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TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 15- In the last Iranian elections, the reformers beat the conservatives

1- In personal relations, it is always best to be ....... with people so ....... that they should be able to make whatever changes they
because if you don't tell the truth, they will probably find out in the want in the society.
end, which will be embarrassing for you. A) decisively B) forthrightly C) hesitantly
A) helpful B) rational C) candid D) marginally E) attentively
D) humorous E) emotional
16- He was struck on the head with a/an ....... weapon, not a sharp
2- My uncle has had a fascinating life, but he is known for ....... the one like a knife.
truth with all sorts of stories that never really took place. A) abrupt B) smooth C) candid
A) surrendering B) embellishing C) flourishing D) blunt E) primitive
D) alternating E) compensating
17- So much was destroyed in the flood that it will take quite some
3- Over the years, we have ....... so many things we don't need that we time to ....... the damage in monetary terms.
have to get rid of most of them before we move. A) eliminate B) propose C) separate
A) accumulated B) suspended C) exaggerated D) intensify E) calculate
D) introduced E) attempted
18- Neighbouring countries have shown their ....... by sending both
4- Some children can be rather cruel, and they ....... the ones who are material aid and rescue teams to the flood-stricken areas.
too shy or weak to defend themselves. A) appeal B) hospitality C) goodwill
A) avenge B) imply C) sue D) share E) advantage
D) cease E) bully
19- The children made so much ....... about having to go to bed early
5- Diplomats are hoping that the present crisis will not....... into a full that we allowed them to stay up for an extra hour.
scale war. A) disgrace B) fuss C) confusion
A) undergo B) enhance C) invade D) worry E) fancy
D) escalate E) retreat
20- Our house filled with smoke because the ....... was blocked.
6- He was driving so ........ not even keeping to his own side of the A) fireplace B) chimney C) drain
road, that the police stopped him on suspicion of drink driving. D) faucet E) pipe
A) radically B) proportionally C) erratically
D) habitually E) abundantly 21- Alice ....... her father after he left her mother for a younger
woman, and she swore never to speak to him again.
7- Since I am not....... with London, I would like to have someone to A) appealed B) argued C) resigned
show me around. D) despised E) charged
A) favourable B) vigorous C) familiar
D) accustomed E) obscure 22- Since the house was ....... destroyed by the fire, they were unable
to save anything from it.
8- The air was so thick with coal smoke that it ....... me, so I really A) evidently B) solely C) entirely
had difficulty breathing. D) partially E) persistently
A) choked B) shivered C) chilled
D) faded E) drowned 23- However, since the fire was caused by a faulty gas boiler, they
were able to receive ....... from the company which had installed
9- The president finally resigned from his position long after he it.
became too ill and ....... to carry out his duties. A) allowance B) compensation C) ration
A) fair B) false C) tiny D) discount E) revenge
D) feeble E) cross
24- Sheila looked so ....... at the party that all the other women were
1O- When our boat ran out of petrol, we had no choice but to ....... with envious of her.
the current and hope that we would be spotted by rescuers. A) attentive B) arrogant C) profound
A) drive B) drift C) navigate D) modest E) gorgeous
D) sink E) drag 25- An electric kettle is a very ......... appliance — it boils water in
just a few seconds.
11- The Minister of Finance was asked to resign because he was unable A) available B) thrifty C) orderly
to deal ......... with the economic crisis. D) expert E) handy
A) permanently B) ambiguously C) offensively
D) intensely E) effectively 26- Land irrigated with water from diversion dams becomes suitable
for ....... crops.
12- You should only put a little bit of detergent in the washing machine A) raising B) arousing C) ascending
or it will make too much ....... . D) harvesting E) consuming
A) foam B) soap C) jumble
D) dust E) fluff 27- Most of Hawaii's best beaches have been destroyed by hotels
built to ........ tourists.
13- In the Middle Ages, the era of modern trade began as the European A) terminate B) contain C) accumulate
states especially Spain, Portugal, France and England — founded D) accommodate E) expand
colonies and .... their resources
A) exploited B) distorted C) compensated 28- Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but in spite of these ........ she
D) fertilised E) confirmed became one of the most famous women of the 20th century.
A) barricades B) menaces C) emotions
14- In spite of the Bedouin reputation for hospitality, their dogs defend D) distortions E) handicaps
their tents so ....... that strangers can seldom approach.
A) appallingly B) fiercely C) crucially 29- Philip is a wonderful musician, but he is so ....... that he would
D) adequately E) consistently never tell you himself how good he is.
A) decent B) conceited C) modest
D) negligible E) everlasting
30- ........ ploughed and well-managed farms keep the soil fertile and in A) allowance B) confession C) revelation
place. D) principle E) interference
A) Properly B) Kindly C) Eventually
D) Potentially E) Confidently 45- The entire population is ....... after the second successive year of
crop failures, and there is the possibility of a humanitarian
31- Anxious to crush the rebellion, the government replied to the rebels disaster.
with ....... force — it looked as if the whole army were used in the A) famished B) receptive C) terminated
