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Hannah Pietrzak Publication

Winter Storms
Heat Waves
A Guide For Second Grade
Check food stock and
supplies incase the storm
traps you indoors for
several days.
Be sure to include food that
requires no cooking or
refrigeration in case of
power outage.
Stay indoors during storms
Be sure that all battery-
powered equipment has
fresh or working batteries,
examples include portable
radio or television.
Dont worry about clearing
snow right away
Avoid strenuous activities,
and try to stay in the
coolest place available.

Dress in lightweight
summer clothing to help
body maintain normal

Drink plenty of water to
avoid dehydration.

Spend more time in air
conditioned places to
reduce danger

Avoid getting too much
sun, as sunburn makes
heat dissipation more
Standard 2.2.6 Learn about, report on and
practice severe weather safety procedures.

Be sure to get inside a home,
large building, or vehicle if at all
In a wooded area seek shelter
at low elevation under a thick
growth of trees.
Do not stand underneath or
near lighting rods, telephone
poles, or isolated trees as you
are more likely to be struck by
Stay away from open water
and avoid all metal vehicles.
If on level ground and feel your
hair stand on end lightening
might strike and you should
bend forward with hands on
knees, do not lie on ground.
Flash Floods
Get out of areas
subject to flooding,
and area that is on
lower ground, such as
low spots an d dips
Avoid the flooded
area, and do not
attempt to cross
knee-deep water.
If in a vehicle,
abandon immediately
and seek higher
Be especially carful
after dark since it is
hard to recognize
flood dangers at
Avoid any area with
windows or doors as these
can burst due to high wind

If in a building seek shelter
in the lowest part of the
interior you can, basements
are ideal.

Be sure to make yourself as
small as possible, and to
protect the back of your
neck and head in case of
falling objects

Abandon vehicles or mobile
homes immediately and
seek shelter in ditches or
under underpasses, but be
aware of rising waters
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