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Career test result

In this test you had to choose between pictures showing specific work activities. Each picture depicted work
associated with a specific type of personality. These types are derived from Dr. John Holland's theory of
careers and vocational choice, known as Holland Codes.
There are six personality types in Holland's model:
Realistic: practical, physical, concrete, hands-on, machine, and tool-oriented
Investigative: analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative, thinker
Artistic: creative, original, independent, chaotic, inventive, media, graphics, and text
Social: cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing, teaching
Enterprising: competitive environments, leadership, persuading, status
Conventional: detail-oriented, organizing, clerical
Personality types and Holland Codes
Dr. Holland did not say that a person is just one of these types. Then there would be only six types of people
in the world. Instead, any one person can have interests associated with all of the six types. When you rank
the types, starting with those you have the most interest in to those you have the least interest in, you get
your specific Holland Code.
There are some 720 different combinations possible, like ISERAC, AIRSEC, or CSERIA. Generally, however,
only two or three letters are necessary to create a useful description, such as SC, IRC, or AIC. Such a
description may apply to both a person and a work environment. By typifying both people and work
environments with Holland Codes, we can calculate matches between them. This helps you assess a
potential career or vocational choice.
Your personality type
You preferred 'Realistic' the most, followed by 'Artistic' and 'Conventional'. Your six letter personality type is
'RACIES'. Your personal preference is also shown in a graph below.

Your personal Holland Code
Depending on how strongly you favor any specific type you can compose your own personal Holland Code.
You do this by taking the first letters of the types you favor most. In your case, this is the letters R, A and C
Your personal Holland Code then becomes either RAC, RA, AR or even ARC.
Your jobs
Here is a list of jobs that fit your Holland code RACIES. The list is only part of all jobs that fit your personality.
You should use this list of occupations as prototypical examples. A total of 20 occupations are suggested
based on your score.
Your list of suggested occupations
Sewers, Hand
Sew, join, reinforce, or finish, usually with needle and thread, a variety of manufactured items. Includes
weavers and stitchers.
Stone Cutters and Carvers, Manufacturing
Cut or carve stone according to diagrams and patterns.
Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers
Draw and construct sets of precision master fabric patterns or layouts. May also mark and cut fabrics
and apparel.
Precious Metal Workers
Cast, anneal, solder, hammer, or shape gold, silver, pewter or other metals to form jewelry or other
metal items such as goblets or candlesticks.
Museum Technicians and Conservators
Restore, maintain, or prepare objects in museum collections for storage, research, or exhibit. May work
with specimens such as fossils, skeletal parts, or botanicals; or artifacts, textiles, or art. May identify and
record objects or install and arrange them in exhibits. Includes book or document conservators.
Potters, Manufacturing
Operate production machines such as pug mill, jigger machine, or potter's wheel to process clay in
manufacture of ceramic, pottery and stoneware products.
Sound Engineering Technicians
Operate machines and equipment to record, synchronize, mix, or reproduce music, voices, or sound
effects in sporting arenas, theater productions, recording studios, or movie and video productions.
Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Motion Picture
Operate television, video, or motion picture camera to record images or scenes for various purposes,
such as TV broadcasts, advertising, video production, or motion pictures.
Model Makers, Wood
Construct full-size and scale wooden precision models of products. Includes wood jig builders and loft
Furniture Finishers
Shape, finish, and refinish damaged, worn, or used furniture or new high-grade furniture to specified
color or finish.
Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners
Repair percussion, stringed, reed, or wind instruments. May specialize in one area, such as piano tuning.
Tailors, Dressmakers, and Custom Sewers
Design, make, alter, repair, or fit garments.
Fabricate and repair jewelry articles. Make models or molds to create jewelry items.
Glass Blowers, Molders, Benders, and Finishers
Shape molten glass according to patterns.
Fabric Menders, Except Garment
Repair tears, holes, and other defects in fabrics, such as draperies, linens, parachutes, and tents.
Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers
Landscape or maintain grounds of property using hand or power tools or equipment. Workers typically
perform a variety of tasks, which may include any combination of the following: sod laying, mowing,
trimming, planting, watering, fertilizing, digging, raking, sprinkler installation, and installation of
mortarless segmental concrete masonry wall units.
Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers
Construct, decorate, or repair leather and leather-like products, such as luggage, shoes, and saddles.
Painters, Transportation Equipment
Operate or tend painting machines to paint surfaces of transportation equipment, such as automobiles,
buses, trucks, trains, boats, and airplanes. Includes painters in auto body repair facilities.
Tile and Marble Setters
Apply hard tile, marble, and wood tile to walls, floors, ceilings, and roof decks.
Terrazzo Workers and Finishers
Apply a mixture of cement, sand, pigment, or marble chips to floors, stairways, and cabinet fixtures to
fashion durable and decorative surfaces.
Source: O*NET database 16.0.
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