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TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 14- The Russian suffix -ovich means "son", so the Russian name

1- We ....... all the gifts in bright, shiny paper and put them under the Ivanovich, or son of Ivan (John), ......... to the English Johnson.
Christmas tree. A) derives B) nominates C) corresponds
A) divided B) folded C) tied D) levels E) attempts
D) bundled E) wrapped
15- Bob suffers from ........ so he always feels terrible after meals if
2- In almost all countries, life expectancy is higher for women than it he doesn't pay attention to what he eats.
is for men, and this ....... has been growing as overall life A) fatigue B) indignation C) indigestion
expectancy increases. D) malaria E) trauma
A) mortality B) favour C) evenness
D)gap E) equality 16- As Linda was walking home last night, two young men ..........
her purse, though luckily there was nothing of value in it.
3- The terrorists tried every trick they knew to escape, but the security A) struggled B)crushed C) indicated
forces were so ....... that they eventually caught them. D) alternated E) snatched
A) enduring B) repetitious C) continuous
D) persistent E) revolting 17- Anyone who has ever shopped for toys in either a large
department store or one of the stores devoted exclusively to toys
4- My rich uncle hides his money in a safe in a ....... in the wall must have noticed the almost ......... variety to choose from—
behind a picture of one of his ancestors in the dining room of his there are toys for every age of childhood, and many different
mansion. kinds for each age.
A) cavity B) dent C) shallow A) ceaseless B) infinite C) reluctant
D) crater E) bowl D) particular E) persuasive

5- The "Sun" newspaper in England, which concentrates on gossip 18- The car lights ....... me for a moment, so I did not know which
and scandals, has the largest....... of any English language way to run, and the next thing I knew I woke up in hospital.
newspaper. A) denied B) invaded C) embezzled
A) delivery B) circulation C) audience D) dazzled E) splashed
D) disclosure E) rotation
19- A criminal whom the police had been trying to find for weeks
6- They told me that I would recognise the man I had to meet from walked into a local police station last night and gave himself up
the........... on his cheek he got in a knife fight years ago. ........ saying that he was tired of being on the run.
A) pimple B) pain C) scar A) forcefully B) incessantly C) cruelly
D) freckles E) bruises D) permlssively E) voluntarily

