional, lifetime followup program, available to all
meditators, to ensure that they continue to practice #ranscendental $editation correctly
and gain maximum benefits. +ou can take advantage of this program at your
Will my practice o Transcendental Meditation conlict with my reli&ion?
3o, it will enhance your religion. $illions of people of all religions including clergy of
all religions practice #ranscendental $editation. #hey report that the techni%ue, by
increasing energy and intelligence and eliminating stress and fatigue, allows them to
better follow the tenets of their religion. #ranscendental $editation is a techni%ue, pure
and simple. !t involves no religion, belief, philosophy, or change in lifestyle.
Where do you meditate?
#ranscendental $editation is practiced sitting comfortably with the eyes closed for (@
minutes twice a day. !t can be done anywhere at home, in your office, on an airplane,
on a camping trip. Anywhere.
'ow lon& does it ta/e beore I will notice some beneits?
!t varies from individual to individual. All those who practice #ranscendental $editation
do notice positive growth and development in their life. however, it/s not really possible
to predict what particular benefits you might receive from the practice or even how long
it will take before you would experience a specific benefit.
4xtensive scientific research and the experience of teaching the techni%ue to more than
four million people around the world do show that correct practice of #ranscendental
$editation on a regular, twicedaily basis is very important for gaining the most from the
+nd everyone can do it?
+es. Anyone of any age, profession, education, religion, or culture. !t doesn/t matter if
you believe in #ranscendental $editation or not. +ou can be )@@ percent skeptical about
the techni%ue, and it will still work perfectly.
#ranscendental $editation is natural. !t/s 1ust like gravity. !f you don/t believe in gravity,
and you drop a tennis ball, the ball still falls. !n the same way, #ranscendental $editation
is automatic. !t does not re%uire any belief. !t works for everyone.
And for those who think, &! could never sit still for (@ minutes,& or &!/m too high strung, !
could never relax,& or &!/ll probably be the first person in the world who won/t be able to
learn it,& don/t worry. 4veryone can learn to meditate. See for yourself.
Where to 6all
,or information about the #ranscendental $editation program including the schedule of
introductory lectures on the techni%ue in your area, please contact your nearest $aharishi
Dedic -niversity or School. $aharishi Dedic -niversities and Schools offer the
knowledge of consciousness, bringing enlightenment and mastery over natural law to
<4#A!0S about 0earning #ranscendental $editation on:

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