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Extra Credit

Historical SPEC

Mr. Mooney

Name: ___________________________ Block: __________________ Date: __________________

Historical Marker SPEC Report

You will use the information below to write a SPEC Report about a historical maker you have come across;
hopefully by doing so you will gain a better understanding about your area or an area you have visited. Once a
historical maker has been reported on by a classmate, thart maker is no longer eligible so there will be no duplicate
reports. I will do my best to keep an up to date list of the markers that have been reported on via my website.
Location: City ________________________ State __________________________
Year the event take place: ______________ Year the marker was erected: __________________
Social effects: _________________________________________________________________________

Political Effects: ________________________________________________________________________


Economic Effects: ______________________________________________________________________


Cultural Effects: ________________________________________________________________________

Use the information you have gathered to write your report. Not all markers will have an impact on all four
categories, but make sure the audience understands the importance of the event that is being marked. Reports
should have an opening, closing and outside information not found on the marker should be sited in the report. A
photo of the marker itself so that the information can be read (front and back if the plaque offers more
information on the reverse) and also a photo of the author by the marker should accompany the report. The
amount of points given for the report will be based on the information presented and apparent time and effort put
in. This should not be your dissertation, but it should also be more than 5-7 sentences.

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