7- The modern recreational canoe ......... resembles the Indian bark 20- He told me where he lives, but the directions were so ....... that
canoe in its shape as they are both long and slim and pointed at I'm not sure I can find the house.
both ends. A) concealed B) unwise C) vague
A) ordinarily B) wisely C) readily D) obvious E) precise
D) accordingly E) closely
21- When the thief ran past me, I tried to ....... him, but he was too
8- The burglar was so ......... and made so much noise that he woke the fast and got away.
whole family, who phoned the police and got him arrested. A) drain B) grab C) wrench
A) wasteful B) conceited C) hilarious D) snatch E) grasp
D) shrewd E) clumsy
22- When people get married, they usually have to make some .......
9- Though the enemy forces were numerous and well-armed, our to their life styles if they want their marriage to be successful.
army ........ them in a valley with no exit and were able to defeat A) appointments B) adjustments C) locations
them easily. D) interruptions E) regulations
A) trapped B) retreated C)escaped
D) innovated E) destroyed 23- The house is ....... at a dangerous angle because the foundations
are so badly made.
10- In polo, the game is divided into four, six or eight periods, called A) tilting B) sinking C) sliding
chukkers, depending on the country where it is played, and each D) circulating E) decaying
chukker lasts 7 and a half minutes, with 3-minute ....... between
chukkers to permit players to change mounts. 24- My car is so old that I need to ....... the engine completely or get
A) distances B) intervals C) hollows a new car.
D) vacancies E) exceptions A) terminate B) prevent C) refresh
D) overhaul E) recreate
11- Among Mozart's works, "Don Giovanni" is unique for its ......... of
comic and tragic elements. 25- The stewardess demanded that everyone ....... their cigarettes
A) combating B) invading C) fixing before take-off.
D) blending E) toning A) choke B) smother C) extinguish
12- The earliest railroad passenger cars were ........ stagecoaches D) sustain E) exterminate
equipped with flanged wheels. Today, however, railroads operate a
wide variety of cars designed for specific types of service. 26- Microscopes are optical instruments which ........... small things
A) hastily B) tastefully C) simply like bacteria so that we can see them.
D) incessantly E) wisely A) project B) intensify C) broadcast
D) publish E) magnify
13- With so much competition around, it is necessary for anyone
starting a small business to ....... through hard times if they wish to 27- After the bomb ....... was received, the police ordered everyone
be successful. to evacuate the theatre.
A) persevere B) maintain C) relinquish A) removal B) prevention C) adoption
D) surrender E)suspend D) threat E) discharge
28- When I asked the boss about my chances for promotion he just A) regretful B) catastrophic C) remarkable
mumbled something about how everyone had an equal chance. D) encouraging E) stimulating
Somehow I don't think he was being entirely ....... with me.
A) acceptable B) inventive C) unusual 42- It was so cold that even though we lit a fire, we ....... all night in
D) candid E) tasteful our sleeping bags.
A) shivered B) stretched C) persisted
29- In casting a play, the character descriptions given in the text need D) cuddled E) vibrated
not ........ be followed too closely, but obvious physical
characteristics must be considered. A small man, for example, 43- The administration is unhappy with the rate at which the students
cannot be cast in the part of a football giant. are learning English, but the teachers say there is no way to .......
A) significantly B) necessarily C) dominantly this further.
D) slightly E) eternally A) perplex B) interrupt C) culminate
D)expand E) accelerate
30- Although she had a well-established .......... as one of Britain's major
novelists, Penelope Fitzgerald did not receive widespread 44- Although I know I should stay in and study, I cannot resist
recognition abroad until the 1997 publication of 'The Blue Flower' the ........... to go out with my friends.
in the United States. A) appointment B) extravagance C) temptation
A) circulation B) infamy C) reputation D) intuition E) celebration
D) conscious E) embrace 45- Though the weather was getting colder all the time, the treasure
hunters decided to go ....... on to where the gold was said to be
31- If you want to solve your problems, you must ......... them; they hidden.
will not go away if you pretend they are not there. A) incessantly B) boldly C) entirely
A) confront B) ignore C) loosen D) favourably E) innocently
D) dispute E) withdraw 46- This proved to be a mistake as they all froze to death and their
bodies were not discovered until the snow and ice ....... in the
32- The countryside signifies for many people a peaceful, idyllic life, spring.
while the city means crowds and ......... activity. A) solidified B) dissolved C) released
A) acceptable B) wise C) fertile D) thawed E) disintegrated
D) barren E) frantic
47- Rescuers had searched for them earlier, but had been forced
33- George is so ....... about golf that when his wife left him because to ........... their search because of adverse weather conditions.
she never saw him, he hardly noticed. A) connect B) distort C) curtail
A) tempting B) passionate C) nervous D) menace E) deter
D) reluctant E) rebellious
48- The information is so ........ important that foreign governments
are willing to pay a great deal for it.
34- Some of the world's most intelligent and successful people, like A) barely B) hardly C) vitally
Albert Einstein, were only ....... students whose teachers thought D) severely E) formally
little of their abilities.
A) remarkable B) essential C) reckless 49- Sometimes it is better to buy new clothes that are a little bit too
D) appropriate E) mediocre big for you in case they ....... when they are first washed.
A) swell B) contract C) withdraw
35- If parents are too ....... with their children, they will become D) shrink E) wrinkle
A) hectic B) strict C) obedient 50- It is good to see young people ....... giving up their seats on the
D) indulgent E) precise buses to older people.
A) dramatically B) considerately C) persistently
36- When he was still in his 20s, he began to suffer from a stomach D) indulgently E) significantly
ailment, and for the rest of his life, he was almost......... in pain.
A) constantly B) tastelessly C) specifically 51- After the military ....... power in Nigeria, it was many years
D) instinctively E) customarily before the country was returned to civilian rule.
A) elected B) crashed C) seized
37- The tired camels refused to climb the sand dunes, so we had D) gripped E) subtracted
to.......... them behind us even though we were exhausted
ourselves. 52- Senegal is drained by four major rivers, and their large flood
A) drag B) intervene C) push basins provide fertile land for cultivation every year after the
D) draw E) persuade floodwaters ......... .
A)recede B) disguise C) conclude
38- The sun appeared only ....... yesterday; the rest of the day was D) deceive E) abolish
cloudy and wet.
A) sensationally B) briefly C) tolerantly 53- After it was hit by anti-aircraft fire, the plane lost ......... quickly
D) customarily E) wildly and the crew decided to bail out.
A) relevance B) altitude C) attention
39- If you work ....... at your lessons and get good marks, you are sure D) security E) depth
to get a good job later.
A) reluctantly B) regretfully C) diligently 54- Rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic crippling disease that deforms
D) preferably E) gradually bone joints and their adjacent tissues, can ......... nearly anyone at
any age.
40- ....... of corruption which the Minister vehemently denied turned A) demolish B) strike C) solidify
out to be true after the investigation. D) elevate E) transmit
A) Opinions B) Deceptions C) Convictions
D) Detentions E) Accusations 55- Having been ....... by years of playing in a rock and roll band, he
now relies on a hearing aid.
41- The floods which have devastated Mozambique this year have been A) appointed B) distilled C) domesticated
......... for the county's development plan. D) blinded E) deafened
56- Although the reporters wanted to talk about the latest scandal, the
president kept saying, .......... that the economy looked as if it would
A) irrelevantly B) irreparably C) impenetrably
D) hopelessly E) accordingly

57- After the accident at the nuclear power plant, everyone in the ..........
had to be evacuated for their own safety.
A) circulation B) negligence C) requirement
D) vicinity E) distance

58- The ability to learn languages seems ......... in some people, whereas
others have to spend a lot of time and energy in order to learn a
A) vital B) suspicious C) extravagant
D) dreadful E) inherent

59- The government is determined to ....... the rebellion before it gets

out of hand.
A) assign B) encourage C) crush
D) usher E) menace

60- Computers change so rapidly today that a new one becomes ..........
in two or three years and you need to buy another one.
A) extinguished B) worn-out C) enterprising
D) obsolete E) usable


1. E 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. E 8. E 9. A 10. B

11. D 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. C 16. E 17. B 18. D 19. E 20. C

21. B 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. E 27. D 28. D 29. B 30. C

31. A 32. E 33. B 34. E 35. D 36. A 37. A 38. B 39. C 40. E

41. B 42. A 43. E 44. C 45. B 46. D 47. C 48. C 49. D 50. B

51. C 52. A 53. B 54. B 55. E 56. A 57. D 58. E 59. C 60. D

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