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Prep Time: 3 hours plus Cooking time: 30-40 minutes Yields: 2 braided loaves
Bernard Claytons New Complete Book of Breads

2 packages of dry yeast = 4.5 tsp
cup butter, room temperature
1 cup hot water
Pinch of saffron
3 eggs
1 egg white
1 egg yolk, beaten, mixed with 2 tsp sugar and 1 tsp cold water
2 tsp salt
2 Tbs sugar
5 cups of bread or AP flour

Need: large baking sheet, greased or Teflon

1. In large mixing bowl combine yeast, 2 cups flour, sugar, salt and butter.
2. Gradually add the hot water and beat forcefully by hand or at medium speed using the mixer
flat beater for two minutes. Scrap the bowl occasionally.
3. Add the saffron, eggs and egg white (reserving the yolk). Batter will be thick.
4. Beat at high speed for 2 minutes.
5. Continue to add flour with wooden spoon or change to dough hook in the mixer.
6. Add about 3 additional cups of flour, one at a time, until the rough mass is no longer sticky.
7. If it continues to be moist, add small amounts of flour until the dough cleans the sides of the
8. Kneed in mixer bowl under dough hook for 10 minutes (or knead by hand).
9. Place dough in greased bowl, cover tightly with plastic wrap and set aside until doubled in
bulk, about 1 hour.
10. Punch down dough and knead out the bubbles. Divide the dough in half.
11. To braid, divide each half into 3 equal pieces. Using your palms roll each into a 12 length.
12. Lay the rolls parallel to each other. Start the braid in the middle and work to one end.
13. Pinch the ends securely together.
14. Turn around and complete the other end. Repeat with the other dough half.
15. Carefully brush the braids with egg glaze.
16. Sprinkle liberally with poppy seeds.
17. Dont cover the braids for the second rise. They will double in bulk, about 1 hour.
18. Preheat oven to 400 degrees about 20 minutes before baking.
19. Bake until the braids are a shiny brown. 30-40 minutes, and test done with toothpick.
20. Carefully remove the bread from the baking sheet and cool on wire racks.
21. A long braided loaf fresh from the oven is fragile and should be moved with care (and a
spatula under its bottom).
22. Do not cut until it has cooled and firmed a bit.

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