attack against a handful of men. D) greedy E) merciful
A) inevitable B) massive C) watchful
D) moderate E) sufficient 46- Natural laws ......... the way the planets move around the Sun.
A) protect B) shelter C) observe
32- The ....... decorated rooms of the palace are a startling contrast to D) detect E) govern
the plain look of the exterior of the building.
A) competitively B) innocently C) haphazardly 47- It is better to be a student in a small town than in a big city
D) sincerely E) elaborately because, in the former, there are fewer things to ....... your
attention from studying.
33- Blue jeans will....... gradually after they have been washed a few A) counter B) distract C) irritate
times, but some people cannot wait for this and buy ones which are D) broadcast E) surrender
already washed out and pale.
A) alter B) decrease C) focus 48- The driver lost the control of the car when he ....... sharply from
D) fade E) shrink one side of the road to the other.
A) preserved B) swerved C) disregarded
34- The traditional English breakfast consisting of meat, potatoes and D) charged E) braked
eggs, all fried in either cooking oil or butter, is too ....... to be good
for one's health. 49- I wish someone would ....... me about the causes of inflation in
A) nutritious B) rotten C) intensive Turkey because it is very difficult to understand.
D) greasy E) organic A) establish B) reveal C) rehearse
D) enlighten E) descend
35- In order to ....... your e-mail account, you have to type in your
password. 50- Waking up at six o'clock each morning to practise, Billy is
A) enliven B) elevate C) activate working ......... to improve his soccer skills.
D) betray E) contain A) diligently B) fearlessly C) dramatically
D) plain E) reluctantly
36- Turkish is ......... different from Arabic, one being an Ural-Altaic
language and the other Semitic, although they share many words. 51- The Northern Ireland situation will not be solved until someone
A) reverently B) essentially C) continually comes up with a compromise that is ....... to both sides.
D) formerly E) alternately A) obedient B) disgraceful C) acceptable
37- Tourists are stopped from going into mosques if they are not D) contagious E) predictable
dressed ......... .
A) decently B) fervently C) fairly 52- Although frozen-food is popular particularly with working
D) evenly E) precisely women due to its ......... it is not as nutritious as fresh fruit and
38- Stockbrokers are sometimes so ....... by the failures of their A) nourishment B) convenience C) innovation
investments that they commit suicide. D) temptation E) likeness
A) dazzled B) astonished C) enlivened
D) disheartened E) deterred 53- I overheard some people ....... about me, but nothing that they
said was true; it was all rumour and hearsay.
39- The goal keeper thought he had the shot covered, but it....... A) declaring B) snatching C) accusing
unexpectedly to the left after hitting a small stone and went into the D) gossiping E) striking
A) deteriorated B) inflated C) stretched 54- Certain illnesses are .........; in other words, you get them from
D) exploded E) bounced your parents, while others come from unhealthy life-styles.
A) hereditary B) obligatory C) mandatory
4O- The continuing bad weather is ....... rescue workers in their D) predatory E) compulsory
attempts to rescue survivors of the hurricane.
A) illuminating B) destroying C) hampering 55- You must set goals for yourself that are ........ not ones that are
D) illustrating E) collapsing simply impossible.
A) attainable B) sizeable C) partial
41- We haven't got anything to drink, but there should be just time to D) alternative E) incurable
....... to the store and get something before the guests arrive.
A) fetch B) dash C) splash 56- Today istanbul is a/an ....... city spread out along the shores of
D) crawl E) creep two continents and with an unofficial population of about 12
million people.
42- Goods made in China often fall apart and thus have a reputation for A) precise B) immense C) magnified
not being as ....... as those made in Japan. D) utter E) excessive
A) inferior B) efficient C) resolute
D) durable E) accurate 57- Most of the world reacts with ....... to American presidential
elections because they are simply too long and complex for
43- In order to ensure that no one ....... your house, you should make anyone to understand.
sure to have a good strong lock. A) compassion B) adjustment C) distraction
A) steals B) surrounds C) deprives D) bewilderment E) consideration
D) possesses E) burgles
58- Death is the ultimate end of all living things, so no one can be
44- Since the police could not get a/an ....... from the suspect, they had physically but famous people's names do live on after them.
to find enough evidence to convict him. A) timeless B) adequate C) immortal
D) transitory E) immoral

59- I don't want to travel alone during the holiday, so I am looking for
someone to ....... me.
A) alternate B) accompany C) alleviate
D) estimate E) anticipate

60- According to the Geneva Convention, prisoners of war should not

be treated cruelly, but should be dealt with as ....... as possible.
A) immensely B) arguably C) indifferently
D) abusively E) humanely


ı. c 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B

11. E 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. E 18. C 19. B 20. B

21. D 22. C 23. B 24. E 25. E 26. A 27. D 28. E 29. C 30. A

31. B 32. E 33. D 34. D 35. C 36. B 37. A 38. D 39. E 40. C

41. B 42. D 43. E 44. B 45. A 46. E 47. B 48. B 49. D 50. A

51. C 52. B 53. D 54. A 55. A 56. B 57. D 58. C 59. B 60. E

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