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Jessica Metz

1. Muckrakers- The term referred to a character in John Bunyans book Pilgrims

Progress, who single- mindedly scraped up the filth on the ground, ignoring
everything else. These people expressed progressive ideas. Roosevelt named
this group.
2. Jacob Riis-He wrote an influential book, How the Other Half Lives. He published
photographs and descriptions of poverty, disease, and crime that afflicted
immigrant neighborhoods. He helped the muckrakers call for reform.
3. Robert M. La Follete- He was a republican governor. Led Wisconsin to become a
model of progressive reform. lso, he suggested to hold the direct primary.
4. Direct primary- La Follette passed a law that required to hold a direct primary. All
party members could vote for a candidate to run in the general election.
Laboratory of democracy.
5. initiative- permitted a group of citizens to introduce legislation. This required the
legislature to vote on it. This came to be because of the direct primary.
6. Referendum- This allowed citizens to vote on proposed laws directly without
going to the legislature. This also came to be because of the direct primary that
was made by La Follette.
7. Recall- This provided voters an option to demand a special election to remove an
elected official. These officials can be removed before their term has expired.
This was a branch from the direct primary.
8. Suffrage- This is the right to vote. Many women struggled trying to gain the right
to vote during the progressive era. Elizabeth Cady Shanton convinced delegates
that the first priority should be to vote.
9. Carrie Chapman Catt- NAWSAs leader in 1915. She tried to mobilize the
suffrage movement in on final nationwide push. She also threw NAWSAs
support behind the reelection campaign.
10. Prohibition- Laws that banned the manufacture, sale, and consumption of
alcohol. This came about because of the temperance movement. Many families
were being torn apart due to alcohol.
11. Square deal- Roosevelts reform programs soon became known as this. He felt
like we should balance the needs of competing groups in American society. He
said I shall see to it that every man has a square deal, no less and no more.
12. Social Darwinism- To Roosevelt, it wa not inconsistent to believe in this and
progressivism at the same time. This was survival of the fittest. This meant that
only the strong survive.
13. United Mine Workers- They launched a strike by the anthracite miners of eastern
Pennsylvania. Coal prices began to rise after this. Roosevelt viewed it as
another example of groups pursuing their private interests.
14. Arbitration- Roosevelt argued the union and the owners to accept arbitration.
This was a settlement negotiated by an outside party. Union agreed but miners
did not.
15. Hepburn Act- To stick to his beliefs, Roosevelt had to push this act. This act was
passed by congress in 1906. This was supposed to strengthen the Interstate
Commerce Commision by giving it power to set railroad rates.
16. Upton Sinclair- In 1906, he published The Jungle. This novel was based on his
observations in the tortuous lifestyles he saw. This book became a bestseller.
17. Meat Inspection Act Congress reaction to The Jungle and was passed in
1906. It required federal inspection of meat sold through interstate commerce
and set standards of cleanliness in meatpacking plants.
Pure Food and Drug Act passed on the same day in 1906, prohibited the
manufacture, sale or shipment of impure or falsely labeled food and drugs.
18. Gifford Pinchot appointed by Roosevelt to be the head of the United States
Forest Service established in 1905. The natural resources, Pinchot said, must
be developed and preserved for the benefit of the many and not merely for the
profit of a few.
19. Richard A. Ballinger- a conservative corporate lawyer. He tried to make nearly a
million acres of public forest and mineral reserves available for private
development. Many people did not like him.
20. Insubordination - Disobedience to authority. When Pinchot charged the new
secretary with having once plotted to turn over valuable public lands in Alaska to
private business group for personal profit, Pinchot leaked the story and was fired
by Taft for insubordination.
21. Childrens Bureau in 1912 an agency investigated and publicized the problems
of child labor. The agency exists today and deals with issues such as child abuse
prevention, adoption and foster care.
22. Progressive Party- Roosevelt realized that Tafts delegates controlled the
nomination for the Republican Party he left and campaigned as an independent.
He join the Progressive party which soon became known as the Bull Moose
23. New Nationalism- Roosevelts outline of reforms. This outlined included the
protection of women and children in the labor force and supported workers
compensation for those injured on the job. New freedom was Roosevelts
approach to reform.
24. New Freedom-Wilsons counter approach to Roosevelts New Nationalism. He
believed that monopolies should be destroyed not regulated. He also argued that
Roosevelts approach gave the federal government too much power in the
economy and did nothing to restore competition. Freedom is more important that
25. Income tax- a direct tax on the earnings on individuals. Income tax was an
important section of the Underwood Tariff Act which reduced the average tariff on
imported good to about 30% of the value of the goods. The 16
gave federal
government the power to tax individuals.
26. Federal Reserve Act- Created national supervision of banking industry. It
decentralized banking institutions and access to credit. Also it allowed the
demand of business to control the expanding and contracting of currency. Overall
this gave the Board indirect control over interest rates of the entire nation and the
amount of money in circulations.
27. Federal Trade Commission- Wilson requested congress create FIC to monitor
American businesses. The FIC also advised business people on the legality of
their actions. FIC protects consumer from false advertising. FIC investigates in
unfair trade practices. FIC was not meant to break of big business instead it was
to limit business activity that unfairly limited competition.
28. Unfair trade practices- trading practices that derive a gain at the expense of
competition. The FIC had the power to investigate companies and issue cease
and desists orders against companies engaging in such practices. This practices
were outlawed under the Clayton Antitrust Act.
29. Clayton Antitrust Act- This act outlawed unfair trade policies. Made it illegal for a
company to hold stock in another, if by doing so, it reduced competition. Also it
made owners and directors of businesses guilty of violating antitrust laws
criminally liable. Private parties who were injured by trust were allowed to collect
any damages in legal suits. Banned labor and injunctions strikes and farm/labor
organizations could no longer be considered illegal combinations in restraint of
30. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - African American
leaders, including De Bois met in Niagara Falls to demand full rights for African
Americans. This became known as the Niagara Movement. Other progressive
wanted to improve African Americans situation so they organized a national
conference to take stock of the progress in emancipation. These two groups
merged to form the NAACP.

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